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  • jnKinna
    jnKinna Member Posts: 2

    HI y'all! I am 60 y, two yrs ago unilateral MX. I agree humor has saved my butt .. Nebraskagrandma calling your scar a 'wink' is hilarious! LOVE it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jnKinna, You must have opened this thread somewhere in the middle because you mention an older post from someone who (hopefully) is all healed and has moved on. But welcome, and I hope you are doing well at this point with no surprises in your follow-ups.

    Tomboy, Yes, sometimes it's hard to tell which sites are reputable. I just read, read, read, looking for a concensus of opinion from various sources, but when you think of how many thought the world to be flat you can be sure even that is not a foolproof method. (Of course 50,000,000 Elvis fans STILL can't be wrong!)

    image Ha!

    In addition, even in reputable journals, some of the studies seem to contradict or draw different conclusions from each other. Hardly surprising that our doctors do not give us all uniform answers Figuring out cancer is like having a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle, but being given 100,000 pieces (and then a few of the actual pieces you need are missing!)


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    I just came to look, and you know what? I ran into two of my doctors the next day in the halls, pain doc, and rad onc. Both promised to call me with the news. So, instead, what I get is a phone call from tx center, saying they want to add on a CT scan with barium contrast? Gulp.. that with no call backs, leads me to worry, you know. But they can't be too worried, the ct is not scheduled till the 23rd, right? they are probably just fuckin with my brain, right? Anyway, I go there today for lymphedema treat, and I will go to records to see if the doc signed off on the bone scan. And if they didn't. then I am going to wait to see WHO they delegate to tell me the news. They both promised me they would call.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, my cancer docs recently did check my thyroid function, including parathyroid, partly because my calcium often measures a bit high (still normal, but high normal) and partly because I am quite thin without really trying to be. All the numbers look good, so I guess i am just a skinny bitch ;)

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818

    Glitter St. Patrick's Day pictures - Drawing - ANIMATED GIFS - ST. PATRICK'S DAY animated gifs

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Wish I was a skinnier bitch than the plump bitch I am now (altho I don't think I am too bad of a bitch, just a bitty bitchy!

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Oh, I've been gone longer than I thought! Time goes by much too fast. But I caught up with everyone here. It was kind of like reading a mystery with everyone's symptoms and then I was able to find out a minute later without all the agonizing.

    Barbe, I just said "Oh god" when I read about your progression. I'm SO sorry and hope you and Arimidex get along well. And then when I read your onc thinks you have all kinds of little cancers moving around in there I wanted to vomit. I hate this sh*t so much and I think the baby boomers are getting more than their fair share of it. And Sheila, I was shocked when I heard you had that bitch come back again! You would think after 10 years... the chances of that must be so minute. I'm sorry you've had to go through the whole nine yards. It's really hard on our bodies.

    Eph, I'm glad they said the bumps are nothing to worry about. I hope you can just get all zen-like when you feel them and peacefully wait for the 6-month recheck. And I wish I had a job like yours. It sounds fun and interesting.

    Barbe, they found a tumor on my adrenal gland when I was first diagnosed and I had to do watchful waiting for 18 months before they came to the conclusion that it was benign. Every 6 months I had to do the urine collection for 24-hours. So, it's nothing but lately I've been thinking I want it out of there. Elimar's parathyroid site led me to something about benign tumors on the adrenal gland and how they could mess up the good one in some way. Also, I'm afraid it's calling the cancer to it. "Come here! Come here, cancer! I'm waaaiiiiting!"

    Elimar, I wish I could go back to the days when I was innocent of all this medical knowledge.

    And reading everyone's posts I just thought of a job that should exist. Maybe a nurse practitioner or experienced RN (ladies?) could open a business where they look at all of your medical records and consider your symptoms and HELP you tie everything together and send you to the right specialists with medical recommendations for what they should look for. It would be a desk job where you didn't have to examine people, only gave out advice. We just need to come up with a title for it. It pays $200/hour, hahaha! Or so I have deemed...

    Mac, I quit telling doctors I have fibromyalgia for that very reason - they always attributed my complaints to fibromyalgia. Now they just shrug their shoulders, so not much better.

    Momine, I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. The way we find out about it is agonizing on its own. First one thing, then worse, then even worse. I'm sure you've been a source of comfort to him with all of your reluctant knowledge about cancer and I hope he is feeling okay.

    A male friend of mine who's about 58 just found out he has stage IV colon cancer. He hurt his back and they did a CT scan and saw spots on his liver. The doctor said he thought it looked like they had metastasized from somewhere else and he said probably the colon. So test after test showed that he was right. He smokes about 2 packs of cigarettes a day but his lungs were fine(?).

    Elimar - you are right about finding alternative ways to treat my back pain. I have a friend who has chronic back pain and has found all the best alternative doctors in town to treat it. So I have the names & numbers of her chiropractor, PT, acupuncturist and masseuse. I plan to start with the masseuse. And that was her recommendation. Wouldn't it be great to go see all of those once per week? I've sworn off of doctors for this year. But that's just a wish - I passive-aggressively missed my MO and PCP appointments in February because I'm so mad about their pain pill hysteria but I'll go soon, ugh. Bob Hope attributed his long life to his one indulgence - a daily massage.

    Sorry this is SO long! I'll come back more often, for sure! I didn't even tell y'all my news. Nothing exciting like I won the lottery...

    Oh, and my computer still wants to call Elimar, Elmira and Momine, Moline and now it wants to call Barbe, Babe, haha!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Oh and Eph, I wanted to say I also admire your dancing partner up there. Patrick Swayze, what a good guy and a hunk to boot! He loved his Mama. One of his last pictures was of him posing with his mother and his wife. I thought, how sweet and what a good wife she is, too.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I had a massage every WEEK for 5 1/2 years until I just couldn't afford it any longer. When I stopped I ended up on a cane and electric scooter!!! There's no point in Chiropractor without massage. It's muscles that pull the bones out of line so it makes sense. Enjoy hearnsoul!!!! We ALL deserve it.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I have an hour massage and then 2 weeks later a half hour massage. I'm in her book that way through the end of the year. My gal concentrates on my neck and shoulders (which are ridiculously unyielding and always painful) and then the rest of my back and my hips. I'm sure my legs and arms could use it too but I need the main problem areas attacked as often as possible. I wish it was covered by insurance but it's not, hence 2 x a month and not weekly. Lucky Bob Hope!!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Good for you, Joni!!! You deserve it - we all do, but at least some of us are getting "it". Winking

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I am trying to be regular about getting a massage once a month, but would love to go weekly. It took me a LONG time to discover what Barbe said, that massage really does go hand-in-hand with chiropractic. Having a heat pack before chiro. can accomplish much the same effect, if you can't do massage. The adjustments just last longer if the muscles are relaxed.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    It's the muscles stressing that pull the bones out of whack. I like my bones in whack.

  • LovingIsLiving
    LovingIsLiving Member Posts: 89

    Hi all. I'm 52 and it's my first time posting in this group. The "home of the hot flash" had me laughing for 5 minutes. Tamoxifen got me back on the hot flash train after no hot flashes for a year. I went back to work a couple weeks ago after a 4-month leave of absence, which still didn't feel like enough time to heal and get everything organized. But I'm taking it day by day and thankful for my new lease on life.

    Waving hello to everyone.

  • loral
    loral Member Posts: 818


  • funthing42
    funthing42 Member Posts: 236


    Cute pic ! Happy Easter!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome funthing42! I am trying to figure out if your screen name is for your happy-go-lucky nature, or if you are using extreme sarcasm to reference your THREE cancers? I really hope the third time is the charm for you to get rid of this stuff!!! So, was your third BC on your right side also, and did that require a surgery? You left that out of all your Dx info. Also was wondering if your nodes stayed clear thru' all three times? At least you had the good fortune to have found this website with your first Dx, and I hope that helped with all you have been thru'.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hey, you know that "Angel's List" here on BCO? Now there's a thread of people giving it the preemptive yay or nay. Just so everyone here who knows me is clear about my wishes, here is what I wrote:

    I am another who hopes to never wind up on the "Angel's List." That does not fit me, even in a secular way.

    Also, if I don't put myself on a list, I would hope no one appoints themselves to do it for me, alive or dead. Ever.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    No replies? No updates? In that case, this it's going to be just like me talking to myself. You know what they say about that.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Hi Eli, I'll talk to you ;) It is late though, for me.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    No worries of me putting you on the list. How do I even find it?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, Congrats on 7 years cancer-free! Keep doin' what yer doin'.


  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Member Posts: 2,700

    love the new april 1 header, you devil!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Great new header, freaked me right out!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,310

    Reminds me of Rima the bird girl in Green Mansions, hiding in the forest. I'll have to dig that book out.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Hi Middies,

    Doing good. Loving the job! Have had some fun calls, but mostly it's routine traffic stops, crashes, etc. After 6 months, you can start using leave and my 6 months were up in January. this weekend I am taking my 1st 2 paid leave days and treating my sister for her birthday on Saturday. Headed to Portland to see these guys. If you haven't heard of them, take a gander. I am so excited. I got ticket in row #4 (she doesn't know that yet!) Enjoy! (4 min,21 secs long)
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,908

    Wow, what a show that's gonna be!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Joni....what new job???? Sounds like a cop, but I don't think so somehow....

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Dispatch. I used to do it years ago in a 9-1-1 center. These days I work at the Southern Command Oregon State Police dispatching-no 9-1-1 initial answering but if a 9-1-1 calls goes into the 9-1-1 center it gets transfered to us. A bit less stress than before. We dispatch for 15 counties in Oregon - 2 along the coast-southern interior counties, counties up the east side of the state and across the top on the Columbia River to just a ways out of Portland. I enjoy the heck out of it!