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NOLA in September?



  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2014

    excited and afraid. That sounds about right!! :)  We all did it, Tlbradyful!!!

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2014

    dragonfly- I hope it's nothing, sounds like a bite

    Kerry- good luck to your sister

    Just wanted to update-I am 5 days out from a 3 flap diep- doing well, the doctor (dr.M) and hospital were amazing.  I am in hotel now and have my post op appointment tomorrow- I leave Wednesday. Originally I was suppose to leave Friday and my kids were to arrive today. My kids aren't coming and I go home early. 

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2014

    Kerry,  good news for your sister.  Please pass along to her that I left my 3 kids home when I went to NOLA, and my husband came with me.  We did the same thing, 2 days of sightseeing.  It was the best thing we did.  We had some alone time, the kids had good care and I could concentrate on ME.  

    BetNY22, glad you are going home early.  Sounds like things went really well!


  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    dragonfly- have you seen a doctor? Please keep us posted.

    kerry - I am so happy for your sister; she is lucky to have family to pull together and help!! I also left my kids at home for what ended up being two full weeks. I literally never get away without them, and except for beach trips we don't travel. As much as I missed them, it was nice to take a few days to sight see and relax. Moms deserve a little alone time, time to be us, not just mom :)

    tlbradyful - welcome! I am two weeks out from my hip flap. Who is your surgeon?

    BetNY22 - so glad you are feeling well. I am sure you are ready to get home. 

  • tlbradyful
    tlbradyful Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2014

    BetNY22 you are amazing! 5 days out and you are posting, impressive. I am a 3 flapper too scheduled for 4/9. Your history looks very familiar. It is great to hear you are doing so well.

    KerryA, My signature statement this past year is "Thank goodness they do not understand". One of the few gifts from this terrible experience was the help from my friends and family. Your sister is lucky to have you and the family (as you know). Her children will be in great hands.

    momof5kids - my doctor is Marga Massey. She seems amazing from our 2 hour conversation. I am comforted that she doesn't seem to mind all of my problems and is up for the challenge.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited February 2014

    tlbradyful, I added your April 9 surgery to the listing above.

    I had stacked DIEP/GAP, later known as the "body lift" - there were 4 flaps involved. This was in 2009.

    Somebody, please tell me, what is this "three flap"?? This is a new on on me! Is this a Dr. M special thing?

  • tlbradyful
    tlbradyful Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2014

    Here's the short version of my 3 flap scenario. R DIEP for R breast - L DIEP plus a L GAP to make L breast

    I have a greater deficit on the L where my cancers were located. There is very little radiated skin and even less damaged tissue. I had skin/nipple sparring on the R so there is a little more there to build on (not so concave). One half DIEP will build a B/C for the R, but the other half would not be enough for the L. They will supplement that DIEP with a GAP flap.

    It leaves the other GAP available in case one fails. It's not nice to think about, but I am glad she is thinking of all possibilities. I've learned this year to expect the unexpected. I have a terrible vertical abdominal scar from a 1990 surgery that will be removed. I'm trading in one abdominal scar for another, but this one comes with new breasts!

  • KerryA
    KerryA Member Posts: 184
    edited February 2014

    Thank you ladies for all your nice words and messages. I have encouraged my sister to log onto this board but know it takes time for each person to find when the time is right for them. I will share your words with her about childcare. I appreciate it a lot :)  I thought we could also Skype with our family so she could see her little boy. Not sure if that would be good or not- guess it just depends on how she's feeling. I will make sure to stay in touch with you all as her May 28th surgery date approaches.
  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2014

    Kerry, I forgot about Skype!  We skyped every day with the kids, except surgery day....we told the I would be too tired. (Well, drugged, but that wasn't necessary to tell them! Lol) mine were 10,12,14 at the time.  


  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2014

    Kerry, so glad things are working out for your sister. She will have a great support with you on her team.  

    Tlbradyful, welcome!

    So today the nipple guards come off, yay!  Still some scabs on the nipples but everything else is healed and looking good. (4 weeks post surgery).

    Anyone do laser scar removal?  How long do you have to wait after surgery?

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    marsha1970 - yay for losing the nipple guards!!! How exciting!!!!

    I do have questions for those who had a hip flap:

    1) is it normal for the front and side of your thighs to be so numb? I still have some burning/pulling sensations down my thighs at times as well.

    2) my incision does not hurt, but the center of my back is so sore, it hurts to put any pressure on it, so sitting and sleeping are awful...if I were a horse or cow, I'd be just fine, but shoot, I can't stand all day

    3) how much should I be doing? Just a recap, 3 days post op we went out to dinner after I was released, day 4 to the zoo (got a wheel chair half way through) day 5 walked slowly around the French quarters and too a bayou tour, day 6 toured Laura plantation (about 1.5 hours walking) I am now home, exhausted and sore, but bored. How much can I do in terms of house work? I know no vacuuming or lifting over 10lbs, but I've been alternating resting with dishes, sweeping, dusting, folding laundry. I assume that is all ok?

    4) I know of one other person with an implant under the flap...anyone else? The reason I ask is that I am starting to be able to feel the implant when I move. I guess I am sensitive to foreign objects in my body, but I find it bothersome. I believe Dr. S put it mostly over the muscle. I am debating if I should remove it at stage 2, but I'm afraid I'll be too small. I never thought I would have wished for bigger hips. 

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2014

    momof5, the surgery center should be calling you weekly, usually on the "anniversary" of your surgery...unless that was coincidence!  Make your list of questions for them. Ni am so "far out" from surgery (and it was only October) I cannot be accurate with my memory.

    Sounds like you are getting your energy back.  Lots of walking is good!  Listen to your body. As for house cleaning...I did as little as I could stand , then would get annoyed and do more.  Finally spoke up and asked someone to vacuum!  My husband doesn't see dirt.

    Sorry, I'm not a hip flap or implant girl so can't offer advice..  I'm sure someone will be along who can.  I will say that from the DIEP I am still numb in the tummy area...and I expect to be for a long time...though I would say the numb area has decreased by50%.  Heading for my stage 2 on Monday, surgery next Wednesday...I will be asking about my abdomen.  Curious as to when, or if, there will be a return to normal.


  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Pat!

    I think it may be a male gene that prevents them from being able to see dirt, or from finding items in the fridge or pantry unless it jumps out and bites them. I often joke with my DH that the bathroom fairy or the dusting fairy came. Cleaning is magical thing in our just "happens"😁

    When I had my TT with muscle repair it took a good year to get feeling back. It's just odd to me to be numb all the way down my legs and thighs.

    The center did call twice last week. Today is 2 weeks out, so maybe they will call. I am ready for stage 2. Being the second time around at this I just want to be put back together and back to normal (ha, not sure if "normal" is a good descriptor for me lol).

    I can't believe you are stage 2 already. Are you excited? 

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2014

    momof5, they had offered to do my stage 2 before the end of the calendar year for insurance purposes, but my deductible is reasonable, so I opted not to rush/push it.  I would have been 2-21/2 months out.

    I believe they had said 3 month wait for stage 2...I preferred to err on the side of caution and, well, saw Mardi Gras events and thought, why not?! Lol. So instead I will be almost 5 months out from Stage 1.  This worked out well as I started back to the gym after clearance from the center and had resolved to try the classes, Zumba, Pilates, aqua aerobics, to name a few.  It sure beats the one machine I use!  Now each day I look at it as my "last few workouts" until the surgery, and the setback.  But, this too shall pass!

    I do not need extensive stage2.  I'm almost surprised I'm going back!  I had skin sparring/nipple sparring and I love the way I look.  I almost feel as though I am messing with perfection! (Not that I'm perfect!). So I will be curious to see what Dr. .Sullivan has to say when he sees me.  Regardless, traveling with my MIL and friends so I know I will have some good laughs.  I'm going to ask for a recovery room overlooking the street so I can see the parade go by that evening...or else me and my NY friends will be busting our way into someone's room to look out their window! Lol

    So, yes, I am excited! Lol (but never short on words)


  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    I will be close to 5 months out if I can get in for stage 2 at the end of June. I am looking forward to getting back to the gym in March. 

    That's awesome that you are so happy with your results already. I had SNS BMX but even with the flaps, I am not happy with how they look aesthetically. I guess I was expecting them to look better. I posted on the pic forum, and looking back to my implants they still look the same as far as being uneven. 

    That's awesome that you are going during Mardi Gras! That will be fun for you guys. I think I will be going with a friend for stage 2, or else by myself. They already told me at least two nights in the hospital. I'll be having my stomach done so I am not sure how hunched over (or fun) I'll be post-op.

    I thought of you several times...mostly when out to eat. Food was ok. Such the spoiled NYer I am...quite the food snob. My fav was the coffee with chicory (beignets were good and reminded me of zeppoli) and we found an Ethiopian restaurant on magazine street that was good (DH is from Eritrea and I have grown to love East African food...and eating with my hands).

    We did end up renting a car after surgery. I could not stand being cooped up at Hope Lodge. It was nice, saved us a ton of $$ (especially with the delayed flights home), but I think if I can swing it for stage 2 I'll stay in the French Quarter. 

    I can't wait to hear about your trip!

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2014

    thanks Momof5, yes Beignets definitely are like Zeppoles!  Glad you found a restaurant you liked!  Hope lodge is a Godsend.  Financially a great help, which lets us concentrate on ourselves!  Check the pricing on the Centers website.  Hopefully you find something decent.  But you will need to keep in mind your recovery.  If you can't find anyone willing to go with you give me a buzz!  (Though I just turned down a trip to Israel endof May so I can crack the whip on my children for finals and will have to wait! would depend on when in June). Oh, also look at those sites where you can rent a residence....can't recall the name someone had posted, maybe someone can post the link.

    Oh, in regards to evenness...I had previously had my lumpectomy on cancer side and lift and reduction on non cancer side.  That doc had done a great job, so I felt NOLA was handed an "easy case" with me.  Just my opinion.  I'm sure your stage 2 will be a big improvement.


  • m1970
    m1970 Member Posts: 261
    edited February 2014

    momof5kids -- I ask most of my medical questions through email to Laura, unless it is an emergency, and even then I might shoot off a photo in an email because that's the easiest way to get in touch with her and follow up with a call.  There may be different PA's depending on the surgeon.  You don't have to wait for a phone call unless you really just want to have a conversation, and if it's difficult to answer through email she will just call you.  If I asked a quesiton that wasn't her "department" she just forwarded it to the appropriate person.  I always try to figure out who is handling what just because I know everyone is busy, but if I guess wrong they just forward it.  No one expects the patients to understand everyone's job. 

  • lastar
    lastar Member Posts: 553
    edited February 2014

    I have a question for the ladies that experienced oil cysts after reconstruction.  I have a few of these that developed ~ 1 year after Stage 2 and scared the heck out of me.  I had an MRI last year and Dr. Stolier verified that they are oil cysts and nothing to be concerned about.  I have one spot that is getting larger and is noticeable when I look at my chest in the mirror.  It's also sore.  My oncologist thinks this is normal for oil cysts.  Has anyone else experienced this?  I have a note in to Jeanine about it too.  Thanks!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2014


    I just looked at your pics. You look way better than with implants. Try to be patient and trust that stage II will fix any complaints you have. I don't even see your scars.

  • besa
    besa Member Posts: 289
    edited February 2014

    LAstar-I am being followed for what seems to be an oil cyst.  I originally found a new small lump on my prophylactic side that hurt when tight clothing pressed it.  I saw a radiologist, Dr. Rupley, in NOLA that the Center recommended.  (Very helpful guy and a pleasure to deal with.) 

     The lump is smaller now and no longer hurts.  The radiologists are waiting for it to calcify.  The recommendation was to follow the lump with mammograms (making sure it doesn't increase in size) until it calcifies.  (Dr. Rupley told me that it would "light up" in a MRI.)  I was told that oil cysts can happen even though lots of time has passed since flap, lipo and fat transfer are finished.  (I am about 1 1/2 years out from my last surgery at the Center.)

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2014

    TLbradyful-I have to say I am impressed with my recovery with 3 flaps- today is 7 days, I flew home this morning and feel good. I used Dr M as well and planned to do the same 3 flap surgery as you but once she seen me she was surprised over my belly and was able to take all 3 flaps from the belly.  I did wake up with a vertical scar that im not happy with but I guess you gotta do with you gotta do- they didn't have enough skin to stitch and pull so they went about an inch up off the belly scar under the belly button. I just keep staring at how flat my belly is- I was pretty small to begin with but always had the belly drove me crazy.  My breasts look pretty good for stage 1 too. 

    Momof5 kids glad your doing well.  I'm gonna check out your pics and maybe by the end of this week I'll put some up

    What has everyone's stage 2 been like- what have you gotten done and howling of a surgery

    Besa good luck with the cysts

  • tlbradyful
    tlbradyful Member Posts: 44
    edited February 2014

    BetNY22 - Very very interesting! Once you get settled back at home I would love to hear more.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2014

    I don't get it. 3 flaps from the belly?

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited February 2014

    Sounds like the plan was for taking flaps from 2 locations with one stacked=3, but that Dr. M was able to get all from the tummy.  

  • betny22
    betny22 Member Posts: 37
    edited February 2014

    yes Marty exactly. Betsy I asked what it was called and she said its just a 3 flap- that she didn't have to turn me, she put 2 flaps on my cancer side and 1 on proph side -my incision is alittle longer around sides

  • LuvSnow
    LuvSnow Member Posts: 138
    edited March 2014

    Thanks Betsy. I guess I'm just ultra critical of myself, and I think I expected them to "look" nicer than they do at stage 1. Feel wise, except for feeling the implant in there, they are soft and warm. Close to the real deal; actually better, as my old ones were all lumps and bumps 

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited February 2014

    has anyone gotten charged for anesthesia charges in addition to the number that you were quoted on the phone?  I am out of network for anesthesia according to my insurance company. However the center originally told me I was in network.  Any comments plz. Private message me if u don't feel comfortable posting on the site. Thanks. 

  • Pattysmiles
    Pattysmiles Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2014


    Funny you should mention that.  I just got my anesthesia bill (second one)...from my surgery in aoctober.  My notes on the first bill says I spoke to dawn and asked her to resubmit to my health insurance, as it appeared it was sent to my hospitalization.  

    Just last week I got a call from someone representing the hospital for my stage 2, u fortunately I was out of my hOuse, no scrap paper, but I do remember her saying I would be billed separately for anesthesia (I have no recollection of anyone telling me such a thing for stage 1).  This person also said I would be billed separately for any scans/testing done at the hospital (again, I don't recall that from call one...but I surely had chemo brain then!)...I do recall having bills for scans.  I also think this woman told me the billing would be according to what my insurance would have paid....or something along those lines.  My anesthesia bill out of my pocket was about $550.

    And my final thing, I received a bill for the outside breast surgeon for $3,000.  I was shocked as I was told initially I would  be paying $1,000,  but then they called and told me they found a doctor that accepted my insurance so I would only have co-pay.  Only problem is, that doc did not accept my I called and "complained"...and I have not heard anything back, yet.  Obviously I would much prefer the $1,000 bill over the $3,000!  

    So, with all that explanation...yes, I did have more than I was quoted, but I might not have been paying attention?  I really don't know!


  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited February 2014

    pattysmiles....was your anesthesia in or out of network?  I am out of network and I pay 50 percent after a 2000 deductible.  That could get costly.

  • Stix
    Stix Member Posts: 610
    edited February 2014

    What about the use of that in the price they quote you? Alloderm is expensive.