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NOLA in September?



  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Yikes Pam!  soy sauce-you silly girl!  You crack me up.

    I think this is a Nordy question and she's on the west coast so you need to wait an hour or 3. If I were to call the office here's what I'd ask:

    - how do they differentiate between pseudobursa/seroma or just extended a LOT of post op drainage? and then just what point will we decide what to do next?...would a sono now tell you if it is pseudobursa/seroma?  Or is it just considered a post op seroma?...................Sorry....when I go back to work Monday I can grill one of my surgeons.......BUT, that's just me. And I'm not giving medical advice!

    Maybe Gin knows too as she was VERY juicy and had to go back and get new drains.....not sure if they did anything ...but they CAN surgically if you have those sorts of issues...sheesh!  9 weeks and that volume is just a lot girlfriend!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Jennifer.

    I hadnt even thought of pseudobursa/seroma?  Or is it just considered a post op seroma?

    So this could already be a Seroma?  I had it in my head that a Seroma didnt drain.  If it is something like what you mentioned...Then keeping the drain isnt going to solve my problem...right?

    My dh pulled my 1st drain & he couldnt believe it just kept coming.  I think the tube was about 12" long.  LOL


  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    Man, you NOLA gals are tough! I'm lucky to live in the same town as my PS!! I can't imagine pulling tubes out of my body -yeeek! it makes me shiver to even think of it!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Pam, honestly I'm not sure....that's why I'm asking the questions I typed above.....not sure when or what differentiates the 2?  or what time period? 

    Do NOT pull that drain until someone tells you and ACTUALLY as much drainage as you've had for as long I can't imagine they'd tell you to.  LET them do it if they're going to pull it. Just seems like this has been an awfully long 'wait and see' time.

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Pam go to ask the doctor website....Nordy asked a Nov I think and he discusses fluid build up.  I think you should call dr. M's office and review your long drains in, HOW much fluid continues, your pain/discomfort and your concerns: how LONG is too long, at what point do we change gears/ change plans/proceed w/ plans......BUT I am very impatient and I am NOT giving you medical advice!  I probably need to butt out maybe you've already been in touch and they're advising you to be patient?

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010


    Thanks for the very helpful advice!  Not preachy at all.

    I spoke with both of my daughters about this last night and they are going to try to come in shifts.  One will (hopefully) go with me and stay through surgery and while I'm in the hospital.  The other one will come the day before discharge and stay until I leave to go home.  This should cover me.  It's great that the nurses are so attentive and kind, but I think I will feel a bit better having someone there at all times.  If it ends up only one can come, then it'll be for the second part, when I'm required to have someone with me to travel home.  That oughta be fun with all of the added airport security now.  I hope they don't give people a hard time now with drains, etc. 

    I have to say I'm not all that comfortable with the idea that a different doctor may do each side.  What does everyone else think about this?  Do the rest of you NOLA gals think this is how you were operated on and are you fine with it? 


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Jennifer,

      I put in my 2nd Call to Dr Ms Assistant & they want me to have it pulled.  Which I am glad about.  But I will be very worried about SE having it come out when it is this active.

    I looked back at my Drain chart & the last time it was 35 ccs overnight was 2 weeks ago.  I topped out at 172 that day!

    I only did 1 thing different yesterday.  I forgot to take my Powder protein.   I am down to the Icky stuff I dont like very much...And so didnt take any.

    Could be a Big Cooincidence.  But could be why too.  i think I will double my icky Protein for the next few days or more....


  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Oh and Jennifer, I know what you mean about friends/family/support and being self-sufficient.  I'm exactly the same and I have a limited range of support.  I don't have the type of family who is going to jump in and offer to help do anything, nevermind traveling or spending days helping.  That just would not happen.  I need to stop spending so much time at work and expand my people base, for a variety of reason, mostly because it's just the mentally healthy thing to do.  I love to socialize and I am very friendly, but I guess I am not easy to get to know--a little on the reserved side, so I have to make a conscious effort to reach out more to people.  Oh step at a time.

    The church connection is a good one.  I definitely want prayer support!


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Suzanne~ I am comfortable with what I have seen so far with everyone elses outcome so i am fine with 2 Dr. doing the operation.  I would much rather do that than do each side    I am ready to go......  Now all I need to do is show up...right ???  My wonderful DH is insisting that we go snow skiing before I leave for NOLA which is making me estatic.  He doesn't want me to miss out on some fun again this year. 

    Pre-op this coming week.  I hate the blood draws...grrr...  I am a sissy when it comes to needles.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    I called the center and today I get to pull my drain! woo hoo! I am excited to get rid of it! My dh is going to do it for me when he gets home from work tonight.  And today is my birthday, so we are going to go out for dinner afterward. I hope I don't 'leak'!

    Jamie..I am glad you have everything ready for NOLA now. With everything else you have been through, blood draws are a breeze.  Have fun skiing!

    Deja...Good luck with your drain today too! I don't know how you stood this long. You are one tough girl.

    PJ...Congrats on being drain free! Another accomplishment on this long journey.

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    jaimieh, good point...yes, the results speak for themselves.  I am very comfortable with the results I've seen from NOLA.  I guess I just never thought of two doctors doing two different sides...LOL!   It came as sort of a surprise!

    I hope you get to go skiing!!  Sounds great!

    Try not to worry about the should be fine!  I can start mine as of January 23--one month ahead for all of the pre-op stuff.


  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Suzanne, What kind of tests do you have to have for pre-op?  From what you said, the result can only be 1 month out.  I've scheduled a annual physical on 2/17 which I'm hoping to use part of those tests if possibel for my pre-op.  My surgery is scheduled for 3/23.  Thanks for any info you can provide.


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010
    Cat.....I just had my surgery in NOLA 3 weeks ago and I can answer that, if you don't mind. They want your reports from your last mammogram and ultrasound.  You will have to have current labs specifically CBC, BMP, U/A, they have to be within 30 days of your surgery date.  Chest xray and ekg  they need to be within 6 months of your surgery date. If it is longer than this, you will need to repeat it. Hope this helps!
  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Hi Cat,

    I am still awaiting my info packet, but my understanding is an EKG, chest x-ray, blood work, and if you are due for your annual mammo or scan they want that too.  I am due for a mammo in March, so since my surgery date is 2/23, they want me to go ahead and get the mammo pre-surgery just to be sure there are no new issues.  There may be other tests more specific to each individual, but so far that's what I know.  Except for the mammo, these are all typical pre-op tests.  I had to have the same done before my surgical biopsy last May.


  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Ooops...didn't see Christy's response.  :-)

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Ladies, that info really helps. I'll definately be good for the x-ray and ekg but will have to check about the blood work.  Don't think they'll need a mammo or ultrasound, I had bi-laterial mass back in February.   Thanks


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    No problem..she had asked you anyway, I just thought I would put in my 2 cents worth,  lol

  • BettyeE
    BettyeE Member Posts: 136
    edited January 2010


    Happy Birthday!  My birthday is tomorrow!!!


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Having a team of surgeons doing simulatanous bilateral DIEPs or GAPs keep the surgery time down. Heck, my SGAp was 10.5 hrs with TWO docs working. If only one does it, you'd have to have two seperate surgeries.

    I imagine an issue could arise if there's a flap failure--whose flap was it, who do you blame, etc...But as I said, it's a team effort, and no one wants a flap failure. They're all perfectionists.

    I know that my surgeon wanted to be "in charge" of my radiated side, but she also wanted to work on an entrapped nerve I had on the other side. But I never even asked her who did what. Except I knew the other doc cut the donor side that had the bloodiest drainage, yet that was also the drain that came out first...

    I never saw the second surgeon. But I hear he does darn fine work on his own.


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    I second what Anne said - two surgeons = much less time and in some cases (like for gap and hip flaps) = one surgery instead of 2. I think we are lucky to have two capable surgeons available to work on us. Who would want a second 8-10 hour surgery if they could help it?!

    Pam - I personally think it is good you are getting your drain out. It will probably drain out through the exit site for a few days anyway until the outside closes - so make sure you put a sterile 4x4 on it to capture fluid (this goes for you too Christy - just in case!). I think it is a fine line when you are juicy like us as to how long the drain should stay in... but it is not necessarily a good thing to leave it in too long. You will know if you have build up of fluid because you will have discomfort in the area and also if you push on one end you will see the fluid move beneath your skin like a wave. No worries - just go in and have your local PS stick a needle in and drain it. (For me, if the PS went just below the incision line I didn't feel it). You, Dr. M, and your local PS can decide how often you should be seen for drainage if the buildup gets bad and if they think you will need another drain. You will be OK!

    Anyone hear from Trishia??? Was she getting her PET results back the other day or did I miss that she already had them back? Hoping everything is good... 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    CCbaby- HBD!  AND congrats on being drain free!

    Jamieh if you want to see the slopes this season listen to your husband!  I haven't been the past 2 seasons and am attempting to work myself up to going way north for end of season......I have a feeling I will be on bunny slopes too!

    Suzanne, LET people help you. Promise you'll be amazed at how many friends/coworkers/neighbors are willing and WANT to........this is your time to let people help you out so please please please make lunch dates, dinner dates now or casually mention it...(yeah right!  sorry!  as if you're going to say...."Oh by the way I'm having bilateral mastectomy!").......I guess what I mean is:  "Oh I'm going to be out/away, am having some surgery"  To which you'll get "Oh are you OK?  Can I help w/ anything?"  and you say  WELL....I should be home on march 5th or 6th......why don't you give me a call then and , here is my e-mail address too!"...You'll also be surprised to see how many women WANT to know more because they've had a mamo scare or another family member affected by something similar and most have NO clue that it's possible to do immediate recon or that going to the RIGHT docs makes ALL the difference.  Plenty of people have nightmare stories.  Yours will be the one w/ happy it's also wonderful to be able to share the experience....esp when you're doing this to ease anxiety.  BUT, I am also going to pm you because I am now compelled to call you too before and after your surgery AND when you get home to make sure you're behaving!.....I KNOW what you will try to do! and can give you a list of the things I should NOT have done!  Hanging pictures is up top!  even tho I had a very small hammer.  Do you have some books to read, movies to catch up on via DVD or pay per view? or other low level activities?  If not get some lined up now!  I did do a bunch of little projects around the house which gave lead to other larger ones that are still WAITING!  I guess the BEST thing is I GET to do those things now and can look forward to that as opposed to more BC, or Bc treatments right?Wink

    In regards to 2 docs working on us.  That was a HUGE selling point for me.  This teamed plastic surgeon approach is what cuts down your OR/anesthesia time drastically.  Almost every other PS who does recon will have a breast surgeon working prior to and maybe simultaneously if it's immediate recon and they MAY have another PS to assist BUT seriously typical time in OR for 1 PS recon is almost double.....12-14 hours for flaps.....mine was finished in 5.5hrs.  There are NUMEROUS reasons why less time in the OR is companies do not like to pay for 2 PSs and  Lanita will tell you they send plenty of appeals.  BUT......cutting anesthesia time in half is SOOOOooo much better for the patient!  Less anesthesia time contributes to much less nausea/downtime post op.......also risk of tissue death is most definitely decreased- the flaps, the skin, the vessels reconnected.....Because this is ALL they do at CRBS they have refined their process and I'm a big believer in good process.  I guess too....It's not just like "OK which 2 PS's are available?"  This is a highly coordinated team effort.  They won't work w/ just anyone.  You have the 2 PSs for stage 1 and the BS is there as well at least I guess to start w/?..........stage 2 is one PS.

    Pam......girl I am glad someone is seeing you tomorrow.  I HOPE things get better but honestly I don't think you are doing a single thing wrong...I think you are going to need to keep an eye on that area because you may get to have it aspirated.......Nordy and Gin had similar issues....IF you do develop pain/lumpiness, etc don't let it go.  Call them back!  

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Nordy, YAY for DRAIN FREE!! No compression for me, was done with that about a week+ ago. 

    Now, am concentrating on walking 2 miles every day and Yoga everyday! I am still very very tight and sore. The muscle stitching that Dr. D did below the navel is now really apparent! I know I will feel better in a month or two!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    PS - Jennifer - I am still keeping your offer in mind for March...! I didn't forget!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Spring funny you should say that about the stitching.....I was starting to think I was more aware now too.......and I had hardly any sign of it before that was why I was asking about sit ups.

    OK, Actually I went online and found our dominatrix outfits and I ordered in a smaller size- and flesh toned.......I don't think I'm getting much compression anymore so!  there ya go....we'll see...I just know for the next few weeks at work -standing.....I am staying compressed.

    I forgot Bettye...HBD

    and Eve/Minnesota...thinking about you and your procedure tomorrow hope all goes swimmingly....or as well as it possibly can!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    OK Nordy....I know you didn't!  You and I need to update avatars...but don't make me look bad ok?......I guess as soon as the tree is down!  YES, still christmas here today!  it will take a few days to do BUT I can lift >10 lbs now!

    I know this is whimpy BUT this arctic blast is something....probably nOTHING like up there north BUT  wow!  what a difference a month or 2 makes!  This year is a real winter...temp 25 and to 15 tonight....and tomorrow.

    Texas and Alabama game.......oooooh painful so far......for TX

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Hi all!

    So much to comment on.  I've been reading, but not posting, so I will have to do that.

    So Monday I had my MRI follow up for the hot spot on my PET.  FINALLY got the report today....looks like ovulation and fibroids caused it.  My mom works for a chiropractic office, so I have them fax the results to them and to my doc so I can get them faster...LOL!  My doc's office did call, but I missed it.  She may want to do some more follow up...I dunno. She has been pushing for a hysterectomy because of the Li Fraumeni, but I am not ready for that!!!  I have a good friend who had thryoid cancer and totally changed her life.  Quit her corporate job, went to massage school and she specializes in Mayan massage..which is for the lower body, pelvis, and abdomen and has been shown to help with fibroids.  I'm going to see her.  I'm also going to get some progeterone cream too.  I had my hormones tested this summer and they aren't out of whack.   Tre and I had our yearly physicals and blood work and tumor markers ran and all were normal...YAY!!! 

    I am not good with waiting.  I am much better when I have information to gather and look up.  

    Anyway, that's what's been happening in my neck of the woods!!!  

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Trishia - so glad to hear your "hot spot" was just benign stuff!

    PlainJane - thanks for the positive thoughts re: the D&C. etc. tomorrow. Yesterday I got a sore throat, today hoarse and horrible headache, but they tell me that as long as I have no fever, I'm still good to go. I haven't taken any tylenol for the headache all day, lest it disguise any fever. So far, so good. I REALLY want to get this over with tomorrow - 8 a.m.! I've had my period all week, so maybe when they get in there, there will be no more thickened endometrium! Hoping the polyps are unremarkable. After this is all behind me, then I plan to make my decision about the PM. I may have my own dates up there at the top of the page all too soon...

    Springtime - Are you sure it was Dr. D. who stitched up your ab? Maybe it was someone just wearing his shoes!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Oh, BTW, can someone post the link to Ask the Dr? I have a new computer and lost all my bookmarks. Thanks!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Minn~I didn't have a D&C, but I had endrometrial abalation in 2004 and did really well with it.  Still don't have a period, but have all my parts and all my hormones.  I hope it is a great success.  Rinse your nasal passages with saline solution and gargle with warm salt water.  Sending you lots of good vibes!!