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NOLA in September?



  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    I will be at 4 weeks from my stage 1 on Tuesday and can't imagine going back to work, HOW on earth do any of you work so soon?

    I still have some swelling and a drain that does not look like it wants to come out :((

    It feels MUCH better to not wear a bra and I can't go to work without one.

    I am hoping that the swelling goes down and I am able to go back to work soon:))

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    Marcie47 - I wasn't ready to go back to work in 4 weeks after Stage 1. Don't push yourself. I think I was still taking a daily nap at 4 weeks. Do eat well and take walks to build strength.

    Cherrie - so glad to hear that you are doing much better. Do you have drains?

    Marsha 1970 - sure hope that you are finding a solution. I can remember how scared I was to leave after Stage 1. If you do have to leave, don't hesitate to call the center if you have questions or concerns. The doctor will give you a call back and bring you back in if needed. Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Marcie. I don't think many or any were back at work at week 4. Four weeks after my MX and gap I was having my diep flap. And went back to work 4 weeks after that.

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    Thank you girls for the pep talk, I don't feel like such a baby. I felt really good and than hit a wall and seems like I am always tired. I am listening to my body and took it easy this weekend. Hoping to pull the hip drain early this week.

    Hope everybody had a great mothers day :)

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Marcie - once the drains are all gone, you will feel a lot better.  I always seem to perk up within 24 hours of the last drain leaving.

    Marsha - I hope you are okay.  Did you make it to Hope or a hotel?  We each tolerate pain so differently, it can be very difficult to manage.  I do second the prunes or prune juice.  Really helps.

    Cherrie - I am so glad you are better.  Are you home now?  Sorry about the drains - they should be out before the wedding.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    yes at Masonic...there 1 night then therapy everyday for at least a week (she says 2) before I get to head home.  I will check the website for the one you mentioned.  Glad you are doing better..and whatta ya mean why am I just had surgery girl!!  Takes a while for that anestesia to come out completely


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Ksue- yes, I have 2 drains. Taking a shower today!!

    Ok, lots of fluids and walking today!!!

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited May 2013

    Marci- 4 weeks is an optimal who knows where date some person who didn't have the surgery or is superwoman came up with. Way back in the 'day' when they did hysterectomies with a 4 day hospital stay, and gall bladder ops, the rule of thumb was that your body needed 6 weeks before it felt like it was healing.

    I know that was 25 years ago, but times haven't changed that much. The 6 week mark has always been a milestone where I start to feel like my old self - still needed naps, but truly seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. Realistically, maybe youth has an advantage, but truly give yourself time to heal, physically, mentally and emotionally without feeling you are sub-human!

    This forum is so great for talking/typing to people who have been there done that, but sometimes unrealistic expectations are thrown out there. Every now and then there is a person who is so in shape, so strong and her pain tolerance is so great that she is able to go back to doing everything including milking the cows and baling hay very quickly (I'm kidding here, ladies) - but that isn't the reality of it. Your body only can tell you when you are ready and able to go back to work. Not anyone else. And, don't feel not normal if you take a little longer than you were told. Be kind to yourself - especially now!

    Off soapbox - oops!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2013

    Marsha, I hope you are able to get your pain under control.  I think a lot of us are afraid to leave the safe haven of the hospital.  Just make sure to voice your concerns and ask for different meds if what you are taking isn't working.  There's something out there that will work for you, you just have to find it, and it can be trial and error.

    Marcie, the time frame for recovery4-6 weeks, so you are still well within the range of normal.  I bet over these next two weeks you will see tremendous improvements, particularly so once the drain is removed.  You will feel less like a patient at that point and more like a person again.  I was one who went back to work at 4.5 weeks, however, I work a desk job and it was on a part time basis.  Definitely no superwoman here!

  • Marcie47
    Marcie47 Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2013

    Thank you all for you support, I need to remember my mantra .....

    This too shall pass :)

    Today is a whole new day and I feel much better, I know I will feel good as new once my drain comes out, maybe some time this week :))

    Thanks again to everyone who has lifted my spirits, hope you all have a great week!!

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    They gave me a few extra meds before they let me go including Valium. I did not like that they were Mali g me ask for it because by that point I was miserable. I've asked my mint to watch the schedule and give it all to me. I'm too high to keep up.

    My aunt lives in Gramercy 45 min away and invited us for a crawfish boil. It was so nice to be in that alternate universe.

    I wrote my mom an email telling her what I needed including emotionally. I want to do what I can alone and right now I am on the screen room chilling to music and feeling good. The last thing I need is nAgging and mom is being great. Drugs are great and I'm usually quick to wean. There was a shortage of dilaudid in town so I told them I had brought 20 from my last surgery. Thank god.

    Life is good. I can do this.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    Some of that above made no sense. I've taken up residence in the lounge chair on the hope lodge sun room. Mom is keeping my med schedule. I am comfortably numb. Warm and sunny outside. Not doing the walking I know I should. Mom is giving me space, God bless her. Thank you mom for giving me exactly what I need. I miss my baby. Mothers day without him was hard. Overwhelmed and no one can work through that but me.

    Cherrie hope you are recovering well.

    Ice cream tonight. I don't care about anything else.

    I. Am. So. High. This is not like me but I promised myself I would not be a hero.

    I want to know who took my zip locks from my cabinet. Also why such a little thing has got me so miffed. Let it go Marsha.

    That is all...l

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Does anyone know if you for certain get a butt lift for Stage 2 after hip flaps? Will I get nipples to if there is issues of symmetry?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Melanie... You get what you want, and you probably do want the butt lift, right? I got one twice. And glad for it. And if you want to wait on nipples, just say so... but I have seen that even after nipples, they can miraculously move them around.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2013

    So I had my appointment with my MO today, and he gave me a referral to a LE specialist-- yay! The swelling in my "bunny tail" area is getting more and more uncomfortable. He did not seem to think it was a seroma and thinks the LE massage can help. Hope so.

    He also referred me for a gyn consult to talk about removal of the overies and uterus. I'm 45, but have not had a period since chemo started last April. He seems to think that I am in permanent menopause now, so the bone health benefits to keeping my parts are negligible now. Not sure what I will decide, but can I tack this surgery on to a stage 2b next January? I know folks have had their ovaries removed at stage 2, but I don't remember seeing anyone remove the uterus as well. Does it make a difference? After all the surgeries I've been through, I sure would love to only need one more!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2013

    Who do I ask for a copy of my op and pathology reports? 

    Melanie, I had significant symmetry issues prior to stage 2 and nothing was said about waiting to do nipples.  As you said, don't borrow trouble :)  Best to assume the asymmetry will be completely resolved during stage 2 and there will be no need for 2b :)

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited May 2013

    Whoever answers the phone can send you your reports. Katie sent me my last set quick as a bunny! :)

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Tracy... You can ask the Center for those things. My path report came from the pathologists down there, but the Center may have mailed it to me. I did have to request the operative reports.

    Dianne.. I think the LE massage is a GREAT idea.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    Marsha the hard part is kind to yourself the next few weeks.  It get better with everyday

    Dianne....hoping it's not LE.. the MLD is great for extra fluids.  I almost fall asleep each time

    Melanie--I know I am gonna need it...only 1 cheeker gone so gotta even em up

    Cherrie--where you at?  Are you doing better?  Thinking of you

    May 22nd--chicago--all set...gonna book flight tomorrow when blood work comes back as those are non refundable.  Insurance approved, room booked, hotel booked, sanity fleeting


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    I am home and doing much better. No pains, nausea is gone. Just dealing with fatigue and our best friends, THE DRAINS! Once the drains are out Dr. M says I can do lighter compression like Spanx. PTL! I have a wedding in 11 days. Hope the drains are out, out out!!

    I haven't had over twenty five for either one.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Cherrie..sounds like the will be out for the wedding:)

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited May 2013

    Maggie can you get travel insurance for the plane tix? I do all the time, the $20.00 or so is great peace of mind!

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    Is it weird I don't want to be around anyone? I've been hiding on the sunroom all day. Now I am making laps around the traffic circle for the past hour listening to my headphones. Just want to go to a dark place. Mom is giving me space thankfully. I don't want to take care of anyone but me right now.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2013

    Marsha, I didn't feel like socializing at the Hope Lodge. There are a lot of sad stories there and I didn't have the energy for them.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Marsha - I think we all understand.  Besides the invasive, lenghtly surgery, you have drains.  It is an effort to do anything while you are connected to those alien beings.  I didn't want to do anything while I was at Homewood Suites, but pushed myself to go out for breakfast once.  Otherwise we at at HS or my DH brought in pizza and pad thai.  I slept a lot.  Keep walking and resting.  You really will feel better soon.  Just don't dwell on the darkness.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013

    Looks like we BRCA ladies now have a famous spokeswoman (Angelina Jolie).  Hoping she gets the word out in a positive manner.   

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013

    I'm glad Springtime is on vacation, now I wont have to see my name on the "short list" heehee

  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited May 2013

    Hey, ladies! Whew! I drop out for a bit and have pages and pages to get caught up on!! Glad to hear that those who were having issues are getting them resolved, those who are home are healing and those who continue to nurture and support us throughout are still here with their voices of reason and caring!!

    Just contacted the Center this AM trying schedule my IIc for November. The B&B is too busy for any time in the summer. Not exactly sure what Dr. D. will do, but he said that after the baby flap in the contralateral for symmetry I had to give him "one more crack" at symmetry on the butt and the boobs. Even with the baby flap, the contralateral is still smaller and I need a bit of the reconstructed boob trimmed from under my arm -- seems to be a pad there that gets in the way. So, we'll see what the man says. 

    Am somewhat anxious abut yet another surgery and am really hoping this is the last one. Dr. D. better make it a doozy then! All that would be left is tats and if I don't go back to NOLA for that, I see a tat party in Baltimore in the future!! :-)

    Best to all and so glad you are all here ... 


  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Marsha-you are feeling quite normal. The sunroom was closed for renovation when I was there. Keep walking, resting, and letting your mom take care of you. She probably needs to do that to feel connected to what you are going through. Those caregivers are priceless.

    One week Barb. I also had a PBMX with immediate nipple and skin sparing DIEP. don't pack too much.

    I feel great today. Once these drains come out I will beFREE!!!!!!!!!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    Everything is set. Leaving on the 20th for surgery the 22nd with Dr M. Working on getting a local helper doc...fingers crossed someone..anyone will do it. Trying not to panic. No way to know if I will have drains until she is in there. My hubby is so supportive! He joked yesterday that this is the last surgery. I told him no way...I have come to far now to quit!
