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NOLA in September?



  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Teel--- Another HER2 Sister here, too!! I had TCH like ccbaby. It is doable. Ginnie is also a Her2 sister and going thru it right now so I hope you two can hold each others hands, as for the rest of us, we DO have  your backs!! This IS the place to share, vent, laugh, cry or just plain old chat!! Anything you feel, we probably have felt.

    CCbaby..glad you sound like you are doing well!! Herceptin was easy and glad you have no side effects. I did used to have body aches that were transient. The drug is a MIRACLE drug!! Did all my Her2 girls see the movie..In Living Proof?? Its about the dr who invented Herceptin...

    Thanks Mel,Teel and all of you for the kind words. Still a bit bed ridden since I am bleeding heavily from the burst cyst. I think tomorrow I will attempt Spanx....

  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009



  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited December 2009

    Teel, having to do chemo sucks, but at least you know. Being in that gray area was as difficult for me as anything.

    Melanie, it was about 3 weeks before my weight changed after Stage 2. I'm about 10 pounds lighter now, but some of that is due to diet changes.

    I see Stage 2 as a real gift, that I need to honor in a big way. I had tons of lipo done, and three years from now I do NOT want to be looking at rolls of fat again, saying, "Gee, I shoulda kept that stuff off while I had the chance." Cuz I'll never do major lipo again...

    Sassie, make sure you get xrays to document your injury. Whiplash is horrid and can develop into chronic pain. You need to get appropriate PT and/or chiropractic to mobilize the soft tissue. Keep the receipts, so you may not have to pay for them. Do not let this pain go on "in hopes" that it will get better. Document it all. The airline is liable, I think. You probably don't want the hassle while you're not feeling so good, but at a minimum, get some therapy for the injury.


  • melaniew1
    melaniew1 Member Posts: 209
    edited December 2009

    AnneW - thanks for the input.  I understand about not wanting it to come back.  Good luck to you on that,its a battle to keep the pounds from creeping up on you.  So subtle isn't it?

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited December 2009

    I wish I had some great words of wisdom for you ladies undergoing chemo, but I don't.  I know that when my son was doing chemo treatment that peppermint candies helped calm his tummy and that he could only have lactose free dairy the week immediately after treatment.  I know you are all strong and determined women and will kick some more cancer booty for sure.

    Anne~that is exactly how I view stage 2.  Dr. S created that rockin''s been my job to sculpt it, and make my legs and arms match...LOL!  That's where the other 20 lbs are coming from.  I keep saying there's nothing like some lipo to make a chubby girl motivated!  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Geez, so much sad news on the thread since the last time I checked.

    Teel - I'm so, so sorry you're facing chemo now.

    Sassie - What horrible news about that attack on you.

    Warrior and some of you others - I also dealt with depression big time post phase 2. It was a dark dark time - and especially so in contrast with my high, post phase 1. It was all I could do to go out and get the mail and take the dog for a walk. I aimed to accomplish three things each day - and that was tough. Don't let it go on too long without getting some help. There's no need to suffer needlessly, tho I'm fairly certain all of you smart ladies already know that.

    Trish - OMG! What can I say? Really gorgeous! I am seriously, seriously jealous!

    Sorry for the gals I missed. This is very challenging - I would need to take notes on everyone, and then I'd never get around to posting. As it is, I risked going back a page to review and lost my previous post... You women are all so amazing to me!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    Melanie...I will send you a PM

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited December 2009

    Teel~ I am another TCH'er.  That is how I meet CCbaby :) 

    After sending your financial aid information how long did it take for Lanita to get back to you ??  I sent it away last week and with the holidays I sure do not want to be a pita.   

  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited December 2009

    Teel,  I have my second chemo on New Years eve.  1st one kicked my butt a bit with my blood counts really tanking at one week, but a couple of days of going in for IV fluids, shots, etc. and doing much better....just in time to start all over! lol.  Girls are right, lots of good info and support on chemo threads.  Main thing was - I was worried about constipation, and had the opposite problem, so be prepared for either.  Buzzed my hair this weekend, and started wearing wig today at work.  You can get a free one at the American Cancer Society.  I laughed myself silly looking at myself in the mirror using a sticky lint roller to remove most of the stubble left after I had it shaved.(Got that trick from the chemo threads).  Anyway, it is what you make of it...  It sucks, but again - the alternative is LOTS worse.  And, hair grows back.  So, pick your battles, hang in there, you are in the BEST of company here.  Keep us up todate on how it is going!

  • laughlines
    laughlines Member Posts: 115
    edited December 2009

    Hi ladies,

    Teel - I'm sorry to hear you have to go through chemo. The only piece of unsolicited advice I'll give is the one that helped me the most: drink tons of fluids (even though you don't feel like it) in the days after treatment.

    Everyone - have any of you NOLA girls gone through the recon recovery with young kids at home? My daughter will be 2 1/2 when I do stage 1 in June and I'm just agonzing over being away from her and being laid up afterwards. I keep thinking - "I'm sacrificing precious months of my daughter's childhood to get new boobs?!?"

    Trishia - thanks for the photo of your beautiful breasts. They made me think - "Yes, I'm sacrificing precious months of my daughter's childhood to get new boobs!"

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited December 2009

    Laughlines, NORDY lives up your way has two little ones and had stage 1 in Aug/Sept? She will be online soon & I am sure and will chime in...


     I am Her2+ also and did dose dense AC/T & 1 year Herceptin.Vitamin H is a breeze compared to the others...just keep your "eyes on the prize" and before you know it it will all be over!

    Sassie and Warrior be gentle with yourselves~

    Gentle hugs and a Very Healthy & Happy New Year to my NOLA sisters!


  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009


    You just earned that tag with your post! LOL!

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited December 2009

    The thought crossed my mind that Sassie interrupted another Nigerian plotting to blow up a plane when she flagged down the flight attendant to go speak to that guy.  He was so angry that his plot was foiled that he hit her on the way off the plane...and Sassie saved our country from another attack.....

    Sassie, I would press charges.  I was once intentionally slammed in the back by someone in a large office supply store.  The management detained the person while taking my report but did not call police, and then let him go without so much as getting his name.  I ended up in physical therapy for a few months, and never pursued being compensated by the store's insurance company, although they had initially contacted me. 

    I also got a pink Snuggie for Christmas, from my assistant!  Included in the box was a reading light, which is perfect because I prefer to read and my DH prefers television.  If I sit next to him and turn up the lighting, he doesn't like it much.  Now I get cozy and turn on my little light and can actually be near DH and still do my own thing. 

    Trishia, I'm jealous too.  I lost about 20 pounds after my DIEP, and then had a hysterectomy and started gaining part of it back.  I cannot seem to lose a single pound and am very frustrated.  I saw a nutritionist last week and she wants me to eat more often and mix carbs with protein at each meal.  I need to drink far more water than I'm used to, and probably will have to exercise at night along with our walking 2-3 miles every morning.   I'm going to have my metabolism tested next week to see if it's low, but it's really depressing because before the hyst. I was doing so well losing weight, with the big head start the lipo gave me.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Good Morning!

    Melanie: You sound like you're on SPEED!  LOL!  I need to go get some cabbage and black eyed peas too.  Yes, on the fluid pockets???????....Hmm more like swelling and as the swelling goes down you may be able to palpate scar tissue.  Learned this yesterday from my Physical therapist/LE therapist.  The area I've been most aware of is sacrally.....and there is  just a small area probably where the lipo cannula went that has sutures and steri strip over.  My PT/LE is going to mobilize these more as time goes on but my back was also where there was the most lymphatic congestion/tightness....But Dr. D flat out told me " I worked you over pretty good back there"  To which I responded...."Thank You!"  Abd still tight BUT I had the revision and closure of DIEP harvest wound, still have one drain AND I got the bonus plication........I'm a week ahead of you but just had more done SOooo I have expected it will just take longer for me BUT yes there is improvement and I'm still not 3 weeks so I need to cool my jets......Still!  NO REGRETS!

    Doing better all the way around -have to keep telling myself it is OK to slow down, take naps and rest........just NOT my nature but needs to be for a while.  Outta the house if only once/day makes things Sooooo much better!  Still have yet to weigh myself- tho I do view all this as total gift and yeah great motivation......I have to hold up my end nutritionally AND work out to maintain the improvement. SO Looking forward to sweating again.

    TEEL......I came here to read after I answered your pm.......I hope you still want to go to lunch this week.....  I feel like a total moron and would not be at all offended if you and everyone else agreed!..... I TOTALLY stuck my foot in my mouth after I read your news.......Please forgive me for  inviting you to come along to a hair appt!  Ugg! .....and forgive me if this is too much right now.....just file it away....I do know of that guy who is in Seattle who makes the wigs from your own hair right before you begin chemo.....When diagnosed and before I knew what I was dealing w/ I was SOoooo going to go make my hair perfect and then fly up there and go do it.  I'd happily help you w/ that or ANYTHING else and will ALSO watch the thing most open by mistake..............MY MOUTH!....

    Sandy, my snuggie friend!  I got the bonus light to leave it where you have it as it likes to pop on easily....had it in my purse-mistake.  Got a PM from Alaina- she sounds mostly good but still sort of in shock?  As I think any of us who turn up w/ this almost phantom stuff might be...Sooo hard to believe when you feel fine, look fine than have to trust and put your faith in these same people who've been the bearers of BAD news.  Quite the head game.

    Ok, lastly.............The Saints football game.....................OMG....painful to watch the end Sunday....guess it all depends on what happens w/ the other teams next week?

    Continued happy holidays to all!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009

    Teel - so sorry you have to go the chemo route but you are right in being grateful you did not have to agonize over the decision yourself.. I did.. I was in the gray area and it was torture making that decision.. but I did four rounds of TC... and feeling pretty good these days... I could not have done it without my January '09 chemo group on this site... join a group that is starting when you are starting.. it's can compare notes and together you will get through it as a group... my piece of advice.. keep a log on every round, describing how you feel each day after treatment.. and I rated the day (1 being the worst, 10 being great)... then you can see on paper that on day 6 after treament for example.. you start feeling better each day.  It's helpful to compare rounds and see what you wrote... and know that it does get better.... does that make sense? 

    Anybody who will chime in:  After my Stage 1, my sister and her husband will be coming to NOLA to take care of me for 5 days..... I booked the Homewood Suites 2 bedroom but even at the center's rate.. it's $229/night.  Does anyone have any other suggestions that would be cheaper for us... we either need a 2 bedroom suite.. or 2 adjoining you think I could get 2 adjoining rooms for cheaper than $229 total?  Or am I crazy and $229 is a good rate for us (I need space as my brother in law is coming with my sister).  I am staying at the Hope Lodge beforehand.. but wanted something nice and close to stuff after....  if anyone has any suggestions... I would appreciate it.. feel free to PM me....

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Jamieh.....almost forgot........I too filled out the financial means form for Lanita.....Seems like she never really got back to me.....BUT I contacted her and spoke w/ her in person when I went for consult.....Here is my impression......They want YOU to come up w/ what you can realistically be responsible for....So I met w/ her back in August when I went for consult between appts w/ Dr. D and Dr. LaGarde.  After I KNEW I wanted my PBM, immediate recon done THERE.  We went in a room, sat down, and I had been crunching numbers so that I wouldn't kill myself financially and just said "Here's what I'd like to do"....Pay X amt as downpayment pre surg then pay you x amt every 2 weeks coordinated w/ my payperiods until it's paid off.  And she said:  "OK!"  and that was that.  You do need to remember there will be anesthesia bills and ? pathology bills too if your having mastectomy......Feel free to pm me and I'll expand.....Just know they WILL work w/ you and have been more than reasonable.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    LaughLines, you are important too... She can climb up on the sofa next to you for a snuggle! 

    Kath, CRIPES!!! I am so sorry. You sound like big ouchie!!! :(  I have ditched the compression garments. It's nearly a month. Skin still very tight and sore (but remember, I like redid friggin stage 1 in terms of incisions!)

    I am on facebook too. If anybody wants me and doesn't have my real specs, pls PM me! FB rules! :) There are a large group of us there too...


  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited December 2009

    I am scheduled for NOLA Feb. 25. My best friend(since we were 10 years old) is coming with me and we are staying at Homewood suites. I mention that because I'm thinking Holtbolt might be happy there due to the free meals they serve. At least you don't have to worry about getting food while you are there. I know there will be days I don't think we'll feel like going out, and so I won't worry about my friend eating.

    Also wanted to mention I too filled out the financial papers for Lanita. I am on the line for $24,000. and they are asking that I fulfill the 15K out of pocket that my ins. requires. Not sure how much more I'll have to pay. I'm the bread winner and ins. carrier for my family so It's up to me to pay it if I have to. I agree, it'l be worth it. I figure so many women my age (at least here in the O.C) are paying upwards of 5ok for face lifts, so i'm right along side them with this!

    I'm hoping to meet lilmissmuffit when I'm in NOLA, and any others that are there too. Love the support you all give. Some of you may remember me, I'm the one that the O.C. PS called a "coke can" and told me to lose weight before I could even think about reconstruction....jerk! I would love to go in to his office and FLASH him after Dr.D is finished working on me!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009


    Are you Stage 1? And do you know what procedure you are having? I will add you to the list above, but can update your specs if you let me know.


  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited December 2009

    I am having a bilateral free flap. I haven't heard back from them so I don't know which procedure they will use. I think the GAP that uses the upper butt area. I also know I have plenty of "flesh" on my inner thihgs, another doner site should they chose to use it!

    I'm hoping they will contact me about the pictures i sent 2 weks ago.have youheard of many gals getting the TUG at NOLA (that's the thigh area)I heard it's difficult to recover from that one.

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Hey guys - Anyone here had a D&C and hysteroscopy? What was the recovery like? (I know this is no where near the recoveries from our breast recons, but I'm feeling like I have zero tolerance anymore for this stuff - and also that any surgery now, not at NOLA, makes me tres nerveux!) 

    Spring - How petite is your petite derriere at the moment?

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited December 2009

    TrainerTam, I don't think the NOLA docs at CRBS do TUG, I think Dr. Allen does TUG though. It sounds like they may to Lumbar on you (upper backside area). I know from posts that Dr. D does not do it. (Correct me if wrong ladies). 

    Minn, my derriere is in flux. The incisions still hurt and I think I am still puffy a bit in the lower belly from the muscle stitching. (just 4 weeks out). today was my first day of trying 3 minutes of yoga! I noticed last time that it sort of "filled in" itself once I started exercising and moving again. the deep "shark bites" filled in. We'll see what happens this time....

    To me, the derriere looks better even if less of it, because it is firmer and less droopy and less "blob" in general. More youthful somehow? Hope this helps! 

  • acarr
    acarr Member Posts: 18
    edited December 2009

    Hi Minnesota...I had a D&C and hysteroscopy a few years ago.  They told me I might have some cramping and bleeding afterward, but I didn't.  I rested that afternoon and went back to work the next day.  Piece of cake next to all the other surgeries we've endured. -- Amy

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited December 2009

    Minnesota.. I had a laproscopic oophorectomy..... if that's anything similar.. piece of CAKE compared to anything else we've done...

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    Amy - Thanks! That makes me feel waaay better!

    Spring - What you said makes me feel waaaay better, too! At Curves today (where I've been leery of going for weeks), I was asking if I could really do gluteal exercises without losing gluteal fat. Eventho Dr. D. said the exercise wouldn't hurt the fat, I was still afraid to do any activity that burns anything! So now I think I get that as long as you're not doing a lot of cardio (which does burn the fat), the muscle work should help define the glutes more. So I'll try to keep my heart rate low, but work hard on the muscles - maybe doubling (or more) up on the glute stuff. I totally get what you mean about petiter but youthier - less blob! 

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited December 2009

    And thanks Holtbolt!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited December 2009

    I have my date set for Stage 2 with Dr S....March 10....I can't wait!!!!!

    Sassie....Sandy-Momsdaughter said it the just saved our country...thank you so much!  You never know!

  • sparkyhammerjigsaw
    sparkyhammerjigsaw Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2009

    mississippiqueen's husband here...

    She asked me to post an update. Surgery went well despite the baseball hematoma that remained from the excisional biopsy.  Dr Stolier has some minor concern about establishing margins because of the hematoma and the method he had to use to remove the tissue (200 cc) and the hematoma (150 cc)...unreal that the size was so close. Lymph nodes (3) appear to be clear which was great news.  Path report may be a week though because of holiday...more waiting..ugghhh.

    But, she's home....I'm keeping her.

    Thanks again to a wonderful bunch of women...we would not have made it as well as we have without the power here.

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited December 2009

    Minnesota....ditto what acarr said. I had one a year ago (another gift from tamox..showed thickened lining of Uterus) and it was on a Monday, I was doing fine. Give yourself a couple days to rest! When is that scheduled for?

    As most of you know, I am without any compression...2 1/2 wks post op due to that darn cyst. I hope to put on Spanx tomorrow. Here is my question, I have on a t shirt and sweat jacket. It feels like my nerves on my whole belly area is SOOO sensitive. It feels like my soft t shirt feels like pins and needles if I walk or feel movement on my belly. I don't recall it being like this, or not this bad. I also am looking like I am 4 months pregnant. Is this Stage 2 acting up since I haven't been in compression or the cyst or both? arrgghhhh  I LOVE coming here and knowing I can post and hours later, I have my answer! lol or at least a possible answer. Thanks Ladies!!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited December 2009

    Warrior......Ok I confess...slept w/o my dominatrix sunday night......I could NOT get comfortable and was? having a hot flash....Monday am I was a bit puffier but was fine once I got back into compression...No pins and needles sensations but ???  Did you call Dr. Massey?  What does she advise? And I have overeaten today so kinda miserable and yes, I took her off again!  Just for a little break.......aaaahhhh!

    And guess what!  I met Teel for lunch today!  She looks wonderful and sounds wonderful.  I did not do my overeating until later- we were too busy gabbing at a cool mexican retaurant I'd never been to.  It was fun.  Hope we do something again soon.  I'm sure she'll fill in -but sounds like more conflicting chemo yes or no....lagarde's office still saying no?....confusing!

    Ok, TV time....sure I'll fall asleep before 9pm tho. embarressing!