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  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    paula if I can cut and paste this try it===lost it will try again---Lost it 2 more times.

    The Ontario network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse. 1-866-299-1011. If this number doesn't work I'm sure that they will be able to direct you, to the correct number.

    Almost 9 going to go play:) Sheila

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2010

    Thanks Sheila.  I hope I get through to someone who will care about my complaint as I'm not related to this lady at all. 

    Thanks for the info in your PM.

    I will call the social worker again tomorrow a.m. Lord Jesus, please allow me to help another person in need.  Amen.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited November 2010

    praying for all my sisters!  The caring and love shown on this thread brings tears to my eyes.  Praise be Jesus and Mary ! xo

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    Where are you going to play? Do you have the results of the CT of your neck yet? Was your benign PET awhile ago? I wish you the best tomorrow! It sounds like your first Vitamin D came from a very special batch :) I think the Vitamin D thread is pretty infomative, and worth a look. Thanks for looking up the number for Elder Abuse...I've been experiencing Nurse abuse today, but that's what security is for isn't it? Nothing too crazy, but being boozed up and yelling at everyone is not a productive way to communicate.

    Sister Janet,

    It is nice to have Sisters, I agree! I hear ya on the blah week, and it doesn't help that it's sooooooooooooo dark out when I leave work, but this too shall pass. I always thought raccoon were somewhat cute inocuous creatures, unti I heard one growling and screming like a banshee in the trees in our woods where I grew up. Attacked my doggie Lady, but she got away with scratches Thank God. We will sometimes have them in D.C, right in the city, and I will steer far away when I'm walking my little girl. (Rock creek park is close by)

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    awww how sweet, Bless You!

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited November 2010

    Sheila - let's just say I'm in my fifth decade :):)   I only took it at dinner so haven't felt anything different yet - maybe when I wake up tomorrow!

    Theresa - yes - how low can you go?  My D3 was 26 and D2 was a whopping 4 !!!!!  Now I've got to become a fast expert on Vit D and everything I've read so far indicates a Vit D deficiency is linked to breast cancer.  And, learned it's not a vitamin at all, but a hormone.   Should have gone to medical school.

    More tomorrow ladies - past my bedtime.  Nitey nite.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Good evening all,

    Want to hear something grose? I went to my #19 rads tx this afternoon.  I was greeted by yet another student tech.  I walked in, saw the white bed sheet already on the table, mmmmm, it looked wrinkled.  So I asked the student tech, "Has this been used by somebody?".  She replied, oh, we turn it over and use the other side.  "Oh Yew!!!".  I said to her, "please I will not lay on top of this thing, please give me a clean sheet!".  

    Can you imagine??? I read in my invoice the rad's office charges my insurance $1700+ per day on my treatment, and I get to lay on "used sheets".  OMG!  I can imagine if someone is fully clothed and be laying on a slightly used white sheet (nah, I'm just teasing).  I get to lay on it with my bare skin.  Imagine that.  NOT!!! I don't think I want to be sharing anybody's bodily fluids.  

    Sorry, I have to let you ladies in on this, it is just grosing me out.  Peace !~

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I started Neurontin prior to my chemo on the recommendation of my Pain MD who had experience with cancer pain. It has been extraordinarily helpful. Mine started with a strange feeling in my toenail, first one foot than another. My toenail felt really weird, like my sock was being tugged tightly. I then started to have Sharp shooting pain in my toes, and I also noticed that hot water was really uncomfortable on my hands when I would wash dishes. My hands have returned to normal, but my feet still get shooters of pain when I skip my meds, due to not wanting to be too sleepy if I forget to take them....hey! speaking of!  Some people have taken L Glutamine, and I can look up the dose that the Naturopath recommended. This is over the counter, and can be purchased in a health food store. I bought it and never took them, but she is a trust worthy source, she works with the Onc group. (of course, she's not covered by insurance so I only have her her initial handout. ) I am sure I have seen the L Glutamine discussed on the boards as well.

    (running off to take Neurontin)....glad the weather is so nice where you are :)

  • Estepp
    Estepp Member Posts: 2,966
    edited November 2010

    I have been off due to throwing my back out. Others have asked about me. I thought I  should post here too.

    I am 75% healed. I will resume posting when I can.

    I hope this finds you ok.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I have been wondering how you are.  Bless your heart. I'm glad it is 75% better. Oh, our darn extra good to yourself please.

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762
    edited November 2010

    Take care of yourself Laura!  Back pain stinks! xo

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited August 2013


    That's really interesting...I didn't know you could break it down like that, I do know there is a lot of discussion about taking D3 vs D2 (D3 seems to be the winner) The Vitamin D thread is good for getting into those details. Mine was 4 as well, and if I recall Lauras was 4 or 8. I had to tell my Onc to do the test...or I just asked the Nurse to add it on. Unacceptable. This should be on every initial panel for cancers in general, in fact all diseases involving the immune system.

    and speaking of unacceptable. What? You turn the sheet over? Absolutely NOT!!! I am honestly disgusted. I was going to go into detail of all of the things that can go through a sheet, but I will hold back. Sheila, you will probably have to lay down after reading Paula's post. And they admitted to it...nope, I have to lay down. I have a stern look on my face and my lips are pursed, and a nostril flare or two. You tell em Paula.


    You have Thursday off as well? Thank God. I really mean that. One night I'm exhausted, now I can't sleep. Maybe we can share some good uplifting stories on our "day off" to inspire us :)

    Sweet Dreams Sisters :)

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Good morning sisters - yes, Janet, it does feel good to call everyone sisters even though I have two.  I like having many!

    Well, I'm home "sick" again this morning and am attributing it to the Effexor.  I take it at dinner b/c when I take it in the morning, I'm out like a light and can't have that and earn a living.  I've been waking up dizzy and sick to my stomach, and we have that long commute.  So I called my sister and asked her to have my doctor give me a plan for weaning off, so I'm waiting for that call.  It's not like the Effexor was helping with the hot flashes anyway!  I might ask her about that L Glutamine that Traci talked about for my achy joints.  But I know I need to exercise more... get on that recumbant bike!

    Paula -yes that was gross.  I just pray, pray, pray for your treatment to be over and you have no more issues with these people!

    PAA - prayers for you too while in surgery.

    Laura - prayers for you too with your bad back!  My DH has a bad back. :-(

    Yes, Traci, I'll think on something inspiring for tomorrow... actually have been researching St. (Pope) Leo and his St. Michael the Archangel prayer after Skip sent me a story about it.  Maybe I'll post something on that.

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I'm sorry the Effexor is having such a negative impact.  I hope it will be a relatively easy taper, as it's been about a month at best? Meds are so individual. I am struggling struggling today with fatigue, and I usually have a tinge of the old nausea when I awake, just from fatigue. I just pray that my boss will see and hear my physical limitations, which is stamina. There is usally a full hour each morning where I just so desperatly want to call in...and I am still "part time" so I can go in late. This will change too soon, and I am of course, terrified that I won't be able to keep up. One day at a time, right?

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited August 2013

    Good morning sisters,

    Aspasia update ~ I called just now, first of all, the operator was real nice and I got transferred to the 1st floor nursing station and immediately the phone was answered by one of the nurses.  Debra said that they are making sure that Aspasia is in bed comfortably.  She also had dental work done recently.  When I mentioned about when they will contemplate sending her to a hospital, well, Aspasia refused to go to the hospital.  So that was her wish.  Thank Lord Jesus, I prayed that He will intervene and I think the prayer is answered.  I feel relieved today.  Praise God!

    Theresa ~ I've had my past experience trying many many anti-depressants and until they found the right med for me, I also felt sick to my stomach and some were like a kryptonite to me.  I was trying different name brands in the SNRI class of medicine and none worked, and until I was prescribed Wellbutrin XL (which is in the SSRI class), I was doing well with it.  I was on it for over 3 years and then I weaned myself off of it.

    And as I was looking up the names of the meds, I stumbled upon this below :

    Wellbutrin - Initially researched and marketed as an antidepressant, bupropion was subsequently found to be effective as a smoking cessation aid. With over 20 million retail prescriptions in 2007, it was the fourth-most prescribed antidepressant in the United States retail market after sertraline, escitalopram, and fluoxetine.[6]  

    {{{Sheila, Traci}}} ~ have you ladies tried bupropion? Just wondering :)

    Dirty sheets ~ thanks for backing up my thinking, for a moment I was starting to doubt myself that I'm starting to be super sensitive and that I'm the "problem patient".  I wanted to email my doc and wonder if anyone can PM me what to say.  I don't want to be blunt, but need to be "To the point".

    Fatigue ~ boy, I am so with you about that drab feeling.  Blah! Like, did I forget to charge my battery?  I too hope that it will go away, PAIN, CANCER, BAD SIDE-EFFECTS, ALL NEED TO GO AWAY.

  • theresap60
    theresap60 Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2010

    Thanks Traci and Paula.  My doc told me to take one every other day for a week, then stop.

    I've been on various anti-depressants over the years.  Lexapro helped when my Mom died, but I was really on Effexor to help with the tamoxifen side effects, which they didn't, really.  I was on Wellbutrin also and plateaued on it.  I believe I read that Wellbutrin was one of the drugs that does not interact well with Tamoxifen.  Tamox has a huge list of drug interactions.  I'd like to find something more natural, with less side effects than what Tamox is doing.

    I think I read multiple times on - cancer is the gift that keeps giving.  Ain't it the truth!

    Traci:  I really feel for you being so fatigued!! I can't help but think there is something out of balance going on and maybe your primary care doc can help?  I think many of us suffer from fatigue, but the bone-tired fatigue shouldn't be there all the time.  Could it be one of your meds?

    That's good news about Aspasia.  When I was a teenager and had to earn money to put gas in my car, I worked in the cafeteria of our local nursing home.  Very sad indeed.  You could tell the patients who did not have family visit.  They were quiet and sickly.  One very vibrant woman was a resident and her family stopped visiting (too much of a bother!) and we could see her demise.  Back in the 70s, they had high school students as nurses aides.  I don't know if it's much better today or not.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Puala--don't even allow the NH another chance--report them and don't tell them your reporting. You want a surprise inspection at this point, doesn't give them a chance to mess with the record.  Yes, you aren't a relative, but something will be done. That phone number will get you referred to the right place. You are doing the right thing.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited November 2010

    In between Mri;s and Bone scan will post later if I can keep awake

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2010

    Sheila ~ good luck with your scans today, prayers for you.

    PRA ~ prayers for your surgery today!

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited November 2010


    Thanks for heads up on the L-glutamine...I'd appreciate any information you can give me on it.

    Praying that tests, scans. blood work, treatment, rads etc. are going well for everyone.  Hoping that everyone else is just enjoying the blessings of the day... 

    peace and prayers,



  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    I hope to find it by tomorrow..I also believe if you do search on it, you will find info. If you choose to do it, would you please run it by your Onc? I just like to have MD's in on all mes and their perspectives.


    Yes, wellbutrin was marketed under the name of Xyban, and there is benefit to it. I actually do take 150 mg, which is on the low side, but at 300 mg I get headaches and have trouble sleeping. A buzzy feeling. There is also Chantix, but there is some evidence of depression with it. Id' have to look at the most recent data. The good and bad news for me, is that I will be quitting, as it's really important for me to quit at least 8 weeks before surgery to make sure I have good wound healing. I know this will come, I will face it, and I may try hypnotherapy. I just have to make sure the cost is not prohibitive. I do appreciate the love and support and concern. I know Michelle had a great prayer for addiction (or was it Laura?) and this will also be part of my quitting. Prayer.


    I know, the fatigue is rotten, and i wonder if it will ever go away. I do have some good hours with energy, so at least it is not all consuming. One of the medical assistants said I looked tired this afternoon, and all I could do was smile, wipe the little beads of sweat from underneath my eyes and agree.  My thyroid levels went a smidgen the other way, so we reduced my dose a bit. So I can't blame that anymore. It does bother me a bit that I have calcifications in one of my lobes in the thyroid. Luckily the PET didn't show any increased uptake, it was diffusely increased as one would see with chronic thyroiditis, commensurate with Hashimoto's. I have to get another ultrasound in 5 months, another chest CT in 3 months? I see my Onc on the 16th for follow up. My labs have been fine, we will re-do next week. My friend who finished chemo at the same time as me is also having a lot of fatigue, so I don't feel so wacky. I DO need to eat better. I know this, and it's an ongoing battle. I DO need to drink more fluids at work, and I push myself too hard at work. We are also moving offices, and I have to do this tired or not. The whole floor is moving. But we have tomorrow OFF :) My meds aer basically unchanged for the past 9 months, and yes, the neurontin does make me sleepy, but it helps my body relax at night, and I don't take it during the day. Whew! Enough about me! I do appreciate your concern too! I pray this too shall pass.

    O.K. Dog time...

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010

    O.K. Paula,

    I have been thinking about this sheet issue, and some things that could be included in a letter. I am going to give you sentences some ideas and principles. I am also going to be a bit "graphic," so please skip if this may be offensive, but I would rather share here, then in PM as this can affect anyone of us at anytime.

    Health Code Violations

    Sheet as a vector for transmission of disease.

    Different scenarios: Anyone with an open wound (radiation patients are PRIME candidates, as some radation reactions involve weeping wounds and blisters.) So any leakage, incontinence, active shingles (also not uncommon in those undergoing treatment that suppresses the immune system,) dirty clothing (usually only put a gown over pants for some patients) Shoes in contact with pavement, tracking in feces and other things found on pavement...UGH. So in their small minds, it's o.k. to Just Flip the sheet over? Then this side comes in contact with the machine itself, setting up for a full day of transmitting patient one through 25? back and forth. They would need to be cleaning and disinfecting the stretcher/bed after the dirty sheet was picked up, before they turned it to put it back down to keep the germs on the sheet only. (as you can see this clearly saves time COUGH, but NOT the patient...because any seepage would still get on the patient if it went through the sheet.)

    What excuses are you going to hear? oh we would have changed it if the sheet was dirty. So this is Biology 101, unless they have eyes with the capability of microscopes, and all that comes with the ability to see bacteria, and viruses, this would be fantasy on their part. The whole concept of standard precautions is in place as a way to recognize we cannot always SEE potentialy harmful bacteria and viruses, and it is a way to protect yourself and the patient. Gloves MUST be changed in between EVERY patient, and that includes hand washing in between this change. Gloves do not necessarily have to be worn if there is not going to be contact with body fluids, but there does need to be handwashing in between patients, period. Other vectors of transmission are  touching all over the machine with gloves, then touching the patient. I once saw a break in sterile technique in an operating room when the resident surgeon went to grab the light, and the plastic cover was not on it. There should also be CHUX (blue or yellow pads that have a lining that absorbs liquid) and plenty of them on hand for patients that do have open wounds or issues of potential incontinence, even if they have on a diaper. It goes under the patient, over the sheet. (sheet still gets discarded :)

    Sheila, is it OHSA? or who is in charge with oversight of hygiene, sterile vs clean procedures and protocols concerning patient safety? The patient's requiring radiation are a high risk population. Immunocompromised and often with open wounds. What if they had undiagnosed MRSA? or starting on C-Diff? Have a PICC line and leakage of their IV fluids someone thought had been clamped off? They better know how to deal with it, and have the proper cleaning agents, and wait times after cleaning.

    They aer taking unacceptable risks with their high risk population. There are no excuses, and I bet it doesn't follow their policies (if they have any.) Someone got lazy who has no business being a health care provider, and it became an accepted practice. They should have written policies, and Sheila, I know you know all of the correct terms for these manuals. MSDS is for meds right? (I'm sure I got that wrong.) I know I didn't compose a letter, and we could do that in PM if you want, but I wanted others to share their input if they wanted to. Again, there are NO excuses that are acceptable. Zippo Zero NONE.

    Now that the Nurse explained Aspasia refusing to go to the hospital, I have certainly seen this scenario. There should be an MD that comes and reviews everyone's care at certain timepoints (not every day perhaps.) I am wondering if there is still a way to get the Nurses to call in a consult for Aspasia for depression, and if she is not oriented or able to truly act in her own interested, this may be anotehr angle.

    Well, I really wish you the best, and am very sorry you are surrounded by incompetence at your Rads facility. I'm wondering if they would treat their mothers the same way? They need to send them through orientation again, at the very least.

    Good luck my firend.

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    So many posts to catch up on-------I talked directly with the radiologist NED of mets on MRI of full spine and Bone scan. So enough on me

    Paula I ditto everything Squid said. Absolutely. Not changing the sheets and decontaminating the bedsurface goes  against what is called UNIVERSAL PERCAUTIONS that were defined by the Center for Disease Control-CDC in 1985 or 1986. The outline of these percautions came about because of HIV-AIDS. There are many items covered under these rules The question here is linens. Simply, anything that CAME IN CONTACT WITH THE PATIENT WAS TO BE DISPOSED OF IN A PROPER CONTAINER. IF LINENS HAD ANY OBSERVABLE DRAINAGE(excluding normal urine and feces) THEY WERE TO BE DISPOSED OF IN A COLOR DESIGNATED LAUNDRY BAG FOR SPECIAL HANDLING. OTHERWISE THEY COULD GO IN A STANDARD LINEN BAG. LINENS ARE NEVER TO BE THROWN ON THE FLOOR OR PLACED ON ANY OTHER SURFACE.THEY ARE TO BE PLACED DIRECTLY INTO THE APPROPRIATE CONTAINER. 

    I recommended that each room have a laundry hamper that remains in that room. What happens now in too many cases , a common hamper may be brought to the room. Linens disposed of and then the hamper is taken to another room. No decontamination of the hamper is done between rooms. Think about what is traveling room to room on those wheels. 

    DISINFECTING SURFACES ACCORDING TO LABEL INSTRUCTIONS WAS REQUIRED. Over time disinfecting agents have evoloved to kill most bugs. Clostridium difficile--C diff can only be killed by bleach.  There are Housekeeping rules for all of these in the Policy Procedure manuals for Facility, Nursing, and housekeeping. These manuals are required by accrediting agencies to be available for inspection at any time. Evidence usually shown by written tests or checkoff sheets signed by employee AND evaluating supervisor are kept in the employees file each year. Each Facilty is required to update yearly. These guidelines follow CDC and OSHA mandates.

    OSHA ocupational safety and health adminstration established in the early 70's. Establishes guidelines for healthcare worker protection. They make regulatory rules according to the statuatory laws which they are governed by through the Code of Federal Regulations --CFR. Their rules follow the recommendations of other agencies that impact the HCW -healthcare worker. Facilities are required to incorporate these rules into the appropriate Policy Procedure --PP manual which a copy is to be kept in a defined place. Each employee is supposed to be able to identify where PPmanual is when asked during any inspection. Osha has the ability to do an inspection at any time. The irony is healthcare facilities are rarely inspected. 

    MSDS--material safety data sheets discribes all chemical agents used on a given work site. Each sheet defines what it is, how it should safely be stored, emregency first aid if worker contaminated, spill cleanup. ANd an 800# for further help . Its required to be in a specially  universal color binder available in administrative offices and on each unit. The Pharmacy Msds book is likely way different than other work areas because they define the prepartion of meds,  For example, IV's with drugs added are supposed to be done in a special room,  under a hood with special air flow(laminar), defined respiratory mask, so the worker can't be contaminated. In free standing oncology centers they have a special room to mix drugs with this type of set up. Where this becomes ironic is when certain meds are prepared on the nursing unit all the controls required in the pharmacy aren't considered i.e crushing of meds that can aeroslized(sic). powder can be inhaled. Recovery room where patients are exhaling anesthetic agents.

    When a pharmasist isn't available then the drugs are brought to the nursing unit and mixed by a nurse in the standard nursing med room that is an open area, without a hood, without protective gear other than gloves. Go figuire, all the rules to protect the patient from contaminated product and worker contamination are just ignored.

    Pill cutters and pill crushers may not be properly decontaminated by the nurse. which then puts the patient at risk for allergic reaction if particulate is left in the crusher/cutter and is mixed in with the new drug being crushed or cut. Hopefully someone of our quiet friends would look at this and get all excited and try to make rules to govern this.

    Gloves---are governed by so many rules and each day the breach of those rules run into the millions.  I'm saying that empiraclly because I have never seen a study on it pre BC. Little researching done since that because my brain won't hold the info. But as Squid pointed out the breach in the OR with the overhead light. All OR and non OR  personnell are trained in what is sterile, clean, contaminated and dirty. At the moment of a sterility breach, anyone in the room any where a sterile procedure is being done can say stop your contaminated. The person that caused the breach is supposed to stop and the breach corrected. I have been in situations where This statement was made by people. "This needs to be done now, if there is an infection we will treat it latter". WRONG.

    In homehealth, the accepted rule is that dressing changes are considered clean procedures vs sterile procedures because all the powers ---Accrediting agengies and companies--have accepted this idiot idea that sterile procedures can't be maintained in the home setting. I include this here because homehealth dressing care is common for BC patients. Also, reconstitution of IV meds can be done it the home. PICCline and Infusaport dressings are rountinly changed in the home. So, knowing this can help protect you from contamination, Saying to any healthcare worker----docs down to housekeeping." I expect you to maintain the highest level of sterility and cleanliness required -for what ever it is you are doing. If I observe that you have breached a STANDARD OF CARE AND YOU DON'T STOP, YOU WILL BE ASKED TO LEAVE".  Then do it, and report it.

    We are in the mess, we are in with infection rates as high as they are because the healthcare workers breach the rules all the time.

    One last soap box item, I beleive all cancer patients admitted to a hospital should be put in reverse isolation for their entire stay in the hospital. What happens now is the cancer patient is only put in reverse isolation if their numbers--WBC, NEUTROPHILS etc show that they are immunocomprimsed. Once our numbers get into normal range, isolation is stopped. We then are exposed to all the breaches of technique that sadly are occurring moment by moment. We then leave the hospital to fight whatever new bug they gave us.  In this case too many are Superbugs. Which when we become immunocomprimised again with chemo , can become quickly overwhelming. This concept will have to be patient driven---meaning the patients will have to demand it. As a cancer patient taking the time to learn the difference between sterile, clean, contaminated and dirty could save your life.

    Mid decade between 2000 &2010 the agency/ group that set standards for the building of healthcare facilities, decreed that all new hospital facilities being built after a certain date be single rooms. This primarily was done as a response to the problem of infection control.Other reasons were cited like HIPPA& patient satisfaction, But it really came down to the bugs(bacteria&virus)

    Well this is long and so far I haven't wiped myself out ------hope this helps

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    May I first say my most heartfelt congratulations on your NED. What a blessing! I knew you would be able to speak all of the lingo of Infection Control. I swear you have so much to give back to the field of Nursing as well as patients advocacy. I'll yodel back, just getting moving, today is my day of rest :)

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited November 2010

    Sheila  YAY on all your scans!LaughingLaughing    And, thanks for that great summary on the infection control things to observe as a patient!!  (You too Traci!) 

    I had my first physical therapy appointment today at hospital.  Almost cancelled it because I didn't think I really need it - but surgeon said to go at least once and be assessed.  Therapist specializes in  LE.  Well, darn, sure enough she took all the measurements on both arms & my mastectomy left arm measures larger all the way up.  Not by much but she said she would have expected my right arm (right handed) to measure somewhat larger.  So there's some edema hanging around.  Only thing I've noticed is hand feels tighter than the other - but no visual swelling.  Guess that's why the measurements are so important.  She told me to switch arms for my watch (which isn't tight but she said it doesn't take much).  Then went over all the rest of what to do which I already knew (moisturizer, bug spray, garden gloves, no BP or sticks, etc).  Also gave me some new stretching exercises.  But...I noticed with interest that before she did the measurements she took an alcohol swab and cleaned both sides of the measuring tape for the full length!

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    Now that's what I am talking about!! (the alcohol swabbing.) Oncology Nurses are usually better with the all important sterile technique when changing a port dressing or accessing your port. I'm very glad you went to your PT and got baseline measurements. Does she recommend a sleeve/gauntlet at this point?  Mine should hopefully come in today. My wrist is still hurting, and I hope it's just from the fall. The X Ray was negative for a break YEAY! The glove felt like it immediately stabilized my wrist, and I have to be careful with my wrist splint as it did leave a few marks (has resolved) on my forearm, so I haven't as yet had good support. If she doesn't recommend one for now, would you consider one if you choose to fly? I'm glad you have exercises too...I think most of my tightness is from my radiation, I wish I had been more proactive. Did she show you LE exercises and stimulating lymph flow?  There is an excellent pictorial under the LE thread that shows LE, and it was quite a learning experience for me.

  • DiamondGirl
    DiamondGirl Member Posts: 695
    edited November 2010

    Sheila ~ {{{{HUGS and Congrats}}}} on your NED.

    And thank you both Sheila/Traci for your detailed info.  I felt like I am so armed with information when I see my Rad Onc this afternoon.  My DH actually told me to print the the post out and whip it in front of his face. 

    Some other ladies on the Rads thread also think that "only the student tech is telling the truth and that's what she was taught to do there". 

    Did you all know about the Hep C outbreak here in Las Vegas from a shady Colonoscopy Center and they were reusing the bottles of anthesia, reuse of syringes and they didn't disinfect the equipment long enough?  The doctor that owns the facility was charged but the stupid judge allowed him to post $1M bail to house arrest.  Not sure what's going on with it right now. 

    My trust and morale with this rad facility has just plummeted.  I will pray for Arch Angel to give me protection when I enter that facility at all times. 

    Traci ~ have you ever heard of people getting pain by the shoulder blades?  Like someone punched me and there's bruised feeling inside.  I will also post that question in the rads thread.  And of course when I asked the rad tech, she took a look and there's nothing on my skin.  Joke is all the medical doctors, when they graduate, they need to be fitted with a pair of x-ray vision so they can see whatever patients are describing about inside of their bodies.  Plus a potion called "empathy" that they have to take at graduation so that they will be great physicians.  Wouldn't that be great???

    I will update y'all on what happens when I see my rad onc today.   

  • squidwitch42
    squidwitch42 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited November 2010


    You are most welcome, Sheila brought us "Home," I just batted us onto first base on this one.

    I am off to get my sleeve and glove :)

    BUT...I would like to leave you with a name of a Physician, Ignaz Phillip Semmelweiss 1818-1865, who suffered great ridicule amongst the medical community when he tried to introduce the concept of hand washing to his colleagues and is accredited to greatly reducing what was diagnosed as childbed fever. You can read his story on Wikipedia. I will re-read his story later, but if I recall, he basically went mad after years of harassment and ridicule for his very sound ideas. Imagine what he went through, how he was rebuked and how he suffered, and he was advocating for his patients and their children. It is a lonely place sometimes to be a leader, and we can at least thank him now. Many have been on this important path, Josphine Baker MD taught hygiene to child care providers. One of the greatest threats today is MRSA and we should not take this lightly. I was shot down once during a lecture in my Nursing classes. I introduced the idea that overuse of antibiotics would lend to resistance, making our antibiotics ineffective. She shot me down and I was very embarrassed. I started to question myself, so maybe that's my crusade. Building self esteem and encouraging people to follow their ideas, even in the face of resistance.

    Talk to you later....Next story focus is Reason Bad Things Happen to Good People. Remember there may be Grace behind our sufferings, and we can help each other triumph.

    God Bless.

  • janet in virginia
    janet in virginia Member Posts: 923
    edited November 2010

    Traci - She mentioned the sleeve in the context of flying.  She wants to measure again to see whether I'm going up or down over time before recommending it for more use.  Today I guess was baseline.  Have to go back next week. 

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Member Posts: 15,894
    edited August 2013

    Squid --just last night i learned from my counselor That chantrix has a higher than usual risk for suicidal thoughts. All the ssri's &snri's have this risk some more than others. My counselor was very specific with this one in discussion of my problem.

    should work on memory this is sitting here about a 1/2 forgot I was typing, but there is a big reason---DS moving tomorrow --new job 2 1/2 hrs away.

    Thanks everyone for the support on tests and my problem.

    Catchup on sat or sun. after he blows out of town.L&H&P SAS