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NOLA in September?



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    I talked to her today Maggie. I love her and feel so blessed to have her as my PS. you are lucky to see her every day and you are in such good hands. My last surgery will be in September and I will miss her.

    Have fun in Chicago!!!!

    We are coming to Florida for 4-8 weeks this coming winter. At least 4 weeks will be in your area. We way need to meet again.

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited May 2013

    Mags- glad you seem to be doing so well! Don't overdo things.

    Cherrie- my heart goes out to you honey. I tell my kids they're never leaving. One can live in the cellar, one can live in the garage & one can live in the backyard....they think I'm kidding.

    Ok here's a question (or 2). Since surgery ( bilateral DIEP ) I tried a bunch of different pain meds. They started with Oxy -once, but my stomach hurt so they gave me Percocet- twice, but it gave me a headache, they tried Toroidal- twice, which was wonderful but I think they really want to limit that & thought I should but d/c'd with Oxy. So after waking up with a severe headache & nausea at 3 am Sat I pitched it. Got a script for nausea & started taking xtra strength Tylenol about 4 x's a day. Seems ok during the day but notice I'm not sleeping more than 2-4 hours at night because of discomfort. Should I just ride it out or ask for a possible 5 th suggestion?

    Also, right breast drain is leaking. Not a lot but change the pad about 2x's a day. Breasts not really painful but feel like 2 VERY HEAVY sacks of flour laying on my chest. Pressure is like when I really, really needed to pump when breast feeding. Normal?

    Post-op appt is Tues & fly home Wed morn. Sorry so long winded but it seems like everyone else is on vaca out there so I'm filling the void.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    I had dilauded (sp) after all my surgeries as well as flexeril. I cannot take anything codone or codeine. I too had leakage around the drain site for several weeks post op. Mine was a lot in the beginning but settled down to a trickle that lasted for about 6wks. Hoping for relief for you soon. I also take ambien to sleep. I do not need pain meds when I take it..last night finally got 8 hours straight

    Maggie 2

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited May 2013

    Cherrie- I had a son in CA, another in Japan and another 1.5 hours from me at one time - I was closer to the grandkids who live farther away b/c it was always at least a week that I was with them visiting or they here visiting and 24/7. Hope that's an option for you!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Thanks! It is so hard on me. I see my granddaughter every 8-12 weeks! Not enough. My son, who is moving to Seattle, has no children. I wish I wasn't having such a difficult time with this. We did everything for our children and I am so proud, but I didn't expect them to be so far. Sooo sad! I did retire early (teacher) to recover from surgeries and see my children. We will be traveling a lot.

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited May 2013

    Barb - definitely try dilaudid. The oxy drugs made me sick. Ambien worked well the first night for me but after that it wasn't worth the nightmares that it gave me.

    I am one month post of stage 1. I have one abdominal drain still but that should come out in the next few days. I've developed a hard swollen abdomen so I'm researching that now. I don't want to risk opening any incisions!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Barb...  I remember asking Dr D at my stage I post op, when I would not feel like I had bowling balls stitched to my chest. It does pass, totally. So just be patient and have faith it will all work out.

    Cherrie... I feel for you. My daughter is at college in Ohio and spending the summer in Madison, WI. She often says she will settle on the west coast. Of course, I tell her she can't cause I will miss her too much. We shall see. My son is more of a home buddy. He is going off to college this fall just 3 hours from home... And plans to visit us. So, I am hopeful he remains attached to us, and hope my daughter chooses the east coast in the end. I know she doesn't like the middle of the country.

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    I have to say Stage 2 is way easier than Stage 1.  We took a taxi for dinner last night and went to Mulate's for dinner last night.  There is no way I would have felt like doing that after stage 1.  I am taking Tylenol for pain and doing okay with that. 

    Barb - the first night at homewood I lost my cookies twice due to hydrocodone so I feel your pain. 

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Good news Mags!!! you mean Stage 2 is not as painful? :)

    I still can push fluid out of my drain sites...which is good I guess. It's not building up in there. I will call Laura tomorrow. Happy Memorial weekend to you all! It has been quiet on here!

    Cherrie... I know how that feels. My brother moved to Texas 5 yrs ago and I miss them.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2013

    Melanie... Stage II is just different. I was very bruised and if I moved, I felt like I had WAY overdone it at the gym... as long as I didn't move, I was fine. But this "pain" subsides quickly. One week post surgery and had almost no pain. Stage I pain is sore or can be sharp pain for some. Stage II isn't like that.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    Day4 of therapy and I am getting tingling in the back of my arm and across my left flap! So exciting. Too early to tell but things looking really hopeful. Also my new gap flap is softening. Weather here is terrible--cold for us as we are floridiots, rainy too but still able to walk everyday for my appts. My hip drains hurt like heck today andthe neck one just is crappy. Maybe tomorrow she will take the neck out. It is all gonna b worth it!


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited May 2013

    Maggie, sounding great. This is definitely the charm. Please give Dr M a hug for me. I have been missing her calls.

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    Russell - For me Stage 2 has been quite a bit easier so far.  I have more energy than I did after stage 1.  I do look like I have been run over by a mack truck with bruising all around my middle.  The bruised areas on the sides, particulary, feel heavy. 

    Barb - I saw Barb yesterday at Homewood.  She looked great!

    I am going for follow up appt. this morning.  I think I am going to see Trahan.  Any questions I should ask?

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Ksue..thanks for info:) did you add fat to your breasts? And did you get nipples?

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    Russell-I did nipple sparing so I have my own. I did get fat injections to the breast.

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited May 2013


    I know I've dropped off the grid for a bit.  I had a poorly healing right incision.  Dr. D volunteered to fly me back for a revision but I decided that waiting it out was a better option for me.  Still the fact that he and Jeanine are right there beside me when I start the freak out process is unbelievably comforting.  I've been making some great strides and Lefty is almost completely scab free... Righty is a little further behind.  Today marks 4 weeks!

    Barb your posts crack me up.... we would have got along well.  I too had the Madonna boob cut out bra technique.... You'll be sent home with two more new ones without cut outs.... I'm guessing they gave those to you today.  Hopefully you figured out the pain med thing... Dilaudid was my drug of choice also... and I tried to go off them too soon and really it just didn't serve me well... so take those pain meds!

    Klanders interested to know what is going on with your tummy.  

    Mags so good to hear you are on the other side and doing well.

    KSue... how much time did you take between your 2 surgeries.  Are you happy with your results so far?  I am really totally at a loss on when to schedule Stage 2.  I'm inclined to wait 6+ months to try to drop some more weight, etc... Not so sure if this plan makes sense or not.

    Has anyone heard from Marsha?  So worried about her.

    Ok ladies... good to hear from all of you.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Good to hear from you Motherandchild! I had some spots slow to heal as well, but they are almost healed up and it's been about 6 weeks out:)

    Ksue..So great you got to keep your nipples!! I want fat injected in there for 1/2 a cup size more. Let me know how yours turns out and how much stayed.

    Marsha..hope you are doing better each day:)

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    Motherandchild - I waited almost a year between stage one and stage 2.

    Follow up with Dr. D today. He said that everything looks good and that I may be able to pull the drains on Friday! That would be great.

    I saw Barb at the Center. She looks great.

    Still no BM. I fly home tomorrow and plan to get more serious if no movement by then.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    Ksue..I hope you don't mind me asking why you waited one year for Stage 2? Try Ducolax if no bm by the 5th day:)

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2013

    The Center contacted me yesterday because my insurance is refusing to pay for most of my stage 2 surgery. All that stuff was cosmetic, in their opinion. Has anyone successfully filed a level 2 appeal with their insurance company? Any tips? This certainly doesn't bode well for the 2 additional surgeries that I will need to take care of the necrosis in Lefty. I probably shouldn't even mention that when talking to under insurance company at this point. Stressful!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    LAstar.. That just stinks! I don't get how they can do that when they get aprroval up front! I went through hell and back when I was diagnosed with insurance. They were trying to slap me with pre-existing condition! Not!! Like we don't have enough to deal with!!

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited May 2013

    Yikes - did the office code it right?

    Hope it gets worked out, Lastar!

  • KSue
    KSue Member Posts: 87
    edited May 2013

    BM this morning!  Yippee - won't need to resort to drastic measures.  Getting packed up and definitely ready to go home.  Looking forward to sleeping in my own bed this evening.

    Russell - I waited almost a year for Stage 2 for a couple of reasons.  First, Dr. D feels it is best to wait at least six months if you can to allow everything to settle.  Origonally, I had planned Stage 2 for March but decided it would be too stressful of a time to leave work and that it may cause others to pull my weight.  Also, emotionally I didn't feel ready.  Waiting until the end of May worked well for work.  I work for a special education cooperative so I am not as missed during the summer.  I can take the time I need to recover and it won't place a lot of extra demands on my coworkers.  Stage 1 was pretty rough for me so it took some time to feel I was physically and emotionally ready.  Having said that, Stage 2 has been much easier than Stage 1 so far.  The pain is less.  The drains will come out much sooner.  Dr. D said that I could probably remove them on Friday.  I am not near as tired as I was after stage 1.  I probably look worse due to all of the bruising but there is less pain :).

    LAStar - unbelieveable.  I just finished stage 2 so no words of wisdom.  I don't understand how insurance can deny when they pre-approve.  Hopefully, Vickie will work her magic.  Is she wanting you to do something or will she continue to work on your behalf?

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    I never ended up hearing from the center, but did receive a denial letter not too long after my stage 2. Then a denial for the anesthesia bill and so on. I had to make some phone calls and the center must have recoded things because the insurance ended up paying, but it took awhile. What is the center saying? It should only be the portion you agreed to whether your insurance pays or not. Hope it all gets worked out.
    To be honest, I am a little worried about insurance with this stage 2b...

    Ksue, you sound great!!! So happy for you Smile 

    Marsha, hope you are doing ok. You are in my thoughts and prayers!!

    Hugs to you all & especially all those recovering!!!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited May 2013

    LAStar, My insurance has refused to pay for my stage 1 back in October.  The Center has a law firm that handles the appeals process and I received notice a few weeks ago that all appeals processes have been exhausted and the decision to deny payment is final.  The Center told me that the next step is to recode the bill and try again.  It's incredibly stressful for me, but they don't seem to be worried and nobody is hounding me with statements for unpaid amounts, so I am just trying to keep the faith that all will work out.

    Strangely, all of my stage 2 in February was covered without any issues.

    I don't understand any of the billing at all.  Both surgeries were precertified, so it makes no sense to me how they can then deny payment when the bill is actually sent.

    It's very stressful.  But, like I said, I haven't really had to do much of anything except read the paperwork that comes through.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited May 2013

    Thank you all for your feedback!  The insurance company approved all of Stage 2 prior to the surgery except for the fat grafting and transfer, which they called "experimental."  (Strange to approve the lipo but not the process that uses the fat from the lipo!)  Then after Stage 2, the insurance company revised what they would approve and are requesting a refund on part of what was already paid to the Center.  Is that even legal?  The Center has been appealling on my behalf for 8 months now.  They said that they have received another denial, so at this point they get the patient involved.  They said that this does help sometimes.  To quote a popular internet meme, "Ain't nobody got time for that!" If I am unsuccessful, then their legal team takes over for a Level 3 appeal.  I was hoping to schedule a December surgery, but dealing with the necrosis is not a health threat so I may just have to wait until this all plays out.  

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited May 2013

    And what happened to "Breast Reconstruction is covered by law"???

    Audrella..I didn't realize you were still dealing with that! Doesn't make any sense!!!!!

    Ksue..thanks for being so sweet and explaning that to me. I wonder why Dr. Sullivan says it's ok to do Stage 2 at 3 months. My ps here also stated that the longer you wait the better. I was trying to get this done in the same calender year due to money issues and insurance. Any feedback from you ladies would be great!!! Thanks!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited May 2013

    Russell, 3 months is the minimum time out from stage 1. They won't even schedule unless you are at least 12 weeks out and then as others have said the longer you wait the more "settled" and less swollen you are. I waited 4 months for my stage 2 and that was fine for me. I wanted to get the surgeries in during the same calendar year too.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited May 2013

    La...ridiculous! I have battled insurance the whole way. I am so sorry. You wonder if it was their wife, sister or daughter would they treat you like this. I remember thinking that when I was being hustled out of the hospital after staying one night for the bmx and was vomiting. Hope they get this straight for you.

    2 drains gone today....the neck and the armpit. Left flap is softening from the mld therapy I get everyday. Today was beautiful so we did the river cruise. Walking out to navy pier tonight for fireworks. New lymph flap is doing excellent. 2 more days of therapy then home sat. Nervous about flying with drains..any tips besides the letter from doc? How was ohare tsa?

    Maggie 2

  • Catie2013
    Catie2013 Member Posts: 241
    edited May 2013

    Russell, I was wondering about the Woman's Act law about reconstruction too!!! Good grief! I think it's how the Drs. staff codes the insurance bill that might be the problem! I'd seriously look at who is coding if they keep having the same issues! Or maybe insurance companies are just stalling with all the claims with storms, thinking the farther out they put it the longer they have to pay? Just a thought? It just seems like your Drs run such a tight ship that this coding thing is getting out of hand.

    Too much stress to have on BC patients for sure - not only the healing but then the $$$ issues??? Yikes!

    Maggie I'd get to the airport with plenty of time, TSA's might be backed up?