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NOLA in September?



  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Warrior - Happy 2 year anniversary!

    Jenn - Will let you know as soon as I know - but thinking you just ought to come! I am reallllllllllllyyyyyyyyy nervous to be without my hubby... So weird! I didn't think I would be, but he has been with me for every surgery the past 4 years... Just feels empty without him coming. 

    ccbaby - my instuctions were to wear the bra 24 hours a day for 2 weeks. I wore mine at least 6, but that was because I had a dream that I took my bra off and my new boobs came off with it and just left 2 gaping holes... SO, I didn't need it for that long, but I am with Stephanie - it was like a security blanket. 

    I can't remember who asked about the wedge thing - I didn't use one... I just propped myself up on pillows on the couch. BUT I have a really comfortable couch! I don't know that everyone would want to do that. In the beginning it just felt too weird to lay flat - like there was so much weight on my chest! Maybe that is because i had been without breasts for so long. I don't know if the immediate reconstruction girls had that same feeling. Anyway, it took me a while to lay flat - probably 4 or 5 weeks. Then I waited even longer (past 6 weeks) to sleep on my side as well. I just didn't want to do anything to mess things up, so I was overly cautious! 

    Liz - welcome to this thread! You will find a lot of friendship and support here!

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Liz, I didn't need any kind of wedge after my SGAP. I could get in and out of bed fine, just by rolling onto my elbow and pushing up. Not having the belly messed with made it all easier.

    However, if there's any danger that you could inadvertantly roll onto your sides or belly without knowing it (like if you took pain meds or sleeping pills) then be SURE to have something in the bed to keep you a little more upright. People rolling onto the flaps can kill the flap after you leave the hospital...


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Plainjane - good luck today at work!  I hope it does not wear you out to much.  

    Nordy- That's terrible about your dd!   Im glad you did speak up.  That person should not work there anymore. I love the Necklace link you posted.   I never take my necklace off.   otherwise I would be tempted to treat myself to it.  

    Margit- Glad you are doing a little better.  Sorry to hear about the Drain.  Im very glad they were able to keep one in & it now is working good.  

    Sassie- Sorry the Acupuncture did not work like it has before.  Hope the massage helps   Warrior- Congrats on 2 years!  That is neat that your dh surprised you with a Hot Air Balloon ride last year.  My day was not acknowledged here & I was pretty hurt. I have to go look at the video...I will probably forget when i am done here ;o  

    LizR-welcome.  I had a SGAP & used just pillows.  I was ok sleeping not propt up- In fact it felt better.  And I used one under my Knees.

    Hope everyone has a good Week!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    So- less then 3 days since I got my drain out & I already have a Seroma : ( I feel like I have a Waterbed Butt. Hard to tell how big it is. but the Pain is alot -Back & Hip.   Like on the days my Drain raced to 175 ccs.   So how soon would one have it drained?

    I have a question for you SGAP ladies.

    now that my drain is out.  My right hip looks really bad.  my Hip bone sticks out much more then the area below it...And then then dog ear is below that & sticks out- but less then my hip still.

    Can they really even this out?   I feel like my hip will end up sticking out farther then whats below it after stage 2.  And it does not look good : (


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Liz, I don't know if you would need the Back Max Wedge as much if your tummy is not involved. I needed it for sleeping for a month or so, and then used it to relax for the next couple of months (I used to do a healing meditation in the afternoons before going back to work). Now I just use it on the couch as extra back support. 

    Warrior, Great to commemorate your cancer-versary. We also left town for my one-year. My daughter was doing a summer internship in DC so we went there - it's a great city for Adults to play.

    Sassie, your body has been through a lot. Maybe give the accupuncture another go?

    I recently had to go to the chiropractor to get things back in alignment. I started gentle yoga again and things were NOT right! Getting better now.

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Pam, yuck on the seroma. Talk with Ashley. I'd be getting it drained sooner than later. And put some sturdy compression panties on it, if you're not already. The heaviest, thickest, most Spandex-y you can find.

    Getting the backside evened out and to your liking can take a lot of work/patience/time. Jutst be aware of that. Make sure when you send Marga your pictures that you point out what is bugging you.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Anne-I left a message this morning for Ashley to call me when she gets in.

    I also put on brand new Higher Up spanxs this am.  They are helping the pain.  I think my other ones were stretched out!

     I sent you a pm.


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010
    Thanks Nordy....what a weird dream! I would probably do the same as you if I had a dream like that! Ok, so since I am 4 weeks post-op now, I think I will go bra-less when I sleep tonight. Freedom!! Laughing
  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    I got the intake phone call today and now I am really nervous.  I will be having a CTA prior to my pre-op appt. and I am not looking forward to all of the IV's :( 

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Jamie...Are you talkaing about a CAT scan?...I had that too, I had to lay on my stomach...I am sure you will have to's no big deal and the IV sticking only takes a minute. Don't be will be in great hands.  All of the the girls there make you feel at ease. They will give you a tour of the hospital then too, which makes you feel even more comfortable.

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Christy I am talking about the CT scan.  Thanks for all of the info.  I feel like I have been waiting forever and now I feel like it is sneaking up on me.  After saying that though I am ready to be able to donate my prostetics :)

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Jaimieh,  I so agree I'm ready to get rid of the prostetics.  I've still got 2 1/2 months to go before I get rid of mine.  I'm just wishing time away for now, I'm ready to get this process started. 

    I had a CT scan right before Christmas, I'm hoping they will take that one so I don't have to do it again. 


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2010

    Oh LouAnn,

       I am so glad you had the opportunity to go to the Center prior to your surgery date and meet everyone! Did you feel the "magic"? I know how excited you must be and can't wait until YOU are on the other side of surgery and loving your outcome!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Cat- The CT scan they do at the center they do a little different. They are trying to get a good look at the Perferator veins.

    So you will have to have it done there..Even after just having one done : (


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Jamie was right - it is a CTA scan which is the acronym for CT (computed tomography) and the A stands for Angiogram - which basically maps your circulatory system. They do it with contrast to see the vessels - so yes, it is important for this particular surgery. Having said that - when doing a CT with contrast it also shows a lot of other things that often are not picked up on a non-contrast CT scan...

    I have FIVE prosthetics to donate somewhere... Currently my kids play with them - ask me, "Mom, can we play with your old boobs?" and proceed to put them in a pillow case and carry them around the house. LOL Pretty expensive toys if you ask me! It will be interesting when they start bringing them out to show people. I keep meaning to call the ACS (and its not like I never talk to them since I am a reach to recovery volunteer) and ask if I can drop them off somewhere to them. Maybe a good goal to do today.

     I just registered for my FIRST ever triathlon in June. WHAT am I getting myself into? It is sprint distance, so the biking part should be a piece of cake (remember I road from Seattle to Portland in one day last year - so 12 miles should not be a big deal) BUT I don't really swim... or run for that matter! So I decided I had better start training!

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Nordy - a triatholon!  Way to go girl!  I'm still trying to get into a routine of just regular exercise.  I'll do good for a few days and then not do for a few.  Just can't seem to get it together.  I'll just keep working at it. Some is better than none!

    Good to know about the scan!  Thanks  

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Nordy, I am so impressed!  Good luck!  Training for that will be something!  And LOL about the 'expensive toys'!!!

    Thanks to everyone for the info re: the back max.  I will order one.  It looks really comfortable and I can put it right on my bed and sleep with it that way.

    Does anyone have experience with the Clarion Grand Boutique?  It looks nice and like a good location, plus a little less expensive than some of the other hotels.  I may try to stay there for a few days after surgery.

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies!!

    Finally a moment to breathe - so wanted to give a bit more of an update on my visit to the center last Friday!

    First and foremost - the words that came to mind when I walked in were "warm" and "welcoming". I arrived with my two other flight attendants in tow - and we all said a collective WOW when we walked in - the facility is beautiful, serene - and comfortable. Again - wow!

    Such a pleasure to meet Sandy - and Alaina!! I had a bit of the feeling of a child on Christmas morning -  and really wanted to say to Sandy "OK girlfriend - lift up the shirt and show me what ya got!!" (I held back though!) The visit was a whirlwind - Miss Liz was going out to lunch with Sandy and Alaina - so our visit was brief - I did however, get the opportunity to ask Liz what exactly Dr. S. was going to do to me............(Since July, I have been lopsided to say the least - TE expander on the right side filled to 500 cc, thin skin next to ribs on the left side do to TE failure). Liz told me that the TE expander is HISTORY as of the 27th (yipee!) - Dr. S. will take tissue from the abdomen and also from the lumbar (upper buttocks) area - and do a stacked procedure - NO MORE EXPANDER!!

    I told Liz of the issues I have been having with the TE - do to the pressurization of the airplane - the darn thing inflates with each and every flight - do to a very heavy flight schedule of late - it seems it is in a permanent state of expansion! I have also developed some redness and tenderness on the lower right quadrant of the 'breast' - so Liz took a look and wrote a prescription for Cipro - looks like I may have a bit of an infection that we are going to try and reign in before my surgery. Do to the possibility of the infection, I "grounded" myself once I returned home to Phoenix Friday night. Taking the risk of something happening on the airplane this close to surgery is just not worth it - so the next flight I take will be my flight on the 25th to take me to NOLA!!

    The anxiety I have had regarding the surgery has subsided of late - I am now in the 'nesting' stage - my garage was the victim today - it is clean as can be, and Goodwill is very happy with all the donations I took in! My closet is next......

    The information I have received on this site has been invaluable - it is so nice to know what to expect - and what to prepare for! I ordered my BackMax last night  :) - I have also reminded my self many times what my oncology nurse said last March before I started chemo - I had asked her on a scale of 1-10 how bad the chemo was going to be - she replied " LouAnn, I won't give you a number - if I tell you it's going to be a 9 - you are going to make it a 9 - If I tell you it's a 2, you will make it a 2 - as with many things - your attitude will have so much to do with how you handle the chemo." Wise words - wise words indeed!!

    OH - I had the most delightful passenger on my flight home on Friday - she lived in Covington, LA, where Fairway Medical Center is - I asked her for restaurant recommendations - and here they are:

    1. Dakota's

    2. Etoile

    3. La Provence

    All are in Covington, close to Fairway - and are moderate in price with excellent food!

    Thank you again for all the info ladies!! Jamie - I'll see you in two weeks!! 



    OH - one more thing - on my ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my diagnosis (this time around anyway) I will be having surgery in NOLA!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!?

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    LouAnn - I can so relate to the concavity/thin skin from the expanders. You are going to LOVE your new breasts.

    Cat and CT, thanks! I love the encouragement as right now I am wondering what I have done... 

    Oh, and one more thing on the prosthetics... my kids also like to wear them on their heads... LOL. I am going to have to take a picture the next time the two have their little "boob head" yamikas on... LOL

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    oh, yes, the Clarion... I ate there - the food was good. My girlfriend stayed there and really liked the location and said the rates and service were good. BUT, this is hearsay as I have not stayed there!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Nordy... very funny.  I hope they don't end up on a therapist couch someday recalling that.. LOL

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Nordy~ My 4 year old son came down stairs and yelled really loud "Mommy I tuucchhed you booooobies in the bafroom upstairs" I about peed my pants.  So maybe we can get a group rate for the therapy.   Your comment on thin skin and concavity sounds like you are talking about me :(  Not for long.....

    LouAnn~ When do you get in on the 25th ??

  • Jill_45
    Jill_45 Member Posts: 8
    edited January 2010

    I know I haven't posted for quite awhile but I do have a question. It is almost 6 weeks since my diep and this last week I have been having quick sharp like pains in both the diep side and the side the reduction was done. Is this normal?

    Two weeks ago I had to have 250 cc drained from the breast and they had to do it guided by an ultrasound again. That was one huge drainage! Also that day they had to remove a stomach drain that was coming out. Wednesday I see my PS again...not sure if it will need draining again as I am still pretty swollen and I hope to get the last stomach drain out. Not sure what happens next....


  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    HI, Jill, "quick and sharp" pains sound like nerves regenerating. I think that's pretty normal at 6 weeks out. Hope it's nothing more than that!


  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Lou Ann I am so excited for you.  Good plan on laying low and the nesting is a great idea.

    Re: the back not necessarily a must just sort of a handy practical luxury item w/ great ergonomic features......I just LIKE it!  and YES I did sleep on mine(w/ all 3 pieces connected) every night post stage one and 2 but I am typically a stomach sleeper and haven't quite resumed that.  Also it's easy to use sitting up in bed reading, on the computer, watching TV etc.

    Pam, sorry you have to deal w/ seroma.  I'd think sooner is better.  Has to be really uncomfortable!  And bet once the seroma is gone things will look different too.

    Work was good.  Once again have forgotten a lot.....stuff I used to breeze thru mostly on computerized charting.  I'm sure this week will continue to be similar to learning how to drive in regards to documentation.  Have decided to further celebrate welcome back and do my show and tell tomorrow for a friend in the lactation room just for one would ever know that these don't lactate!  I SWEAR!  Of course I will wait until it's empty and NOT ruin it for some young mummy infatuated w/ breast feeding.  Actually I'm all for it....just not by ME! 


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Jenn- Breast  feeding... that is funny. I was w/my kids at Whole Foods a couple of days ago and Jasmyn kept pulling on my shirt... The girl made a comment about my daughter wanting to nurse (she's TWO...LOL). I just started cracking up... I said I don't have any boobs to nurse from, that my boobs were made from my butt... You should have seen her face. LOL... OMG, I am mean...

    PAM - go get your butt drained! I know how uncomfortable it is! Then plan on having it drained once a week or so until your body re-learns how to take up fluid. You will feel so much better when the fluid is out, AND then keep it compressed as tightly as you can. You know I know your pain!

    Therapy for my kids.... LOL... maybe!

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Hahahaha!  Nordy that is priceless!  And you are my new hero!  A triathalon?  Holy cow!

    Pam, get it drained!!!!!!  You will feel so much better.

    LouAnn~so glad you are taking time to make sure you are healthy for your surgery. 

    JJ~when are you coming to see me so we can go wine tasting?!?!

    Jill~I am thinking nerves too.

  • BreastCancerDiva
    BreastCancerDiva Member Posts: 29
    edited January 2010

    Hi all.    Thought I'd share my experience with drains and seromas as well.

    I had a BMx in May and kept the last drain in for 5 1/2 weeks after surgery.    I needed to get it out so I could start radiation.   Once removed I had my chest drained by my breast surgeon (guided ultrasound) every two weeks for about 3 months, and then weekly for the last month before I had my DIEP in NOLA.    She was pulling up to 300 cc's / week.    So don't put off getting it drained. 

    I don't think just a collection of fluid, though, is necessarily a seroma.   If it's not drained, it will develop into a seroma, because the fluid will keep the edges of the cavity from coming in contact with each other to heal.    So if you keep compression on it and don't wait too long between drainings, you may avoid the seroma.

    I am now 6 weeks post DIEP and still have one chest and one lower drain.    Driving me crazy.....

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Nordy & Jaimieh your Prosthetic stories are very funny. Nordy that would be a very cute picture.

    Wow- a triathalon!  Good for you.

    JJ sounds like work went ok.

    I couldnt get an appt until tomorrow afternoon.  Hopefully the pain wont increase too much by then.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Jill, I had those pains too, they will go away in time. I remember 3 months out of phase 1 I was pretty good in all areas. 

    Nordy, holy friggin cow woman! I am stunned! GO GIRL!

    Pam, made the change you asked for above. 
