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NOLA in September?



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Galia! Keep is posted.

    Sharon, my daughter had her ultrasound which the tech said was a swollen lymph node and not a mass or cyst. The radiologist has not read it yet. Thanks for asking! It still bothers me.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited July 2013

    Welcome Galia!! You are in great hands!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2013

    Hey ladies. New Orleans has been in rare form the last few days. I have many weird stories to bring home. Glad the city didn't disappoint.

    I go see Dr D in the morning. I will report back what he says.

  • Paula_Kay
    Paula_Kay Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2013

    Good Mornin' Sisters!  I haven't posted in FOREVER - creeping in the back ground reading your posts.  Had my Stage 2 on March 15 and even went for stage 2(b) on June 27. Recovering well.  Flew back to NC on June 29.  No drains for my 2 (b).  However, I have the worst brusing of any of my procedures now.  My 2(b) was for symmetry and minor scar revision, not very bruised at all from the lipo....but the rt. breast is UGLY bruised from injection.  I had some "bruise trauma tattooing" after stage 1 that Dr S corrected at stage 2(a).  Since I have graduated NOLA and will not be returning, is there any action I can take now, 11 days out of stage 2(b) to minimize bruise tattooing?  I posted the same question to Dr D on the Ask the Doctor board.  Looking your experiences and recommendations too please.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited July 2013

    Betsy...must be the heat of the summer making people crazy x)

    Drainage was good this weekend 45, 50 and 40 yesterday. Pain is diminished too...feeling hopeful that I have turned the corner.

    Good wishes to all the ladies up this week

    Maggie 2

  • mstrouble16
    mstrouble16 Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2013

    Betsy-we just chalk it off to being summer around here, you know us Louisianian's we party for anything! Last week alone with July 4th,  we also had the Essence Fest (which is probably what you encountered in the Quarters) and several small festivals that went from Thursday through Sunday.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited July 2013

    I'm leaving for Stage 2 with Dr. S on Wednesday & surgery will be on Friday. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Everything went so smoothly with Stage 1:)

    Mags..sounds like drainage is getting slower. We do what we have to do right? Hugs !!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited July 2013

    Been out of the loop for a bit...headed to Seattle for the 4th of July.  Nice reprieve from the heat in OK, that's for sure.

    Cherrie...good news about your daughter.  Hopefully it disappears soon.

    Very excited for you Melanie.  Did you decide what you were going to do?

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited July 2013

    Safe travels!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2013

    Melanie... Good luck this week.

    Sherry, yes the essence festival took over the quarter.... Much much quieter tonight.. My funniest story was after dinner at commanders palace, all dressed up, walking down bourbon street and being asked if I want to throw beads off a balcony outside a strip club... My friends and I accepted. Pictures on Facebook...

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2013

    Melanie, good luck and safe travels. I'm missing you by a week or so.

    Betsy, how did your appt with Dr. D go? Love the pics on FB :) Looks like you guys had a great time!!!

    Galia, welcome to the group!! I was one of the BRCA sisters that commented on FB Smile

    Cherrie, still praying for you and your daughter as I know you are still concerned. HUGS!!

    Mags, sounds like you are doing well and hopefully it won't be too much longer with those dang drains.

    I am praying hard these days that my body won't work against me this time. I have been trying not to directly work my pec muscles, but everything you do pretty much you can feel those muscles. I don't want to be any bigger, but all the "fluff" on the top part of my left breast is gone and now there is divot in the cleavage part on the left side. I am hoping he can work the area without making me bigger. I was actually able to buy a size small workout shirt the other day. Dr. D has no idea why this is happening Cry as working out and lifting weights is good for you and this shouldn't have happened. So this surgery is turning out to be much bigger than expected and any prayers would be greatly appreciated. I have full trust in Dr. D, it's my body that I am worried about.

    Hugs to you all!!!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited July 2013

    Betsy, what did you find out from Dr. D??? I thought of you there when I saw the festival going on!!! I am sure it was a wild time. !!!

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited July 2013

    Thanks for all the well wishes!!! Xo

    Betsy... Can't wait to hear what Dr. D said!

    Good luck Chelle! You are going to be fixed! I just know this!

    Audrella I'm pm you😘

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2013

    Ok. I am posting from my phone so will elaborate later. But basically he is going to re-shape the left breast doing a lift. He said that will resolve the flat area. Sort of pull it all in tighter. But then he will need to fiddle with the right for symmetry. No implants. Yay. And a little fat grafting at my request.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2013

    Thinking of you AnnAlive and Melanie. I know you are prepared. We are all WTH you.

    Betsy- it is so nice to know what will be done. Yay for you.

    Maggie- you sound so much better. Hope that drain figures itself out soon. We WILL do that freedom dance soon.

    Chelle- thanks! Still waiting on Radiologist report.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited July 2013

    Oh my my! The drain was 37.5! Can this really be happenig? I am beyond excited. Lowest 24 hr total since the flap was done in March...not that the drain has been there since then but with the last drain. So happy to see light at the end of the tunnel

    Cherrie hope you get good news soon. I never want my daughter to go through this!


  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2013

    I arrived in NOLA today, had pre-op with Dr. S for my stage 2b, which was to be at noon Wed, but got moved to 7 am! I won't even have time to develop a caffeine-withdrawal headache.Wink

    I'm all marked up for a little more than the slight revision I was expecting. Also getting some fat grafting to improve shape, and a shift of the belly button to the center. I thought it was going to be simpler; thinking about bruises and compression all over again (but probably not drains) -- so thankful, though, to get these improvements.

    I also met Vinnie and he took a preview Embarassed of where he will place his art on Thurs.

    I won't be staying at the hospital -- doing this as outpatient. Melanie, I don't know if we'll cross paths on Thurs if you are there for your pre-op. I'll see Vinnie at the Center early, 8 am. Best wishes for your stage 2. Betsy, so glad you have a plan with Dr. D. now.

    Thinking of you, Maggie, glad things are better. Cherrie -- thanks for the wishes, and I hope you get some good news.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2013

    I flew home today, and it looks like I missed some of you by a day.

    Anyway... so Dr D thinks that all I need to give more projection to the left is a little re-shaping. Of course he immediately started drawing on the right side, even when I said I liked the right side. He can't help himself. And of course his suggestions made a lot of sense. He wants to rotate the right flap to change the shape and give more fullness up higher. So looks like both breasts are getting revised. I asked him then if a little fat grafting would improve projection... He said he just wasn't sure where to get it from (he has lipo'd a lot already)... but there is some on my back. He said he could add some fat in addition to re-arrangement.

    I was also looking at my before pics... and it truly is a transformation. When I am all done, I want the disk.

    Last of all, he did mention to me that I should avoid pec workouts. He said that because the flap is attached to the muscle, if you work on the pec muscle, it can pull on the flap and distort things. I might assume that if you are working out each side equally, it would symmetrically distort things, but still. So I thought you all would want to know that.

    I told Dr D that I knew that most people at my stage would cosider themselves done, but I wanted my last surgery to be a tweak, not a 6-7 hour surgery. And I want as close to perfect as we can get.

    So that is the longer explanation of my appt. I am always glad to go down and see him face to face. It just what works best for me.

    BTW, I learned that Dr Cohen (who came from Baltimore) did not work out... and that nurse Erin is now a PA. She was my very first nurse - very sweet. The waiting room was over-flowing - so busy busy busy.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited July 2013

    Ann - have a restful day today.  Sounds like there is an end in sight.

    Melanie - enjoy NOLA.  Your time there will be much calmer and more restful than your last visit.

    Betsy - sounds like Dr D has a plan that will give you your perfect outcome.  Though this tweak might take a bit longer than a few hours.

    A little distressing about the pec work.  How will I ever regain that strength?

    Maggie - way to go!

  • Del11
    Del11 Member Posts: 398
    edited July 2013

    I'm sure it's different with every person, but I haven't avoided working my pecs (e.g., pilates, rowing) and everything looks the same. Did he mean just during healing, or ever...?

    Eh. The whole point of doing flap recon was to not have physical limitations. So I'm certainly not going to put any on myself. I don't think I'll be doing deadlifts or pull-ups, just because I'm not that hardcore, but I'm not going to avoid anything because of my flaps. Bring on the pec exercises!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2013

    Ann, thinking of you and so glad you are almost there!!

    Thank you so much for saying that Melanie!! I really need to hear it Smile 

    Betsy, that's interesting he is saying that now. It's always been excercise and do whatever you want after your recovery time and that's what I was being told until a few weeks ago when I explained to Jeanine what was happening and she told Dr. D. Then I got the direct order to stop!! You would think it would distort the same on both sides, but my left side is the problem and I am right handed. Maybe my right side is stronger and I am overcompensating causing my left to distort. I don't know Undecided I do think it is more of weight lifting (chest presses, upright rows etc.) I worked out again last night for 2 hours and it was awesome!! I have lost another pound and I am now down 17 lbs at 123....I don't want to stop for surgery cause I am definitely in a groove right now.

    I am so glad that Dr. D will be able to help you and give you what you want without implants. I am like you and I need to see him in person to explain everything and set my mind at ease. I guess that's why I am all over the place emotionally with this. I went to see him back in April and everything got messed up with his schedule and my appt was moved, but in the end I didn't get to see him Frown

    The hospital called yesterday and did their stuff and my labs and tests were faxed over yesterday. I'm getting close, but honestly just want to have it over.

    You ladies are so special to me and thank you for all your advice and support.


  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited July 2013

    You folks are motivating me to try to get to NOLA next month. I have an appointment to see Dr. D on August 19 for a consultation about the necrosis on the left side. The breast is still getting smaller, although it's usually not noticeable in clothes. I'd thought that I should cancel the appointment since we are still trying to get my insurance company to pay for most of my stage 2, but Yvonne in Billing said to by all means continue on with my treatment and not worry about insurance. This makes me nervous, but she assured me that I will not any unexpected bills. Part of me thinks it will be a waste of money to go to NOLA just to have Dr.D squeeze my breast and tell me we will have to do DIEP, but part of me wants the peace of mind of knowing that it absolutely has to be done before I schedule another surgery. Oy. If I'd know this path would require so many surgeries and a wrap-around scar, I might have chosen differently. However, I'm about to go to a festival this weekend and am looking forward to wearing lots of cute things and no bra, so perhaps I should trust the process.

    Thanks, ladies! I check in every day to see how everyone is. This would all be a very scary process without you.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited July 2013

    Leigh Ann... TRUST the process. And i have the wrap around scar, and it is hardly noticeable.

    About pec exercise, he didn't specify whether it was ever or just during healing.He did say to go ahead with all other exercise. And I am sure he means ***PEC*** exercises. Not pec exercises. I think using 8-10 pound weights and doing upright rows isn't going to get me so toned that it distorts my flaps, but I can see how that could happen. And probably most susceptible during healing. And if you were a body builder, I can see it happening no matter how much time passes. This may be Dr D's new thinking because of you Chelle. I definitely work on pecs and always have.

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited July 2013

    I am definitely not a body builder, but I am/was trying to strengthen and tone my upper body, but mainly my flabby arms. Nothing really hard core though, but just medium weight (10-15 lbs) but lots of reps and then I'd reduce the weight and continue. I was doing all sorts of chest presses, lifts, rows, push ups (regular and tricep) working all aspects of my upper body.

    Betsy you may be right though cause he seemed pretty concerned by what was happening, well that was my impression from Jeanine...

    I want to continue these workouts after surgery...Man, I hope I can!!! 

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2013

    My daughter's report came back from radiologist and it is indeed an enlarged lymph node. I am relieved as she shared with us last night, that she is just pregnant. Still, hope this gets resolved. She will have it checked out again in early August. So scary to go through this.

    Thinking of AnnAlive and Russell. Can't wait to hear back from you!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited July 2013

    my heart just lept with joy for you Cherrie on 2 fronts!!! CONGRATS


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited July 2013

    Cherrie - so glad to hear your daughter's report!  And am hoping she has found an OB/GYN as it sounds like she now needs one.  Congrats on another grand.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited July 2013

    I'm back from stage 2b revisions. Out of recovery I was wheeled to the Center's back door because they rescheduled my tats after Vinnie had some cancellations. Now I don't need to return there in the morning, nor at all if all's well. Vinnie did a marvelous job -- DH watched and is pleased too. Dr. S. did more than we initially requested and it looks great. Lipo from hips/thighs to fill in on breast flap. Symmetry is much improved, and belly button was moved too.

    No drains, but I have some pain that I hope subsides in a couple of days. DH will drive us half way home on Thurs, then the rest on Fri, with frequent stops to let me walk around.

    Best to you, Melanie, that you will do well.

  • ssla01
    ssla01 Member Posts: 216
    edited July 2013

    Cherrie congratulations on both counts.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited July 2013

    Oh there is such great news on here! Loved reading it! So happy about your daughter Cherrie !

    I'm sitting in Salt Lake City. Our plane to Nola delayed about 3 hours:/

    Looking forward to big bodacious ta-tas with fat from my thighs!!!!! 😁😁 some great nipples& a better A$$!!!

    Ill post after my pre-op tomorrow.

    Glad all went well AnnAlive and sorry we will miss each other!

    I hope I can work out my pecs because I love doing push-ups and dead lifts . I'm sure it it all be ok in the end.

    Have a safe trip home Betsy:)