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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    To piggyback on Spring's post about plication... After my stage II, I had a bloat and fullness and firmness and wondered if plication might improve my issues. But my problems were not muscular sagginess, just post stage II stuff... But in stage IIb, it seems to have all resolved. I don't know exactly what Dr D did, but I feel great. I look even and am much less firm. I know lipo was involved, but he may have done other stuff. Perhaps I will ask him sometime. My operative report is too complicated. But the bottom line, plication is not the cure all for all issues. And for some, like Springtime, it was a negative experience.. but you do look great Spring.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Addidas1120 I'm hoping to be there around that time. I spoke with Liz today and she was saying the end of May for me. She is going to call me back tomorrow after talking with Dr. S and staff to see if they can get me in sooner. I am praying so. I have been waiting since Nov. of 2012. I was scheduled for Feb. 22nd and got a call that Dr. S. had to reschedule me because of a conference. Then I got back on schedule for March 1st. then got an infection.

    Cherrie...that's ok I wouldn't expect you to remember that:) I'm so glad your drain is out!! do sound so good! I'm sure you look wonderful !

    Hugs to all!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Betsy. But I think I would have looked good without it! Just a long and complicated and frustrating recovery period.  Talk about bloat. Plication will cause bloat not fix it, that's for sure. After 3+ years, it is much better. But I've known another woman from this thread who has had ongoing issues... 

    Russell, Gosh. That's a lot of rescheduling! I hope they can move it up. Just let me know when you get another date and I'll update your entry in the list above.

    Short list! Good luck "Running"!

    Mar 1 - RunningForSanity - Stage 2, NOLA

    Mar 5 - Mags20487 - Retry for leftie.  Gap to replace the failed diep on the left side. Dr. M., NOLA.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    I wish I had taken Miralax before surgery as I experienced major issues. I had been taking Colace after surgery. I will know better next time. I already put it on my calendar.

    I don't understand what plication is. My 2b is scar revision only. These arnt the same thing are they?

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2013

    There should be a short list somewhere of all "helpful" advice you ladies recommend.  I keep taking notes but then keep losing the notes... lol.  Miralax/Colace... paper tape... scar creams... Merena gear... etc...

    I'm also interested about the gal who said she was having milk coming through nipples after PBM.  That to me is shocking as I expected all milk ducts would be removed for sure.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2013

    Oh and I got a call from Katie yesterday... Apprently, I'll be in NOLA during Jazz Fest.... which is all fine and dandy except EVERYTHING is three times as expensive.  My flight was outrageous.  She was able to find a spot ahead of surgery at the Monteleone?... and then Homewood Suites had the last bit of availability after the surgery... but the rates are kind of high and no other rooms are available, I guess.

    This is turning out to be way more expensive than I hoped. Frown

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    I also need advise on scar treatment. I heard Kelacote and some kind of tape? I should of taken notes, but before surgery I seem to focus on just getting through that. Dr. Massey said not to put anything on abdominal scar as this is being revised.

    Good job on taking notes motherandchild5.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2013

    Cherrie, plication is where the abdominal muscle is folded and stitched together. Pregency is one way the abdominal muscles can (not always) get stretched to a point where plication is the only way to create a flatter stomach. Scar revision is what it is. I keep researching plication and there are a lot of pros and cons. Dr. M told me months ago she would do it if needed. I have a girlfriend with a very strong core, she works hard on it, but will never have a flat stomach without plication after having 3 big babies.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    It was never mentioned to me. I don't think I will need it. I wouldn't want that type of recovery again. 😳

    Motherland child5-don't rule out Hope Lodge. It is quite nice. I was surprised. The downsides were location (rent a car) and no food in the rooms at all. You would need to go down to the kitchen. People went down in robes. I went there before surgery and rented a nice condo afterwards, but looking back the Hope Lodge would have worked just fine after surgery.

    Enterprise car rental is close and will even come pick you up and at the end take you back.

  • Lulu2012
    Lulu2012 Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2013

    Hello Cherrie,

    Regarding scar treatment I believe you must wait before everything has healed before you can apply anything but once you are given the greenlight (which for most women is at around the 4 weeks mark from surgery) then there are a number of options available to you.

    As the products work differently on women, you might want to ask Dr Massey's office what her preference is.  There are various options including 3M brown tape which I never used as it wasn't suggested nor given to me (but some women on the blog have apparently made use of it), to Kelo-cote gel which needs to be applied as a thin layer and if you put too much use a low setting hairdryer to dry up the excess, to silicone sheets which lightly adhere to your skin and keep the moisture in so that the skin can heal faster.

    You are right about scar treatment not needed when the scars are going to be revised but be sure you ask them which portion of the scar will be revised. I say that as I was told the same on a very general level but when they revised my scars they decided at Stage 2 they wouldn't revise all, just some and just a portion of a longer scar so I felt I had lost a good window of opportunity where I could have started applying the scar product earlier on me and gotten better results.

    Hope this helps you but if you want to chat more feel free to PM me.

    All the best,


  • Lulu2012
    Lulu2012 Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2013


    I am sorry to hear of the high rates for your trip...but it's all for a good cause: YOU.

    You are worth it!!!

    I know this probably only helps a little but I am sure down the road when it's all done you will be so happy with the results that you will forget about the high rates.

    I too had to book twice at expensive high season rates and ended up staying at the Monteleone and was so happy in the end. Very nice, clean, and quite rooms, great customer service, there is a Wallgreens pharmacy just outside the hotel, and you have great restaurants dotted all around the hotel.

    I trust you will be in good hands dear.

    All the best,


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited March 2013

    I stayed at Hope Lodge when I went and we rented a car.  So it gave us the freedom to go where we wanted/when we wanted.  We rented the car from an enterprise that was not at the airport and really made things great. 

  • addidas1120
    addidas1120 Member Posts: 6
    edited March 2013

    Russel1.  I too have been waiting since Nov.  A lot of back and forth about numbers with insurance, yay :)  I think jazz fest is right around then so prices may be a bit higher (just an fyi).  Le t me know when you have an exact date.   The waiting is no fun but u ll be more prepared right!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Addidas...yes I could leave tomorrow! lol I have been gathering and preparing and cleaning and organizing...blah blah blah...and the house never stays clean and organized with 3 kids, 4 dogs, and 1 husband:) lol!!!!! I am a clean person but the organization could be better. This has made me clean out pantry and drawers because my Mom and Mother-in-law are staying here when my hubby and I go. I don't want them telling me about how cluttered the drawers are!!! Heehe When you have many drawers, closets, you will fill them up!!!

    I was told yesterday that it may be the end of May.....NOT!!! Liz is supposed to call me back to today. She was going to speak with Dr. S and staff to see if they can squeeze me somewhere. I'm praying they do!!! I think that's way too long to wait!!! ugh!!!!!

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited March 2013

    Thanks Cherrie...

    Hope Lodge is a no go since I guess I'm a BRCA1/Prophylactic.

    Lulu... such kind words.  Thank you. I know it is worth it in the end.

    I have a question and I hope this isn't inappropriate.... Has anyone ever tried "altering" their financial arrangement with NOLA after they got info from their insurance company that the surgery was covered more significantly than previously thought???

    This is just a "what-if" senario. I had to figure out a financial arrangement in order to book a surgery. My financial arrangement was based on not knowing what my insurance would cover... which I thought was a little strange but I guess is normal. If I find my insurance company cover things fully it seems there maybe be room for negotiation on the agreement..... Although, its probably something I won't know until AFTER the surgery, I'm guessing.  Just wondering if anyone has encountered this.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    motherandchild...Same thing with me. I was told my insurance was only covering 50% and when the Fairway hospital called me they informed me my insurance was paying 70% after my intial deductible. You should know all this info before surgery. I am going to follow up on this as well.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Thinking of you Runningforsanity!!!! Hugs!!!

  • heavenschild
    heavenschild Member Posts: 42
    edited March 2013

    Just curious, what do they do plication for? They are talking about lifting my breasts in Stage 2. Also, I was wondering what keeps the new graft in place? Do they stitch it to your chest wall? All the things I never thought about before...

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Wow ... lots of questions.

    Plication... I asked Dr D is I needed that, and the answer was no... so it is not something everyone gets or needs.

    Scar treatment... I have used the 3M tape and kelo-cote and will also be getting the Mepiform (Jeanine is mailing it to me)... I think I did use it after stage I even though I was getting revised... And I used after stage II even though we knew I'd probably have a IIb.

    Insurance negotiating... I think if the rules change, then so do the bottom line. So if they pay more then you need to re-negotiate.

    Jazz Fest... Jazz Fest is at City Park, not in the Quarter, so it shouldn't be as bad as Mardi Gras for example... I do know airfare is higher though. See if you can move your date to just after Jazz Fest, like the Monday after flying in, so you are flying in as a large mass of people want to leave. That way they are anxious to fill the plane. Flying in Sunday May 5 may work too...

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2013

    Russell - I think some of the timing challenge has to do with Fairway.  Dr. Massey scheduled my surgery in January for November (yes, I waited 10 months) and that was the earliest date available through the hospital.  If I remember, Cherrie had a delay from late summer until November.  Part of the rescheduling challenge was Fairway, but after some fancy footwork they were able to work her in on a Monday.  I think most of the Fairway surgeries happen on Fridays.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2013

    Mother - can you fly out of BWI?  Southwest is pretty reasonable from there and they do offer the ability to change flights with no change fee.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    Mother... USAirways is only $264 round trip nonstop flying in Sunday and out Wednesday. Also, I have a friend in NOLA and can see if she has any suggestions (or friends close to the Center) who would rent to you. Let me know if you want me to ask.

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited March 2013

    I did not take Miralax before surgery, but I took the Colace twice daily three days before surgery. It worked well for me.  I had Miralax on hand in case I needed it and never did this time.  I had horrible issues getting things moving again the previous two surgeries and had not taken anything prior.

    It is really nice to see so many flap reconstruction posts on the top page of the picture forum.  We are out numbered considerably by the implant reconstruction ladies. It is great to see so many share and get our chosen method out there for women still pondering which way to go. It is also beneficial to those who have procedures coming up to get an idea what to expect.

    Safe travels Mags. I imagine you might be heading out Sunday. I am really sending positive energy and prayers all turns out perfect for you this time.

    Cherrie - did you get your marena? Did it fit?

  • netty46
    netty46 Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2013

    I never had a MX I had a lumpectomy. I responded to this before but seems my response disappeared.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    Marty j she did mention that coordinating at Fairway was part of the problem. I have called Liz 2 times today and she hasn't returned my calls or email as of yet. I hate to keep bugging but I want on the schedule .

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited March 2013

    Yes, my Marena fits. I bought 2 at 20% off. It is harder to get on and off, but it is comfy to not have the thigh compression. My Dom was comfortable but it went from knees to breast. I wanted a change.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited March 2013

    So Marcy.... was it Wey or nay??

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited March 2013

    One week post op and feeling so much better!! My swelling has gone down considerably, and my misery went with it. In hindsight, getting on a plane 12 hours after a blood transfusion was not my smartest move. After three nights in the hospital, I was just ready to get home.

    I was able to remove 3 drains, and hopefully one more tomorrow. I have to keep one of them because the color is still very dark. This is the one that was putting out 100 cc's every two hours Saturday, so I don't want to mess with that one. It's volume is way down, but Jeanine thinks we should leave it alone because of the color.

    I would like to order the Merenas, but I'm worried about the sizing right now. I think I need to wait for some of this swelling to go down more. On Tuesday my waist was 8 inches more than last week!!! I had myself a nice little pity party over that one. All this freaking pain and aggravation to be bigger?!? Patience is not my strongest virtue.

    My breasts look completely different than stage 1. It is absolutely amazing!!! My stage 1 breast were really big, but not crazily so. I have broad shoulders, and am a size 14ish...not petite by anyone's standards, so the large breasts at least looked balanced on me. Now when I cup them in my hands they literally feel about a third of their previous size. BUT, that third is all front and center rather than out wide, and looks so much better! I thought they looked pretty darn good before, but now i am really impressed. I took the nipple guards off for the first time, and they really look good, too. A little too big, but I know that won't last.

    Russell, I hope you get scheduled soon- I know how frustrating it is to deal with the delays!

    Mags, you are certainly in my thoughts for the coming week!! Keep the faith!

  • willy5js5
    willy5js5 Member Posts: 122
    edited March 2013

    Nice to hear an update Dianne! Waiting for swelling to subside is a good plan before ordering the marena. Nice the drains are out too. Maybe the last one will be gone soon too.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited March 2013

    DianneNC sounds like you are doing much bettter. So good to hear that you are even happier with the breasts.

    I just got email from Liz and she is trying for April 12th at Southern Surgical Hospital. That sounds great to me. Has anyone gone there? It's also a private hospital and has the same ratings as Fairway. That date is before the Jazz festival too so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. She said she had to check on my insurance. I checked to see if that hospital was in my coverage, and it looks like it is to me...but I will be patient until Monday and see what they say.

    Audrella...Has your swelling gone down more?