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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Oh my dear chicas!  thanks so much for letting me know I'm NOT NUTS!!!!!!   Marcia I need you to keep that bikini pic up or send it to me...I feel a 2 piece in my future.  WOW not sure I've even put on a bathing suit in the 2 summers since I moved into this house!  But no sun for the new girls for a year and OH YES, I WILL bare all!  PROUDLY after that year is up!  Because they are lovely!

    Gosh this 'blessed' time of year is just so FULL of emotions and wonderfulness.......UGGGG!  but instead of sending and 'F you' letter to the sister who invited me to Christmas and told me she "might be able to help a little after the first of the year" and told me I should be grateful I had someone to help(WTF?) when I told her I was pretty much left yacking I just told her "I probably wouldn't be able to coordinate my needs w/ her shejule so NOT to worry her pretty little head!"  and xoxo signed off-yes it was a 6 wayer to ALL my sibs who have fleeting interests, or say they do but seem to be too busy....working at the antique mall or ....? watching soap operas?  sorry,  Not sure why I even try to 'stay in touch' or attempt to spell out what's really going on when the responses I get back indicate it's all my fault or just make me shake my head? I do NOT have doormat stamped across my forehead, done being a martyr.  Will find other plans....she invited me over....hello I haven't even driven yet and I live an hour away?  Ugg people never cease to amaze me but you know some of this is just so bad it's funny...thank God I can laugh!   I guess the romantic notion I'd love to have of being part of a loving nurturing family who gives a #$%t makes me appreciate more the caring and compassion from people who DO GET IT.  So thanks again for listening to me rant.  Ya know some responses shouldn't be a big surprise. But it just hurts all over again to be rejected or ignored when asking a family member for help.  I can't fathom treating people that way.  Ok sorry.  I SOOooo wish I was full of christmas spirit joy, love, happiness and forgiveness. But that would be a big fat lie right now! Will go make my own party and find some other plans to keep the badness away!  

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    PS.  thanks for the tips on the fluids girlies.  Jeanine told me to stick w/ Gatorade for the next couple days and I'm keeping it and food down. YES had a SIP of CDM but w/ food... Honestly NO more swelling in the ankles!  Next door neighbor came over yesterday and was impressed w/ the breasts and how well I'm moving...she had all done cosmetically maybe 10 yrs ago(husband is a retired pro baseball player-They are very pretty people but very GENUINE too)Anyways it took considerably longer for her to get up and going.  Thanks again for letting me whine!  OK, going to go find some peace and happiness offline!  Will probably try some driving so I can maybe work up to haul %ss outta here  by next wednesday and NOT be around for that generous sister's christmas invite. Oh the drama of it all!  LOL! 

    Warrior.....USA today?  did they come?  when will you be featured?  Did you mention us?  Kidding!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Jennifer I am so so sorry honey.  It stinks when your family lets you down.  I wish you could fly up here and spend Christmas with me and my family!  We are loud and crazy, but you will laugh and have a great time...I promise!!

    My mom's family is just like yours.  Nothing but drama, selfishness and excuses.  It is no good for anyone.  One of the best things we did as a family was to quit attending holidy funcitons with the entire family and start just doing our own thing. 


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Sorry JJ to hear the family drama is interuppting your heal time. Keep your focus where it needs to be..on YOURSELF!! And always know you can come here to vent...we ARE your sisters, too! xo 

    Glad Sassie and Mel and Cc have each other during this healing time. It takes time and patience to get thru this all. I felt "sorry" for myself yesterday because I am sick of being sick and its extra hard during this time of year. I had to skip a holiday party last night because I knew it would be too much since we have one tonite too...tonite is family so I can relax  But, we all know that as with everything in this journey...This too shall pass!!!

    As for USA sounds like article will be in January. The photographer took lots of pics so they paper will have a variety....he even had me walk my dog (5 days post op) I kept bending down and whispering in my dog's ear...Slow Down  You son of a b@@@@..I am in pain and mama is hurting! lmaooooooooooooo   So if that pic shows all will know I wasnt bending down and whispering sweet nothings! lol  I will keep you all posted on that adventure.

    Nordy...Can't wait to see the xmas tree skirt. My tree is dried out since both ma and dad were recovering for a one watered it lol...

    What is CDM? Do you think a glass of wine or two will inhibit the healing? With so many parties coming up, I know it will be

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    CDM= Cafe Du Monde coffee!

    I think for every glass of wine you should have some carbs and a glass of gatorade and that is ONLY if you're feeling well and all else is in order....OMG WHO am I to be giving advice!  YIKES!

    You'd better let us know when the USA today comes out!  I hope they put you and that sweet pooch on the cover!  LOL!

    Nordy......I am SO proud of you on that tree skirt girl!  I hand beaded and sequined one that I LOVED for many years do NOT iron those  (duuh)....... ok and so sorry I am doing this again BUT.......I think there is a pattern here? when I moved 2 years ago the sister going thru the divorce from hell- and trust me this drama has gone on and on and on- as if she'll miss the drama once things die down....she came to help me empty a decluttering the sold house storage space-to move to my new place. Unbeknownst to me she was loaded! on Vodka?  or something I couldn't smell.  The multiple boxes w/ that tree skirt I made plus..... O sheesh..... probably 6 more boxes of things that I really did want supposedly fell out the back of her Escalade.  And she didn't even realize it til I pointed it out.  God this is embarressing!...'My mother would turn over in her grave embarressing!'  Oh man I need to stop!  Family..... can't live w/ em, can't keep stuff they did years ago from p*&%%ing you off !  Hey WAIT she dumped a ton of her stuff here at my place a year ago and never responded to me when I asked her to get it  out last June.  And she won't come get it from my guest closet, attic and garage, actually I just do not, will not, invite her over now.  Regardless...... I think it now belongs to me!  There are skis too!

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    ((((((((((PlainJane64)))))))))))))You are part of OUR family!!! Hang in there - and vent to us all you need to!  And, any of you ladies are welcome to come spend Christmas in TN!!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Okay...I put my final pics up on Tim Tam's site!!!  It's been 9 days since my tattooing and I am all healed!  No more scabbing!  Yay!

    I cannot even believe the before and after!!!  Dr. S is a true artist!  I am SO grateful!!!!  Merry Christmas to me!!!  

  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2009

    Wow ladies.... you are one busy bunch of writers!    By the time I get caught up on reading, I don't have time to post!    It's great to see so much love and support.

    I am 2 1/2 weeks post Stage 1 and feel great.    Still have 3 drains (no names yet, though my husband suggested Harvey, Tim and Carol... I do look a bit like Tim Conway shuffling along when I first get up!)   We went to a Christmas dance last night, and I've been walking on the treadmill *almost* daily.    

    So ladies - help me out here.    I have what Dr. D called "nerve pain" in my right thigh.   It is so touchy that if my husband unconsciously strokes my thigh as we're sitting on the couch, it HURTS!    This is just bizarre!    Anyone have any idea on how to make it heal, or how long it's likely to hang around?   

    Trying to figure out when I want to do Stage 2.... I'm thinking about the 2nd week of April.   

    Thanks, all, for being here!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Ok, I just sent Trishia a PM.....And yes my pity party has been interrupted by  aNOTHER of those EPIPHANY moments that I must share..............................The truth is.............. I have had a series of really lousy christmases so my head is in a bit of a jacked up pattern, add in a little persecution syndrome and  some less than supportive past as well as very recent BS and what does it = ? Me in a funk that I've obviously been compelled to share w/ you all!....................BUT!!!!!!  I have just had this epiphany moment and ya know....... this is not the way it is GOING to be...this SURE as HELL does NOT match the fabulous gift of the new body I now have that will continue to get even better.  I can change all this negative crap I'm feeling imposed on me just like I changed it when I refused to keep living the hell I was(w/ ducts and lobules that had wronged me twice) before I decided to do the best thing for ME ...which was PBM w/ immediate recon via DIEP at Nola.  So there!  It all started w/ a decision and can continue w/ another decision. 

    I paid so little attention last Christmas and this to making the holiday special.  The focus has been on getting to the other side..... of radiation, and this year -surgery, so considering the last few years sucked why wouldn't my head go right back to what has been typical?   No more!

    Oh I feel better now.  Thanks so much!  Now next year.......or sometime when we're all healed(or healed enough) we should have....a party, slumber party, christmas party, beach bikini party? because it is sort of a hurdle to just...... blend back in to life....of course it's different now.  I already told you I'm leaving the BS behind me....No things won't ever be the same and honestly not sure I want them to be.  Thanks girlies hope your wkend is as fabulous as you all are!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    BCDiva, that sounds like nerve damage to me? I had something like that between and under my breasts - hurt to even blow air on the skin! It then burned - before parts went numb. Took about 4+ weeks to resolve. I am so sorry....

    I am without any drains! IDTCHED PITA!!  YAY! I have been moving around my normal speed toady and took a one mile walk with DH today! (Even though freezing here!) I took it out yesterday morning, and today was the first day I felt myself again. !!!

    Trisha, i have to go see your final shots! Woot!! 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009


    I've had post-op nerve pain in my upper chest and back, but not the thigh. Nonetheless, it's much the same.

    Here's the deal. Nerves take a LONG time to heal. And the longer you let the pain go, the more your body accepts pain as the norm. If this pain lasts much longer, you may want to talk to your local doctor about using a medication like Neurontin or Lyrica to "reboot" the nervous system and relieve the pain. Hopefully, it would just be short term.

    My pain lasted over a year--till I got the implants out and the scar tissue dissected away. I was on Neurontin and Clonazepam during that time so I could move my arms and obliques at the same time without the feeling of a cattle prod or a hot poker jabbing me.

    I know your surgeon sees this once in a while. And I'll bet it's a temporary thing. I think it's a matter of how much you can tolerate it, or how much it impacts your life...By the way, you rock, girl, being on that treadmill so often, so soon!!! I am impressed!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    BC Diva, sorry about the nerve pain. I had a freak wrist injury that was a nerve injury from sleeping in a watch that was too tight. Nerves do regenerate but I can't remember the takes a while.... Did you ask how long he thought you should expect to have that pain or sensation? and YES it is a VERY bizarre sensation.  Have you considered too going on his 'Ask the Dr.' website and just asking him about it?  He is pretty quick to respond you don't have to put your name in.  He answered my question/issue and I was HAPPY/relieved to know what he told me esp since I was having my issue over the Thanksgiving holiday and KNEW it would take a while to get an answer from the clinic.

    Here's what I would do.  Go to the ask the Dr website and word your question something like this:

    Dear Dr D;

     I recently had Stage one delayed DIEP(or within the last 3 weeks).  I am thrilled w/ my results!  My one concern is I have apparent 'nerve pain' in my Right thigh.  Can you please tell me a little about nerve pain.  Like maybe how long I might expect it to last?  Will the nerve completely regenerate and the strange sensations disappear?  Will the pain subside or is there anything I can do to speed the healing or alarming sensation that seems to rear its head while my husband attempts to lovingly stroke my affected thigh.  Any info or insight you could offer I'd very much appreciate...then sign some other name or BC diva. 

    You don't have to say "YOU did my surgery, You said this", etc etc....just the facts-matter of fact, short and sweet and I guarantee he will can reply back and request more specifics or he may tell you to call his office.... 

    Hope that helps!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    I am 6 weeks out from SGAp.  I had nerve pain on both sides...But one side was not bad...It is gone.  The other side was much worse.  It has gone away by about 50% I would say.  I know it hurts to touch.  Mine still does now.

    I rubbed it very gently in the beginning ...When I was able to touch it a little after 3 weeks.  Now I rub it a littl emore & a little firmer.  Dont know if it helps or not- but it is getting better.

    I hope yours Improves too & eventually neither of us feel it.

    I would Post on Dr Ds Question forum too.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Trisha, your before and after pics are *AMAZING*. You could be the poster girl!!!

  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited December 2009

    Thank you Springtime (as always!!!), AnneW, Dejaboo and Plainjane!    Great advice.    Since it started immediately after surgery I asked Dr. D about it and he said it would go away... just not as quickly as I would like.    I jokingly told my nurses on my last couple of days (remember... I was the ONLY patient!) that instead of a 0-10 scale of pain I would be using the "Ow, OUCH!, S***, D***, F***) scale to let them know how the thigh was doing!    In the beginning it was just like a hot knife suddenly cutting through my leg.   Now it's the very strange, "don't touch at all, don't let the shower hit it" pain, but the sudden jolts are gone.    I'll post on the "Ask The Dr" and see if there's any suggestions.   

    Springtime - congrats on losing PITA.    I look forward to the day.... Should have seen me trying to put on an evening dress that was flowing enough to hide the "grenades"!     Mine are still putting out between 75 and 140 cc/day each.    They ain't going anywhere anytime soon.   I told Dr. D I was "juicy"..... he got a real kick out of that word!!!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Also, diva, depending on how large the area is, a Lidoderm patch may help.

    I love your pain scale. So much more realistic!!


  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2009

    BCDiva, sorry about your nerve pain.  That sounds awful.  But I do like your pain scale.  We should suggest they swap it for that silly 0-10 thing (which I always overthink and stress myself out trying to come up with the right number).

    With all this talk about naming drains, I thought I'd share.  Tonight, my youngest daughter came into the bathroom.  She said "Mama, when you gonna empty your juice boxes?"   Puzzled, I followed her arm down to see that her finger was pointing at my drains. 

    I realized they do look kind of like juice boxes.  I have a feeling juice boxes they are from now on.  That's how it is with kids and assigning names to things.

    Hope everyone is having a fine weekend.



  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009

    Tomorrow I leave on a vacation with my family. I am so excited about seeing my children all together, we have been through so much this year.  I just wanted to wish all of my sisters and their families a wonderful holiday filled with warm memories of the love shared with friends and family. I wish each of you good health and happiness.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!!!!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Merry Christmas Stephanie!!! I hope you have a wonderful holiday!

    Teel - "Juice boxes" is quite an appropriate name - especially considering that some of us are REALLY juicy!

    Jenn - hmmm... maybe call your sis and let her know you are on your way to drop off her stuff, then call her again and let her know it "fell" out of the back of your car... JK - Listen, girl, I know our house is noisy and loud and sometimes my kids make me want to poke my eyes out, but you know you are always welcome here! I understand the family dynamics... sometimes my family is great and other times I just have to nod my head in disbelief! Hang in there!

    BCDiva - here is the thing about nerve pain - nerves can take quite a while to heal. I would expect that it would show some significant improvement by about 6 weeks, but can continue to heal even longer. The thing you don't want to do is avoid touching the area completely. You want to desensitize the area a bit, so providing some sensation to the area - even if just a little at a time, is not a bad thing. (This could just be light touch - maybe what your hubby has been doing?) I would definitely ask Dr. D if you can take an anti-inflammatory such as Ibuprofen, just to help relieve some inflammation on that nerve. Definitely ask him as it may conflict with some of your other pain meds, and since Ibuprofen can cause a tendency to have increased bleeding - you need to see if that is something he would want you to use. Anyway, hang in there! Glad to hear you are doing well otherwise!

    Okay for the tree skirt - how the heck do you get it on here???? You will just have to see the mini version on my little pic there on the side... Laughing

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2009

    I just wanted to say "hello" and jump on this thread. I've been spying for quite some time and have to give you ladies a HUGE thank you for sharing your stories. I've just started on the NOLA path and am hoping to have bilateral SGAP in June. This thread gave me the confidence to consider making the long haul from Seattle to NOLA instead of doing lat flaps and implants - my only option here. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Laughlines - I live in the Portland area and traveled in August. You will do great!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Laughlines welcome.  You made a great decision!

    Gosh I woke up this morning all embarressed ready to come delete all my moaning diatribe pity party from yesterday but I'm too lazy and everybody already knows I was a big whiner so too bad!...Thanks again for listening. 

    Nordy, the skirt looks is there a little hole in the middle at the top for the trunk to go thru?  or does one of those vertical seams actually open......If you accidentally sewed it up just carefully cut down one of the seams and put that seam in the can stitch and make look pretty after the holiday, no one will ever know.

    I was truly getting a wild hare yesterday after talking to Trishia...BUT...I KNOW 2010 is going to be fabulous and it's better to be responsible now to make it more fabulous.  I really was thinking I wanted to come to pacific NW  after the olympics maybe early spring?  and you 2(Nordy and Trishia) live way too close together to not make it a party...I'm sure there are more in that neck of the woods too.......When you get stage 2 sorted out more maybe we can plan something....Or if your husband really does NOT want to go back to NO and you need a private duty nurse/friend/caregiver to help you fly home....I can probably help you out!  I know TOO well what a good caregiver should and should NOT doSmile.......It might be therapeutic for me.....I swear I told the girlfriend who flew home w/ me from stage 1 she and I should start a business doing some such as she is really good at it- always being taken by her older parents who aren't able to do a whole lot on their own but need someone to assist w/ their travel. 

    Stephanie have an awesome holiday and enjoy your pretty family!

    Teel, your kids sound so sweet how old are they?  I love kids- they are so smart, SO HONEST and just deal w/ what they're given because they know nothing else yet! 

    Dejaboo/Pam how goes the swelling?  remind me do you still have drains? forgive me for not remembering.....8 weeks is the limit right?  and you're at 6?

    OK fast forward to stage 2.............CLARIFICATION please because I think I HEARD it but it's not on the printed Dr. D stage 2  going home........20 cc's/day or less/drain for 2 consecutive days = I can discontinue....after I talk w/ the clinic?  hmmmm my 2 abd drains have sort of 3 is putting almost nothing but 4 is putting out 30cc/24 hrs or so.  I think I need to get moving around more before I count any less than 20cc days...I'm barely over a week out....Just want to get as organized and ready as possible so as not to get lost or caught up in the holiday shuffle.  Do know I need to be on antibiotics while the drains are in AND wear the gidle thingie for at least one week following last drain removal?  Springie you still wearing that dominatrix outfit?  And are your ankles normal.  Mine have actually stayed normal all except those couple of days last sunday and monday.

    Ok ladies saints and cowboys today- rooting for saints here- sort of feel disloyal.... but fed up w/ years of Jerry Jones's(Dallas Cowboys owner) ego..This sounds horrible but I hope they (saints)deflate it in crescent city today!  Chances are VERY good they will!  Who dat!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I  missed the game last PM !!!!!!and the SAINTS got beaten!  OMG  I didn't get to wear my cute new T.....grrrrrr...I was too busy whining yesterday...WEll Heck this will certainly make the da Boys cocky again and the Saints even stronger.  I predict da-boys get their butts kicked next week and the saints will be back to who dat-ing....They're just a better stepping AWAY from the computer!

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Spring...Its time to sing my song for you....Drain Freeeeeeeeeeee...oh oh oh oh oh!!! yippee!

    I am so impressed with all the great advice you girls give when one of us is "hurting"....I hope you do feel better soon, Diva...some great advice!

    Nordy- Beautiful tree skirt!! You should be so proud of yourself!!

    Plainjane- I am glad you can vent here!! me, you love em but sometimes want to smack them upside their head! lol I have one, too!!  Vent..thats what we are here for! excited to see you on timtam..I forgot what is the sign in/password. I have been accepted but its been a while since I have looked...

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    I am 2.5 weeks post op now, and the rest of my swelling (I was puffy, like BCDiva is Juicy!!) has finally abated! I think getting out the last "Juice Box" or "Grenade" (LOL) did the trick. And BCDiva, I thnk we should officially replace 1-10 pain scale!!!   What a riot!!!

    Warrior, is the puffy subsiding?  When the USA article comes out, I wonder if they will have an online version? If so, you will paste the URL in here okay??? And we will see you walking your dog!!!! (And smiling and swearing under your breath!!! LOL -- you CRACK ME UP!!!)... giggles. 

    BCDiva, I echo what Nordy said. I found that if I slowly, lightly touched that skin, a bit more and more for a few minutes, it would desensitize the area some and last for several hours. I started doing it every day. I don't think it speeds the recovery, but it helps with the severe "ouchie". My skin still feels "funny" there, but no longer "hurts".

    I have numb areas on my butt that extend down the sides of my legs, anybody else have this? II think it is getting better over time, hard to tell with the dominatrix binder outfit on 24/7...

    I spent 2 hours in bed without the dominatrix binder this morning, my first time. I just wanted a break. My poor skin is so sick of being squashed with deep red indentation lines! I am considering for my last week (2 weeks after last drain removal you need to keep wearing binder) that I could switch to my "Higher Power" spanx. Any thoughts on this?

    GIRLS - you should SEE MY BOD.!!! Bruising and swelling has gone down... Today, when I was "dominatrix outfit - less" I put on my bikini underwear and took a look in the mirror. OOOHHHH LA LA!!!  Marcia, make a space for me in the bikini line up!!!! I cannot believe the transformation in my whole body! It is like a miracle!  You would never know I had two 8lb 9oz babies!!! Those surgeons rock!!

    Ladies who also had a nipple redo.... I have there little stiff poker threads or something sticking out, many many like long whiskers almost. What do we do about those? Just leave them alone I assume? Somebody fill me in.... 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    OK so dominatrix 2 weeks post drain removal?

    I did put on some jeans over the dominatrix plus 2 adb draind and YES  only 1 week later.....It is going to be is going to be VERY good.

    Melanie and her husband shoved off yesterday and are within 2-3 hours from home.  She said she is pretty sore and puffy today peeing a lot and thirsty but nauseaus....yes we had the gatorade and NO empty stomach discussion and said she was told day 3 is the worst....which I would agree w/ HOWEVER I think considering the volume on me- sorer longer would be no big surprise.  And I was happy to have Mel confirm that the pain level for this was right up there w/ childbirth and a root canal...neither of which I've had.....OK now I hope I've not scared anyone off!

    Spring I don't think I have any numbness but I am so bruised, swollen and sometimes itchy?  Hard to tell. The sacral area is the MOST swollen/painful/awkward of all.   I too have stitches around the nipples/areolas and he said leave them they will dissolve?...but he basically did a lift/mastopexy  which is what you had?  No nipple protectors here.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009
    Spring~ I would gladly be the poster girl for NOLA! However, I can only be the poster girl for implant removal, with bad scarring, and REALLY delayed reconstruction! And I can't wait to see you! You have take pics!

    To both you and Jennifer~LEAVE THE STITCHES ALONE!! They will fall out on their own. It takes about 4 weeks for that to happen.

    Warror~I love the dog story! That cracks me up. Can't wait to see your interview!

    BC Diva~I love the new pain scale...LOL! I can so relate!

    Laughlines~ I traveled from Kennewick, WA to NOLA and have personally met 2 other ladies who traveled from Seattle. You are going to do great and have made the BEST decision!!!

    I'm with Jennifer that we need to plan a get together. Maybe we should plan one in NOLA when everyone is doing their tattooing. Since you can party it up the night before and it doesn't matter...LOL! Although if you all want to come to the Pacific NW that would be great too. If you are wine drinkers, I live in the heart of Washington Wine Country. We have 80 wineries in a 30 mile radius. We can rent the limo party bus and go wine tasting...too much fun!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Hey I love to go and do and see!   I'm game for anywhere pretty much 

    But....should and will be responsible- get back to work at full speed have a paycheck that is not partially supplemented by disability insurance or PTO....AND be able to carry my own luggage w/o restrictions!  Don't get me wrong I like to be special but OH man I MISS my independence/ can DO EVERYTHING w/o limits ability.  3 more weeks?  Oh YES!  have NEVER had this much time off or restricted (thank you God). 

    Trishia I saw your breasts!  I have been on TimTam's site.  Bev did you post too?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    JJ, No I have not posted pics, I am too shy!!! :)  Though, I am so glad for those who did, it was actually what got me going to NOLA. I looked at all sorts of recons, and it was actually Sandy's pics that did it for me. I brought my DH over and said, look at these before... she goes to NOLA... and look at THIS!!! Eyes pop out of head! It was a literal jaw dropper. Thank you all who posted!

    I think we should coordinate Tattoos in NOLA!!! What a great idea Trisha! Stacey told me you have to wait 3 months at least. Some ladies may be doing stage 2, and many of us will need tattoos.  And how much down time after Tattoos? I have feeling there, (GOD HELP ME) I remember Minn saying it hurt! ahhhhhhhhck!!!  I have not been drinking any alcohol, maybe I should imbibe before I go, LOL....  tattoo inebriation. 

    Trisha, are you SURE these nipple whiskers drop off??? They look permanent!!! Surprised 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Nipple whiskers... LOL...

    Jenn - I did not sew all the way around the skirt... LOL... I am not Martha Stewart, but I did know better than that and actually followed the pattern! That is just the front side... LOL Yes, if my sis does not come w/me to NO than you can definitely join me! Or even if she does!

    Warrior... love the visual of cursing at your dog... LOL - Yes that is what I will be thinking!

    gotta run!!! sorry, more later!