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NOLA in September?



  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Thanks Trishia!

    I just tried to go to bed - my head is pounding so much - and now I find I'm just losing it! Feeling sorry for myself - sick of the continued fall-out from the stupid BC, tho I know I'm so much luckier than so many others. But I'm being assailed with major jitters - not so much about the procedure - but about the small chance they find something bad when they look around in there. I'm going to take something, try to relax, try to go to sleep again...

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    I hear you sister!  I have been a mess since my 'hot spot' on the PET.  Do you have any valium or xanax?  Or even Kava Kava would work great!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Trishia, Nice to hear a friendly voice when I woke up in the night. Thanks again! Had a clonopin and got some good sleep! My head feels way better now - thank goodness! Now I guess I'll lie awake for a while - maybe 'til it's time to get up - I hope not. Just had some water and I think my throat is better, too. No more drugs 'til anesthesia.

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Good Luck today Minn!

    I will be hoping that nothing is found.

    Trishia That is great news on all your results & Tres too!

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Happy Belated & Drain Free Bday Christy!  Hope you had a fun Night out.

    Happy Bday to you BettyeE

    Jennifer- Im sorry I missed that you are now Drain Free!  I was so freaked out about mine picking up so much...I missed it.  Glad you are Drain free.

    Mine topped out at 105 yesterday.  Much less then I thought it would be.  But not a great number to pull it at.

    Nordy- I hope you are right that I dont get a seroma.  I feel I will.  I have no PS that will help me here & my PCP will not drain a seroma.  Dr M said they will find me someone.  Id rather have someone lined up before the fact...Id rest easier.

    The drain hole is pretty big...So hopefully things will drain for a few days before it closes.


  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Happy Birthday BettyE :) 

    Trishia~ I am glad that your PET was just showing b-9 things.

    Minn.~ I am thinking more B-9 things for you.  I hate surgery, pre-ops just for that reason I am always worried that something will come up. 

    Pam~ My drain after my mastectomy continued for for 2 days draining.  It was a huge mess but it was better than a seroma. 

    I am excited we are going skiing the week before my surgery.  I was talking to my DH about it last night about how odd is it that I will be out on ski's on one Tuesday and the following Tuesday I will be in the OR.  I did find out that I am the first surgery of the day which makes me happy since I will not have to sit around waiting.  All of the rest of my surgeries I have been 2nd or later and the sitting around drives me crazy. 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Jamieh.....The ski trip sounds great....I think that is very cool....Melanie was on the golf course days before she went under the knife then was back on maybe by T-giving?.  You'll have to take some pics and share.

    Pam, stay in touch w/ Dr. M I know they'll be in touch w/ you.  Glad you're at least getting to the next step!

    Trishia glad you have good news.

    Gosh my days of leisure are OVER!  and that is OK!  I can remember all last summer esp looking forward almost as much to being OFF as to having stage 1 and 2.  I feel SOOOO fortunate I could DO so.  Honestly I had enough paid time off, extended illness bank and disability insurance that I could make it happen w/ little to no issues!  So glad I listened to my dear daddy who always said "benefits are important".  SO HARD to fathom ALL that has taken place over the past 4 mos or MORE!  and that doesn't even take into account the almost year preceding w/ the OTHER treatments......The other side looks GREAT!  No need to continue stockpiling all my pd time off for surgeries treatments, etc....and after that tax refund, AND more healing I am SO going someplace!  And it might be to Nola or to visit, or help out some of you girlies!  Can NOT imagine going thru ANY of all this w/o you ALL so please accept my heartfelt THANK YOU for helping me maintain my sanity as well  as everything else!  Looking forward to more goodtimes, (and anything else that comes along) together both online and in person. 

    Better run.....paperwork for BACK to work, phys therapy, mani pedi, then to FTW for symphony tonight at Bass Hall  Vivaldi 4 seasons and Mozart w/ BIL and sister....OH my I sound SO uppity!  LOL!  and I'm so NOT!  Hope my online shopping items come today as that is what I'm wearing!  J Jill long wool coat, and some other VERY CUTE winter items!  Gotta love end of season sales DURING the season! MUST take pics this wkend and post new avatar and to FB!

    Cheers and happy Friday!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Minn, what is up, I must have missed something, I am a bit behind as I started work again.... is it the uterus thing or did you schedule a boob thing? 

    Jenn/PJ, I am thinking I am noticing the abdominal "stitching" more now b/c I am getting more active and back to life as normal. But I am thinking that in 1-2 months it will be less tender. I hope so! Let's check back!

    LouAnn and Sandy are both in NOLA today I think. Here is a cheat sheet for upcoming!  

    • Jan 4 - MargitN - Phase 1 bilateral Sgaps - Hopkins
    • Jan 26 - Jaimieh - Stage 1: Bilaterial s-gap (Dr S.) NOLA
    • Jan 27 - Swastew (LouAnn) - Stage 1: Stacked DIEP/Lumbar, NOLA (Dr. S) (Details: Arrive NOLA January 25, staying at the Hilton Suites the 25, 26 - then on to Fairway for surgery 27th. Back at the suites the 31st, Post OP appt Feb 3rd, then flying home Feb 4th!!!)
    • Jan 29 - Brenda26 - Stage 1: ???, (Dr. S) NOLA

     Have we heard from Margit N??


  • Gin52
    Gin52 Member Posts: 272
    edited January 2010

    Dejaboo  - My tummy drains fell out on their own about 4 weeks after surgery.  I did not have a dr here who would help me, so the Center set up for me to be drained twice at the local hospital. I was still accumulating too much fluid, so Dr. D flew me back to NOLA to have my drains put back in on 10/18.  I left them in 8 weeks, and was told I could not leave them in longer, but seemed to have been long enough even though I was still putting out 50-60 cc a day. Just keep the compression on till you remove them and after as long as you feel you need it.  I know how miserable it can be, so keep us updated here, or pm me if you need to!

    Did have 2nd chemo yesterday, so hoping next week goes better than last time.  Having the procrit and neupogen shots this time should help.  Got just enough snow here to make roads slick, so hoping I can get out to get neupogen shot today.  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.  Whateever stage you are at in your reconstruction, you are in the best place to get the help and information you need here.

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Well, Dr. D didn't deny inhaling, so I guess we just need to clarify that, don't we???  LOL

    Dear Alaina picked up DH and me last night and took us to the bridal show, then stayed the entire time to help us sell "New Orleans Bride" and other tanks and t-shirts.  She helped us so much that I told her she could just travel the U.S. with me, doing bridal shows everywhere--that would be so much fun.  We're going to have lunch today with some friends at the Center, really looking forward to that.   It's very cold here in NOLA, but no snow and I don't see anything in the forecast, darn!!   Going to see if I can touch base with LouAnn today or tomorrow.

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Happy Birthday BettyeE!

    My hubby and I pulled my drain last night and had no problems at all. Best birthday present ever to be rid of that drain. We drove over to my favorite restaurant afterwards, where they give you a free meal on your birthday, and they were closed because of the weather. We are going to try again tonight. I have been wearing my Target brand of spanx since. They are very comfy.

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    Quick update!! I was on an overnight in NOLA - and went to the Center today (Friday) - The first person I met was Sandy!!! Then Miss Katie - and then Liz Markey!!

    Sandy - so good to meet you - and I hope you get a $$ break on changing your flight to get home! The info yoy gave me today was, once again, invaluable! Thank you!!

    I can't begin to tell everyone how impressed I am with the Center - I am really (really!!) looking forward to my upcoming surgery!!!


  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2010 compression..yeah..I still have it. I am still swollen, too. I tried on jeans the other day thinking I was going to be so excited and was not impressed...tight. I know I had some setbacks w/the cyst but I was hoping that I would notice a diff more...anyone else have that issue after Stage 2?

    Nordy..DRAIN FREEEEEEE...YIIIIPPPPPEEEE...ha ha it rhymes..

    Jennifer..Your pic still cracks me many cans of coffee did you purchase in total?? lol

    Happy Birthday Christy and Bettye!!!

    Pam..I think you hold the world record for longest drain...over 9 weeks...anyone? beuller? anyone? Hang in there..its out today, right??? There are so many posts and I so behind. lol  Sorry if I missed anyone this time!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Warrior, I tried on jeans a couple weeks back, thinking, with all the fat flaps removed and lipo, surely, they would be el-baggo. BUT NO. Tight around my swollen belly! 

    I think we have to wait a bit for things to un-puff!  I did notice huge bagginess around my butt and upper thighs where Dr D concentrated! LOL

    LouAnn! Glad you Met Sandy! she was a-lookin for you today!!!

    CCBaby, are you now drain free? I think removing drains is the most liberating experience! Well, ditching the compression garments too!  


  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Yes, Spring..I am freeeeee...well, drain free! lol

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Spring, give yourself time on those new pants. I bought a couple pairs yesterday, in a smaller size, and i swear, I may need yet a smaller one. So one pair is going back, in case. I'm two months out, and exercising a lot, and my body is undergoing some amazing changes still. It's crazy!!

    And I love it.


  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Good! Thanks Anne! Things are starting to shrink a little, but I think much more to come. I am thinking this summer may be fun. ha! 

  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    It was great to meet you today, Miss LouAnn.   I'm sorry that I didn't have more time to talk with you, and thank you for the SWA advice.  I haven't called them yet, but will likely try tomorrow.  I'd like to ask you ladies for continued prayers for Alaina, as she is enduring quite a bit of pain.  I'm going to try to attend church with her on Sunday, although I don't really have any nice clothing with me.

  • trainertam
    trainertam Member Posts: 114
    edited January 2010

    Nordy, I just looked at your pics, amazing! Only 5 days out, your not looking black and blue! I have a question avbout your necklace....does it say NOLA? Where did youfinf it? It looks like a wonderful memento!

  • Minnesota
    Minnesota Member Posts: 604
    edited January 2010

    Hi guys!

    Thanks much for your well-wishes. Everything this morning went smoothly - tho it was weird having a surgical procedure in a place other than NOLA. My doc talked to my husband, then went on to other work, so I didn't get to talk to her directly. My understanding of his understanding is that she removed a polyp prior to the D&C. She said the uterine lining looked "different" than what she usually saw, but thought it might be because I'm peri-menopausal and she's used to doing this on totally menstruating women (?) I don't really know what that means - tho she's pretty young herself? Anyway, I get to wait until next week for the results. All day I've pretty much slept and am still in the throes of a horrendous headache. Hoping I feel a lot better tomorrow! Thanks again for your positive vibes!

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    I FINALLY got my computer back tonight!  Then when I hooked it all back up, I got an error message about my IP address.  I ended up getting instructions on how to reset my modem from a robot over the phone!!  It worked though!  Now I can actually catch up instead of trying to peek in from work.

    Thanks to everyone for the comments about 2 docs.  I guess I just didn't realize how they work.  I mean, I knew there were 2 docs but I thought one was primary, and one was secondary, not that they each did a side.  It doesn't matter.  They obviously have the system and the results to prove that the way they are doing it is the right way.

    Happy (belated) birthday Bettye!!  I hope it was happy!

    Jennifer, thanks for the moral support.  I appreciate it.  I hope we can speak on the phone sometime before my surgery.  By the way, still no info packet!  But now that my computer is back, I have to get those photos in.  If I can only find the camera software now...I installed it 3 years ago...what are the chances?  LOL!!!

    It's 1:46 am here on the east coast so most of you are probably asleep.  I hope you all have a great night...thanks again for all of the encouraging words.


  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010


    It is  4 am of my first night home. I had bilateral sgaps on mon jan 4. delayed reconstuction (they removed implant and tissue  expander). Surgery was approx 12 hours. Dr's Florres and Rad at Hopkins. i woke up tonight in pain and with a horrible nightmare, so this may not be a very posittive post. i will try again tomoorow. i am just so very tired.

    my husband was a saint. the girls are wonderful.

    talk to you soon.


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Hi Margit,

      Good to hear from you.  The 1st few nights home can be hard...Trying to figure out how to sleep, etc.  I hope you dont have any more nightmares.

    Take time to sleep during the day too!

    Check in again when you can.

    Feel better.   Pam

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Yes,  Warrior I am Drain free!  It feels very wierd.  I cant even pull down my Spanx etc without Tube caution still.  LOL   Cool I hold a drain record

    I had a slight fever at the Drs Office.  So hope that is nothing.  I have to buy a Thermometor today as ours is lost.

    I have not leaked a drop of fluid : (...I was hoping I would.

    Minn Glad everything went good.  Hope your headache goes away by this am!

    Gin- Hope you were able to get out for your Shot.

    Suzanne-Good Luck finding your Picture software!

    if not there are a few online that are free.  Not sure of the names.


  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Margit - I am glad you posted something... I was waiting to hear how it went... hope to hear more when you get some rest.....

    HellofromCT - after the posts in here, I emailed Liz to ask who my secondary surgeon was going to be but have not heard back.. not that it matters to me.. I'm thrilled that Dr. D is my primary.  I've posted a few things to him on Ask the Doctor and he gets right back and just reading his responses to others makes me very comfortable that he's a very smart, talented surgeon.  I'm looking forward to meeting him. 

    I do have a question about the scans they do at NOLA... it seems several of you have said that "things show up" on them that worry you and that they suggest you follow up on when you get home. What scan is finding things.. this CTA?  Since we can't have this test prior to going down there..(can we?) I guess there is no way to avoid the "scares" of them finding something and telling you to follow up later.  Seems for me that will ruin the elation of having new breasts ... again.. worrying about cancer.....  another question in the interest of trying to get peace of mind.... have any of you had a bone scan during your treatment?  I have never been offered one.  Do you think if I asked my local onc for it, she would do it?  What is involved in a bone scan?  I want to go down there with as much peace of mind as I can have.. (sorry if I sound paranoid.. 2 bouts of bc have made me xtra anxious.. I HATE hearing about suspicious findings on tests... it will be a buzz-kill if they do that to me after this CTA down there.....)  

     Dejaboo - I am SO HAPPY that marathon drain is gone!!  Here's to no further complications!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Deja....I am so glad you are rid of that drain!!

    How long are we suppose to wear a bra 24/7 after stage 1? I thought at my follow up they said 4 weeks, but I read on my paperwork last night, it said 2 weeks? I am coming up on 4 weeks on Tuesday.  I know that we aren't suppose to lift anything over 10 lbs for 4 weeks, not bend over to pick anything up for 4 weeks and not sleep on our side for 6 weeks after, right? Parts of my breast feel soft and squishy like a breast is suppose to feel, and other parts of it feel long does it take for it to feel soft all over?? I thought of all of these questions last night in the middle of the night. lol

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    MargitN, Glad you checked in. Take care and be king to yourself. You've been through a whole big huge deal! i agree with Pam, sleep is important. Abien CR always helped me.


    Minn, glad you are okay! The waiting always stinks.

    Pam, Whooo on Drain Free! yay!

    Hello, I had no scans in NOLA. Never had any abdominal surgery so didn't need a scan apparently. Dr. D. did use some sort of doplar thing prior to stage 1 to listen and locate and mark the "spots". that was it, very easy, not a scan.

    CCbaby, I honestly can't remember the time parameters! I would call NOLA and ask if you have quesitons, unless someone else can remember. It changes, too, from Stage 1 to 2, ahhhhck!

    Sandy, Prayers for your pal Elaina....

    Jaimieh, Louann, and Brenda are up at the end of this month! All Stage 1-ers! 

     Jan 26 - Jaimieh - Stage 1: Bilaterial s-gap (Dr S.) NOLA

    Jan 27 - Swastew (LouAnn) - Stage 1: Stacked DIEP/Lumbar, NOLA (Dr. S) (Details: Arrive NOLA January 25, staying at the Hilton Suites the 25, 26 - then on to Fairway for surgery 27th. Back at the suites the 31st, Post OP appt Feb 3rd, then flying home Feb 4th!!!)

    Jan 29 - Brenda26 - Stage 1: ???, (Dr. S) NOLA

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    CCbaby Ditto what Spring and clarify....there are all sorts of little differences on how long to do/not to do and yes, the stages are starting to blend together in my head-YIKES....but there are differences in when and what.

    MargitN welcome to the other side....take it easy- it was a long/big deal and LET your body rest and heal. Now's a great time to read, watch movies, and nap.

    Spring....agreed...I think now that we're starting to do more we are going to feel it more. I talked w/ Stacy yesterday when she was sending in my return to work forms.  I asked about sit ups and she said "Yes, after 4 weeks- but you're going to feel it".

    OK, Warrior.......for me some clothes are definitely looser BUT I think I had more 'work'.  I' ve been pretty good about compressing minus a couple nights of non compliance.......Have you tried compressing again?  I know the areas of lipo and surgery are technically in a 'remodeling state' for a long time- so in theory I wonder if you might start to see more results after you compress again for a while? You probably are still swollen. I KNOW my entire trunk-abs and back remain swollen/sore so the dominatrix and one piece outfits are almost a must.....It is still SO uncomfortable to be 'cut' by waistbands......I've tried using bike shorts and the old abd binder when both dominatrixes were drying and  major indentations/discomfort.

    I still haven't weighed yet- I hate weighing!  I did get a few new pairs of winter pants that were major on sale because I don't have much that fit me NOW except smaller sizes from a few years ago!.....But for this cold weather they have to fit NOW and they do. I think 12 to 14 had been pretty snug.  But it fits nicely for now and some are loose.  Of course better is the 10s in my closet fit me again but hey! one thing at a time.

    Minnesota ,hoping for good results on your pathology.  Rest and recover.

    Pam...........DRAIN FREE!  woo hoo!

    Gin, congrats on completeing one more chemo.......that sounds strange but you know what I're on the other side of another. check check!

    Sandy enjoy Nola.

    SWAstew glad your visit was positive.

    Waiting for friend of a friend to call me ....apparently she finished chemo had bilateral mastect and implant placed to non cancer side just last week?  Very sketchy details....sounds like REALLY bad preparation, poor pain control  and just POORLY prepared in general.  She still needs rads but is reportedly MISERABLE thinking she wished she'd NOT reconstructed, in lots of pain......UGGGG wish I could have talked w/ her before! 

    OK, must find the perfect brown riding boots.  Have a lovely Saturday.

    Oh yeah!  warrior!  I bought a case of CDM....but I think there are only 5 or 6 cans left.  It was a deal by the case!  made perfect neighbor, friend, acquaintance, hostess gifts at about 6 dollars/can! 

  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Goodness so much going on and only a minute to write.

    Minnesota - glad you are feeling okay after your procedure. I hope all comes back good.

    Holtbolt - yes it is the CTA that shows everything. I don't know that everyone gets it, but I think in general they use it for the gap/hip flaps... I don't know, Dr. S marked me up before the CTA using the doppler, and then the CTA confirmed the location that he had already found. BUT, for those that have hard to find blood vessels, it is also very informative! I worried that it would find something wrong with my left ovary - instead found a cyst on my left kidney and some on my liver. All benign, so far! (knock wood). I have not yet had a bone scan. Now that I am without ovaries, they may order one after my next onc appt. to monitor bone loss.

    TrainerTam - Yes, the necklace is a NOLA necklace. I actually received it from one of my very dear friends who is a NOLA grad. I can ask her about where to get them, but I think she said they were commissioned by the docs there. Which doesn't mean that you can't find them anywhere else... maybe just have a look online? 

    Okay, off to the gym to complain about the child care there. My daughter got bit on the face yesterday by a little boy and NOBODY called me overhead to have me come in. He broke the skin and who knows how long that was before I got in there and had to give her first aid and clean it up. Unbelievable. And, how many germs does the human mouth carry? Let's think, strep, hepatitis A, B, C, D... just to name a few. And the girl probably wouldn't have even told me if my daughter had not said anything. Still can't believe it... When I worked in a health club - EVERYONE had to be CPR and first aid certified.... which I guess doesn't matter if you neglect to exercise that knowledge. Sorry, just p*ssed beyond belief.... 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Nordy!  RIGHTLY so!  unacceptable.