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NOLA in September?



  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Kerry - I am so sorry about the seroma.  It is interesting that you PS at home told you he wouldn't remove the drains as a liability issue.  My helper doctor pulled the breast drains without a second thought.  My dh pulled the hip drains.  Sounds like a bit of ambivalence on the support.  He should be able to help you, but be prepared to explore other options.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited January 2013

    Safe travels to those heading down this week!

    I'm having stage II on Feb. 22nd with Dr. D, and I'm really getting excited. I thought I would be dreading yet another surgery, but I have finally healed and now I'm ready to get this show on the road!

    Betsy-- as an FYI, my rotational flap is the most natural feeling part and I am thrilled with result. I'm thinking I might ask him to do the other side next month. Not crazy about the scar, but it is healing nicely and the softness of the breast makes it worth it. Good luck!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    Kerry I am sorry about your seroma but try to remember that that can be dealt with and resolved.  My local breast surgeon happily agreed to pull my drains but in the end my husband did it.  It doesn't sound like your local PS will be very helpful.  But if a radiologist can do it, then you will not need him (her).

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013


    I had a local PS do the same and he even made a comment he expected payment for it and he once haf a patient think there would be no charge. I told him i had insurance but i think he didnt think it was worth his time.

    My dear family doc did it and didnt even charge me.

    After that I've been pulling my own with direction from my flap surgeon and nurse. Ive had 15 drains in past 18 months so doesnt freak me out anymore.

  • zandy
    zandy Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2013

    Well I'm 2 weeks 1 day post-stage 1 hip flaps. I'm feeling pretty good; better than I thought I would! Still getting used to my new and different body, and trying not to dwell on the negative. I just keep telling myself that stage 1 is not about aesthetics, and I will be all evened out in stage 2 (which I just scheduled for May 23!)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Dianne.. Glad to hear you like the rotational flap. Best case scenario, the scar is just about 2 inches longer than what I have, but I understand that it could be much longer, according to you or someone else who tld me it wrapped quite a bit around. I am having Dr D remove the contralateral fat o I will be symetrical. It is odd the fat that has developed under the armpit. It kind of merges into the lat fat. Dr D will take it all out. YAY!

  • Maxine58
    Maxine58 Member Posts: 23
    edited January 2013

    I will be going to NOLA for Dr M June 17 with surgery July 20th to correct a badly conceived stage 1 diep flap for right side that was performed locally in PA. So this next step looks to be stage '1 and 1/2", Laughing.(not sure how to get on the 2013 surgical list at the top of the thread but would like to be)

    Dr M and her staff have been marvelous, giving me hope when I thought I was going to have to live with the issues caused by the 1st surgery. I'm excited and anxious and know that we will be doing a "shark bite" from one buttock to create an extended flap under my arm. It will be another MV survery to pick up where the last surgeon stopped.

    Since I had the original MV surgery, I'm kind of ready for the drains and the care involved for the healing period, but have no idea what to expect for the 'Shark bite" recovery. I have been reading threads but haven't found one that discusses what to expect for this healing process. Dr M expects to use one side only, and then in the second surgery later this year, fill in the breast with more fat and fix the shark bite.

    I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what to expect. I know I will have drains both top and bottom. How do you manage to fly home (or can you) if you can't sit down? Any information or details about your own experience will be so greatly appreciated. I learn so much every time I log in!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Maxine - glad you will be joining the ranks of Marga's girls!  While I can not help you with the shark bite questions, I can say that if you PM Springtime (click on her at the top of the page of this thread) she will add you to the list.

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited January 2013

    Maxine--What does MV stand for? Microvascular?  "Shark bite" is what we call the donor site defect from a hip flap or SGAP surgery. Do you know which surgery are you having?  The recovery is the same, but the donor site is positioned slightly differently. Hip flap is usually more to the side and a little higher than SGAP.

    Recovery should be easier than when you had DIEP, in some ways.  You'll probably have less pain and more mobility sooner. You'll still have the same wound care and fluid draining/retention issues. Sitting won't be a problem, don't worry about that. Walking during recovery will be key, just like with any surgery, and you won't have any trouble doing that from the first day you get out of bed.

    I had both SGAP and DIEP with Dr M.  DIEP recovery was harder for me, mostly because of the ab tightness from scar adhesions (1.5 years out and it still bothers me) which I don't have from SGAP.  I'm guessing sitting and walking actually helped keep that scar from getting too tight. It's hard to stretch out your front in the same way.

    You're in good hands! Congrats on finding Dr M and getting things fixed up.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Maxine.. I had both also and I agree with Jeskachi... The GAP flap was easier than the DIEP flap and sitting was no problem. I actually had no pain.

    So I am about to leave for the airport... Excited.. and bearless I must add. I think I will share my odd dream with the doc. Although it might compromise what he thinks of me. Ha ha. My daughter flew out of Cleveland earlier today and we are meeting up in NOLA. So I am excited for that too. She has never been there so our first couple of days will be sightseeing. I have never done any of the tours (swamp, ghost etc) Are any of them MUST DOs? Super Bowl is next weekend so there is a lot going on in the city for that. I remember many years ago (back in the 80s) when the Super Bowl was down there and it was crazy... like Mardi Gras for a football game. Plus Mardi Gras season has begun as well... some parades outside the city, so may do that, but I have been to those and not as exciting as the ones right before MG, which isn't until Feb 12. Chilly here in NJ and supposed to be in teh 70s in NOLA... YAY!!!

    I am bringing my ipad and iphone but not my computer, so my posts will probably be shorter as I hate those keypads. Fine for short messages but I much prefer a keyboard.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    Maxine - I also had a problematic DIEP done locally and went to NOLA for a prophylactic ns GAP on the other side. Dr. D. also fixed my DIEP side.  From my perspective going to NOLA is absolutely the right decision (I only wish I had learned of it when I was first diagnosed and had my DIEP done here).  For me GAP surgery and recovery was so much easier than DIEP.  I think part of that was because the nursing care was so much better than anything I had experienced before and I also think the surgery was also just less painful.  In my case I pretty much had no pain with GAP.  Sitting was not a problem at all. When I was released from the hospital I was doing so well that my dh actually decided to go to a Saints game.  Do expect to have drains for a much longer period of time -- for me it was an annoyance but not a big deal. 

    Good luck bdavis!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited January 2013

    Betsy, I think Dr. D will get a kick out of your dream.  You never know, it might be the start of a new procedure!  It's so nice that you and your daughter will have some fun time together.  I really wanted to do a mausoleum tour.  We did the 30-minute donkey-drawn carriage tour -- we saw some of the buildings from the 1730's and learned some history.  We also drove 30 minutes south of town for a hike in Barataria National Preserve.  We hiked along the bayou and saw alligators swimming around.  It was neat to see what the entire area looked like before it was populated (lots of bald cypress and palmetto plants).  

    For anyone interested in learning more about New Orleans history, "The Accidental City" is a great book about the first 100 years or so of New Orleans.  It is a fascinating city, and I didn't realize how much the Spanish influenced the city.  

    Sending Betsy and Pamela wishes for smooth procedures and quick healing!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013


    I had bilateral SGAP six months ago. I am very thin so my experience may be different. A pillow was my good friend for several months. The hospital gave me throw away pillows. I took a pillow to sit on in restaurants for a few weeks. I had a pillow to sit on in car for several months. I did not drive for 6 weeks due to discomfort, having drains for six weeks, and because taking narcotic pain meds.

    I believe I was told that the thinner you are that more pain when sitting. Also crossing your legs is a bit of an ouch for a while. I flew to my surgery early to have fun with a friend, then my husband came after surgery and drove me home. I was in nice soft bed made in back of minivan. It was a 12 hour drive broken up in two days because doc said we needed to stop every hour for me to walk. Once we got home I didnt have to give myself Lovenox shots anymore.

    That said, my SGAP butt donor site turned out perfect -- no shark bite look on me!

    My breasts are still a work in progress, but at least my donor site didnt need work. I had severe radiation and failed implant damage to my chest wall, IMF, and axilla. Had stage 2 a month ago and getting ready for next surgery. I flew home alone 3 days after stage two surgery, but had wheelchair service (and oxycodone) so wasnt too bad.

    My scars healed nicely and are still fading but that takes awhile and obviously variable by patient. I dont use any special scar cream Im also glad my scars are on butt instead of across my abdomen - IMO.

    Again, we are all different in healing and pain levels. Surgeons also have different advise on incision care, compression, etc.

    I did not wear any compression or have to paint drain sites or incisions with anything. I was on antibiotics though until drains came out after six weeks.

    All the best for your surgery, recovery, and outcome. You are in good hands. :)

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2013

    I haven't been on here in ages! Now that I've read over this most recent page, I realize I miss it! I'm an old-timer. First recon in 2006 before this thread existed, and I had no one to talk to. Just took a leap of faith. Second in 2010. 

    Maxine - It used to be that Beverly would just pick up your info from your post and put it up in the scheduled surgeries at the top. She needs to put it in because she started the thread and has access to the top of the page. So you'll probably find yourself up there in the list soon. 

    Betsy - Dream? Dream? I think I need to go back a page and read! Good luck, again, on your upcoming surgery. Are you having one of those rotational flaps? I loved all the tours - but especially the Ghost Tour - Wha-ha-ha!!!! Always fun to wander around the Quarter at night!

    Pamela - Good luck to you, too!

    I agree that GAP is waaaaay easier than DIEP. Day and Night, with DIEP being the night...

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2013



    1. Bear as fat donor in the back seat = You would like Dr. D. to use fat from your rear end for your recon.

    2. Pre-op with Dr. D. pre-empts sightseeing with your daughter = You'd rather spend more time with the good doctor ;-)

  • goodie
    goodie Member Posts: 39
    edited January 2013

    Besa - where did you have your first diep surgery?

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Betsy, we took a city tour on a small bus.  They took us over to the Lower 9th Ward to see the reconstruction and to the old cemetery where Marie Laveaux is buried.  Did it several years ago the day after Mardi Gras with our son.  Really good tour to get an overview of the city.  You might want to go the the Audabon Zoo.  What a great opportunity you have to bring back some wonderful NOLA memories with your daughter.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    Goodie, I had my first DIEP was done by a ps in private practice at a community hospital in MD very near DC (actuallyDC suburbs).  It was not a positive experience.   If you are thinking about having surgery in the DC metro area PM me for details.   

  • cascader
    cascader Member Posts: 152
    edited January 2013

    Betsy and Pamela, safe travels and good luck with your surgeries, we will be thinking of you both and wishing you well.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2013

    Thank you. Leaving tomorrow.

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited January 2013

    Bdavis-On wednesday Newman School right off St.Charles, is having a Flag football game between Wounded Warriors and NFL players the cost is 20.00 starts at 5 with autographs, then the game at 6.  The proceeds are going to Team Gleason and Wounded Warriors.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited January 2013

    Good luck Pamela44!

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited January 2013

    HELP! Home from the hospital today with 4 granades. What do you do about the pinching? I was told i could do nothing but clean them with acohol. No steri strips, lotion, etc. They are not being pulled by anything.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited January 2013

    Heavenschild - breath deeply!  I assume that they showed you how to strip the drains with the alcohol wipes and how to empty them?  If you need a refresher, you can actually google how to strip drains.  I did and it helped.  What pinching are you referring to?  The pinch of the tube when you strip it?  I cleaned my hands with purell, then pinched the end closest to the stitches before striping.  That held things steady so it didn't tug my stitches.

    Most of us have dropped a drain when we are dressing or getting into the shower.  It just happens.  When I could, I pinned them inside my clothes or wore a kangaroo pouch around my waist under my shirt.  When I was down to two, I put them in a small bag that I slung across my shoulder.

    Not sure if this helps, but it is good that you are out of the hospital and safely at home with your grenades!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited January 2013

    Heavenschild, try and adjust your girdle so they aren't being tugged on and put some neosporin with pain relief on it and see if that helps. When my hip drains would pull and burn I'd try to adjust and sit still as best I could with the neosporin. Hope this helps. Sorry you are hurting!!!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited January 2013

    Heavenschild....are the drains pinching you or are the drains being pinched by something?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited January 2013

    Arrived safely and even spent some time on bourbon street. Tomorrow is pre-op then we'll walk along the river, eat lunch, take a riverboat ride, dinner out at nice restaurant. Tuesday we will ride the streetcar uptown, walk around Tulane, eat at camellia grill and maybe do a swamp tour. I think my daughter can visit the zoo while I am under anesthesia on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are up in the air. Need to see how I feel. City is all abuzz with Super Bowl.

  • LindaG47
    LindaG47 Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2013

     My surgery was in Charleston and I was given by my doctor, (Dr. M) a nice soft cami sort of thing that velcoed down the front and had pockets inside to hold the drains.  What does NOLA do? I used a piece of elastic about 1" wide that strung right through the tabs on the drains when I showered.  I used a safety pin to hold it together.  I also used a long shoelace sometimes.  Each dries quickly before your next shower.  It is hard to adjust the line where it enters the body.  It just seems like it wants to go one way and your body the other.  Hang in there Heavens child; this to will pass and you won't remember it later on.  

    Bdavis.  Good luck.  Hope all goes well.  FYI:  I really enjoyed the city tour like Marty, but my  favorite was the walking tour of the Garden District where Sandra Bullock lives and some other celebs have or do.  Also it was combined with the tour of the cemetery which is a very interesting tour on how they bury their dead.  

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited January 2013


    To keep the drains from tugging at your skin where they are sewn in, try using white medical tape to tape the tube down about an inch or two away from the hole. If you accidently drop the drain the tape stops it from yanking the stitches.

    A nurse showed me this and its been a favorite tip to me since I've had 15 drains in 18 months with more surgeries to go.

    Hang in there!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2013


    I added your July surgery with Dr. M to the top of the list. I am sorry you have to have a "redo", but glad you found the NOLA docs. You are on the right path now and she'll fix you up, no doubt about that! Dr. M is a really nice person, I have met her a few times. She discharged me from St. Charles after my Stage 1 (it was labor day wkend and the local NOLA docs were with their families!) She was super nice.

    ALL, I am on a business trip in NYC this week and will not have much time to read posts. If someone new comes, please welcome them, as you always do. IF THERE ARE SURGERY DATES, PLEASE PM ME. I will be sure to see it that way.