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NOLA in September?



  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Spring~Yes, I had to have an ultrasound guided aspiration twice, then my body handled it.  Hopefully yours will handle it better with only 30 cc's.

    Trainer~they will work with you.  They give you the worst case scenario right off the top.  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Exactly! And now it is a reality Trisha! 

    Ann, "the Pups" cracked me up.

    My PITA drain is outa here! I am taking it out tomorrow morning. GOOD BYE AND GOOD RIDDANCE PITA DRAIN!!!

    Ginnie, Chemo can be a bear, especially on your red and white counts. I also had to have radiation, and after that, my counts have still been below normal! Hang in there. You can do it!  

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    I got to meet Melanie tonight! She is in the room next to mine! My husband and I had a great visit with her and her husband. It is so nice to be able to meet someone from here and they know exactly what you are going through...I will come see you before you leave tomorrow Melanie!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Tricia - I LOVE LOVE LOVE your letter. You rock the tatas now, for sure!!! What a wonderful Christmas present that was!

    Spring, Have a happy drain free day tomorrow!!!! You know that I know how you feel about these drains!

    ccbaby - I am so glad that you are on the other side of this! 

    Mel and Sassie - hope you are doing well!

    Wpld - you are up!

    Patty50 - I hope wherever you are, that you are doing well!

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited December 2009

    Hi Ladies!!

    Congrat's to all the Stage 1 and Stage II that have made it through the last two weeks!! You all have given me so much useful information that will help me prepare for my Stage I in January - Thank you!!

    I do have a few questions though - feel free to PM me if you can help!

    My surgery is going to be at Fairway Medical Center - I am guessing I will be in the hospital for 3-4 nights - I will have a friend making the journey with me. Fairway seems to be out in the middle of No Man's Land! Would it be beneficial to rent a car?? Also, once my hospital stay is over, I am guessing it would be best to rent a hotel near the Breast Center? Any suggestions??

    I have begun walking 4-5 miles per day in preparation for my surgery - do you have any other suggestions as to what I can do to help make the surgery and healing easier? Also, what is the benefit of the Vitamin D that has been discussed??

    I am sure I will have other questions, but thank you in advance for helping me out with these!!


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2009

    LouAnn I just noticed that you are going to be in NOLA at the same time that I am.  How did you find out what hospital your surgery is scheduled for ??

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited December 2009

    Jaimieh -

    I rec'd a Fed-Ex package on Tuesday before I left for work - and it stated the surgery would be at Fairway (my insurance would not approve the surgery at the Center for some reason!)

    Let's meet up in January!!


  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    We had an EnCourage dinner get-together tonight, with a couple of new ladies who have not been able to attend during the regular late afternoon due to work or other commitments.   The evening culminated in the wheelchair-accessible stall of the ladies room, and there are two new converts to DellaCrocism!!!   

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    The Center will provide you with transportation to and from the airport, the hospital, and the Center, so it's not necessary to book a hotel near the Breast Center. A lot of us have stayed in the French Quarter at various hotels that we love. It's nice to experience that fun side of New Orleans, in addition to the medical side of it! Also, you could choose not to take the limo (tho why would you?!) and ride the St. Charles streetcar from the other side of Canal (just on the edge of the Quarter) all the way down to the Center and and back, which is on St. Charles.


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Dellacrocism! Were you gals drinking California Hand Grenades or something?!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    Hi swastew,

    Vitamin D3 is essential for calcium absorption to prevent osteoporosis, and studies are showing that it can reduce the risk of breast cancer by estimates of up to 50%.  It is also a natural appetite suppressant.   You can google it for more information.  My oncologist recommends 15-30 minutes of sun exposure without sunscreen daily, plus the 1000 IU supplements twice daily. A blood test can determine your level.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    No hand grenades....more like "seeing is believing".

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Good Name Gin! Glad you explained PBJ- Or I would have thought Peanut Butter to clog this drain- LOL   I Hope you dont have to postpone your next Chemo.

    Thats a  wonderful Story Trishia & this year you are finished for Xmas!

    Spring- Will be drain free today!  Yea!  

    ccbaby- neat you got to meet Mel!  

    WPLD- Good Luck today!  

    Dellacrocism!  Great Word Sandy!  

    Well I am 6 weeks out as of Yesterday.  DITA (Drain in the A**)  does not appreciate her name.  While I was low for yesterday only 84ccs.  I woke up with 35ccs this am.  Way to high : (


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Ugh.  Ive been up for less then 3 hrs &  DITA is already at 60ccs!

    This is not going to be a good drain day.


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Back among the living.  OMG......a lot of nauseau and dry heaving. Tuesday was ok, wednesday was hell, yesterday sleep.  A nurse friend from work came over tues am called Jeanine and they called me in zofran under the tongue and phenergan.  Changed antibiotics to keflex said quit the lortab.  I slept most all of wednesday and a huge chunk of yesterday.  Another nurse friend came over to help me get up empty drains, shower and into clean dominatrix wed pm.  I stomached some chicken noodle got the second keflex in and back off to lala land after another phenergan.  Yesterday my sister called and came over brought me gatorade for the headache from hell.  Jeanine said if I wasn't better I'd need IVF's today. So I made myself eat drink, etc.I hate gatorade, but  I so do not want to sit in an ER. I think I've turned the corner.  My sister spent the night-  Can I just say It SUCKS to feel really bad and have no one around?  I guess the worst part of all this is that when I woke up at 5am wednesday and started dry heaving the person who was staying w/ me,  who also cleans my house was here, and she never once came to see if I was OK or alive for that matter......just got up, dressed and left. People never cease to amaze me.  Pretty sure I can find someone else to clean my place.

    I need to read up on the new calcium vit d stuff.  Been in a coma the last 2 days.

    Teel, you sound great my local friend  and neighbor.  Did you get news on your path yet?  what is the plan now?  And Yes, I did not see your new ones but your body looked great even tho you'd just had a blood transfusion!  I do feel the same as I went to sleep w/ mine and woke up w/ mine- new and improved!

    Trishia, you're correct they do look great! thank god I'm starting to feel like showing them again.  And hey black and blue and painful as I am-  I can tell my lower body is going to be especially fabulous too. 

    I think my case of CDM came yesterday.  I might try a sip- Sheesh talk about living on the edge!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    Jenn, did you get the flu??

    LouAnn, Check out the Hilton Homewood Suites. You can get a 2 bedroom suite (each with own bathroom and TV), living room (another TV!) and full kitchen. They provide a full breakfast, and "light supper" 4 nights a week (Mon - Thurs). I find for after Phase 1 especially, you need more room and space, and you'll be in your room more than other times. You can go take a nap without your friend being afraid to watch TV, make noise, phone call, etc.This is about 3 blocks from the French Quarter, I was able to walk there after each surgery! (I had three surgeries!)

    Another good spot is The Hotel Moneleone, right in French Quarter - good for "playing". We would stay there PRIOR to surgery, and the Homewood Suites AFTER surgery.  Moneleone is very nice but small room, (1 king bed, or 2 other beds, typical hotel room). 

    Many here liked the Marriot on the River. Sandy or others can tell you about that.

    Be sure to check the page on hotels on the Center Web site. You get discounted rates. I had a reservation at Monteleone with center rate, the rate dropped, and the center notified me the rate went down!!! :)

    Drain is coming out today. YAY!!!!  10cc's overnight, I think I will be okay...

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited December 2009

    Jennifer Im sorry you are feeling terrible.  I was wondering if it might be the flu too.

    Hope you feel better very soon & Can keep those fluids in.


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009
    LouAnn...I stayed at the Hope Lodge before surgery and will return there when I am released today or tomorrow. The American Cancer provides it for free for cancer patients. You may have 2 other caregiver/guests with you in the room. They have a shuttle van that takes you back and forth if you would like. My Dad and his girlfriend stayed at the lodge since the day of my surgery and used the shuttle van. It is like a home away from home. You have to clean up after yourself, cook for yourself (or eat out) there is free laundry, a fitness room and a library. The center can set it up for you.
  • Teel
    Teel Member Posts: 17
    edited December 2009

    Good morning my friends.  I just wanted to share that I am 9 days out from my Bilateral Mx and Stage 1 SGAP and sitting here in Starbucks enjoying a latte and catching up on email.  I had my husband back the car out of the drive so I wasn't twisting around looking to back out but other than that I'm on my own.  It feels great to be out.  I hope that anyone worrying about the downtime for stage 1 might find this encouraging.  There have been some rough spots but it's better each day. 

    PlainJane so sorry you're sick - did you pick up a virus?  Hope your on the mend.



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Jenn - so glad to hear you are feeling better!

    Wpld - good luck today!

    Spring - bye bye drain!!!

    Trisha - I just measured my bra size using your method---According to that measurment I should be a 32... F!!! That just cannot be right!!! LOL... Maybe I need to measure my ribcage differently, because right now I am wearing a 36 C and it fits perfectly (I think - it feels perfect). Maybe I need to try a 34 D instead???? Or I could just go to Nordstrom's and have someone else do this! I am positive I would never be able to close a 32 -  without cutting myself in half. Maybe I need to find a new tape measure, mine cannot be right... 

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    Nordy~there is a specialty shop in Portland you should go to.  My friend Carol, who had her PBM's with Dr. S last year, goes there and just raves.  I swear I am going to make a trip over there to go!!

    And the 36 C is probably about right.  She said for every inch you go up in circumfrence, you go down in cup size.  But she did say that the circumfrence part should be really tight!!! 

  • macksix6
    macksix6 Member Posts: 125
    edited December 2009

    Jennifer hope you are feeling better. Keep those fluids down.

    Yeh Spring gone with that drain!!!!

    Hey Sandy I guess I left the party too early. Thanks again for setting things up. We should try to do that on a regular basis, perhaps every 3 months or so for the women that are not able to get to the meetings.

    Teel you sound like you are doing really well. You are a great example for the stage 1 ladies.

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009

    Teel....THANK YOU!!!! That helped :)

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Sassie- So glad to hear you are doing well !! I just left you a PM.

    My hubby is healing much faster than expected. I am sore and tender still, but it has only been one week . I expect next week will be much better. My dog ears were "cut" off vs lipo, which makes for a bit of a longer recovery.

    I just want all the ladies to know you are always in my thoughts for a quick healing and excellent outcome..xox and for you poor girls with the Drains..PITA lol DITA etc...hang in there, girls! lol

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    I really think I just maybe overdid(YES ME!) on the pain meds and maybe took on an empty stomach....I did not miss one single dose so I hate to say it may have been partially self inflicted-(1-2 every 4-6 was 2 tabs every 4 hours for me) but had some sweats and chills in there too.  Today better, up and around, grocery store, not me driving but OMG so nice to look at something other than my bed!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    I was released from the hospital and now am back at the Lodge. Sassie came by this morning to visit with me! She is awesome. I stopped by Melanie's room again too and talked. They removed my drain by the breast and cut my wires to the Doppler. I still have the drain by the hip and the pain ball.  I am a little sore and tired, I hope to get better sleep tonight without being woken up every 4 hours!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    I was supposed to tell everyone here hello for Mel.  She said her husband  was monopolizing the comp.  She said ccbaby was simply beautiful!  Hope all are well there.  Jeanine called to check on me and said she and Dr D thought I was dehydrated that it happens very easily so keep up those fluids girls.  Thinking I may go to my sisters for holiday baking tomorrow.....eeks!  dangerous but anything to get outta the house and away from the mall.  My favorite are the decorated cut have not made those since grade school! And no way are they pillsbury.  Have a great wkend all!

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2009

    JJ (aka Plainjane),

     dont you DARE drink CDM if you are dehydrated, hope you feel better soon...Pedialyte frozen pops really help w/ dehydration as well as "SMARTWATER"( no sodium which can make you swell more.., no flavoring  I liked it much more than Gatorade).. CCbaby congrats for being on the "other side" of surgery and feeling SOOOO good! WPLD,hope all went well for you today.Warrior many prayers have been sent for both you andDH..hugs to all,


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009


     Jenn - After one of my mastectomies I took pain meds on an almost empty stomach - and I paid dearly! OMG, I thought the vomiting would never end. I literally could not move - so I truly believe this may have been your culprit! Also, I cannot believe your caretaker left and did not even check on you!!! Yes... a new person to clean your house may not be a bad idea!

    Well... I finished my Christmas tree skirt! I cannot believe it. I don't sew - in fact I don't think I have followed a pattern since Home-ec in high school. (Martha Stewart, I am not). Needless to say, I am pretty proud of myself and will post a pic when everyone is not sleeping and I can get to my camera!

    So glad to hear eveyone is doing well after their stage 1 and 2's this week and last! You go girls!!!

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited December 2009

    Oh, Trisha - thanks for the tip on the specialty store across the river. I know who Carol is!!! We have spoken on the phone. I need to call her as we were going to try to get together before my stage 1, but everything was crazy! I think I need to try again.