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  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010

    One night, alone with the girls, Viola awakened in a dreadful mindless fear. She had not been having a nightmare. In fact there seemed no reason for the terror that had abruptly gripped her, but she sensed great danger all around her. "I was so frightened that I believed that someone or something was actually in the room with us," she says, "and I knew that i would have to find the courage to get out of bed, make my way across the floor, find the string hanging from the bulb, and turn on the light."

    Anyone who has suffered from an anxiety attack will know how difficult it was for Viola to move. Her heart pounding, more terrified than she had ever been in her life, she managed to stumble across the floor and find the string. But when she turned on the light and looked around, nothing seemed to be wrong. The bleak room looked just the same.

    And yet, instead of relief, the fear came again, an unbelievable wave, and Viola was convinced that the peril was now actually right outside those covered windows, so close she could almost touch it. If she ran outside to get help, she would plunge right into whatever was there. But if she stayed inside, there was little chance of keeping an intruder out, not with the building's flimsy, run-down construction. Not knowing what else to do, Viola knelt in the middle of the dreary setting. "God, help us, " she cried out. "Thank You for Your love and care. Please keep us safe now."

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010

    She looked up. Suddenly, although the shades had been down, she saw them dissolve from the windows. And on the outside of each of those ten or twelve panes of glass, she saw a huge figure slowly descend and fold his wings to his side. "Nothing seemed like a dream or slow motion. It was all very normal," she says. Except-they were angels!

    Facing outward, with their backs to her, those wondrous beings were so tall that their heads were above the tops of the windows and she could not see them. But she could see the wings folding behind their bodies as each figure slowly got into position. A phalanx of heavenly guards, sent to protect her in answer to her plea. How much God must love her!  It was unbelievable.

    The vision lasted only a few minutes. As Viola's eyes traveled from one silent figure to another, the shades suddenly reappeared and once again covered the glass.Viola and her daughters were alone in the room.

    Viola never discovered what was threatening her and the children that night. But she doesn't remember being afraid often in the thirty some odd years that has passed. "God gave me the grace to see what is real, that He never abalones us," Viola says. His touching gift has sustained her ever since.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited November 2010

    Hi sisters,

    Went to Kohl's this morning instead of church.  Pray for me please! xo

  • mmm5
    mmm5 Member Posts: 797
    edited November 2010

    Hi Ladies

    My email must be off I had 4 requests for the Miraculous Medals of Mary and I can't find 2 of them so sorry.

    I sent out yesterday to Paula and Sheila, there were 2 more that requested please let me know again so sorry and I will send to you. PM your address 

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    LMFSM:  Psalm 51:19; My sacrifice, God, is a broken spirit; God, do not spurn a broken, humbled heart.

    If you would like to read it, here are today's readings from Mass:

    Traci: going back to your earlier comments about good and bad music and taking it further to media of today.  I discovered the good/bad music connection when I was a teenager.  It just hit me one day what I was listening to... the words and meanings and implications and innuendos.  I remember gathering up my alblums and throwing them away.  Of course, much music today is a lot worse than it was then and when I approach the subject with my kids, they say things like "I don't care about the words, I just like the music."  That's kind of scary.  There is music that will tense me up and music that relaxes me, music that makes me happy and music that brings me to tears.  So many hymns I cannot sing b/c I blubber... Amazing Grace... Precious Lord... O Holy Night (the refrain "Fall on your knees!!! O hear the angel voices!! O night divine, O night when Christ was born...)  Wow, I have no doubt those musicians were divinely inspired.  And He touches the musical souls from the simple Appalachian folk song to the Austrian oratorio.  When you hear it, you know it, because it lifts your soul.

    Now, the media... I could go on for days.  I used to be a couch potato but hardly ever watch TV now.  I'm so offended by so much of it, even sitting down to watch football, you are assaulted by commercials for TV shows that are violent, or sex or evil and they know families are watching TV!! We allow this to happen supposedly for "free speech".  I REALLY monitored and censored my kids TV watching as they grew up.  Of course, they got older and did what the other kids were doing, but at least, I feel, they had a moral foundation of knowing right from wrong and they knew why I did it.  I have Netflix now and can choose what I want to watch without the bad and annoying commercials.

    Laundry awaits...

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    Squid you seem so inspired today- glory be

    Paula et all --you too  Paula the only drug cardiologist said could affect skin with rads was Niacin

    Theresa  you too.

    Are you posting the prayers on the right thread? Or are you cut and pasting and then going to post all at once. There is nothing after the Hail Mary. I reserved a spot for the Our Father and glory be as I really wanted them close to the Hail Mary . You had a post that explained the rosary mysteries. That would be really nice to follow next

    I reviewed the prayer/ spiritual threads. Someone added the prayer re: the miraculous medal of Mary a long time ago as a thread. But the site did not get any "traffic" Would it be wrong to cut and paste to the prayer thread?

    I edited the prayer thread and dedicated it to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Think I did it too the intention thread --looked and already forgot . Either way I will do it.If ya'll think i should do something different - It's doable. Just let me know.

    So many postings, so much love from all directions between everyone. My memory is worse than usual wish I had something tangible to blame it on. Lots of worry right now. Trying very hard to direct things. I guess Michelle I need to keep your words in mind. Give it Up to God. 

    Changed Oncs, he has pushed all kinds of testing because of PET report. AND wants me to start Aromasin. He understands all the damage that Arimidex and FEmara with the adverse drug interaction with Norvasc did to me. This has come after I was finally successfully weaned off pain med and accepting of the pain that was left.  I had told him I would see cardiologist and get switched off Norvasc, carddoc wouldn't do it as long as I was smoking.  Please, no talks of smoking addiction, I know full well, always have. Prayers please. Even without smoking and norvasc. The fear of the pain by aromasin, has really muddled my brain. Card doc shown documentation that cardizem was neutral or at least less harmful than norvasc. He said-- to take with the aromasin and see "what happens" and just tell them to cut the does of aromasin in half, if norvasc enhances aromasin by 150%.... he continued that we do that all the time with drugs.  Well I know the onc won't do it because his answer will be "there is no research to support it. Previous onc said the same thing about arimidex when I was having such a bad time with it(before knowing about interaction with norvasc). Pain and physical damage(documented by MRI) so severe I made choice to quit Arimidex because it was beyond acceptable ---Pain scale 100/10. No drama queen.  But the idea of starting another AI when I have permanent damage to some joints................ I have had pain all my life because of post polio, I worked very hard at control and avoided drugs that could lead to addiction(smoking Excluded). 10 months after last dose of Femara, Off pain meds, damage still present, willing to accept pain. And docs won't comprimise. The solution is left to me. I get that. The very thought of it and I light up again. During and after pregnancy while nursing , I was able to do it because of Stephen. And always protected him from second hand smoke thereafter.  I've included everything here, I didn't leave anything out, could have , would have slanted /skewed info, but I have bared my soul. The last thing I need is reproach. I'm doing enough of that to myself.

    This is going to sound really strange, please don't even acknowledge what i have written. I know in my heart you will redouble your prayers for me to conquer this.

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2010

    Loving my family,  I love it.  you made me laugh,  God will forgive.


  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    Michelle-That is so awesome about your son. It is truly so out of the ordinary. They're many deserving young ones, but all can't be choosen. This will  postively follow him all his life. What is many times unsaid, is recognition of the parents. His accomplishment did not happen in a void. It shows exceptional parenting skill and involvement that has been there since his birth.


  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited November 2010

    Traci - angels, angels, angels - so many great stories!  Thanks for taking the time to do that!  I love the image of the warring angels.  And the one about waking up suddenly in middle of night feeling danger w/no way to make a phone call for help was pretty amazing too.  Who you gonna call.?...ANGELS!!!

    Sheila - I think it would be great to have miraculous medal/Mary prayer on there! 

    Theresa - yes on the violence & sex in entertainment industry.  I keep thinking we've gone about as far in one direction as possible and keep hoping the pendulum will swing back the other way.  The Supreme Court is hearing a case right now about violent video games that were banned by California.  I hope they uphold that.  By the way - did you know 6 of the 9 justices are Catholic?   Judge Scalia is my favorite.

    There is a new series (I think begins tonight) by national geographic on great migrations of animals.   

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Sheila: I was going to post all at once... is that ok?  Should I do one big post, or a series of posts... like traditional prayers, novena prayers, maybe even hymns since Traci put me in such a musical mood this afternoon...  I'm open to any suggestions.

    I have an Gaelic Hymn to share this afternoon (more of a morning hymn), attributed to St. Patrick, for all the Irish ladies here - if you don't know the melody, it's the same as Morning Has Broken:

    This day God gives me Strength of high heaven,
    Sun and moon shining, Flame in my hearth,
    Flashing of lightening, Wind in its swiftness,
    Deeps of the ocean, Firmness of earth.

    This day God sends me Strength as my guardian,
    Might to uphold me, Wisdom as guide.
    Your eyes are watchful, Your ears are list'ning,
    Your lips are speaking, Friend at my side.

    God's way is my way, God's shield 'round me,
    God's host defends me, Saving from ill.
    Angels of heaven, Drive from me always
    All that would harm me, Stand by me still.

    Rising I thank you, Mighty and Strong One,
    King of creation, Giver of rest,
    Firmly confessing Threeness of Persons,
    Oneness of God-head, Trinity blest.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Janet:  I knew some of the Justices were Catholic, but not 6 of them!  I'll keep an eye out for the National Geographic program.  I can watch it while bicyling! :-)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2013

    Just to start with, Theresa, what a glorious hymn. I sang it out loud :) I have quite a kinship to Ireland Wales and Scotland. My hair is more auburn now, with red highlights ( I think they will come back,) and freckles for days. Nothing like a good Irish tune, AND.............drum roll please, Blue Grass music has roots in Irish music. The reels and the fiddling make me VERY oxygen for me.I know the music you are talking about...and one of my favorite songs of my mothers is The Holly and the Ivy, and I used to play it on the piano, or on my flute accompanying a CD.

    oh, and how about Bell Ringing? We loved that too, especially Christmas.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited November 2010


    UPDATE on my sister's trip Fatiima (Portugal).  She will be arriving in Portugal on November 23rd (a few days later than originally expected).  She will head straight to the apparition site as soon as she lands.

    She is more than happy to lay our petitions and prayers at the apparition site for us.  You can PM me with requests and prayers and I compile those with the ones that mmm5 had when we were doing the Novenas....

    I will need them no later than the 20th of this month.  If anything changes, I will be letting you know.  She will also be making a trip to Lourdes in the next few months.  I will let you know about that one as well.

    peace and prayers,



  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I'm so glad you enjoyed them, I really enjoyed sharing them. I have been collecting stories and beautiful Angels for years. I hope Paula sees them too. I have many more, so let me know when you need an Angel boost :)


    God is everywhere, even Kohls :)


    so many decisions. Sending you big hugs. and let us know how we can support you K?

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2010

    Shelia, I am takeing armosin and and I am hurting so on Monday I change to Fermera, I hope its better.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Theresa please post asap the description of the mysteries associated with the rosary. and the miracaulous medal Of Mary. If possible -----what it then brings together is the Rosary.  If I had had the thought before i would have said let's make this the plan. Unless someone else has posted we could make this viable. Because when you go there you will see reserved for. I am a horrible typer with thoughts. But I didn't want to loose the opportunity for the three most sacred prayers to be separted. With your explanation of the rosary and how it should be said,  then that completes the connection. Plus the prayer associated with the miraculous medal. Again a completion. Recently have read some things about Fatima . Dedication to The Immaculate Heart of Mary is important. Having it all connected in a short space is important. If I could cut and paste vs cut and loose, I would.

    After that a singular post of all messages would be okay I believe. But the addition of a title of the prayer intention Ie OUR FATHER, Directs a person to a prayer. Or St MIChael , OR St Jude Sorry if that makes extra work. AND if in your judgement separating them is a better thing to do I will certainly respect that . Your comprehension of prayer and presentation far exceeds mine.

    I will cut short know if it helps ----do the same thing I did write reserved for ----Then you can add latter by edit

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    Theresa et al ---6 of 9 justices Catholic-OMG. The controversy when JFK was made president every article made presuppositions on all his actions because he was Catholic. Amazing how this has not entered the mainstream press. Probably will now.

    Wish I could here the Gaelic song, the words are beautiful

    DS cooked dinner and is calling, says schatzi is interested---LOve sheila

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Sheila, Theresa ~ I have a whole section in my prayer book with Prayers to the Virgin Mary.  Please don't forget to cut/paste the prayer that I did before on the Prayer Intentions thread called  "Memorare" (that's for our Blessed Virgin Mary).

    Sheila ~ you've mentioned your pain and post polio, have you thought about giving Chinese Accupuncture a try to cure the pain?  I haven't tried it myself yet but growing up in Hong Kong, I've heard of so many success stories.  My rad onc is also versded in Chinese Accupunture but have no time to practice accupuncture now said that it is very theraputic.   He suggested me to call the Accupuncture Board and ask for a referral.  

    LMFSM ~ No Guilt @ Kohls :-)

    Tori ~ thanks for the headsup.

    Apple ~ I have been looking online for a dog (and hoping to adopt a baby Mastiff), but DH is still not ready to get one yet.  We all have to wait till he's ready.  

    Traci ~ loved your Angels stories.  Warring Angels, very interesting and I would need to learn more about them.  I get attacks at night before since I was a young child.  I could feel them trying to attack me at night.  One time in Hong Kong, I was attacked consecutively for over 30 days.  My late father thought I was a psycho and my mom even switched room with me (she and my late father slept in separate rooms due to his snoring).  I slept like a baby in her room and she in mine, but when I switched back, the attack came back again.  I had to practically sit up all night and didn't sleep.  I was still young then (in my early twenties and was able to withstand no sleep).  All these encounters started when I was really young, I was even able to see them before.  Fast forward to 2002, I even told my psychologist that these things used to bother me at night and shoke my bed or sit on my bed.  She was even questioning if they were trying to get my attention.  My girlfriend (mother of my daughter's friend) who was even more sensitive than I told me to keep praying and asked for my late family members to help guard over my house as well.  

    During my rads, there were a few times that my table jiggled and I've prayed to summon God and his Angels to protect me.  Remember I told you that one time I literally felt 5 zaps out of 12?  I am scared now and I kept praying during my rad treatment.  I know it sounds crazy.

    I have read in a similar book about us choosing our body.  I am still trying to understand that!

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2010

    Sheila et al ~

    Prayer: Jesus Help Me

    Jesus, help me, your servant, whom you redeemed by your precious blood:

    In every need let me come to you with humble trust, saying,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.

    In hours of loneliness, weariness, and trial,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.

    In the failure of my plans and hopes,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.

    In disappointments, troubles, and sorrows,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.

    When I throw myself on your tender love as Father and Savior,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.

    When I feel impatient and my cross is heavy,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.

    When I am ill and my head and hands cannot do their work,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.

    Always, always, in joys or sorrows, in falls and shortcomings,

    ~ Jesus Help Me.  Amen!

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Ok, I've been a cut and paste nut, so please take a look at the site, Sheila, and let me know if it's ok so far.  I posted separate postings for The Rosary, Traditional Prayers, Novenas, Saints, and Scripture.  I only got up to page 40 in the Catholic thread, so this will take awhile to get everything up there.  I will add to those sections in the coming days and may add one for Other Prayers that don't fall into those categories.  So I think you can take out your placeholders now.

    I'll tell you, it's been amazing to me to see how this thread has evolved.  Many of those in 2009 are no longer posting today.  And they were daily posters.  I pray they are all doing well.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Sheila - do you remember Cat Stevens singing Morning Has Broken?  If so, then you know the melody of the one I posted. :-)

    Paula - thanks for the prayer.... that's the type of nice prayer that I was talking about posting in another post on the Catholic Prayer thread.  I'll gather those and post. ... Pray daily to St. Michael the Archangel.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    Very heartfelt prayer, thanks for sharing! I do know a little about having visitors, and I am grateful that I haven't gone through anything in 8 or more years. I had many sleepless nights as a child too. Not that something was happening all the time, but a few things scared me, and it took off from there. I did have more as an adult, then I decided, no more. It's like putting on a Kevlar Vest by calling in protection. It's o.k. to close down any little openings of sensitivity for peace of mind. Especially at times where you are dealing with illness. Feel free to PM me if you want to chat more...I do understand.


    I was looking at the Prayer Thread. Wow! You have put some serious work into this, I am impressed. It's like having my very own class on Rosary. I look forwards to reading and learning.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I have read so much about the SE's related to hormone suppression therapy. (Did I get that right?) How long have you been dealing with this? (if I am not being too foward)

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2010

    Traci, I was on tamoxifen for 1-1/2 yrs, now I am post menopausal and had to go on aromison.  I was only on it for 3MO, but I hurt so bad (joint pain) that I'm going to try Fermara and see if the SE are better for me.  I hope so I am on my feet all day and my legs are killing me.

    Michelle, Praise the Lord for your prayer answered.  I am so happy to here about your son. Congratulations.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I should say Nurse Betty! I feel for you, and I hear the joint pain body aches are pretty bad. I would need to do a littlr research to understand what is happening (if they even know.) Would Ted Hose help at all? I hope the Fermara is much better!

  • kindone
    kindone Member Posts: 435
    edited November 2010

    Traci, I don;t think Teds would help,my elbows and hands hurt also.  I walk like iam 80.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I understand that walk, and I pray that this will get better for you very soon.


  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2010

    Theresa ~ you go girl!!! Good job on the prayer thread :-)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I am about to shut my eyes, but who is that sweetie in your pic?

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Theresa you are a master par excellance. I don't remember ever being taught the rosary the way you have explained it. Thank you so much for your effort. DS showed me how to cut and paste your OUR FATHER --Paula. ZIP ZIP ZIP __SEE!  Well I actually did a cut paste on your Glory BE Theresa..... Did it---One small step.  Theresa take a day or few off from cut and paste. Or more. I think the most important ones are there now. You need some time for yourself and Skip.

    Paula thanks for the beautiful prayer. ....... I have considered accupunture, The AI pain is way different.  There was some past research that post polios feel pain differently than others. I haven't researched of recent times to see if that has held up under further scrutiny.Basically, cuz my brain doesn't work like it used too. Researching isn't fun like it used to be b/c I can't hold onto the info the way I used be for head tx, AI's and overdose on chemo and 4 anesthesias. Oh well.

    But the AI's are not* not* benign drugs. Because someone may have no s/e to assume that those of us that do, can't handle pain or any such trash. Don't have a clue. Mark my words, the future will tell us something unknown about these drugs, that will only be deciphered over time There was an article by one of the main researchers, the quote that I was stunned at --STUNNED-- " We did not see the complaints about muscle , bone , and joint pain during our clinical trials that are being reported now. We are going to have to relook at this ". Now that is as close as I can get to his exact statement without having it in front of me. I have been reading studies all my life. I have never seen in print a researcher that was that open about something flawed in the clinical trials in referring to postmarketing complaints of problems. 

    Squid--------TEDS have been debunked Thank God. First decent research came out in AJN in late 07 or 08. Then in 09 I think Spring I forget which major doc journal came out against them. But to try and get them out of use is going to take forever because of fear of not using them. Whichever doc journal it was , I was with Greg and he thought I lost my mind because I was so excited. His eyes glazed over.It'll take more research, but they are dangerous. There hasn't been a decent research article proving they work and I've been looking since the 70's.