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NOLA in September?



  • CharlestonGirl
    CharlestonGirl Member Posts: 41
    edited January 2010

    ccbaby- olive oil should work also - don't use too much as it doesn't soak in as well. But  you can mix lemon juice with the olive oil and put it on your scars. I read that will help fade them - not sure how true this is but I doubt it would hurt! I'm trying it out... Make extra and save some to sprinkle on thinly zuchinni and top with a bit of shaved asiago cheese - yum!

  • holtbolt
    holtbolt Member Posts: 302
    edited January 2010

    Ok, this is weird... I will never have trouble remembering when I had my SGAP... it was the year my Colts played the Saints in the Superbowl.  If we win... I should probably not wear my Colts Jersey down there for my Stage 1 on 2/23.. u think?

  • dash
    dash Member Posts: 173
    edited January 2010

    Jamie, so glad to hear from you again! Tomorrow's our big day! I leave for NY about 3am for the long thirsty drive in.

    Thanks for the well wishes ladies, please send me some peaceful happy thoughts tomorrow morning. My DIEP starts at 8:30am

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Sara- Im sorry to hear about your FIL.

    Im glad you had a good consult with Dr S & Are ready to move ahead with your plan.  

    Funny Holtbolt  

    Drive safe Bayyyy- Good Luck tomorrow- Check in when you can!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Pain in the morning.

    I am wondering if others have experienced what I have this past week.  I am 11.5 wks out from GAP.  I started sleepign on my side at 6 weeks.

    This past week when I get up in the morning my Left side- (Harder side)  Hurts.  Id say a fair amount of pain.   Not constant.  it might hurt more if I move a certain way...When I walk  or breath out.  But it is not in my chest/lungs. Like its my Muscle almost hurting under there when I breath.   it is definitely my flap.  If I cough my Muscle/flap hurts

    The pain seems to go away each day in 2-6 hours.  Although it seems much worse this morning then other mornings.

    But it worries me.

    Anyone else have this happen?


  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Gin - so sorry to hear of your extra problems but glad your doing better.

    LouAnn - love the toes!

    Way to go Colts & Saints!  Now I don't  know who I want to win.  I'm a big Colts fan but I want to root for the Saints also.  It'll be a heck of a game no matter who wins!

    Sending my thoughts & prayers for those at NOLA this week! 

  • AnneW
    AnneW Member Posts: 612
    edited January 2010

    Sara, thanks for the update. I was just getting ready to PM you since you've been so quiet. Now I understand. Sounds like you've got a good plan ahead of you!

    Pam, I don't know what to make of your pain? Nerves regenerating? Scar tissue on the top of the pecs? Does it make a difference what type of bra you're wearing?

    I'd say that anyone in NOLA during the Super Bowl is in for same craziness above and beyond what's seen during Mardi Gras! Don't know if I'd want to be there or not!


  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Anne- id say It definitely feels like muscle pain vs nerve pain.

    Im not wearing a bra at night. (am I supposed to be?)

    I wear the same sports bra every day...Its the most comfortible one & is supportive.

    It seems like my left side has much less movement then my right.  Like if I lay on my side the right sort of give...the left does not.  Muscle being pulled?  And hence the pain?

     I did email Dr M to see what she thinks.

    I will probably try very hard to sleep on only my right side & back & see if that makes a difference.  it will be very hard for me to stay off my left side during sleep.  I usually sleep 70% of the night on my left side.

    Yes, I do think NOLA during the Superbowl will be WILD.


  • MargitN
    MargitN Member Posts: 73
    edited January 2010


    Thanks for the emails of support I received. Each day is different. Now the one I am worried  about is my husband. He is utterly exhausted, and he doesn't have a forum like this in which he can voice his fears and concerns (not that men would share, but it might be a good thing for them if they did ).

    Has anyone had experience with bromelain? From what I saw on the web, it has benefits, but I am trying to understand if taking it would be stopping Ibuprofen and 81 mg aspirin. I asked my docs but they had nevr heard of it.



  • SandyinSoCal
    SandyinSoCal Member Posts: 559
    edited January 2010

    Hellooooo, ladies!  Just back from NOLA---had to fly home Saturday night and it was so sad to leave with all of the excitement building.  The airport counter employees offered to cancel our flight so we could stay, but I had a FORCE meeting to attend yesterday and that won out over the game.   There were zillions of Saints t-shirts on the growing crowd in the FQ and everyone was so jazzed up with anticipation----bringing millions of $$$ to the NOLA economy--YAY!!  The weather is much nicer now than it was two weeks ago.  Got to spend some quality time with Alaina, and we had an absolute blast with her----haven't laughed that much in a long time.  Please continue to keep her in your prayers as she has begun her Zometa infusions and has follow up scans in March to ensure that it's working.  It is, it is.... we are trusting God that her doctors are giving her the correct treatment to knock out the mets!!!!!!

  • ccbaby
    ccbaby Member Posts: 503
    edited January 2010

    Margit...There is a website your husband could go to if he is called Men against breast cancer    maybe that can help him some.

    Pam...When I talked to center a couple of weeks ago, Celeste said that we don't have to wear a bra at night 2 weeks after surgery, although I wore mine for 4 weeks before I knew. I hope that Dr M can help you with the pain.  I can feel hardness and a twinge of pain every now and then in my breast, but I am only 6 weeks out.

    Charlestongirl....Thanks for the tip and the 'extra' tip, that sounds yummy!!

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2010

    I was mainly checking on Jaimie- been thinking about you today- GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!

    But also I just got my surgery date for NOLA - March 16th. I'm freaking out in both good and bad ways about all i have toplan to go! I have to arrange for people to be there and that is so far my biggest issue. It's 10 days or so total right? And i need to have someone withme for sure after my release from the hospital which I am guessing to be either the 19th or 20th, so then my discharge date to fly would be like the 23rd right?

    Liz has been busy with patients all day so I havent been able to talk to her so mind is just oging and going making plans...

  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Yay Melinda!!  That is SO exciting.  Yes, you will need someone with you when you get discharged.  So your surgery is on Tuesday, you will probably be released from the hospital on Friday.  Then have  your post op on Monday and be able to fly home on Tuesday.  That's how it worked for me!  You may ask about staying in the hospital until Saturday.  Some people like that extra day and if Alan works M-F, then he could come on Saturday and be back to work on Wednesday.

    I know Mondays are nutso at the Center.  Liz will give you the lowdown on flights and discharge and all that jazz.  I'm SO excited for you!! 

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Melinda,  Way to go!  Katie can give you the exact dates for your pre & post op appts also.  She handles all the transportaion and can help with flights, hotels and limo pickup.  She also books the Hope Lodge if your staying there for part of your trip.  She got back with me alot faster than Liz.  If your having GAP that's a 4 nite stay in the hospital. 

    I'm one week behind you with surgery on March 23rd.  Your post-op and my pre-op will propably be on the 22nd.  My appt is at 9:15 - maybe we can catch up with each other at the center.

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    can't stay long, Sara, I added your info! 

    Go Saints!!!

    Go ladies in NOLA!!!  Bayyyy, LouAnn, Brenda, Bettye!!! 

  • Melonda
    Melonda Member Posts: 121
    edited January 2010

    I'm trying to be patient lol. I've talked to Lanita a few times but not to Liz at all so all I have at this point is the date.n I'm dieing to call katie and talk to her but am trying to wait until I hear from Liz. I may just give in tomorrow and call Katie directly about the travel. I really need to get into Hope Lodge due to $$

    and Cat- absolutely, if we're there at the same time we need ot get together!

  • Jaimieh
    Jaimieh Member Posts: 925
    edited January 2010

    Thank you Melinda for checking on me.  I am thrilled to hear you have a date, NOW breath.....

    I MADE IT THRU THE CT!!!   Sally did my IV and used lidocaine which made it a breezeeee.....

    NEXT up HIP Flap in the morning......  whooooo!!  BTW, I love Dr. S and all of his staff.  I look like a blue marker attacked me :)

  • HelloFromCT
    HelloFromCT Member Posts: 155
    edited January 2010

    Jamie!  That is so EXCITING!!!  All the best wishes to you for tomorrow.   Dr. S and the team will work their magic and you will be great afterwards!  I'm just a month behind you so I am very excited for you and all of the NOLA ladies on deck.  We are so blessed to be able to go to the masters!!!!  We'll all be thinking about you!


  • bennetts1
    bennetts1 Member Posts: 44
    edited January 2010

    Sounds like a busy week!  So excited for all the ladies having surgery!!!  The best to all of you!!!!  Lou Ann...Great looking toes...I just love them!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Jaime - (((((((hugs)))))) and best wishes for a good night of sleep and a peaceful day tomorrow!

    Bayyyyy - travel safely tomorrow AM and I hope all goes well tomorrow for you also! 

    Soon you will both be on the other side!!!!

    LouAnn - travel safely today!!!

    Sara - I pm'd you!

  • Springtime
    Springtime Member Posts: 3,372
    edited January 2010

    Jamie! You're as blue as a SMURF!!!!  :)  

    We're all thinking about you!!! God speed tomorrow! 

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Jamie, Bayyy, Lou Ann and Brenda all he best thoughts and prayers.  You will be so well taken care of in Nola.  Just can't say enough good things about how well they treat us.

    OK, FIRST! I bought this new perfume(avatar) today because I saw it at Steinmart and... I had to!....after Nordy's almost buying a pair of their sweats and because w/ all the fluid and lymphatic issues I've have I might as well have joined the same club.  Never really wild for the sig perfume but this one is nice!

    Also bought a new par of jeans a size smaller than the last ones I bought and tried on multiple bras, only bought one.  Here's my question for you all:

    Has anyone lost weight, like 20 lbs or so following DIEP or perforator flap surgery and did your breasts still look ok?  Did anyone discuss this w/ their surgeon and what was the response?

    It seems like I've never really gotten a straight answer to this question, from someone who lost weight or from Dr. D......this might be a great general question for ask the doctor.  I weighed basically the same this am as pre stage 2...yes things fit differently....maybe there is  a little swelling BUT for the most part my physical therapist this am said 'not swelling' in regards to my abd and hips.  And the breasts...well I think they are probably pretty close to what I'm going to be hopefully minus a couple hard areas that are scar tissue or ?  I know when I asked Dr. D about this- because I was overweight then, and was planning to lose weight he said basically that there was no need to go to extreme measures w/ dieting and exercise.....yet I think he was also trying to be nice....because I had just said I wasn't proud of the fact that I had 2 donor sites.

    So I started working out today and did circuit training for the fist time since probably september?  I think my pecs were the most in shock but I'm REALLY looking forward to getting more fit.  Last spring after rads when I tried to resume any weight training was when I developed the seroma/cellulitis, lymphedema issues so I had to back off.  Seemed as if each time I got into a routine I'd have to back off, slow down.  It became very discouraging and w/o regular exercise it is very difficult for me to drop any that became my excuse for continuing to carry around 20 extra pounds.  Then surgery number one, a little break w/ holidays and surgery number 2 and more holidays.  But I'm very ready to do the work to get this done just a bit nervous and hoping........I REALLY hope someone can shed some light on this topic!

  • plainjane64
    plainjane64 Member Posts: 521
    edited January 2010

    Where's Trishia and Sandy?  I know they have(?) both lost weight after? their stage 1/2?  Can you lend any advice on this tpic ladies....i tried to start a thread long ago and never had any responses.

  • Warrior517
    Warrior517 Member Posts: 240
    edited January 2010

    Go Saints Go!!!

    All you girls going to NOLA are going to be in for a treat...the town will be rocking and isn't FAT TUESDAY coming up, too??? lol  Lots of energy will be there! lol

  • swastew
    swastew Member Posts: 110
    edited January 2010

    Hi Ladies! We made it to NOLA in great shape - Hilton suites are nice - dropped our bags and headed to the French Quarter - it was really quiet tonight - many of the shop owners were saying that everyone partied to hard last night!! We ate at Irene's - GREAT FOOD!!

    Jamie - best of luck tomorrow - Brenda, see you at 4! Everyone else - thanks for the thoughts and prayers and for paving the way!!!


  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311
    edited January 2010

    (((((((((((((((((Jamie, Bayyy, Lou Ann and Brenda )))))))))))))))

    nothing but good wishes from me as well! Please give my love to all the NOLA folks.


  • Trishia
    Trishia Member Posts: 361
    edited January 2010

    Irene's!  YUMMY!!!!!  I LOVE that place!  Did you have the tiramisu?  To die for!

    I have lost almost 25 lbs since my stage 2 surgery.  7 from the surgery/lipo.  The rest from working out like a mad woman and watching what I eat.  I just got back form getting my butt kicked by the trainer....LOL!

    My breast have held up just fine.  I have another 15-20 lbs to go.  My tummy was always my hardest to lose, so that is proving true for my breasts as well.  I also asked Dr. S to make them on the big side to account for that.  I am still in a D cup.  

    Best of luck to this week's ladies!  Give Katie a big smooch for me and tell Dr. S he is the BEST!!!!  Every day I am thankful for the gift of gorgeous breasts that are all mine.  

  • Cat1
    Cat1 Member Posts: 128
    edited January 2010

    Jamie & Bayyyy - new boobs!   Woo Hoo!   Wishing you the very best today! 

  • Dejaboo
    Dejaboo Member Posts: 761
    edited January 2010

    Thinking of you right now Jamieh & Bayyyy!


  • Nordy
    Nordy Member Posts: 1,106
    edited January 2010

    Jaime and Bayy- hoping that all has gone well so far today. LouAnn - I hope your travel went well yesterday and your pre-op goes well today! Good luck to all of you!!!