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NOLA in September?



  • PerryDawnB
    PerryDawnB Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2013

    MartyJ, great suggestion about using my GYN.  She is much more progressive than my surgeon.

    Kristin, I had my stage 1 done on April 9 and have stage 2 scheduled for june 26.  I'm hoping to be ready by then.

    Motherandchild, I know exactly how you feel.  Having these drains and two mounds on your chest doesn't exactly make one feel like a beauty queen, but I have to have faith that stage 2 will get me closer to being a complete woman again. I too went through a small depression after surgery and I cannot wait to go back to the gym!  Know you're not alone and this gloomy feeling will pass.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013 normal.  HUGS to you.  It is so hard to think about another surgery when you still have the ill effects of the first.  When those drains are gone..and you are almost will feel free and renewed.  Hang in there

    Called my MO today and she really did not want to help me either but reluctantly ordered the US guided aspiration for me.  says it will probably be next week before it happens.  It amazes me that they feel like they are cleaning up another's mess....maddening

    talked to Dr M last night for a long time.  She said many times it is ignorance of what they do among other docs...therefore instead of educating themselves on helping bc patients they refuse to do what they do not understand...maybe a blessing in disguise.  She is such an amazing doctor with such compassion and care for her patients.  She told me that she is a mama bear and when a doc treats one of her cubs this way she get mad.  She may be calling the hosp and giving them a piece of her mind! it

    I personally have settled down quite a bit.  I put the big mama compression dominatrix back on and it is better than my spanx types at keeping it in.  Almost no pain with it.  Problem is the seroma is so big that it is pushing on stuff up my back so my mid back feels tight too....sigh....


  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2013

    Jennifer, it sounds like you are getting the week 3 blues a little early! What an overachiever! We all go through this - it's a long recovery and you get really tired of it then suddenly you turn the corner and feel a little stronger every day. Hang in there!

    I was always a big wimp about anything medical, but removing the drains is really easy. Just make sure the stitch is clipped, the bulb is OPEN, and the end of the tube is held up when pulled out (or it will spill all over your leg like mine did - ew). You can also make squeaky suctioning sounds when it is being pulled out and really freak out your hubs.

    Thinking about you, Cherrie!

    Marsha, your check-in sounds very cohesive for someone just out of surgery! Rest well & hopefully you will get some good food today.

  • Sewaneegirl
    Sewaneegirl Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2013


    I did my procedure in Charleston but imagine the doctors generally agree on timing. ...

    My stage 1 was Jan 23 and I just did stage 2 on May 6 - about 3 months and 2 weeks. My fat grafting will be July 12, so about 2 mos after stage 2. I also went ahead and got on the calendar in Dec for any "mop-up" issues like additional fat grafting or a breast lift. Hoping this means all will have been done within one plan year.

    You sound so great. You are "over the big mountain" now, with just small hills and valleys before the finish line. So glad at your progress. Even those of us that don't know each other and may never meet find ourselves pulling for others we see along the way. All best wishes to you!

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2013

    Maggie. Sorry it's so tough! It seems no matter what we do it's difficult. You are in such good hands with Dr M. She has spent hours on the phone with me and I'm not even her patient!

    Jennifer. It's okay to have the blues. You've been through major surgery! I think you are also missing the slurpees! :-) I have moments when I get a bit weepy. It's all so hard. We are fighters and we're going to get past this and back on our bikes! I goofed yesterday trying to rush the stretching. Learn from my mistake and rest! It's funny how the NOLA docs differ. I've been swabbing all incisions and drains since day 1. And I'm not supposed to wear compression until my drains are out.
    Thanks for your timeline Seewaneegirl.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    Mother, this is completely normal. I had big breasts (large D) and came out of surgery with HUGE breasts. I was swollen and in all sorts of places, but remember you have been through a heck of an ordeal and it effects more than just the body. I had more "down" moments than they typical 3 week mark blues, but it's ok. All is normal and you will feel like yourself again...Promise!!!

    I can't believe I am almost a year out from my stage 1 (June 1st) Wow, how time flies.

    Betsy, I don't need a referral either, but I wonder if Dr. D will write a script for me to help insurance pay if I go before my surgery. I am just looking for some relief. I haven't been to the gym in 2 days and I can tell a little bit of a difference. I am not going to stop working out since I have come so far, but I don't think I can go 6 months like this. I had to adjust how I was sitting on my couch last night...UGH Really?

    I am hoping to call this lady today & at least get a feel of what they may be able to do for me.

    Marsha, hope you are doing well and getting some food this morning.

    All of you are strong and amazing women!!!



  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    Kristin, great news on your clean margins!

    Jennifer, I was like this the day after my wide excision oopherectomy. Probably had something to do with the surprise I had with the very unlikely scenario of having my ovary removed with a 8" incision, when I thought I was just getting a cyst removed through laparoscopy. (I signed consent.). Anyway I remember crying all night and day and though I had reason to be sad it felt like it was coming from somewhere else, if that makes sense. Like it was a physical reaction not an emotional one. I also had the post treatment blues after chemo the first time. It took a while to understand my emotions, but I do think it was similar to you, when I the fighting was ending and I had to move to simply living with uncertainty. This too shall pass. It does help to be validated and to understand this is normal. I personally have been very stoic about my second diagnosis. I do wonder when the shoe will drop and I have to deal with it on an emotional level. I do believe you are working through grief, which is a process, and moving through it is another sign of healing.

    I am on day 2 of my DIEP. I threw up the applesauce I ate at night and they gave me zofran. I was able to eat breakfast and I feel better. I couldn't eat the crackers they offered because I'm on a gluten free diet, and I think that the applesauce was too acidic. Anyway I am happy they were able to make rice and fried eggs, just like I do at home, and I have kept that down.

    There is one flap where the Doppler is a little weak which the say is ok and positional. I do perk up to listen each time they check them.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    Marsha that was one of the many nice things there. All I wanted was a baked potato and they had the chef make it for me each time I wanted one. 
    Sorry you got sick, but so glad you are feeling better now and you were able to keep some food down. Rest and take it easy. I always loved hearing the sounds from my dopplers :)

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    yeah Marsha...keep down that simple food.  My flap was a little "quiet" but still had that tell tale swoosh sound.  Dr M used to come in to listen and would shush everyone to hear it and sway back and is the best sound ever!


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Kristin... Do note that even if you have stage II in July, your doctor may want a good long time before any more surgery. Dr D wanted about 10 months between my stage II and IIb, so I made it 14 months to get me to a new year.

    Jennifer... I am sorry you are sad. Dr D will fix you up good at stage II... don't worry.

    Chelle... keep me posted. I had my second treatment today.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    There is an interesting thing about some GYN - since they are usually the ones that order a mammo, do an annual breast exam, etc., they are often the one who "catches things".  Often times, we can use our surgery (and the removal of drains) as a way to educate them.  For many women, the GYN is the first stop on this journey and we do them an invaluable service by letting them assist us.  At least in my case, my GYN is very, very supportive of DIEP and Flap procedures.  Just a consideration.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited May 2013

    K landers, I had the oopherectomy at stage two withe dr. Almen. I researched him quite a bit and liked him a lot. He is familiar with BRCA and does very specific cross sectioning pathology of the ovaries and tubes. Because I didn't know any better, I don't think my stage 2 recovery was any worse than anyone else's thoughni am sure the hysterectomy and oopherectomy must have had some additional effect. I had A LOT of PS work done so it was hard to tell. Save yourself a surgery if you are going to do it anyway sometime.

    I ordered a new marena as the one from after stage 1 was a 3XL and stretched out. Got the xl last week and it wouldn't stay up well. I called in because my measurements were in the l, xl, and xxl categories so I didn't know what to order. I have gone without compression here and there, yesterday all day, and by bedtime, I looked five months pregnant! Anyway I was thinking to go down to the large and he said since my thighs were a lot bigger, it might be too tight. I said the xl isn't tight enough on my abdomen, where i had the surgery. he asked if I would like the same garment with the extra abdominal panel. It is not on the website anywhere but it is the same as the link springtime has above except it is a different number because of the extra panel. Got it yesterday, put that bugger on this morning. And my still five month prego belly is FLAT! The thing just compresses like crazy. Not as comfy as the smooth, non-paneled 3XL but doing a better job.

    Another tip for pulling the drains, from one squeamish lady, is to close your eyes and hum really loud while pulling. You can't see or hear it and voila! It is out. And it feels so good.

    Chelle, the dermatologist will likel treat you better than plastics people. They can't do it son they are less threatened. Both the derms I saw were really sympathetic and determined to fix the pain ASAP.

    Marsha, you do sound so good. I had to be gluten free as well. And there wasn't a lot of options other than salads at stage one and two but by stage three, they had gluten free bread and the grilled cheese and various other sandwiches really hit the spot.

    Jennifer, so sorry. It will likely get better as you settle more into home routine. But it stinks to have that glum out of sorts feeling hanging over you. Try to find distractions wherever you can. And keep in touch with us...we don't care how much you complain or feel sad or mad.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013

    Omg... all you gals have issues for realsies... and I'm just complaining about jack.  I certainly don't expect any sympathy... I'm just talking to talk... 

    I'm so sorry for the gals who are having a tough time right now.... Mags and her plight in finding a doc whose ego isn't so big that it doesn't eat his face up.... and poor Klanders who's obviously got the God's most perfect skin which is probably great for every circumstance in life except this exact one which is giving you this problem.

    Kbodster... you poor thing.... that dang tummy which is not complying... the stubborn little *hit that it is.... After all the work you've done it sure would be nice if it gave you a little love back.... if it was your behind I'd spank it myself.

    I'm so proud of you Marsha... cannot even believe you are as with it as you sound... Truly amazing.... be proud girl... that flap will behave, I just know it.

    I'm sorry for being a nag, nag nag.... I know I'm being rotten and spoiled and Kristen is right.. .I'm probably having withdrawls from the Iccee's.  Those were dang good.

    If anyone has a good idea for a mother's day gift to send to a mom who is marginally supportive in life... let me know.

    Honestly cats... I'm totally good.  Totally... I feel blessed that I'm feeling as good as I am... sometimes I just get a little pouty and I have no damn reason to be so.  I try to combine these feelings with a sense of humor and I know I come off edgy but hopefully you know I'm speaking totally tongue and cheek..... Hubby says I'm "spicy" when I'm in these moods and that usually ends in a night of fun, which of course ain't happening tonight ... I'm just being a little cheeky. If I had a glass of wine that would probably chill me to the maxx but not sure I should do that while on my pain pills (which is mostly ibuprophen with a splash of Dilaudid here and there)....

    I do love you all, tho'. Thanks for being there..... or here... or just around.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Mother - you made my evening!  Great post.  Thanks for the happy.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Cherrie - how you doing?  Tomorrow is the day.  Get some good rest and you will be visiting with Dr. M in the hotel before you know it.  Big hugs from SC!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Motherandchild..I have been painted my breast and hip incisions everyday since i got out of hospital. I had Dr. Sullivan. Check on that:) I know what you mean about doing the stuff you love. I played co-ed softball every Friday night and also taught Aqua aerobics at the Gym. It's been 2 years since I've done both. I know when I'm done it will all be worth it. So for now I walk everyday:) Hang in there!

    Perrydawn...Dr. Sullivan said he could place a small implant for me also. I was a 32-34D cup before with implants. He gave me C cups now with the hips. I would like more projection but I think I'm happy with the size. Plus he will do fat grafting at Stage 2. I am scared of having implants because of radiaiton on the left side. Anyone out there have an implant with there flap? :)

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Painting my incisions with Betadine:)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Perrydawn.... Marcia (soccermom4force) has an implant with her flap...

    Jennifer... you sound good girlfriend!!

    Melanie... keep painting

    Mags.. I am still baffled by your doctor's response... Just so totally unprofessional.

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2013

    Klanders- if you were going to take your ovaries out I would do it during stage 2.  If you are doing plication (I did not) I would definitely do it during stage 2 as you would not want those muscles interrupted again.  My sisterinlaw had a laparoscopic hysterectomy and it was very easy for her just fatigue.  I imagine they don't do it via laparascope but if they are already in that region and your are under anesthesia why not do it all at once?  Just my opinion.  Talk it out with your doctors.  Whether or not you choose to do it is another thing.  

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2013

    Klanders- I did my stage 2 three months to the day, I couldn't wait to get everything over and done with.  I wasn't thrilled about having surgery again but mentally I was ready for it to be all over.  Physically there was no problem.

    Mother...-remember, the size will be reduced during stage 2.  Having more to work with then needed makes it easier for the surgeon to get a beautiful outcome, it is much harder to go bigger or even to stay the same.  Think of it as molding clay, it is so easy to shave off some and with the extra fat having more then enough gives the doctor a ll the leeway he needs to do the best job!

    I play tennis.  I went back to it at exactly 6 weeks to the day.  I could've gone back at 5 but they told me I couldn't.  What I am trying to say is that between 3-5 weeks there is a hugh improvement to back to normal.  

    Hope this helps.

    Also, I went to my nice local breast surgeon. I did not use her because I could not find an acceptable PS to do DEIP with her.  She told me I look "gorgeous" and I believe she was being honest.  She said "you would never know".  Also when she did the breast exam I could tell she was impressed by the softness and real feel to the breasts.  Most women she operates on do implants due to lack of a super experienced DEIP ps even in NJ. FYI in BRCA positive women who had the DEIP she said the recommendation is a yearly follow up with the breast surgeon for exam.  Not every 6 months which I was surprised to here.  Also NO role for MRI followups even every 2 years or so.   

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2013

    One other thing, the asymmetry I had resolved between 5-6.5 weeks, so I clearly had swelling untill then.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Kristin... I definitely considered the oofrectomy for my stage II surgery for all that pamela has described... If you are going to do it, no time like when you are already under anesthesia... For me, as I said before, I decided I needed to wait 10 years. This was my decision after talking with my MO and gynocologist. If I were BRCA positive, I would have done it in a heartbeat, but simply because of my ER status, no... That is why I am on Tamoxifen. I want to protect my bones and skin for as long as I can.  Having the ovaries out can compromise the bone density and elastcity of your skin. Quality of life is very important to me, and I don't want to speed up bone degradation cause I am living to 100 years old and need my bones in tact. (LOL)Obviously if there were a compelling reason to do it, I would... But I didn't want to just do it cause I was having anesthesia and having my belly worked on.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Interesting reasoning re oophrectomy.  I had a complete hysterectomy, including ooph, when I was 42.  My GYN a bone density test about 12 months ago.  It showed no bone degradation and according to the curve, I won't achieve my normal 60 year old level until I am 85.  Skin seems to be holding up well, though I do take good care of it.  Just sayin'.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Just know what I was told.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    I am totally tripping on dilaudid. I'm listening to new age ambient music. The knobs on the closets look like little horse heads crawling down the door. When I close my eyes I feel like I'm falling or flying. Nice.

    I also mentioned I was seeing double and the nurse pulled the patch off my neck and said that could cause that if left on too long. Screens still blurry.

    I walked to the bathroom 3 times today and to my chair to eat lunch then to the nurse station and back. OMG this is hard but they tell me I am doing great.

    I have a splitting headache. Trying to drink water.

    Not up to call outs today.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for the PM's. It meant a lot. I am in the hotel after going out to dinner. I don't have to report to the hospital until 9:00am. My last shower will be first thing in the morning. Talk to you in a day or two. 😷😷😷

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    all the best to you Cherrie---piece of cake baby

    went to a walk in clinic today for a possible uti --results were inconclusive and so doc gave me antibiotics just in case...blah.  He looked at my behind as I requested him to but he would not do an aspiration...he was at least honest in saying that he did not have enough knowledge as to what had been done with my surgery to do it...I thanked him for his honesty.  He is going to make a couple of calls to docs he a gen surgeon and one a ps to see if either one of them will help me out...eventually this is either gonna go away on its own (wishful thinking) or Dr M is gonna fix it


  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013 thinking and praying for you!!! are cracking me up! The headache is a side effect from the dilauded..I always get one from it. My vision was blurry from that patch behind the ear. Dr. Sullivan took mine off:)

    Cherrie sweet dreams and check in when you can!! :)

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    My little opening is no worse or better:/ ugh!!!! When I walked today I put a antibacterial bandaid over it to keep sweat from getting to it. When I got back, took off bandaid and used hydrogen peroxide to dry it and painted with betadine. I'm going to email another pic to LaurA just to be safe.

  • KBodie
    KBodie Member Posts: 211
    edited May 2013

    Good luck cherrie!!!