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NOLA in September?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Barb... I can't help myself...

    Short list:

    May 21 - Barbmal5 -  PBMX, Dr. D., NOLA.

    May 22 - Mags20487 - Stage "1C" with Dr. M. 

    May 23 - Zandy - Stage 2, Dr. S., NOLA.

    May 24 - KSue - Stage 2, Dr. D., NOLA.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    Ha Ha Betsy.....Barb, you will do great!!!!

    First thank you to all those who responded with words of wisdom and support. I will send Spring a private message, but quickly my surgery is now Friday July 26th. OMG!!!

    Everything kinda fell into place with this date and this allows me to receive therapy once the drains come out and it will still be in the same calendar year. The only thing that doesn't work is that we will have to drive. I can't afford to buy two plane tickets and then not have any transportation when we get there. My husband is a little weird when it comes to that. But, they are cutting my entire backside, so I am dreading the ride home :( I know we will have to stop, but any other words of advice from people who have driven home after surgery, would be greatly appreciated.


  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013


    My DH drove me home (11 hr drive) after my bilateral SGAP.

    I have a minivan so we made a thick comfy bed with a memory foam topper. Also tons of pillows so I could be propped up.

    My surgeon had me wear compression stockings and told DH to stop every hour for me to walk 10 minutes. We cheated a little on that. I was also still required to do daily lovenox shot until I got home.

    I was very comfy and of course pain meds helped, too. I felt a little quilty not being able to help DH drive while I snoozed, googled, talked on phone and listened to music.

    You may like it better than flying and airport hassles. Wishing you best!

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013


    If you do have drains hopefully not too long.

    When I had my LNT-lymph node transfer surgery, I had two drains~~one for left groin donor site and one for right axilla recipient site.

    The axilla drain was pulled by doc at hospital discharge on day three.

    I pulled my groin drain on day 12.

    I had LE therapy before and after surgery in hospital. Then flew home alone with wheel chair service.

    At home I only had to see my highly experienced PT-CLT twice a week. Not everyone is fortunate enough to easy access to trained PT and have insurance pay it all.

    We are all different and from what you have posted, you have had a much bumpier road with LE than me.

    Cheers to saying goodbye to breast cancer's dirty little secret--lymphedema!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    I agree Maggie. You have come too far. You can do whatever you do or don't want. 😄

    Okay on a very (lack of ) moving subject. Took Miralax and Colace last T, W, and Thurs. had surgery and could hold nothing down until Sunday afternoon. Took a Colace. On M and today I took Miralax and Colace. Nothing is happening down there. It's been 5 days. Do I start prune juice (yuck) tomorrow???? Not hurting but concerned.

    Heal well my friends. Marsha, when do you come home?? Look forward to little things. Less drains, done with or less pain killers, first poopie, etc. Today I am over halfway with my Lovenox injections. WOOHOO! Also, not sleeping every second of the day. Also, remember why you did this.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2013

    LOL .....too funny Betsy!

    Chelle, great news you're getting this done sooner rather than later!  How far will you be driving?  I've driven 12 hours each way both times I've been there and will be doing the same when I go in September for 2b.  I actually prefer it because you are much more in control of your own schedule.

  • Downey30
    Downey30 Member Posts: 199
    edited May 2013

    Hi Chelle,  We drove for my first surgery which was SGAP.  I think it was about twelve hours.  On the way home we drove about five the first day and finished on the next.  The second surgery DIEP we flew.  There are advantages to both but the driving is very doable.  Some pillows and your pain meds and you will do fine. Just think how much better you are going to feel!  Hugs, J

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    I wanted to mention that my lowered incision looks amazing. It is a thin line and all the bumpies are gone. Also, while incision was open she pulled up my saggy hooha area. I look good. My small about of necrosis was jet sprayed and I can already feel the difference. My breasts look fantastic. Small fat grafting issues in the fall and I should be done. I am looking and feeling great.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited May 2013

     Thank you Angelina Jolie for trying to make genetic testing not a patent..

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Cherrie - time to add prunes or warm prune juice. Remember, since you really didn't eat for 3 days there may not have been much to pass. Also, make sure you are drinking at least 32 oz of water daily.

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2013

    Cherrie - all it took for me was one small sip of warm prune juice! Glad you are feeling good about the results. :-)

    Chelle - Regarding flying versus driving. My 4 hours of flights turned into 16 hours of flights. At least with driving you have some control.

    I got some great news today. Dr Gray called me with my oncotype scores - one was 5 and the other was 14. I see the oncologist Thursday and anticipate hearing the words "no chemo" which will make my day! Tomorrow marks 3 weeks out from stage 1. I still have 2 drains but I don't mind them. I was able to walk farther today and while I'm not upright yet I can see a little improvement every day.

    I felt a little sorry for Angelina that she didn't go to NOLA! I guess I'm biased!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    thanks Pink Heart for the pep talk.  Cannot believe this all happened from talk to reality in less than 2 weeks.  I am trying to understand the drain thing as Dr M says she usually uses a small flap from the neck for the donor site....where does the drain go??  From my neck...ick!  The central was enough...hate my neck messed with!  Good thing I will be asleep :-)

    on a plane in 6 days!

    Cherrie---so happy it all looks good...can't wait.  prunes...figs...hmmmm...hope relief is soon

    Klanders--you sound so great

    Chelle---ya!!  sonner always is better...may it fix the pain issues you have had


  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013 5 days without bm try ducolax suppository. Works fast. It's on the paper given from the center. I am so happy that you are loving your results :)

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Kristin - Angelina may be at the Center in a few years if the implants don't like their new home.  Yay for the good scores!

    Maggie - so glad our wonderful Doc is going to take care of your problem.  I understand about getting the neck messed with - I have had the IV line moved to my neck several times in surgery.  Always startling when I wake up, but it really isn't bad.  Since Dr. M helped pioneer this technique in the US, I am sure she has some tricks in her pocket.

    Chelle - glad you are going sooner.  I think you will be much happier.  Your drive will only be about 7 hours and there are lots of good places to stop along the way.  Your DH will have to remember to stop as you will probably napping.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    Klamders. Congrats on your low oncotype score. Woo hoo!

    I have my post op appt tomorrow. I'm nervous they are going to try to cut back my pain meds. I have never been so drugged in my life. I'm usually off the stuff way before I need to. Not this time.

    Mom is keeping me all straight so I don't od.

    I go home on the 16 th. I guess I should get my act together for my baby. Naaaa.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Member Posts: 271
    edited May 2013


    You may get lucky and not have drains.

    My axilla drain out in 48 hours.

    My drain for donor site (left groin) where he took the mini flap with lymph nodes in it, in for 12 days though he said would prob b only a week.

    It's different how he took a 'flap' and anastomized to vessels in axilla but there is no pedicle skin. Thought it would be like flap for breasts.

    Also, the scar at groin donor site healed well and was hard to even see by 3-4 months so you shouldn't have to worry about having visible scar on your neck.

    There is always a risk of getting LE at the donor site, so at first I was casting an eye at my left leg but never any swelling and I dont even think about anymore.

    It's been five months since LNT and no more trunk or elbow or arm swelling. This summer I will be taking these nodes on a major test drive with summer heat and lots of outdoor physical activity.

    I still wear a sleeve to fly or drive long distance. I go to PT-CLT twice a week for ROM issues and scar massage from my 7 surgeries in 21 month period. Even though no swelling, PT starts with brief MLD to my arm.

    I was ready to donate LE items my insurance paid for -- $7,000 lymphopress machine and custom night sleeve (hated). My PT-CLT is very supportive of LNT, but told me to still hang on to these things for a few more years ....

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    Thank you ladies so much for the encouraging words!!! The drive is about 500 miles (7 1/2-8 hours) without really stopping, so this will take a little bit longer. I gotten some helpful hints/tips of pillows, lovenox or possibly stockings and pain meds. I know it's doable, but its so painful to sit now, I can't imagine after surgery, but I'm sure it'll all be fine :)

    I am very nervous as I hope and pray that this is it and I can move on. Jeanine said my recovery will be somewhere between 2-4 weeks, but she reminder me I am a slow healer so she told me to anticipate the 4 week mark. That's fine, as I won't play the hero. I will start therapy as soon as the drains are out I think.

    I have an appt with a lymphedema therapist on Monday. I want to meet her and have her see what's going on and if I like her to have her work with me right after surgery. She will also give me some things I can do now to hopefully help before the surgery. If I don't like her, I still have some time to find someone else. I want someone ready and on hand to start as soon as possible after, so I guess we will see :)

    YAY!!! Congrats Klanders!!

    Healing hugs to all!!

    I was going to be able to meet toomuch in November, but now I am hoping to meet a few ladies while I am there this round.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited May 2013

    Met with clinic today. Wish dr Sullivan was there so I could give him a gushy hug. I have edema on my belly and it's all distended. They pulled the breast drains and only have one left.

    It's hot here in Nola. Finally. Going to try to to get some sunshine. I can't get away from these migraines. Big cloud behind my eye.


  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    Marsha - glad that you are going to get out and get some sunshine!  Let the pain meds do their job.

    Klanders - yippee for the oncotype scores

    Chelle - glad you were able to move date up - put this all behind you sooner (no pun intended)!

    It scared me to see my name on the list!  Can't believe May 24th will be next Friday.  Nervous but I am planning to feel better soon just like CherrieWink

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013

    Hey Ladies..... Been trying to write this for a few days....

    Had surgery 2 weeks and 1 day ago.  Still have left hip drain.  So sore!  I pulled a drain on Saturday... contacted Laura wanted to pull the other Sunday evening since I was hovering around 15cc.... Laura said No... and glad I didn't.  I have had output around 30+ almost everyday since then.  Talked to Jeanine yesterday... they placed me back on ABX since I had completed my first series a few days ago... I'm tired of pills.... but my drain sight is sore.

    I went off Dilaudid for a few days and went to Advil.... found I was just too uncomfortable... so I have reintroduced 2mg Dilaudid q 6 hours or so.  It helps me get comfortable.  I have a lot of discomfort in and around armpits and sides of breasts. One particular hard area in the cleavage area... looks fine but feels hard.

    I did a lot yesterday which means I'm tired and down and out today... Same happened on Mother's day... played croquet and made a few different dishes and drank some beer (wasn't on Dilaudid).... and played a bit too much.... I had minimal output and I thought... I'll get this second drain out... I'm glad Laura knew better.... I've probably put out close to 100cc since then and that wouldn't feel too good in my belly.

    Marsha... looks like you have been thru it.  But you seem to have a really positive attitude.  I never felt the HIGH feeling that some of you have felt... Maybe because I'm too chubby??? My judgement was probably off as I sent out nude texts of myself about 12 hours post-op to 1/2 my address book. I was excited about keeping my nipples... I'm a nurse and I thought everyone would share my excitment.... Turns out... not so much.  Ha ha... Worst part is I didn't crop my VJJ area like my husband told me to... My brother was grossed out and couldn't believe I "waxed"... Honestly, wasn't prepared for Dr. D to shave my pubic area... I tried to convince my bro' I had been shaved... and really he's a nurse too so not sure what the big deal is.  My husband pulled my phone from me when I wanted to send my nipple pic to my oldest son who wants to be a doctor... I had apparently crossed the line.  I guess the morphine did affect my judgement... lol... I might have told you guys this story already... not sure. 

    Today kind of down... I hurt. I'm tired.  Yesterday I could have mountain biked... today I hardly want to go to the toilet.  I wanted to mention for some gals... I had a real problem with the Miralax thing.  I was very regular and on Vegan diet prior to surgery.  I started only a day in advance and continued while hospitalized just 1 dose per day.  I had a BM while still in the hosptial on post-op day 3 or so... and stopped the Miralax... but then I ended up with a stomach ache and diarrhea for several days later.  I was so paranoid about being stopped up I never thought I could have the opposite issue.  It was hellish for the plane trip home and wanted to let the gals know that not all of us are created equal in the bowel department... lol. Ok, was that too much info?

    Alright ladies.... I won't do an individual call out since I have to review and see how all you gals are holding up... but I do remember reading Mags had 500cc drained off her bum bum and I was so thankful for that.

    Love you all... good luck to the girls on tap!




  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2013

    Welcome back, Jennifer! You sound like you are trying to do WAY too much at 2 weeks out!  Take it easy -- one good day can set you back 2 or 3 at this point.  Totally LOLing about your text message though!!!  As if it wasn't bad enough, your brother wants to harass you about your grooming habits?  Argh!  I'm glad you sound like you are in good spirits for the most part.  It's so nice to have the surgery behind you, even if you are going through the long recovery. Did the Center give you the antibiotic ointment with the numbing agent?  It fixes up those sore drain sites very quickly.  Rest well!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited May 2013

    Chelle, Mags, and Betsy, I added your dates or date changes to the listing above. Having a great vacation! Lost and lots of exercise! (which is good because we're eating out a lot!). 

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013

    omg LA... 

    Just noticed you are from Corvallis.... It's funny since I have been bummed and I started planning an Oregon family vacation today.  I have a lot of family out there and I have yet to mountain bike in Bend.  I thought I might cheer up if I could plan that trip.... Drive the Oregon Coastline... stop by my old home when I was a kid.... visit in Portland... hit Crater Lake... camp Diamond Lake... and some fun biking in Bend.

    Just coincidental... that's all.

    And I agree... my brother RN needs a life... my VJJ looked damn good.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013

    Oh... does anyone know when it's ok to take off the surgical stretchy bra and go without.... My skin is sort of sore.... esp. around the arm pits and outer breast... and it's a so nice to have a break from something rubbing.... esp. while lying here in bed.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Jennifer.. You can take the bra off at 2 weeks. And OMG... I was LOL about your texting. Yes, drugs can really hinder the judgement department. I was emailing my co-worker the night of my surgery. I later had to re-email and explain I was drugged.. It was kind of incoherent. Thankfully, I never thought to take pictures. By no worries, I totally embarassed myself with the picture sending while I was stone cold sober. I know I told this story before, but I sent nudies to my son by accident. It was an icloud error. Don't share an apple ID with your kids. My one piece of advice.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Russel the suppository did the trick. I stopped those meds so hope all is okay there.

    Marsha- I used Dilauded and never felt high. Darn, that would have been a nice side effect. LOL! Are you a headachy person normally. It could be a SE of DilUded.

    I sent my drain totals into Dr. M. She said she was happy things were going so well. Meaning I have to keep them. #+=! They are under 20 but it has only been 5 days.

    My DH and I stained our deck today. Hope I didn't push it too much. I am feeling great!!!!

    Chelle- did I miss something? Has your surgery been moved??

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited May 2013

    Mother...I also send naked pictures to my closest friend, and my two sister-in-laws. Stone cold sober.  My friend responded as I expected, all love and support and awe.  One sister-in-law never replied,(and I have a good relationship with her),  one replied but in a shorter manner then I thought she would.  In real life she was too shy to see  my breasts.  So I guess not everyone is as open or relaxed about this as we are.  By the way, one son was put off (embarassed) by my bathing suit picture-"ah mom, I'm not used to getting half naked pictures of my mom in email".  The other laughed but didn't reply until I asked him, and the third never replied  (I guess too busy partying at college).  So I did learn a valuable lesson- the ones who understand the most are the ones going through it, us!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    Hey Cherrie, yes my surgery has been moved up 4 months. The pain is getting worse and I have nerves being effected etc. Since I found out my FMLA will take effect June 1st, the center and I agreed it would be in my best interest to move it up and that will also allow lymphedema treatment afterward and hopefully get all this in the same calendar year.

    I had to call the center today cause I had a weird pain in my left buttock/top of my hamstring today. I spoke with Laura and she said more than likely I have nerves wrapped up in this mess I have and that could cause the pain. So, I am a little over 8 weeks out....I know this has to get done, but I am still nervous and just hope and pray we can prevent this from happening again.

    Hope you are healing well Cherrie!!

    It's crazy this roller coaster ride we are

    Hugs to you all!!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Cherrie - glad to hear everything finally moved through.  All will be well now.  Just don't over do things with this beautiful weather.  Glad you are loving your new scar.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013

    Oh Betsy you are such a bad girl!! That was funny though, & did take away some of the shock effect for me, thanks.

    KSue & Zandy maybe I'll see you at NOLA & best of luck.

    Maggie you're on you're way.

    This whole pic thing is hilarious! Im making damn sure my mom keeps my phone hostage. It's true the only ones that will really appreciate it are the ones going through it.

    Now what is this about lovenox injections? What is that & will I be doing that after surgery?