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NOLA in September?



  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited August 2013

    Chelle - so sorry about the scar issues.  I have some of those problems with a scar on my left breast.  Hopefully Dr. M will be able to inject it while I am under for 2c.  Maybe you can have someone drive you and take a few painkillers?

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited August 2013

    oh sorry..enough is enough!  I hope it is not too painful for have been through so much already...hang tough

    Leavin early for Charleston  for stage 2...finally gonna get some perfection in these fugly things!


  • toomuch
    toomuch Member Posts: 254
    edited August 2013

    mpeteacher - Everyone's recovery is different. My husband was with me for my Stage 1 bilat hip flaps and my teenage kids flew down and joined us post-op day #5. Once they arrived,  I was up for going out to dinner, spending a few hours in the evening in the French quarter and a trip to the aquarium. If it hadn't been July and 100 degrees, I may have ventured to the zoo. It's one of my favorite places in NOLA. I hope that you feel up to doing some fun stuff post-op!

  • Pamela44
    Pamela44 Member Posts: 114
    edited August 2013

    Hello everyone! Good luck Mags! I've posted six mth pics on the pic forum if anyone is interested. There is one of how the breast scar looks. Doing well but had a two point rise in my ovca marker. Doc not concerned still normal value but I am! Will have to wait and see. Hope you all are having a nice summer.

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited August 2013

    Addidas,yes, I'm scheduled for 2a (and hopefully last surgery) on Sept 4th. Just realized I'm 2 weeks out and need to stop all my supplements.

    MAPBB, maybe we'll bump into each other as I'm having stage 2 the same day. I will PM you to get your name. They prefer at the hospital that when we go looking for each other we know more than just screen names. However, you probably won't want or remember visitors that first 24 hours and I'm just staying overnight. I stayed at Hope Lodge in April and that worked okay but I had a rough time after stage 1 and had trouble because I couldn't sleep in a bed. The no food in the room was tough but the facilities, kitchen and staff are all nice. No complaints! This time we are going to stay by French quarter the first night and the rest of the week we'll be at Hope Lodge. We've never seen New Orleans so wanted to get out a bit this time.

    MTpeteacher, everyone is different. I had a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction and had a bad time for 3 reasons - I had to have a blood transfusion, I did not do well on the meds given to me initially, and because I was thin, after surgery it took probably 2 months before I could stand up straight. I barely moved from the hospital bed that first week and needed a wheelchair to get around in - primarily because my back hurt so much. I am so glad that I had the surgery but right afterwards I was regretting it. I don't say this to alarm you but to let you know that if it is bad for you it WILL get better and you'll be thrilled with the results. Expect the best, but don't be hard on yourself if you don't feel like sightseeing afterwards. Oh, and there was a woman from this board who had her surgery a day after mine and she was riding the trolley about as soon as they let her out!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2013

    MAPBB, I live in Oklahoma, so definitely close enough to drive.  It wasn't bad at all.  On the return trip, you do have to stop every hour or so to get up and walk around so you don't develop blood clots, so that part extends the return trip quite a bit.  They will also give you Ted hose.  Going down, we made the trip in a single day (12 hours), but coming back, we broke it up it over two days.

  • mtpeteacher
    mtpeteacher Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2013

    Thank you, klanders, for sharing your story...I'm glad you are healing and ready for stage 2 now! Good for you!

  • mtpeteacher
    mtpeteacher Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2013

    Wow, toomuch, you were amazing after your bilateral hip flaps! Bet your family was thrilled that you felt well enough to do a few things while in NOLA. An air conditioned aquarium might be a goal if the old bod feels like venturing out. Thanks for posting!

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited August 2013

    Mtpeteacher, I am actually looking forward to going back! They treat you like royalty and they are so good at what they do! I have no regrets - and now I know to skip the oxy meds and do dilaudid! That made a world of difference!

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited August 2013

    Thank you Marty and Mags!! My plan is exactly that Marty. I will have my husband drive me and I will take something beforehand. I haven't heard back from Jeanine though. She was going to e-mail Dr. D on Thursday, but said he wasn't back in the office until Tuesday. So, I will see if she calls me tomorrow. I am trying to hang tough, but I am just ready to move on.

    You are going to do great MTpeteacher!! The facility and staff are amazing and you are in the best of hands!!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2013

    Had my first bilateral MRI after BMX and DIEP. they had to stick me three times to get the IV in me. Grrrrrrrr! I can do my pre-op bloodwork now but will have to wait until my bruises are gone on my right arm. No blood draws on left. Just needed to complain. GHEEZ!!!!!

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013

    Chelle, it was busy at the Center today. Everything was running late. I hope the injections work well for you!

    I saw Dr. Stolier today and he determined that the lumps I found are related to the necrosis. He said he'd never seen an MRI of a necrotic flap, and he was like a kid in a candy store! It was a relief to know it is not cancer. He said I basically have a failed flap, it just took longer than most to fail. He said there is no question that it all has to come out.

    Then I meet with Dr. D. who did not see the MRI & suggested that one option is to keep the necrotic breast and size down the other side to match! What? He felt that DIEP was the best way to go.

    I'm probably having DIEP in the spring so I can do stage 2 before the end of the year. Not thrilled about it but it was great to verify with the surgeons that it needs to be done so I can start planning. For now, it will be nice to fly out if NOLA without drains!

    I hope you are healing well, Barb, and hope Maggie and Kim have a smooth go of it tomorrow!

  • KaseyAnne
    KaseyAnne Member Posts: 8
    edited August 2013

    First time posting here :)  I have my diep scheduled on November 12 in NOLA with Dr. Trahan.  I have waited 6 years.  I wasn't sure if I wanted to do reconstruction or not.  I needed to get to that place where I was ready. I finally am!

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2013

    LAStar, so sorry to hear the news about your flap. That sucks to need a new surgery. :(

  • ssla01
    ssla01 Member Posts: 216
    edited August 2013

    Welcome KaseyAnne. Dr. Trahan was one of my surgeons.

    LAStar. I am so sorry about your flap, but I know you are relieved that it isn't cancer.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2013

    Leigh Ann... Sorry about the surgery BUT coming from someone who has had GAP, DIEP and then tDap to correct the necrotic tissue, I am a fan of working at it til you're happy. You'll do well...

    KaseyAnne... welcome. I am sure Spring will add your date to the above list.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2013

    Welcome KaseyAnne! You have chosen wonderful doctors and a great site to get you through this!

    So sorry you are still dealing with this Leigh Ann. However, it will be nice to get this done and over with. Damn!

    Thinking of you Maggie and Kim!

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2013

    Good luck today Maggie and Kim!

    Welcome Kasey Anne!

    LeighAnne, I'm glad you got some answers.  Did you leave with a plan?  I'm confused because it sounds like Dr. Stolier and Dr. D have different opinions?

    One of the things I simply adore about Dr. Stolier is that he is so incredibly passionate. I had DCIS, that had spread outside the ducts, but remained DCIS, which according to him is extremely rare.  While I was in the exam room, he asked me if he could share my imaging on a board he's a member of and after I said yes, right then and there, he emailed/posted my imaging from his ipad while I watched.  He was so excited it was cute.

  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited August 2013

    I met with my MO before chemo today and showed her the hard spot on my breast that still has a bruise, and she said it was skin necrosis. (This is where I had a hematoma that was drained in a second surgery the day after my DIEP 4 months ago.) I asked if that would resolve at this point and she said probably not but that I would just probably deal with it rather than have more surgery that could create even more scar tissue. I said that it would probably be taken care of at my stage 2, where they need to fix the the symmetry problem. She said it wasn't that bad. Hello, it's a full cup size difference and I still have to wear the lumpectomy prothesis I wore before surgery to look right in many dresses. Without it there is a noticeable difference i can see through my clothes. That much missing is not going to fixed by a padded bra, as she suggested. The dark red skin from the hematoma that looks permanently tattoed clashes with the bright red skin graft. If i thought that would fade id be ok, but if it is permanently tatooed thats unacceptsble. I'm glad I asked her to confirm it was necrosis, but as for the rest I will consult with my PS thank you. My breast surgeon who did the first surgery seemed surprised that there was a planned stage 2. I guess most doctors think you only get one shot at getting it right. Where I'm at is not acceptable as a long term result. Besides the lumpy hard spot, and size difference, my belly button is 1" off center and looks weird. It looks like a hot cross bun. I want it to look like the innie it used to be.

    My stage 2 is Jan 22, 2014, after my FMLA and sick leave renews. The earliest I'd be able to do it is November and I'd be out of disability, so I'd have to take leave without pay. So waiting a few more months to take the time of paid is no big deal. I do wish I could have a consult before then. Does anyone know if they will do a photo consult over the phone? I just want to hear that what I want is possible. It would give me peace of mind.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited August 2013

    Marsha - take some photos and send them down with your questions.  The docs understand that at least a preliminary conversation will help you.  Sorry your MO is so unaware of the possibilities.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013

    Audrella, I loved the story about Dr Stolier. He is so passionate about his work! I think Dr D was outlining all if the possibilities, but maybe there is a little pride regarding his work? Dr Stolier suggested just getting an implant. If I'd wanted an implant, I would have not gone to all this trouble! They were giving me all of the options, and it does help to make my decision.

    Marsha, definitely send pics and questions. I've done that with my necrosis issue and it was very helpful.

    Thanks for letting me whine, everyone!

    MAPBB Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2013

    Question for all who have done Stage I.  Did you stay past your post op visit?  Mine is scheduled for Wed at 9 AM which puts it at one week past surgery.  My paperwork says they want me to stay 10 days post surgery but if they aren't seeing me it necessary?  I do recognize that I may not feel well enough to leave.  thanks and happy thursday to all

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited August 2013

    Marsha, definitely email your pics and questions.  I too wanted a consult in person before stage 2, and looking back, I had SO much anxiety about it, I really should have just had one.  I didn't email pics, though.  That probably would have helped, but I was too busy worrying that it didn't even occur to me to do that! 

    MAPBB, I headed home the day after my one-week post op.  My post-op was late in the day and Dr. D was running terribly behind (it was well after 5:00 before we finished up), so it didn't make sense to leave that day.  We did leave early the following morning, though. I wore the hose and walked frequently, just as I was advised to do. I honestly don't recall reading or being told I should stay any longer than my post-op appointment.  Had I been told that, I would have been inclined to follow instructions. I tend to be VERY compliant when it comes to medical advice.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited August 2013

    MAPBB... You can leave as soon as you have your one week post op appt... Perhaps they meant 10 days in all... arriving a couple of days prior, plus surgery and post op gets you to 10 days. For me, I did stay an extra 3 days, but just cause my husband was coming down to get me and wanted to spend time with him in NOLA.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited August 2013

    MAPBB, I think they schedule the post-op visit to be sure you are ready to fly home.  It wouldn't hurt just to check with the Center right now that you will be cleared for take-off at that point.  I was certainly ready to go home by then!  

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited August 2013

    I had my post op exactly one week after surgery then flew home the next morning. I was ready to get home.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited August 2013

    Dr. Massey's info says 10 days and I did ask Becky in the office just to confirm.  Sometimes a post op can be rescheduled for later in the day or the next day.  Maybe for safety you book for Thursday afternoon?  Just in case.  If you are driving, you should be able to walk every hour.  I would double check with the office.  My surgery was on a Friday with a post op on Thursday.  We departed on Sunday - made it 9 days, but couldn't stay in NOLA any longer as it was Thanksgiving week.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited August 2013

    MAPBB- if you are flying I would call Becky and ask when you can schedule your return. I would think Thursday afternoon would be fine. If you are driving, go when you feel like it. Put the compression socks on and walk every hour.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited August 2013

    stage 2a is done and I am back to hotel...she did a little lipo from left side and one spot on right that was sent for pathology which scares me just a little.  Feeling pretty drain on right but nothing much coming out...she did that as she just deosn't trust me--heehee.  Sore throat from the tube and under right arm where she lipoed a bit.  Going to turn in early as I am just beat!  All looks good so far so fingers crossed


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited August 2013

    Maggie - sounds wonderful!  I had a sore throat for several days this time.  I hope everyone at Roper was wonderful.  They are really a great crew and the nurses on the floor where you spent the night are the ones that row with Dr. M in the Dragon Boat race.  Big hugs for you getting to 2a!  Wow!!!