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NOLA in September?



  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    Betsy...sleep well and I hope tomorrow finds you feeling not forget yogurt and a probiotic with all those abs!

    Spoke with doc tonight....pain may be a sensory issue. Would have let me pull the drain if it had been under 50 today and blast it --it was 55. Says next Sunday it comez outno matter what...cheers me just knowing there is an end in sight

    To all my friends here...thank you for making the last few months more bearable


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    So it is debatable as to why I have cellulitis. One doctor thinks its due to my January surgery and another does not. It could just be coincidence that the rash is all around my hip scars. .. Lower back/upper buttock I even have a spot on my abdomen. Had lots of antibiotics, rash seems the same.

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2013

    Praying for you Betsy. Hope this morning is better for you.

    My local doc is also a family friend. We saw him last night and I had him look at my sentinel node biopsy incisions. My left one still really hurts and has developed a "cording" of some sort which restricts my arm movement. Looks like I'll be having an ultrasound today to rule out blood clots. That would be bad since my NOLA stage 1/BMX is in 9 days. This stuff is never simple!

    Does everyone do the pre-op chest X-ray, EKG, etc... ahead of time or should I just schedule to do it the day before surgery in NOLA? I'm not sure that's even an option.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013 must do those tests ahead of time at home.  Docs need to look at the results before you arrive.  A cardiologist must read the stress echo and that one took a few days to get up to Dr M for me. 

    Betsy...give it time for the rash to subside.  First the abs stop the progress so it will not spread any further and then it will start to recede.  One infection I had took 3 weeks for the redness to dissipate.  At least by then it was no longer painful.  Hang in there you will be better before you know it.


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    Betsy - so sorry about the cellulitis. I know that it can take several days to clear.

    Klanders - do the pre-op testing now. That way, if a problem comes up, you won't have already traveled. You will have lots of other stuff to do the day before. Since you are so close to your date, involve NOLA in any decisions on the cording.

    I am doing better today. I was able to get out of bed without help. One of the ab drains is leaking around the tube, but also putting out sufficiently. I am pretty sure the breast drains will be out this week.

    Cherrie, a plication is done to pull the abdominal muscles back into place, tightening them. I had a bulge over the center of the ab incision which could be easily seen in clothes.

    Today will be shower day and a little walk down the street.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Thanks ladies for your well wishes and input... My doctor came in this morning and his opinion is that this is not directly due to the surgery, but he feels it is indirectly related. He said he has never seen cellulitis on the back before and believes that due to the surgery and scar tissue, lymphatic flow was obstructed, thus causing the cellulitis. Of course this isn't great news as my scar tissue isn't going to go away.. For anyone who has has cellulitis, did it recur?

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Maggie and Marty! I hope today is a good day for you both! I just called my local doc and he's getting everything going for me on the testing. Thanks for your help. I'm excited and nervous for next week! Looking forward to getting the cancer out - not looking forward to the pain or any complications that might arise. The unknown is a little scary.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited April 2013


    Definitely have pre-op tests done before you go. Some patients had them there and refused surgery when abnormal findings and sent home to see doctors and then get clearance to get rescheduled. No fun and more travel $$$ ...

    Regarding your axillary cording issue, I have a very rare severe case that has been refractory to over $50,000 in PT-CLT therapy.

    Most patients that get it will either resolve on own with post-mastectomy exercise instruction from breast surgeon, or going to a fully certified PT-CLT lymphedema training for maybe a dozen sessions. Unfortunately, I have a rare, possibly permanent issue with this. My current surgeon will be the second surgeon to try to correct this. Zero surgical literature and studies on this. I will PM you link to Step Up Speak Out website which has good explanation about this.

    Most doctors are not familiar with cording and do not bother to tell you that it is a risk from lymph node dissection. It can happen from just a sentinal node dissection or having 19 removed as in my case. Most doctors will warn you of the lymphedema risk but not the cording.

    I am an anomoly with my extreme case. However, I would suggest getting a local PT-CLT lined up ASAP to take a look at it.

    I pray, pray, pray that you have a simple case that resolves. My cording has been a nightmare to deal with along with BC diagnosis and LE and failed implants It has been very painful along with limiting ROM in my arm.

    It would have been nice if my original breast surgeon had told me about the risk as I was confused on what was wrong, my local rad onc during 1st consult was clueless, med onc's eyes glazed over, and it was the PT-CLT I went to who told me what it was!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Betsy..have they said when you can go home?

    My skin doesn't like the elastic in the bra and is itchy. Same with the girdle. It is itching me on the sides and at the opening by my bottom:(

    Dr. Sullivan told me I could get spanxs shorts just as long as hip sutures were compressed. Any suggestions where I can get these? I wasn't on top of meds last night and woke up in pain! Won't let that happen again! Still can't believe I have boobies:) hugs to all of you!!!!

    Klanders.. I had 19 nodes removed and had weird cording issues. I stretched my arm daily and put it over my head while resting. It took about 1 year and 3 months to feel somewhat normal. It is still numb on the backside. I found lifting light weights helps and staying active. I feel your pain!!!!

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited April 2013

    I wish I could hug each of you! Thanks for your help. I just found out that Dr Stolier won't be available for my BMX and they've scheduled me with a Dr Gray so now I'm really nervous again. Dr Stolier comes with a US News in the top 1% ranking. I can't find anything on Dr Gray. Anyone have him for their BMX?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Klanders... Trust that dr gray is excellent. These doctors cut no corners.

    Melanie... I am here til tomorrow.. I think I am doing too much google searching on cellulitis.. My researching tells me that cellulitis can cause or worsen lymphadema and I never suffered from LE, so does that mean I now will? I think when I am better I may investigate lymphatic massage.. Looking to talk with Jeanine today... Perhaps they can shed some light on my specific issues... But if anyone has had cellulitis, please chime in..

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited April 2013


    Very sorry to hear about getting cellulitis!  Mags unfortunately has dealt with it and can fill you in. 

    It makes me nervous even typing the word cellulitus -- afraid I might end up with that on top of axillary cording, LE, rads damage, hematomas, etc.  All part of complications from surgeries we need to be cancer-free and then to be whole again . . .

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited April 2013

    Betsy, have you seen the PT there?  She knows a lot about LE and massage.  

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Betsy.. No borrowing trouble! Stay off the Internet and try to get your mind off of it. I am the same way and my ps in ca. Yells at me for it:/

    We are on our way to Homewwod suites and the breast drains are gone! Yay! Dr. Sullivan and my hubby almost worked out together yesterday but dr had to help his daughter with a school project. He asked my hubby to go today but my hubby didn't want to inconvience him with the driving:/ We found out we have the same favorite restaurant . Nobu in Las Vegas and in California. Can't say enough about the great care we got. I am so happy to have stage 1 done:)

  • New-girl
    New-girl Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2013

    Besty- I had a bad bout of celluitis last July that lasted off and on until October.  Because I had so many lymph nodes removed, I was convinced it was caused by lymphadema.  Dr. Trahan looked at me in November and thought it was being caused by scar tissue from my DIEP stage 2 I had in July, not at NOLA.  It only happened in my breasts. It would begin as a small red spot or area on one of my breasts usually the left one. Then they would turn bright red and the pain was awful.  For not having much sensation, I wanted to rip them off to get relief.  Once I had my Stage 2b in December, I have not had one ounce of trouble.  I am hoping for you this is unrelated to your surgery and you can recover quickly.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Thanks ladies.... From what I understand massage while having an infection is a no no. It would just encourage the infection to spread. Jeanine will be talking with dr dellacroce tomorrow and get back to me with his thoughts.. After I am better perhaps I will see a LE PT for massage... This has caused a two day hospital stay, so not a small insignificant event..

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited April 2013

    sorry to hear that! What a roller coaster.  I hope you feel better soon!Frown

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited April 2013

    So sorry Betsy!!!! I don't have any words of wisdom, but you are in my thoughts and prayers and I hope you feel better soon!!!

    Hope all the ladies recovering are healing and doing well :-)

    Sending gentle to hugs to all you amazing ladies!!!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    I am sorry Besty...LE sux and so does cellulitis.  I have had it twice in the same arm...right around the same spot.  Be sure to keep you skin meticuliously clean and do not stop the AB's once the redness is gone.  It takes a long time to make it go away.  No heat...and they tell you no hot tubs ever again ( I have decided to take my risk as this is one of my favorite things in the world)  Careful of any type of injury to the limb/area as this could increase the risk of swelling which in turn causes the cellulitis.  If you PT make sure they are NLN certified.  They also should teach you how to do MLD yourself so if any swelling happens you can take care of it quickly.  I am sorry you are suffering..I hope it's not too painful for you.


  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    Oh and I forgot to say...both my bouts were from mosquito bite.  so watch out for those bugs!


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited April 2013

    Betsy, I've heard of women who have lots of lymph nodes removed getting cellulitus on thier arm. I don't know why you would get it in other area where you had not lyph nodes removed? Or maybe, it has nothing to do with lymph nodes in this case? What did you find out so far?

    Nordy (Sheri) on FB has had cellulitus in an arm, she knows a lot about. So, you were hospitalized for it?

    KLanders, I added your Stage 1 surgery date. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Spring... Yes. I came to the ER on Sunday, was admitted and will be discharged today... My primary feels that since the inflammation/redness is right over my scar on the lower back that it is somehow related.... Thinks perhaps the scar tissue has obstructed lymphatic flow, causing a pooling of fluid that stagnated and grew bacteria. Just one thought.... They really don't know. It's also possible my scar had a minute opening.

    Maggie... I am sorry you have had it twice.... That really is not fun. I will say the IV antibiotics are amazing. The pain is gone as of today and the redness has improved tremendously... I will be released today with oral antibiotics, and I am a good patient, and will take them all.... I will follow up with my primary who came to see me yesterday... Jeanine from the Center said she has never had a patient getting cellulitis this far out from surgery, and it seems there is no way this is directly related to the surgery, especially with the quick onset.... I am hoping this was a fluke. And if it's indirectly related to the surgery, that the scar tissue interfered with lymphatic flw, I will address that with PT and also talk with the doc about his tactics of reducing scar tissue.... Dr Dellacroce has injected something into my scars in the past that has made them reduce.... He did this to my port scar, and oh boy it worked.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited April 2013

    Betsy...I am glad you are on the road to recovery.  Heal well! We NOLA girls keep our docs on their toes with all the new challenges we present to them  Foot in Mouth


  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited April 2013

    Melanie, you sound great!

    Glad you are feeling better Betsy!

  • lindylek
    lindylek Member Posts: 2
    edited April 2013

    oh how i wish i had found this site before my surgeries!  i had the stacked diep on 2/1/13. Dr S had to use skin from my stomach because the implant that he replaced was smaller than the other side.  That night dr t came in & said there was blistering. I stayed at fairway for 4 days. my post-op was on thursday 2/7 but they called me in on the 6th cause of the problem. what problem? seems blistering is a big problem. so,planes changed (expensive- didnt know about southwest) & 2nd surgery on 2/8. got to go home on the 9th. I am healing fine, still cant wear button pants... when?? Having issues with the financial parts. Wish they would have just been open so I can be prepared to pay on bills for the next 10yrs

    So now I'm in the processes to schedule stage 2, but I guess they are full till july :(   I have learned so much from all of you. Thank you.  Now I know what to expect from stage 2  


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Lindy... not sure what financial problems you are having, but they have always been up front with me (at least to this point)

    About blistering... I had blisters, went home and my incision opened, lost the flap and had to have it re-done. So be very happy they kept you and did whatever they needed to do to prevent loss. Perhaps I am the reason you stayed and had a fix to your problem. You never know. Apparently blisters happen when the skin is too thin. Not sure how that happened with you based on your description, but maybe blisters can happen for other reasons as well.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited April 2013

    I am moving much more slowly through this recovery than expected.  When I did Stage 1, I was in hosp for 4 nights then discharged to hotel for 4 more.  By the time I arrived home, I was much further along.   For Stage 2, I was in for 1 night and discharged directly home.  Somehow my brain hasn't put together the differences yet and I am expecting way too much from myself (classic type A).  And I keep forgetting that the surgery lasted 6 hours.  I did get out for a walk - maybe a 1/2 mile.  Goal for tomorrow 2 walks.

    Dr. M has been using a new wound covering here in Charleston.  First she uses a glue/tape closure and then places a wide honeycomb covering.  The honeycomb gives protection, allows air to pass through and cushions the incisions.  It can be worn during a shower, but it is only used for 3 - 4 days then you remove it.  This is something that is being used in heart surgery here.  I think that it can tend to support the incision to allow for a better seam and ultimate result.

    Not really interested in food much.  Ginger chews are helpful.  Making sure I am getting protein through Muscle Milk.  Still taking miralax every day (started a week before sx) and colace and pro-biotics.  Hoping something will kick in soon.  At least I am well hydrated getting about 48 oz water a day.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Marty... I can't believe you were plicated... You are going to be one hot mama... But you will have a long recovery. So be gentle to yourself and so stress on the abs for a long long time.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited April 2013

    Betsy I'm glad you are going home and its looking better. I am so sore and feel swollen. Had a rough night trying to sleep and woke up weak and nauseated so hydrated and ate snack before getting out of bed. Took a shower and got all the to dos done!! Takes a long time. I need to get up and walk so I can have a bowel movement . Nothing since Thursday . I took Miralax today.. The pain meds make me so weak but I know I need them to heal. I have a water blister on my upper chest from Doppler wire rubbing my skin. I've been putting neosporin on it.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited April 2013

    Melanie... I remember being very weak and winded. And yes, getting up, showering, dressing is totally exhausting... It does improve and you will be normal again. Sometimes when you are going through it, you do begin to wonder. I found that the meds made me nauseous and at the one week mark, I went cold turkey and stopped. I was happy with this decision, but I have a high tolerance for pain. I was in a bad cycle, I felt nauseous and took drugs to make me feel better, which it did until I felt nauseous again... But when I finally stopped the drugs, I felt better, and took 800mg of IBprofen.