
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Kleenex, I UNDERSTAND!!!!!! It would bring back all those memories of being picked last. Or the groan when the captain "had" to pick you....sigh. Horrid feelings and so sad that we can still re-live them. I would be hurt that my own daughter wouldn't pick me! Now she'll have "two" mothers looking after her. Doi.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Elimar, you have a interesting point. Vickki's daughter did have the neck biopsy, and was actualy pretty mature about it.

    All I can say in my defense is that my husband got me into these shows. There is not that much on tv we both like, so at least it gives us a little escape. I lay on the floor and do my PT exercises while we watch. I passed Bethanny on the street once BTW, she looked pretty but not that friendly.

    There used to be some cute pictures of the OC wives on Komen Orange County's twitter page.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Meece, The north is wet, cool and breezy! At least we finally got our garden in. Everything we don't want eaten is behind deer fence. Bambi may look cute and lovable but they eat everything that isn't fenced in, even cat food! Between the deer, skunks, rabbits, wild turkey, ravens, and I mean they are some BIG birds, and banana slugs, we have a yard full every day. Oh, and the huge bumble bees. Two days ago I was out in the garden and a pudgy bumble bee was trying to figure out how to get through the deer fence. It finally landed on the screen and wiggled it's body through the mesh and lazily flew around the garden. I wish I would have had my video camera, it was priceless to watch.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    KLEENEX-Honestly, did you think your 15 year old would pick her own mother?Tongue out She's 15!!! the last thing she wants to look like is a mommies girl in front of all her friends. Bless her heart, she's probably as torn as you are. Sounds to me you will be close enough and yet far enough away all at the same time. The perfect combo. for both of you. 

    I kinda watched RHW for a while and thought that it would be cool when they came to Atlanta. Wrong,  what a bunch of nutsCool. I hope I never run into any of them. If I do I will know I am in the wrong place and need to leave. Who in the world has a married boyfriend that they call Big Daddy. Really??? 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Smithlme, I remember those banana slugs from travling up north.  All I can say is...GROSS!!! I have a hard enough time if a tomato caterpillar enters my garden.  If I had to deal with those banaba slugs I would probably stop gardening...well, I would find some way to kee pthem out.  I don't think that anything could stp me from gardening.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Oh Kleenex.you brought so many memories back for me.  I too was a professional band chaparone.  We took a bus trip from Chicago to Gatlinburg TN for a four day trip.  Assigned seats.  And since I was the freshman mom they but me towards the back where some of the not so nice boys and girls were sitting.   Then 2 yrs later we went to Hawaii.  Yep, lots of fundraising for that one!  9 hrs on a plane with teenagers.  But that was better than the bus trip.  The kids seemed to behave better.  You would think that Hawaii would be beautiful in March.  NOT NOT NOT.  It rained every single day.  We had about 2 hrs of sunshine the entire time we were there.  The beaches were closed due to the sewers overflowing.  Diamond head was closed due to mudslides.  The local newspaper called the rain  of "Biblical Proportions"   Ah........the memories.


  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Wow, Navy, what a story! I can only imagine the special bonding time everyone had, trapped inside in Hawaii. Sewers overflowing? Is it funny yet? I often say "Tragedy + Time = Humor," but that one probably took a while. All that fundraising, the loooooooong flight, and with that weather, you might as well have been in Illinois!

    I am totally the type to end up in the back of the bus - freshman mom. I am hoping that my trip isn't nearly as magical as yours was. I ran into a very sweet senior saxophone player who works at a grocery store near my house - he is stressed about the poor logistics of the trip. Our bands are the first to compete in San Antonio, which means we "get" to be at Six Flags for TWELVE HOURS. This is after meeting in the band hall at 1:20 am the same day. He pointed out that "even people who LIKE Six Flags don't like it for 12 hours." Can't wait.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Its very funny now.  Mostly because I get to tell the story about DH.  The only band thing he ever chaparoned was the Hawaii trip.  It just seemed like a good idea (to me)  That he should go on the trip too.  And since I knew I would have a group of girls to chaparone he would have a group of boys to chaparone and not just be a ride along guest.  Well, the first night we got there, after room checks and head counts were done he was exhausted.  It was midnight in Hawaii.  We were in our room unpacking and he starts to get ready for bed......and I stopped him.......he just couldn't believe that the night was not over until the evening chaparone meeting was done.  And this night the meeting started at 12:15 am.  Poor fella FINALLY understood why I came home from marching competitions, contests and parades exhausted with the look of a wild woman with her hair on fire!

    Even tho it sounds like I am complaining and I guess I sort of am, those are some sweet memories when my son was in Jr high and high school band.  I am glad I took the time to do all that stuff.  And now he is a grown man.  Married, about to be a Dad himself and serving our country.  Yep, all worth it for sure.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Meece, The banana slugs are the worse. If you step on one at night...watch out. It's a slip and fall in the making!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Navy mom - great story... all the chaperone stories are wonderful. i'd love to do that but so far my kids don't want me to come. Not cause they don't like me I think it is more cause they might feel like they would have to check on me or worry about me so when my ex can go he does and I get to hear all the stories at least.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Smitlme, I remember camping along the Eureka area and seeing those horrific creatures for the first time.  I could just imagine the mess when one gets skwooshed!

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765


    I also was a band chaperone mom!  Started w/band camp in my oldest child's freshman year and ended with the third child's Disneyworld trip.  Our band director never put moms with their kids, took the emotion out of it, that's for sure.  I loved chaperoning the older kids, in our band the older kids helped keep the younger ones in line.  Fond memories.  We definitely had our share of problems, like the time the principle of the school had to fly home from Washington DC with three freshmen who created much trouble.  Ahh, the memories.  Have fun on the trip.  Enjoy.

    Meece and smitlme, I'm getting the creepy crawlies just reading these conversations!  I am so freaked out by bugs!  (or INSECTS as my h.s. biology teacher always corrected me - I finally told him - I was a smart a** 15 year old - that they were not insects, they were bugs because they BUGGED me - I'm surprised he didn't fail me)

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Someone tell me what a banana slug is. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    NavyMom-You really don't want to know, but you can google it!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    EEEEEWWWWWW!!!  Are they really that big??  I googled and got the pics and they look as big as a banana!!!  I would HATE to find THAT in my garden!! 

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Ok Sorry I asked  and even more sorry that I googled........worse went to youtube!!!  A curse it is to curious.  Just glad I have never seen them ugly buggers in the midwest!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Just think of finding them in real life!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    We interrupt this slug-fest.

    (My daughter bought a banana slug sweat shirt when we were in N CA for a wedding.... that's my only experience.)

    Anyhow, back to the news:

    Just saw on FB that Barbe's birthday is on Sunday!!!

    Start the weekend celebration, now!!!!

    It's time for a p-a-r-t-y!


  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Cute sign...I need a banana slug crossing sign! Yes, they are big, slimy, yellow and eat all vegetation in its path. We had one on the patio yesterday morning and it was "standing" halfway straight up. We couldn't figure out what was going on and there was slimy goo all around it. I forgot about it and that evening when I looked out again it had died and was turning brown like a bruised banana. I'm wondering if a deer had stepped on it and injured it. Gross little buggers!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    I understand banana slugs can impersonate real people on internet boards:
  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    omg that is toooo funny

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    I'm still feeling creepy-crawly!  Makes the June bugs we have in Michigan look pretty good (YUK).

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Cute one Meece! My hubby managed to step on one this afternoon. This is the time of year that they come out in force. They even eat cat food, figure that one out. I put a lot of slug and snail killer around all of my plants yesterday...it's gonna be a long summer!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    That cartoon is too funny! How on earth do you find these things ? Or even know how to post them - very funny!

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Sorry for interupting the slugfest, but I would like to share my good news.  My first grandchild arrived yesterday.  A boy, 9lb 2oz,  22 inches.  Mother, father and baby are doing well.  Grandma on the other hand has a headache this morning!

    Also, can we go back to chatting about cheetos and chocolate and maybe wine?


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Congrats are in order Navy!   He's a big one, too.  I had one that size, and my arms never looked so toned as the first year when I had to lift and carry him all the time.  I guess I should warn you now that Cheetos do not puree very well for baby, but they like the pureed spinach and mashed banana combination A LOT, and I have to say that it WAS pretty tasty.  It won't be long before he'll be able to leave a trail of little orange handprints around Grandma's house.

    Also, a little Faith-birdie mentioned that our Barbe is celebrating a birthday today so I blew up some balloons myself.  The hot air makes them rise.

                                Birthday Baloons Pictures, Images and Photos

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Happy Birthday Barbe - have a fun day.

    Congratulations Navy - nothing like a grandchild - they're truly wonderful.

    Have a nice Sunday everyone - cheetos, chocolate, wine and all!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Birthday Graphics
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Here's the cake