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NOLA in September?



  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    Betsy, yes it is...He had told my husband when we came back for stage 2 that he could drive, but we never mentioned it. He has another very nice car too, but I can't remember the name of it. Another funny story (first my husband is a car guy and notices everything) The day of my surgery, my husband had gone outside and was out and about and noticed that Dr. D's car was very dirty. Hours later, while Dr. D was still in surgery working on me, my husband goes back out and the car was shiny clean!!! Of course, my husband was like...what Obvious knowing/joking that he didn't leave the OR to clean his car. They chatted about that too and Dr. D joked and told him he had someone come and clean his car while he was in surgery.

    Yeah the bucket wasn't fun and I remember why it happened. He loosened up the girdle (it was SO tight at this point due to swelling) and when he did, it released some anesthesia into my blood I guess, but I will always remember that wave of...OMG get me a bucket moment.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    I think he has a Mercedes.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2013

    Someone at the hospital told me that Dr. D has TWO custom Mazeratis. I guess those surgical skills and 60-hour work weeks pay off.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited May 2013

    Glad he has a Mercedes.  I hear he does great work.... I think he deserves a

    Mercedes. I am going to go to him for nipple reconstruction and lipo....if my insurance will cover it.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited May 2013

    Glad he has a Mercedes.  I hear he does great work.... I think he deserves a

    Mercedes. I am going to go to him for nipple reconstruction and lipo to fill in fat around my implants.....if my insurance will cover it.

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2013

    Hi all

    Jennifer and I had a nice chat last night! I couldn't believe how awesome she was looking and that it was only one day out! One day out I was still getting 3 units of blood and hadnt gotten out of bed! She was doing laps! It was so great to meet her even in our drugged states! I might even see jennifer again today as we did not leave NOLA this morning as originally planned. At my post op appt yesterday I found out they hadn't gotten a clean margin on the tumor in my left breast and they needed to do more surgery. :-(. Because I've had so many pain and sleep issues they readmitted me and tried Percocet last night - which also caused me problems. I just have to stay away from the narcotics. I was bummed of course that I had to have another surgery and yet another scar - and that radiation might be back in the equation. I just can't say enough wonderful things about these docs and their staff. Dr Gray came in today on his day off and did the surgery! It only took an hour and I woke up feeling great. I haven't tried to stand up yet but for the first time in a week I'm lying in bed with my legs straight! I'm hoping that maybe I've stretched out a bit and that maybe by some miracle I'll be able to stand taller. Time will tell. Dr Gray is hopeful that it will come back negative for more cancer and I'll know for sure next week when I meet with an oncologist at home. Okay, that's enough for now. I'm drugged pretty good still and I'm going to take a nap and pray that we've finally found something for pain that works!

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited May 2013

    Klanders, my prayers join yours!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Aw sorry Kristin... But great that they went right back in and took care of it. SOOO myuch better than delaying and doing it later.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    So today I met with an LE specialist who did an evaluation and will start LE massage next week. She said that my incision 360 degrees around my body for sure is an issue with lymphatic flow. And she can feel fluid in my lat area (not a ton, but definitely there.)  And where I had the cellulitis on the lower back, she said it is firm and adhered. So her goal is to loosen all that up, drain out the stuck fluid and encourage new lymphatic paths thru massage. She did say lipo is one of the worst things for the lymph system. Also, I remember one day wearing pants that were pinching me around my middle and after that I seemed to be less flat stomached. So I wonder if that day I further obstructed lymphatic paths. With the 360 degree scar, there is no where to really re-route the fluid to (or obvious way), so she has some homework. Apparently, in our core, there is a major lymphatic flow and once cut can mess you up. And even cutting a toe she said can cause issues at the weak point, which for me is my lower back. It does feel heavier than before the infection, so I am glad I have found the PT.

    Viktoria... I am "thinking" he also has a Mercedes... I know for sure he has a Mazerati. He parks it by the hospital door. I took a picture of it cause its so purdy.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013

    Hey ladies....

    Well Dr. D must own his own car dealership since he told us he had a Ferrari.....  lol.

    IT was so nice visiting with Kristin..... She looked absolutely great, I thought.  I was so jealous of her clean silkie hair.  I know she's having a bit of a tough time and I planned to stop in at some point today.  I've had a busyish morning.... laps, shower, laps, up and down up the wazoo (all before 10am)... and by this afternon I just hit a wall.

    One thing that seems to happen to me when I get maxed out is I involuntarily shake.... my teeth chatter... and my whole body seems to go a little nuts.... Along with that the pain starts to rebound.  This evening I was just given some flexeril and zofran.... started just a bit of nausea.... and I wanted to catch it.  It's probably due to my awesome diet of multiple slushies and had a brownie today.... lOL... I've been off all sugar and glueten and meat...etc for so long that I don't think I am reacting well to it... So, I must take it down a notch.  The the next I get up to go walking I'll swing by room 217. :)

    Dr. D came to see me again this afternoon and swtiched some stuff around... he almost took me out of  my bra completely... but I protested a bit.  He's such a sweetheart....he was in a good mood so he must have had a good surgery today.  He said the weather was awful and he got caught in the rain on his way down to a restaurant...... I asked him if it messed up his gorgeous hair......???? He got a belly laugh out of that one.

    All my IV's have been out since yesterday evening.... I had two and they both were infiltrated so no sense keeping them around. I desperately wanted a shower last evening and I lost that battle...I tried to take it with grace but  Idid feel a little pouty... lol...  I did end up Demerol aournd night since I was out of drugs (hit my max of loretab).... and that was fine to get me through... Now they have me on Dilaudid which I know works decently for me.

    The shower was freakin' ecstasy.... and I asked my nurse if I could go again soon.. She said she has never had a patient ask to go twice in one day so she would have to check..... lol.  I'm good now tho'. Overall, it's been a great exerpience.... Dr. D asked me if things were easier, hardier, or about the same that I imagined.... I def. said easier.... He was happy to hear that. My right nipple looked a little purplie earlier and I had a minor panic but I've been told all is well.

    Alright... gonna snooze a bit.  Ladies who are just reading this... and haven't committed... or have committed and are scared.... I promise you, this has been a wonderful experience.  I really have no complaints. (Well one, but I'll tell you later).

    Take care.... :)


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    LOL car dealership... Now that you mention it, I may have seen a Ferrari as well... Been there for 5 surgeries, and I know for sure there was more than one flavor of expensive car parked by the wall in the shade.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    I have seen those fancy cars too!!

    Mother--you are hilarious!

    klanders--what about dilaudid (spelling is prob off)I cannot take anything with codeine or codone or I get really sick

    Well my doc wants me to go back in for a us guided has already stopped oozing/leaking.  It really is a small hole.  There was virtually no drainage today at all.. We spent the day cruising around on the mountain roads here...specatcular.  Waiting to hear if I can just wait til I get home and make an appt then for the aspiration if it is still bothering me.  Had a great vaca amidst all this chaos that is my life since bc came. 


  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2013

    Jennifer, you sound amazing!  Glad all is well for you.

    Kristin, praying for clear margins for you this time around.  I'm sure that took you by surprise.

    Betsy, I hope you get some relief from your PT.

    I think the Ferrari is new because when I was there in February, it still had the paper dealer tag on it.  I've seen a number of fancy cars in that spot as well..mazerati, porsche, and the ferrari.  First mazerati I'd ever seen!  Lexus is about as fancy as people around here can afford.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2013

    Almost forgot, Spring add me for a 2b on September 28th with Dr. D. :)

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited May 2013

    I know Dr. T has a black Mercedes. Anyway that's what he delivered my medicine in. I'm going to have to check out the parking lot in June when I'm there.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Ah... so maybe the Mercedes was Dr T's... My friend has a Mazarati. They were the only ones I knew until Dr D.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013 many doses of Mirilax can I have in a day? I'm super gassy.... :(

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Mother - one a day on the Miralax.  It does take a few days to work.  Also, take your stool softener daily.  Drink lots of water, too.  If things are passing through, you may not need the Miralax anymore.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2013

    Jennifer, prunes will set you free!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    Jennifer...maybe some warm prune juice if you can stand it...worked in less than 5 hours for me ;)


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Ah, yes, I took a small Baggie of prunes to my Stage 1. Take two and await the magic.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2013

    Apparently we've moved from shoes to cars! :)

    Betsy, a good LE therapist is so important. Glad you are hooked up. They can work miracles. I have the 360 incision also, but have not had any issues down there, knock on wood. I think once you heal more and the LE therapist reroutes the paths, and time goes by, you will be okay. I have learned what to do and not to do to manage my tructal LE, and you will get there too.

    Audrella, I will add your Stage 2 surgery now! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Beverly... when you say you have learned what to do and not do, what do you mean exactly??

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    You sound great Jennifer! What a great attitude. I took a picture of that fancy parking lot too!

    Kristin- I am glad they are taking care of things while you are there. The unexpected is hard. My prayers are with you.

    Not sleeping well again. I may take something. I want good sleep for my next surgery in one week! Yowzer!

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    Kristen, so sorry to hear about your margins. glad they took care of it but still i know you wanted to be done already.

    Jennifer, glad to hear your up and about.

    So yes it has been raining here in New Orleans. I checked into my French quarter apartment at 1230 and have been sleeping all afternoon. My aunt talked me out of JazzFest. Says its a big mud bath and miserable. She is working all 7 days as a photographer so she has to be there. I'm trying to get motivated to walk to a restaurant for dinner. My room had ice cream in the fridge, and that's basically what I had for lunch. I'm still wiped out from my node biopsy 2 weeks ago, so I'm looking for things to do that don't require walking. Will try to do a riverboat cruise, swamp tour and boat ride in conchordie with my uncle, and a few plantations if I'm up for it.

    Let me know if you guys will be at hope lodge Saturday.

    Oh, and I was assured Dr Stollier is doing my mastectomy.


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Marsha... you still have quite a few days before surgery... I heard the weather was dismal on Sunday, nice on Monday and raining since then. ugh.

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2013

    Jennifer - one of my nurses last week brought me warm prune juice without me asking. I only took a sip or two and it worked wonders! Ask - they have it available.

    Cherrie - thanks for the package! My hubby said it arrived today. I'm going home with three drains now. I'll be praying for you too!

    So get this... I'm finally to the point where I'm not questioning my sanity for doing the surgery! :-) I'm glad! They put me on the dilaudid stuff which so far is great - hopefully tonight I'll finally sleep AND I walked my first lap in the halls tonight (never got that far with last week's surgery) with my IV pole and I wasn't doubled over like I was before. I'm not totally upright yet but I'm tons better. I'll just claim a miracle! Not sure why else I'd go into surgery one way and come out an hour with my skin stretched out when all they did was breast surgery! Dr Gray did a great job - he took out my SNB incision and just gave me another so it looks really good and I don't think it has affected the breast at all.

    Time to sleep. I'm being picked up and taken to the airport at 8:15 am. Glad to be heading home!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Yay Kristen.. You sound much better.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013

    Maggie - you're sounding so much better.  I'm glad your vacation went so well, you really needed to get away from it all for a while.

    Betsy - I was really glad to hear you found a good PT.  They can help you do wonders but it is time consuming.  We only have two certified LE PT in all of Erie that I know of.

    Kristen - I am so glad they found out and fixed it all now.  Go home in peace.

    Marsha and Cherrie - Positive thoughts you'll both do great!  Marsha, I wish I were with you at NOLA at the same time, we could heal together.

    OK, I had a major spike in my adreneline and anxiety last night.  I got a call from Vicky telling me Dr Stollier will NOT be doing my surgery.  She said I could let people know that he will be undergoing a surgery of his own at that time.  She didnt say what the surgery was for and I didnt ask of course but she sounded like it was not major.  So now of course I'm FREAKING!!  I know in the back of my head like everyone said it's all good and they wouldnt have anyone they didnt trust and I'm thankful this happened to a few others before I got the call because I wasnt too shocked when she told me.  Still.....

    Now I am a little confused.  What part does Dr Stollier do?  Is he the "take away Dr" or the "put back on Dr"?  If he is the TAD then will sparing my nipples be compromised?  Geez I'm all nervouse again.  HELP!

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2013

    Barb, I freaked out too when they switched me to Dr Gray! I emailed Dr Massey (I had originally consulted with her by phone but she's not my doctor) and she totally reassured me. They know we all want to keep our nipples. Dr Gray was fantastic and I think Jennifer really liked Dr Fuhrman. Their reputation is on the line and they only work with the best.

    You'll do great! I'm being discharged and flying home in a few minutes. Yay!!