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NOLA in September?



  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited September 2013

    Maggie - I just received some Rub On Nipples that I got to test the look out.  I have til December to decide on nipples or just tats.  Tis a puzzlement!

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited September 2013

    good idea Marty....I know I want the "look" of them just do not know if I want the sewed on nips

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2013

    And then you can go braless without nipples showing. Jealous. I kept mine but they are puffy and show through on T shirts. Just a thought.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2013

    Dr D gave me the "baby prominence" nipples, so I have the look of a nipple without much sticking out. I love the rub-on nipple tattoos! My hubs never even notices when I'm wearing then because they look so natural. It's fun to try out different colors.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092
    edited September 2013

    just doing some more thinking today....went shopping yeterday for some new clothes and even though my weight is 20 lbs down my middle (ribcage) is still big. I have a hard time filling in wrap style tops and dresses.  If they fit around the ribs then they are loose on the boobs as we were not able to get them as big as i wanted or as big as they used to be.  Did anyone have this and then their body change after the different stages?  I have only had stage 2a and know there is much more to do with this wretch of a body including my butt.  I seem to look for clothes that camoflauge the girls.  Will I be showing them off by the time I am done?  


  • celtic_antique
    celtic_antique Member Posts: 351
    edited September 2013

    You betcha you will, Maggie!!



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2013

    Mags... Over the last two years, my midsection has definitely changed. For the better. Things seemed to really improve after my stage 2b. I am now 2 years post stage I, so it takes time for sure. I feel I am still a work in progress. Weight loss does help immensely with the "bloat" or distension.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited September 2013

    Audrella....How are you feeling? Thinking of you as you go into surgery! xo

    Mags...I'm so glad I did nipples. :)

  • ttay
    ttay Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2013

    Good afternoon, Ladies.

    I got to spend all day at the Center with Katie on Thursday, because I rode the bus over from Atlanta for my appointment, and it wasn't leaving until that night. She was really sad to go and was really happy and grateful for all the emails she got from everyone. She was teary all day. I told her how everyone here thinks she's a rockstar...because she's so helpful and makes the trip there so easy for us.

    I'm scheduled for Stage 2a? 2b? on Monday, October 21st with Dr. T for revisions/tweaking of both breasts...not sure what else.

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2013

    Feeling great!  All marked up and ready to go.  Dr. D gave me two do a little lipo and plication, the other do a lot of lipo and no plication.  He said I'm in a gray area as to whether I need plication or not and suggested I think about it overnight.  Not sure what to do?  I'm leaning towards doing lots of lipo and if that doesn't give me a flat belly, going for the plication later on.

    Other than that, Dr. VonAlmen is doing the hysterectomy/oophortectomy first, then Dr. D will relift my left side, lipo my axilla, lipo the side boob, do fat injections and reshape to both breasts, and lipo my ab, flanks, inner thighs, and back, revise my donor site and inject some fat into my left nipple because it flattened out quite a bit.

  • DianneNC
    DianneNC Member Posts: 113
    edited September 2013

    Good luck tomorrow, Audrella!! We had our stage 2's at the same time, and I am envious that you are getting finished up already! I'm eager to hear how you feel after the ooph/hyst, as I am having that done in January as well.

    Rest well!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2013

    Rest well Audrella! We are all there with you. It sounds like you are having a lot done tomorrow. I know you will do great. ((((Hugs))))

  • chellehump
    chellehump Member Posts: 374
    edited September 2013

    Hey there ladies

    I also sent Katie an email and got a very sweet reply. She will definitely be missed!!

    Audrella, thinking of you!!! You're going to do great!!!


    Tara, glad you are getting to go back!! Wow, never thought about taking a bus over there...

    My friend from NOLA is coming here this weekend and I can't wait to see her. Especially since she's pregnant with a sweet baby boy and we are throwing them a baby shower. She's been such an amazing friend and supporter through all my ups and downs as I've been there for her (20 years) It's those special long time special friends you should hold onto with all your strength. It's crazy how life shifts and changes :-) so so happy for her and her hubby!!!!

    I'm still working through my issues and have been referred to a hematologist. We know our bodies better than anyone and I'm going to listen to it. Thanks for all the sweet words of encouragement.

    Hugs to you all!!!!


  • vwbordelon
    vwbordelon Member Posts: 35
    edited September 2013


    Just need to ask.  I am currently scheduled for Dec 18 for Stage I surgery, DIEP, prophylactic mastectomy.  The center is out of network for me (Blue Cross) so I am going to have to pay out of pocket for a portion of it. I am seeing postings about Stage IIa, b, etc.  I have already been given a price for Stage II but now I am concerned about IIa, b, etc and what they would costs and if God forbid any complications.  Any insight would be appreciated.

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2013

    I just had my stage 2a 10 days ago and they haven't posted yet with my insurance. I check my online account with my insurance. But I'm mine is in network with doctors and hospital. I wouldn't think it would be as much as stage 1 and 2. Then you may not have to have a Stage 2a ect.

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited September 2013

    Sending good thoughts your way, Audrella!  I love your great attitude!   Cool

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited September 2013


    In my opinion you may want to push your surgery to January. I sat this because whatever benefits you have will be in place for 2014. Enough time for stage one and two. For me I am having stage II c in November but if it were costing me a fortune I would not be doing it. I did have a complication after stage I and had to have another very expensive surgery. All covered by insurance. I would move to January so you have one copayment.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited September 2013

    Betsy - great suggestion, but believe it or not, not all insurance runs on a calendar year.  For example, ours begins anew on October 1.  Nothing like confusing everyone.  

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited September 2013

    Audrella..sounds like you got it figured out....and I would do the lipo and see how that goes:) without the plication. Can't wait to hear from you on the other side! hugs

    vw...Betsy did give a good suggestion. Look into that.

    Chelle..keep us posted on the hematologist

  • Audrella
    Audrella Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2013

    Had a really great day today.  Ate lunch at Cafe Reconcile near the Center, got some groceries, went to Parkway Grill for Dinner, went to Preservation Halll for a Jazz set, and then to Lafitte's for a voodoo daquiri.  This girl is done and ready for tomorrow!  Thanks for all of your support, guys.  It means a lot.

    I think I am going to go for lots of lipo rather than the plication.  He said if the lipo doesn't work, I can always come back for the plication down the road and the lipo is much less invasive.  Sounds like a plan to me!

  • Judy_63
    Judy_63 Member Posts: 129
    edited September 2013

    I had lipo and plication in stage 2. The plication is what takes the longest to get over. I've had another plication in stage 2a for my pubic area that was still poofy. By the time all the swelling goes down I should be super flat, but that may not be till months down the road.

  • Russell1
    Russell1 Member Posts: 413
    edited September 2013

    Audrella...Wow what a great day!!! I hope I get to do that much when I go for tattoos:)

  • motherandchild5
    motherandchild5 Member Posts: 111
    edited September 2013

    Anyone heard from Audrella?  I hope she is well.  It sounds like whatever she is getting done... I'll be doing it also.

    I'm stage 2 this Thursday with Dr. D.  I fly out tomorrow morning.  I am a weepy mess.  Jeanine said the same thing on the phone to me... a lot of lipo with no plication... or a little lipo and a plication.  I am glad to hear Dr D offered to have Audrella come back if she was still unsatisfied.  Not much to lose I guess.

    OMG. My stomach is in knots... Knowing Audrella is done and healing would make me feel better.... Damn these surgeries.

  • denouement
    denouement Member Posts: 190
    edited September 2013

    Wow it's been a while since I've been on here - I had my surgeries two years ago and I'm going back to NOLA in a couple of days, this time not for me but for my cousin who was diagnosed with aggressive IDC and will be having her stage 1 surgery with Dr. Sullivan and Dr. Stolier this Friday.  Will anyone be there while she is there or next week while I am in town.  I'm looking forward to being there and NOT having surgery but very nervous for my cousin who is having a really tough time - keep us in your thoughts and hope for a complication free surgery and recovery!  Hope everyone is doing well...~dana 

  • Barbmal5
    Barbmal5 Member Posts: 76
    edited September 2013

    Audrella, healing thoughts. Glad you're all done.

    Mother, been thinking of you lots. You're in great hands & will do awesome! Just take a deep breath (or have one of those voodoo daquiris Audrella had). In Stage 2, although you still need to take the time to heal, its no where near as intense as stage one. You'll be so beautiful and all done! Can't wait to hear from you.

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited September 2013

    Dana...I will be surgery is scheduled for Wednesday the 2nd with Dr. Sullivan and Dr. furhman . Will be at hope lodge from the 30th and then after surgery.


  • Jane123
    Jane123 Member Posts: 198
    edited September 2013

    Hi Dana!  How reassuring for your cousin to have you.  I know you helped me.  Smile  Peace, Tam

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited September 2013

    Mother- there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I am healing from my 2c. Everything is easier than stage 1. You will still have drains, but not for as long, you heal faster, go back to work quicker, etc. take that Colace and Miralax now.

    Dana- It is so nice that you can be there for your cousin. You will be a great help.

    Pat- you need to get your name on the list. It helps us all remember who is going in and extra prayers and healing vibes go your way.

    Getting all your surgeries done in one calendar ,insurance year , is the way to go. I learned the hard way. I had one last November, and all the rest (3) this year in 2013. I am done, but could have gone again in December, if I needed to. I paid two deductibles and co- pays. You need to know when your insurance starts their year. Mine is January 1. Then you can squeeze in all your stage 2's in the same year. Much less expensive!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited September 2013

    Dana - you will be so very helpful to your cousin.  The experience will be invaluable and you will become so much closer.

    Cherrie - you sound wonderful!

  • klanders
    klanders Member Posts: 152
    edited September 2013

    Mother, you'll do great! Stage 2 is much easier than 1. And you did so great with stage 1! I was amazed (and jealous!) at how you were doing laps so quickly last time! I didn't have drains for stage 2. I was eating dinner the same day of surgery. I was walking laps the next day and really the only pain I had was from the lipo bruising on my thighs which made it difficult - but not impossible - to sleep on my sides for a while. I think I'm done now with surgery and maybe this will be your last, too! You are in good hands! I will be thinking and praying for you tomorrow.