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NOLA in September?



  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2009

    Christy~ I am so happy to hear from you this soon.  I hope you continue to be pain free :) 

    Questions about how the surgeons decide which type of flap to use:

    When I had my phone consult (I believe it was with a nurse) she stated that I was a candidate for lower lumbar (is this hip gap) or SGap but how do they decide ???  I think I would prefer SGap but do they decide based on your vascular ??  (I hope that makes sense)

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Teel - I'm SO GLAD everything went so well and you're feeling so good! I agree with you that with this procedure, it totally does not feel like a mastectomy. And you're right, it IS you, it is not fake, it is your:  spare pair, which have no wear!

    ccbaby - what is a hip free flap? (I'm interested in all possible places they could get enough fat off of me for another breast!)

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Teel I am so glad you are so happy!!! Love the spares in the trunk analogy.  My spares were in my tummy! 

    ccbaby~Yippee!!!  You sound fantastic.  I have a pic of me the day of surgery smiling from ear to ear.  They are so good at pain management.

    Jamieh~I had a choice between hip (and yes, I think that is lower lumber...the love handle area) and DIEP.  I chose DIEP. Dr. S will ask what size you want and then give you his opinion once he sees you in person on which one will give you the best result.  

    JenniferJane~so glad you made it home safe and sound.  And I must say, that your new girls are smokin' hot!!  She doesn't remember showing me, but she did!!  

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Nip Girl, checking in! I'm glad all of you are doing so well.  I'd addressed you all individually and then my browser crashed and I lost the post.  I need sleep so I just can't write it all again, but you're all in my prayers for safe travels and beautiful outcomes!

    Thanks Minn, for asking, and the nips are good.  I'm going to wear the guards for an extra couple of weeks just to be safe.  After what I have been through to get to where I am, I just don't want to take any chances of losing them!

    Spring, when I towel off after a shower the tape never seems wet.  I'm going to wear it on my vertical scars for up to a year this time, because last time, they stretched out at some point after the three month mark and I do not want that to happen again. 

    Alaina started treatment and is a better emotional place now.  Please continue to pray for her--that she will be victorious in her battle and feel great!

    I hope you are all watching the latest study results.   I had my vitamin D level tested in September and it was very low.  Retest in November, still too low despite supplements of 1,000 IU twice a day.  My level is 26, normal is 30-80, and my oncologist wants me at 50.  I started a weekly dose of 50,000 IU this week.   I'll be doing this for six weeks, then have to be tested again.  My onc says that once a day supplements are not enough--needs to be taken morning and night and is crucial for warding off and fighting cancer.  It's also necessary to absorb calcium, and is a natural appetite suppressant.   Yesterday, the breaking news was that moderate drinking increases the recurrence rate, and today, bisphosphonates prevent breast cancer.   So, lots to consider in dealing with the beast, but definitely ask your doctor about testing your vitamin D level!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Im with Sandy,

      Only my problem is internet off & on (like every 5 minutes) all day yesterday.  Comcast in our Area cant seem to handle the cold.   Im sick of being off line. Been having this problem for 5 years.  (theres my gripe for the day)

    Glad to hear the stage 1 ladies are doign so good!

    And that stage 2 ladies are too & all arriving back home.

    Minnesote- I know you posted sometime yesterday about my drain.  Dr M does or did a week ago know it went from slow to high & said it was ok...Not really anything we can do.

    Im not going to lie on the couch for days on End.  I think Nordy & Gin said less activity didnt make a difference anyway.

    I seem to be hovering at 100 ccs : (

    Geez Anne- I didnt know I was supposed to name the drains.  Is that why this one is hanging on.  I was just calling it Right hip.   Thats an awesome name isnt it?

    Who wants to name Pams Drain?

    Trishia- That is a great Story!  So glad they held the Plain for your Was it your BIL?  I read that yesterday too.

    Ladies Linda47 is still having Diep Wound problems.  They had not gotten her wound vac started yet last I heard from  her on Monday...She may fly to NOLA for debriding & Reclosing up her Incision.  She doesnt post alot here.  But keep her in your thoughts.

    Sandy- I think Vit D3 is so important.  I tell all my Family & Friends to make sure they take it.  Sad, Most dont listen.  I was able to get my levels up from 40 to 68 with 1000IUs daily.   Some of us absorbe it better.  Hope your Injections work for you.

    Warrior Glad your dhs Ablation went good.  Sorry to hear you are in alot of pain & All Swolled up.  hows that for a word.

    That is Awesome about the interview.  Good Luck!

    Nordy - Sure hope your Cough is getting better!!

    I know Im missing several Ladies im sure...I hope everyone is doing good.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Good Luck to Sassie today & WPLD tomorrow on your Stage 2s.

    Mel hope you are doing good this morning & ccbaby- Wow- You posted fast after your surgery!

    Hope you feel great this am .

    Remember I still need to know what kind of cheeses are in that Grill Cheese on the Menu...?Sealed


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Well some days you cant get Insurance out of your mind.

    Like a fool I looked up my claims.

    One was processed.  Insurance paid nothing : (


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Teel, that's exactly how I felt! :)  

    CCbaby, glad you are doing well!

    My overnight drain output was only 7cc! I started taking my iodine again ((Iodoral)), and I am wondering if this is "drying me up" inside, GOD I HOPE SO!! I am ready to ditch this last drain, maybe in a few more days.

    Pam, I think Havarti is one of the three cheeses..... :)

    Nip Girl!!! (LOL what a name!!! I sense Miss Minn in that one!) Glad to hear you are ON IT with the Vit D.!! EVERYONE in my family is taking it now. Both daughters (they younger was in low 30s!!) and my DH. I had not heard you need it twice a day? I did 5-6K a day until I was in the mid ranges (in the 50s) - and I'm still doing it. I wonder if I should do 5K in AM and 5K in PM? Sandy, what will you do for your "maintenance dose" once you get to your target range? Pls share!

    Teel, it is lovely you have such an attitude of gratitude. One could imagine a woman all despondent and sad, and there you are amazed and thankful. Though, waking up with better Ta-Ta's than you had, and less fat elswhere, something about this sort of does it for a woman, you know???  he he he.


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    Thanks again everyone...I feel great and the nurses are amazed at how well I am doing. One nurse said that I am doing better than anyone she has ever seen. The food here is great too, they have their own chef. I hope everyone else is doing ok with their stage1 and 2 procedures.

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Pam~they can't completely deny it!  It's a federal law hon.  They can pay the 'usual and customary' out of network rate, but they can't just say..."Sorry, not medically necessary."  Well, they can...but it can't and won't stick.  It's a hassle for sure, but it WILL get taken care of.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Pam, some claims have to be reprocessed. My insurance denied my second surgeon's bill from my Stage 1, but they resubmitted stuff and it got paid. I was never worried, and they never sent me a bill while they were waiting.


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Mel, Sassie and WPLD, hope all goes well for you this week!!! (and today!)

    Pam - so sorry to hear about your drains. I know how they are! I didn't name mine either, but maybe I should have! Those love handle areas just love to drain - I think I forgot to mention that I went back to my local PS last week and she drained another 35 cc off the right side... but this was SO much less than it had been. And this was after 4 weeks - so it is FINALLY drying up. So far this week, so good! Hang in there! Soon they will have you take them out anyway, then you may have to have some appts. for draining! But if they stick the needle in the right spot (for me, just below the incision line), then you may not feel a thing! My cough is slowly receding, thank you for asking. I can't believe how long it is taking. I am on day 8 of Cipro and am barely starting to feel like myself. I am starting to wonder if it is something worse than bronchitis for as long as it is taking. I see my surgeon tomorrow, so maybe he can listen to my lungs - hopefully it is only wheezing and no crackles!

    Teel - Loved your post... Spare in the trunk! So glad you are happy!

    Warrior - glad to hear you and your hubby are both doing okay. Someone on here (Anne) mentioned taking Bromelaine to help with recouperation from lipo? Maybe look into that... Anne?

     Holtbolt - don't worry about the insurance. You will probably need preauthorization - which the center will get for you, then afterward, I am finding, they just like to deny. I spoke w/the Center and they said they get denied by pretty much everyone and always have to go back and appeal. She said that is just what they do. I find it to be so unfortunate - but as Tricia said, it is a federal law and to deny breast reconstruction as not medically necessary is really against the law. I wrote a letter on Saturday stating all of this then s/w the lady that did my pre-auth yesterday. I have no idea what she was trying to tell me... Something about there were doctors in network that could have done this surgery (ummm, ONE... on the East Coast - who told me after I talked to one of his patients that a deformed butt was a trade off for boobs - Yes, send me there please...NOT) and that that was what they agreed to pay because apparantly I told them(?) the doctor would accept as in- network (which I did NOT say!). Anyway, I got off the phone w/her even more confused than before, so once I talked to the center today, they just told me not to worry about it and let them fight w/the insurance. This is probably a wise decision on their part since I tend to get emotional about this particular subject and probably don't use the best tactics to fight... Sealed Plus, do any of you ever feel like you are one of those patitents that is just considered to be a pain in the *ss when you have to call? Maybe I am just being hormonal (or should I say Lack there of) that I get this feeling... 

    Sandy - Did they put you on any estrogen replacement after your hyst/bso? I have not slept one solid night since Thursday - I wake up at least 4-5 times w/hot flashes and my emotions over the weekend (though better now) seriously almost put me off the deep end. And that is not my personality. I refuse to go on an antidepressant or a sleep med, as the way I see it, I am NOT depressed or normally have difficulty sleeping - just hormonally deprived and don't see why we would not treat the problem that needs to be treated. To me, it is like putting an anti-fungal cream on a bacterial infection - it doesn't make sense.  I did buy some phyto estrogen lotion, hopefully I can at least get one good night of rest. I am thinking I need to up my Vit D - thank you for the reminder - as my CT already showed me as osteopenic - and we all know Vit. D helps increase absorption of calcium.

    Anyway, sorry, I didn't mean to get on here and talk all about ME! Embarassed

    Ccbaby - SO glad that you are doing so well and that they were able to get you in, in a timely manner! wooooohoooooo!!!

    Okay, running - I am attempting (key word) to sew a tree skirt... never mind that I had to call my mom and ask her how to read a pattern... 

    Have a GREAT DAY everyone!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    OK Pam, I am naming my one remaining drain, PITA.

    Pain In The A**.


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009

    Nordy... thanks for the encouragement... I know insurance companies will try everything they can not to pay.. that IS just what they do.... sad.  After all that we have been through.. to have an insurance problem on reconstruction is salt in the wound.  I hope yours gets cleared up soon.  I had my ovaries removed in August.... YES, periods of emotional extremes but happy to report things have evened out.  My gyn and my husband talked me into trying Effexor.... I took 2... hated it... and never took another one.  Once I made that decision I felt really good... like I took control over SOMETHING in this stupid journey and set my mind to battling the hot flashes and emotional stuff with exercise and just handling it on my own.  I don't know... guess I just needed to feel in control... not medicated... sick of medications (although I totally get that Effexor is a life saver for some people and very helpful in treating hot flashes too).  I'm sure I wasn't the easiest person to live with the last few months but whatever... everyone got through it. lol. 

    Trishia.. loved the plane story too.... really nice feel good ending.. :)  

    2tzus... how about 3rd week of February?  scared but excited here too!

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    Hi All - had my appts today, everything went well. Dr D was held up in surgery, so did not get outta there till 6.  I am not having too much done, lipo in abd, love handle area and inner thigh.  No plicating (SP?) of the stomach, Dr D said there would be little benefit for the effort and pain, guess all those crunches paid off......(HA).  I will be having some necrotic tissue excised from the left breast and fat injections to the top of the breast areas to smooth the transition areas.  No DRAINS! So happy about that part!  Oh and last but not least, getting nipples!  YEAH!  Cant wait for this to be over with.  

    I tried to hook up with WLPD and Sassie last evening, but did not work out.  Hope they are doing well.  I had one of the BEST meals ever tonight at Mr B's.  OMG the bread pudding was literally almost orgasmic!  :)  I had to close my eyes..........mmmmmmmmm.  Later ladies and sweet dreams.  xxoo Mel

    PJ - made it to your shoe store today...FEET FIRST...very nice place with lots o' beautiful shoes...........thought of you.   

    Warriror517 - so glad the dh is doing well!   

    I will post as soon as I can.  I hope everyone is well.

    Diagnosis: 2/20/2008, IDC, 5cm, Stage IIIa, Grade 3, 2/4 nodes, ER-/PR-, HER2-

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Spring, I'm waiting to hear back from the NP at my onc's office, wondering if I should be taking 1,000 IU morning and night during the week between each 50,000 IU dose, and if I continue on that or something more if my level is good in six weeks.  I had some nausea the morning after the first dose, but it was gone by noon.  I'm taking capsules, not injections.

    Nordy, because my cancer was ER/PR+, no hormones for me.  I was already having hot flashes prior to my hysterectomy, and they became worse after.  I completely understand about waking up multiple times at night.  I tried many things---a Chillow, hanging one leg out from under the blankets, ice water on my nightstand (would quickly drink a bunch as soon as I began to feel warm), sleeping without any clothing (made things worse-----just soaked the sheets instead)....the ONLY thing that has allowed me to sleep through without waking up to a hot flash is to go to bed at midnight and get up at 6:15 a.m.  If I try to get more sleep, (and I am honestly working very hard at that), I wake up at least once or twice.     My surgery was just over a year ago, and the daytime hot flashes are nearly gone, the nighttime ones not nearly as bad.   Last winter, at work I'd be jacket on, jacket off, jacket on, jacket off and go stand outside in the cold.....this year I've not had to do that at all, although I do have instances of more warmth.  At night, I'm not getting soaked.  It's more like damp.  So, things are improving.   Before I was diagnosed, I was using Revival Soy Bars (available online)---I would eat 1/2 bar every other day and that completely stopped my hot flashes.   I've avoided soy since my diagnosis, but just read the other day that they are finding that women who eat a lot of soy actually have less breast cancer recurrence.  The estrogen in soy is apparently very weak and so they feel now that it's safe for us.   It's hard to know what is safe and what is not!  I hope you find something that works for you.  I just try to stay as cool as possible, and I do my best not to overdress or wear anything other than cotton clothing.  I feel for ya!  Oh, and I did try Effexor for about 3 days but it made me feel really weird and I stopped.

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Sandy - thank you for your advice... I am triple neg so hope that I can atleast use something over the counter to kind of ease things! I will look into the revival soy bars. It doesn't sound like you had to use much to get good results, so that is very encouraging.

    Jennifer - thinking of you!

    Trisha - I am sorry - I forgot to remark on your incredible story of your BIL and the holding of the plane. That is just so awesome! What a homecoming!

    Mel - thinking about you and hoping all goes REALLY well tomorrow!!! Here's to new nips!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009
    Spring - I knew what a PITA is! And I agree!
  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    PITA...hahahah!  I so relate!  My drains were down low like that and when my last one got infected, I couldn't walk, it hurt so flippin' bad!

    The homecoming was pretty awesome.  Just another thing to be grateful for this amazing year!  

    Mel, you are going to do great!! 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Good Luck Is it today Mel?

    Thanks all on the insurance- I will put it back out of my Mind again.

    Ok, I named my Drain.  Mine is DITA (Drain in the A**) (Name thanks to a friend)

    And She must have liked that name because I was only at 20ccs this morning- for my overnight drain- It has been 35.

    Nordy- How about Melatonin to help you sleep?  I take 9mg every night.  I will have weeks where it works great & then not so good...And then good again.

    I do not feel any effects from it like from a Sleeping pill.

    Sandy- Is the brown tape different then the white tape?  I used that after my exchange surgery...But I cant see that staying on my Gap incision very good.  Does the brown tape work good on The donor incisions?

    I may take you up on the offer of sending some tape out to me.

    I dont need it til stage 2 thought- Right?

    Sassie- Hope you are feeling good this am.


  • sassie62
    sassie62 Member Posts: 40
    edited December 2009

    Dear Ladies

    I am about to be discharged from Oschner Baptist.  Everything went well.  I only did half of what I could have or others have done.  I had minimal lipo and nipples and breast revision and the dog ears are gone.  I did not go for the tightening of muscles in the abdomen even though I needed it.  I just didn't want to go through the drains again this time. Maybe another time but my last min decision was no to the abdomen.  I have very few bruises because I only had enough lipo to fill in the breasts.   I am a little sore but doing very well.

    They are waiting for me with the limo.

    Hugs to you all.  


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Sassie, great to hear from you, I was thinking about you yesterday. I am glad you made that decision about the abd muscles. Your recovery will be wonderful!!!

    Trisha, what did you do about the infected drain in the crease of your leg/pubic area? What did they advise? Were you allowed to take it out a little sooner, or no?  

    I typically am very quick to drop drains, but this PITA drain is still here! I thought it was drying up yesterday (only 21 cc all day) but this morning the output had increased again - 13 cc over night! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhck!!! This is really starting to get to me. I am trying not to be depressed!  

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    I used Neosporin Plus Pain, antibiotics and then I went back on pain pills.  And they had me pull it at 4 weeks even though I was still at about 50 cc's.  I swear my body just doesn't like foreign things in it.  I have really bad reactions to most tape too. 

    Sassie~  So glad to hear from you.  I didn't have the muscle repair either.  I didn't want my ab incision opened again. 

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited December 2009

    Hi Springtime,

    I was on here a few months ago, I had trouble with Kaiser. Now I have changed insurance and I'm scheduled for NOLA Feb.25. I had a talk with Candy and Lanita. they explained the insurance company will not cover the entire amount, and I am responsible for the rest. Did you find they 'worked" with y ou?Have you been told the surgery (double tram flap/gap) is  $ 140,000? I am afraid i won't be able to pay for that, I'm the bread winner of the family and a county employee at that!! I thought i would only be out of pocket 15K, and that was a stretch, but it's sounding more like 25-30K Yikes!have you talked with any one who is now paying for their surgery?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Trisha, Glad to know.

    Beth just called and I explained the situation to her. Even though in Mid 20's, they said to pull it out! PITA drain will SOON BE GONE! They are putting me back on the anti-biotic too. Sounds like the same scenario. 

    I know exactly what you mean, my body does not like foreign objects either. Port for chemo, horrible. Implants - horrible. PITA drain - Horrible !!! My body wants this stuff OUT!

    Trisha, so with the 50cc's, did you need to go have it aspirated? Or did your body just "deal" with it. I am thinking I will be okay.... If you were okay in the 50s!!!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Trainer, My insurance was "in network" (CIGNA) so I didn't have the situation you're describing. 

    LADIES - Can some of you PM with Trainer and let her know about your individual financial arrangements?

    Trainer, I have always heard that the Center will "work with you" - you may need to talk to them several times and tell them what you can pay.

    Trainer, do you know who is going to be your surgeon, and what procedure you are having? let me know and I will add you to the listing above... LilMissMuffit and HoltBolt will be there right around the same time as you!!!


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    Teel - know exactly what you mean.  I had bilat mast with immediate diep, so i never felt that sense of loss that the women with the delayed recon must fee!

    Evidently my counts were EXTREMELY, 3 iv bags, 3 shots, and 2 prescriptions later...I go back for more fluids tomorrow, MUGA next Tuesday, and 2nd chemo is scheduled for 12/31 if all goes well.....

    Who wants to name Pams Drain?  Hmmmm.....the PBJ drain? PamsBig&JuicyDrain??

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009
    Trainer - I am like Spring.....CIGNA, so most was in network.  I did have to pay 30% of Dr. Lagardes charges, but they offer to work with me...  Thank goodness, If I had to pay on a was the breast surgeon, so was the least expensive!
  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Several years ago my sister had gastric bypass surgery (at the St. Charles Surgery Center!) After she lost all the weight, she need plastic surgery to get rid of the saggy skin. I went down to help her through her lower body lift, and she had 8 drains in her belly and groin. Gathering them up to move around or take a shower was hilarious.

    I told her she looked like she just had a litter of pups, so that's what they became, "The Pups."

    I named my longest lasting drain Bubba.


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    It was one year ago today that Lanita called me and gave me the news that I was all approved and good to go.  Here is the email I sent out to my friends and family.  I cried with gratitude and joy for 3 days.  It still makes me teary remembering it. 


    I have to share this. I just received the best Christmas present I can think of.

    I get new boobs!!!! For 10 years I have needed to have my reconstruction re-done. My reconstruction is HORRIBLE. I have been wanting to go The Breast Center in New Orleans since 1999. It has never happened for various reasons, insurance being the biggest one and then travel costs.

    When we booked our cruise last month and found out that it sailed out of New Orleans, I felt like it was a sign. So I called and found out that if my insurance wouldn't agree to pay or pay at the preferred provider rate, my out of pocket could be close to $20,000.00. I had bi-lateral mastectomies, so it is more expensive. However, the gal was going to work with the insurance company to see if they could get a signed contract for them to pay at the preferred provider rate.

    She just called and she was able to get the signed contract...for all 3 stages! I will only have to pay for my deductible and the maximum out of pocket, which is $2K. I am bawling like a baby. I have hated to be naked since my first mastectomy in 1992. I have been dreaming of this day. I have spent countless hours on their website looking at the before and after pictures.

    I cannot even begin to tell you how incredibly blessed and grateful I feel right now. This is the best Christmas present ever. Not only do I get new boobs...but I get a tummy tuck at the same time! No more implants. More more rippling. No more leaking. No more foreign objects in my body.

    I can't wait until 2009! Merry Christmas!!!!