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  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    E, I hope you are on at the right time to post the 30,000 post!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, I am going to be around today and this week quite a bit. It would be an honor for me to post #30,000, if I can. Wait, I have to write that again: 30,000. Yowza!

    Just came back from the store where I picked up a bag o' Cheetos to get me in the mood for the occasion. I made the healthy "concession" of getting the baked ones. Yucko, just not as good. I should have known better.

    All you FM ladies, if you notice some distinct triggers to a flare-up, please pass it along. I am not sure what "gave" me the FM, but I do have a background that might tie in. I used to like the diet soda & sweetners (like in my tea) but once I found that aspartame gave me a headache (and worse brain than I already have) I switched over to Sweet & Low which has been around forever, right? Nasty, but in use for a long time so I didn't feel like I was as much of a guinea pig as I did on the aspartame. That was in the 90's. Well, around the time I got the FM, one symptom was a nerve vibration (not tingle, vibration, unpleasant too) and it took me some years to figure out that it was the Sweet & Low that brought on that vibration. I have been off of it for over 5 years and I don't have that anymore. It took a couple months to go away too. How are all of you with the sweetners?

    Saccharine was known to cause "rat cancer" but the word is now that it is not a carcinogen to humans. While I am pretty sure it tied in with my nerve vibration, I would not go so far as to implicate it in my BC (but it is already in the little PINK packet, isn't it?) Who knows, statistically it may not be a cause but what if it sets few of us off anyway? Don't know about you, but I've had my ratty moments...was I more suceptible?

    I'm off ALL artificial sweetners now.

    KJSUN, Glad you knocked that fever down. I can't help with the Neulasta riddle. If your shaking happens with this next round, maybe your PA can tell you how "bone pain" causes that. Probably not, but do report all those SEs and don't let the chemo become too much for you. I know there are some who "soldier on" through terrible SEs and then wind up hospitalized and the chemo stops then for a while. Sometimes it is better to get a little break from it before winding up in the hospital, so let the docs know all it is doing to your body.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Member Posts: 6,702

    Eli, Congratulations on hitting 1,000 pages!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    KJSUN:  good on the nystatin and lidocaine. Takes care of the thrush and the lidocaine will numb things. Hope it is helping. Are you able to eat and drink ok?  Glad your fever broke. Neulasta can cause bone pain, but I do not see a mention about muscle spasms, but that does not mean anything,,,, only that none were reported when the med was being studied. Do let them know about it.  Sounds seriously uncomfortable.


    elimar: I was big on diet sodas back in the day, but stopped completely probably 12 years ago. Now if I want a soda, I'll drink the sugar kind, but I mostly stick to unsweetened ice tea and water.  In college we used to mix TAB and Southern Comfort,, the bitterness of the TAB offset the sweetness of the Southern Comfort.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311

    KJSUN - Yes, I had both bone pain & muscle aches w/the Neulasta - although my muscle aches were in my calves. Get some regular Claritin (Not the "D" kind) and and take it the day before Neulasta and every day for 3-5 days afterwards. It wasn't a magic cure, but it sure made the pain much less. Can't remember if I already wrote this, but ask for the shot in the belly fat instead of the arm. And be sure to hold the barrel of the syringe and roll it in your hands for awhile to warm the liquid before the shot (or get the nurse to do it if they won't let you touch it).

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I really can't stand sugar sodas. I did switch to sugar in my morning tea, but went sugarless a year ago on that (still like some in iced tea, tho.) Usually drink water and make my own "flavored water" with about 10 oz. of water and 2 oz. of a juice flavor I like. DH thinks I am nutty to do that, but I actually like the way it tastes and is way more thirst quenching and less caloric and less sugary than 12 oz of juice by itself.

    If that sounds too healthy, I just bought a bag of those things that are like candy corn but are in Fall shapes (and they are like pure corn syrup and sugar AND it is not even Fall yet) so you can see my good habits are balanced out with some nearly raw sugar from time to time. I think I am probably very average when it comes to stuff like that.

    Found 'em...these things...


    ...but here is the most disgusting part. I KNOW this is an old representation of them because now the brown ones are "black" cats and the yellow ones are a moon or something, maybe it was an ear of corn. That is way too familiar.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Those look yummy! And I think your way of flavoring water is a great idea. I've been squeezing limes or lemons into my water these days.

    Ice cream is my go-to sugar buzz,,,, or Dove dark chocolate pieces,,,, or Reese's peanut butter cups!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    ....I think no one else should write when it turns to 29,999 results, so elimar can post the best post EVER!!!!! And be the 30,000. I came back to say: That was scary to hit the submit button, cause I didn't want to be the 30,000!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    No pressure, right?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Woot, woot, woot, and..


    BawlingTHIRTY THOUSAND posts!Bawling We did it!!! Well, certainly something...not sure quite what.

    I have to say I COULD NOT HAVE DONE IT ALL BY MYSELF,(*) so thank you Middie-Gang for the spirited cameraderie with myself and everyone else who happened by.

    (*) Technically, I could have done it myself, but that would have involved carpal tunnel syndrome and a little departure from sanity in the form of multiple personality disorder, so you all did spare me from that. (Winky-wink!)

  • TAB55
    TAB55 Member Posts: 71

    Congrats, everyone! I haven't been by in awhile, and I'm glad I came back for such a big anniversary.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I hope more will stop by as well, TAB55. Hope life is good for you 3 years out! Pop in on Sat. for the Thread-versary.

    (Ooooh, my post #30,000 was the last one on the 1,000th page. That worked out nicely.)

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Way to go!!!!!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I might just have to stick around for 40,000 or 50,000 now...


    (Did I hear WHINNY OF LAUGHTER about that?)

    Oh, I tried to find some .GIF confetti, but nowadays a lot of the animateds come with a price tag, so will a distorted horse looking thing with its naughtybits photo-shopped out work for you?

  • TAB55
    TAB55 Member Posts: 71

    Thanks for your kind words, Elimar. I am doing well, and like you don't think about BC much anymore. I just saw my BS for a mammogram, and got an "all clear" result. Even though I'm in menopause and will be 60 in a few months I'm on Tamoxifen, and currently plan to stay on it for 10 years. I don't want the bone, muscle and joint issues of AIs. Time will tell if that's the right decision. In the meantime, I'm still working out every day and watching what I eat.

    Life is good. my DH and I spent 15 days in Spain (Barcelona, Bilbao and the Rioja wine region) to celebrate our 30th anniversary and my 60th b-day. I feel lucky!

    I'm glad to see that you're through all the CRC treatment. I hope you're enjoying life. Here's to our surviving and thriving!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Now that's what I call LIVIN', girl! Jealous of you, TAB55.

    Survive, thrive and FEEL ALIVE!

  • 6doggies
    6doggies Member Posts: 66

    Elimar, Congrats on the 1,000 posts, that is awesome!!

    KJSUN, I had severe lower back spasms while I was undergoing Chemo and getting the Neulasta shot, both my MO and Oncology Nurse said that it was a definite side effect from the Neulasta, there were times when I had to stop doing whatever it was I was doing at the time and grab my back until it subsided. Thank God that after the last shot in March I haven't had anymore spasms.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    Woot!!!  Party!!

    Love the horse with the hula-hoop!  Hysterical!

    and excellent timing, Elimar,,, 30,000th post at the bottom of the 1000th page!  Way to go!!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,311

    Congrats everyone. I agree w/Tomboy - I too almost posted a warning to hang in there w/o posting & I absolutely had to step away so I wouldn't make the big 30K post by mistake. What an honor that Eilmar was able to take precedence - as she well should.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Little did I realize all the restraint that people were showing. That's so nice of you. I cannot be sure, but when we hit the earlier milestones, I don't think I was the one to post the exact one. This might be a first. Honestly, my Mid-Age brain cannot remember.

    I have to look for a good 30,000 icon for the top of the page now. Found some confetti!!!!!!


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    hmmm, hmmm, hmmm I splurged on a cup of gelato for the celebration!! (it also is my DD's birthday)

    e, glad you had the honor of posting the 30,000 post. I too thought of that this morning and refrained from an entirely unimportant ramble of words.

    I got one of those soda stream thingamajigs so I drink lots of seltzer with a splash of fruit juice.

    When I got dxed with FM the rheumotologist said she thinks it is hereditary. That was probably why my mother drank so much, she was self medicating. Another thing to blame on dear old mom. I was dxed after the bc dx, while I was on Arimidex and could barely walk. It will be good if I can figure out what sets it off. I am not looking forward to the food diary that comes with seeing a nutritionist.

    I talked to the nurse at the gyn office today, she thinks I am still healing from the procedure. It's only been 6 weeks give it two more weeks and then give them a call if the pain has not improved. Easy for them to say, they aren't the one in pain. Oh well, I am going to act as if I feel good. I thought it was real funny when she asked if I was vacuuming. I said not if I can help it. But really, that's whats causing my pain in my pelvic area?


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Shssssssshhhhhhhhh! Not so loud. My family is still buying the "it hurts when I vacuum" story. Loopy

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    HHhaa haaa, elimar! That's a good one! too late for me, i was already seen vacuming at least once since tx. That eqiune is kinda kreepy, I like. I have been in pain ever since tx, and so my onc told me I had fiber last time I saw him. No tests, no pressure points no nothing except my repetitive complaints and mewlings about pains to him, my PCP says no I don't. Guess who I believe?

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    Ok everybody has to share:


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    lovely cupcake !!!  and LOVE the confetti!!  Party on!

    yeah, if they can't find a reason for your pain:  OH you must have fibro.    Yeah, right,,,, 

  • vanessa99
    vanessa99 Member Posts: 15

    KJSUN, I had chemo on Mondays, and the neulasta shot on Tuesday evenings. The SE would kick in on Wednesday with a vengeance, then slowly improve over the next few days. Wednesday nights were always sleepless because I was so uncomfortable. I had chills, spasms and pain in my upper back and chest area. The nurse told me it may have been bone marrow pain. I had to take painkillers to get through the night. Thursday's were better, thankfully. When I was on my last cycle of chemo, my doctor said I could skip the neulasta shot, since it's used to help ensure your blood counts are good to go for the next round.

  • SuzyBlue
    SuzyBlue Member Posts: 84

    I was told for years by a rheumatologist that I had rheumatoid arthritis, despite not having any swelling around my joints. When I moved cities my new gp referred me to a pain clinic and there I was told that the neuro pain pathways had opened up all over my body and not closed, hence the chronic pain ( for 18 years now). Either way there is no cure and the pain inhibitor (I wish!) medication prescribed is the same. I was also told I was too high functioning for them to do anything for me. Sorry for trying to keep on keeping on despite feeling like a wreck most of the time

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,909

    Yeah!1000 pages!

    I love candy corn, didn't realize the fall shapes were out already.

    Hooray!30,000 posts!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, vanessa99 and Suzy Blue! Your comments just illustrate that medical treatment has a lot of room for improvement. We like to think we've moved into a time of discovery and enlightenment but there is still so much unsolved, still so much pain.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833

    SuzyBlue:   that the neuro pain pathways had opened up all over my body and not closed, hence the chronic pain ( for 18 years now). Either way there is no cure and the pain inhibitor (I wish!) medication prescribed is the same. I was also told I was too high functioning for them to do anything for me.

    What???  Too high functioning?? Neuro pain pathways open and there is no cure?  What pain inhibitor med did they give you?  I say that is a total cop-out, that there is nothing they can do.  Lots of pain meds out there. Pain med delivered via a pump.   Maybe you have tried a lot of meds already, I don't know,,,  but I'm disturbed by the fact that they said you were "too high functioning" for them to do anything for you.