
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Great pics, Regina!  You look great!  Hopefully the message from your onc's office is just an appointment reminder or something equally simple.

    suzwes--I tried a bit of that old saying "The best thing for what makes you sore is more of what makes you sore" and did some more work in the garden this afternoon.  80+ degrees, just a little breeze, even though it's overcast I was sweating and puffing after 20 minutes!  So, enough of that, going to take a leaf out of Snookie's book and lay out on the deck and take a nap after slurping up a tubfull of cold water!  Lots of Vit D, alright.  I wonder if that means I should go out and get some calcium--in the form of a large chocolate ice cream cone?  It wouldn't count on the diet since it's therapeutic, right?  

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    I think I would say achey instead of Psycho but the rest fit depends on the day!!

    Cookie hope you are having a better day and I agree you don't think of all the things that change in your life, how you feel etc.

    Regina nice pics, sound like you had a good day.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Nice pictures Regina - sounds like a fun day.

    NativeMainer - choc. ice cream is the calcium of champions!!  Go for it.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    It would take a lot of writing to explain the prank. It involved a pretend letter from the Green Bay Packers.

    Here is a blog post about the Revlon walk in NYC. 


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Woo Hoo!  ReginaR, look at you...stylin' at the races right down to those bright pink shoes!  Thanks for keeping us in mind when you did your parade walk. 
  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    calcium of champions!

    love dat

    feeling a bit better today, first morning in a month where I did not wake up yelping ouch...I'll take it!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    How are you feeling today, Cookie?

  • Jo_Ann_K
    Jo_Ann_K Member Posts: 26

    I realize it's been a while since I have visited here.  The good news is that means that I have moved on psychologically most of the time, but since my Mom died of breast cancer mets on Mother's Day 1990, I've been thinking more about myself in the past couple of weeks.

    I was diagnosed in 9/2008 with DCIS, which I'm happy to say was found very early, due to diligent surveillance since my Mom's diagnosis (she had one positive lymph node - mastectomy and chemo and died 7 years later within 3 weeks of recurrence).  My grandmother and her 5 sisters died from female hormone cancers (breast, uterine, ovarian). Yet, BRCA testing was negative.  However, the genetics counselor thought it was likely there was some genetic abberation; it just hasn't been discovered yet.

    The "beauty", if you can it that, of getting cancer at this stage of life is that you are mature enough to realize how important "living" is and not just "existing".  I'm an empty nester with my husband of nearly 33 years and 2 bichon frise dogs, whom have been a wonderful source of comfort during those down days.  We have two grown successful daughters who live out of town, and a handful of very close friends whom I have known since childhood.

    Since the diagnosis, I no longer look at work as a career aspiration, but a job that provides the resources to enjoy life. I appreciate the best in everyone and try not to be as critical as I once was. I hear the birds sing more and appreciate the color of the sky and the green hue of new plants in the spring.

    I don't get upset at the little things as much, and big things with much less intensity.  I'm grateful for having learned the importance of living my life before it was too late.

    Jo Ann in Owings Mills, MD

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Jo_Ann_K,  So glad you stopped back.  You have brought an inspirational message that I can appreciate, even tho' my War of the Teens is still raging.  As far as taking time away from the discussion boards, moving on; it's a good thing to get to that point of not having to think about B/C every single day.  You go, girl!  
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I'm in the same boat with Elimar with the War of the Teen episodes, but Jo_Ann_K loved your input !   Thank you for the perspective-I lose it every now & then (especially when DD is practicing driving!)

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    JoAnn, that is an inspirational message.  DH and I are slowly getting to that point but still have a 19 year old who'll be home from college for the summer in a couple of weeks.  I'll then join the ranks with Elimar and Eph3_12.  The war is going to be full force when he has to remember the home rules again or golden rule as we call it (you know - he who has the gold, rules?).

    Cookie, hope you feel better soon - feeling your pain literally but not to the extent you have to deal with, at least I can use my computer!

    Have a terrific day everyone.

  • robinlbe
    robinlbe Member Posts: 73

    LOVE the golden rule, Suzwes!!!  That is perfect!  We, too, have a 19 yr old who just got home for the summer.....but he's our oldest.  Two months from today, our youngest turns 13 and then we'll have three teenagers living in our house....

    Today is my milestone day....six months ago today, I was diagnosed.   Four months ago today, I had my BMX.  And as I said above, two months from today, I'll all three of my kids will be teenagers.   Can't figure out which is scarier.....or better :)


  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    Love the pic Elimar!!

    Haven't posted in a while, but I do lurk pretty well every day!  Had my first Mammogram done on 28th of April and was told on 3rd of May that I had to get a mag view done on the left side (lumpectomy last year on right).  Today I went for that Mamm and before I left she had the Radiologist look at it and I have been given the ALL CLEAR!  So now I might be able to enjoy this summer!!  Now just waiting for the Genetic Testing results some time this month.  I also find that sometimes I should be thankful for what BC has done for the way I look at things in life..... It doesn't mean that I wanted to have a do-over again this summer!!! lol    Be Well All!! 

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    PS.. Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's out there! 

    Hope everyone will have a great week-end!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I too love the picture Elimar!  Happy Mother's Day on Sunday.  I had my lumpectomy a year ago today (Friday), so this year's mother's day should be a bit better than last year!

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Happy Mothers Day to all!!  Last year I was diaganosed on May 5 and had surgery May 15 this year is better, at least thyroid cancer was a breeze compared to BC  LOL!!  I agree we look at life differntly.  Will not be able to see my boys but they will call and i will see them in the fall, we are thinking of going to the Grand Canyon together with my brothers family from NM, one son is in Vega one in NM so Grand Canyon wil be a good spot!!!.  My DH and I went out for Chinese last night with friends yummy, tomorrow i will make my apple rice pork chop casserole and lemon cake top pudding, hummm no wonder I am not losing any weight!!!  Oh well

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Congrats to both of you on your One Year cancerversaries, and keep celebrating them right into the double digit years.  I found out about half the women use their Dx date for the cancerversary, and the rest use the surgery date.  I think I will use the surgery date, when I theoretically became cancer-free.  I'll feel more like celebrating the day it was removed rather than the day they dropped the C-bomb on me.  Or maybe I will just celebrate twice, and throw in the day I finished up radiation too!

    The Mother's Day photo-pic...yeah, I think it's interesting when a photo shows us something ordinary from a new perspective like that.

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Hello My Middle Age Gals, Love all the great post & good Info. I apprecaite all of you!

    Click here: YouTube - Pink Warrior  Happy Mother day to all My Pink Warriors !!   Hope you all are Having a Blessed Mother day weekend.   I have to work on mothers day-Ugh Been Back on "T" For 1 week now since infections gone. Starting to have headache & I have been moody today! My Husband has notice a change is my mood said I am very edgy today, maybe it just him Not the "T" LOL. {{hugs}} Gina

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Happy Mother's day to all of the Moms, Grandmas, Aunts and honorary Moms!  Have a terrific day!

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Happy Mothers Day to all!

    Happy Anniversary to all who have been BC free for a year! I just realized reading this that it will be 2 years for me the end of the month, I am not one to remember dates,even life changing ones I guess LOL!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Happy Mother's Day everyone! Hope you had a great day.Laughing

    Today is the day my "super shot" is supposed to start kicking in for my shoulder catastrophe.

    Heading to NJ tomorrow night for BC benefit at the Brownstone, which is the catering hall owned by the real housewives.

    Will not be counting WW points.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Hope it kicked in for you, Cookie!  Have a great time tomorrow.

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Mom's one year is this week! I posted our story on a Best Mom contest and we won one of the prizes!! It looks like next weekend we will enjoy a limo ride and breakfast at a local bakery.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Ooooooh, Cookie - let me know if you experience any "sightings" of the RHNJ ladies! The food always looks FABULOUS - should be awesome.

    Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Congrats, Paulding.  That sounds like fun.  Cookie, you have a great time, too!
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Mother's Day...I thought I had trained my boys during their wonder years.  Their father provided a good example.  They certainly went to the kind of pre-school and elementary school that made multiple crafts and wearable gifts each year.  They seemed off to a good start.  What happened?

    I know why I did not get any flowers.  The day before, when my husband was going to mow, I noticed that my houndog had trampled eight or 10 irises and they were lying flat on the lawn in the path of the mower.  I got to them first and made a nice arrangement out of them.   I'm actually glad I did not get a gift bouquet.  No need to double up.

    Earler in the week, I had hinted on an activity.  "Why don't we all go horseback riding?" I suggested.  Was that too subtle?  No matter, as a day of rain dashed that possibility anyway.  I did get a raincheck for a future Sunday of badminton playing and that was no mean feat as the thought of having to brandish what they think of as sissified tennis raquets is loathesome to my 18 and 20-year-old sons.

    My older boy, caught off guard until Sat. night that a holiday was approaching, did manage to go out somewhere (Dollar Store?) yesterday for a card and gift.  The card was in Spanish, and luckily I could make out three-quarters of the sentiment.  At least it was por el Dia de las Madres, and not a Cinco de Mayo leftover. The gift was a pair of flip-flops, only one size too small.  For sizing, my son used the reasoning that anything he could not get his size-12 hoof into should fit me.

    We did go out to dinner, of course.  They have learned that there will be no cooking on my part on this day.  We went to a very nice Thai restaurant.  They kept the locker room talk to a minimum during the meal which in itself was a refreshing change.  When the check arrived, my youngest informed Dad that he "left his wallet at home."   After his attending two Proms in the last week, I can tell you that the forgotten wallet was not going to be able to make any kind of contribution anyway.

    You more astute readers will notice that I have not mentioned getting any chocolates or candy.  That meant a stop at Walgreens on the way home from the restaurant.  What packaged delicacy from the candy aisle would most compliment a Thai meal?  I suppose it's a matter of personal taste.  Can you guess what I got?  You know my low-brow tastes.  You know how I have that penchant for the orange snacks.  It's not too surprising, then, that I was chomping the circus peanuts (mmm-fresh!) back at home while watching Desperate Housewives.  Don't think for a minute that any male member of the family watched that with me.  I had already gotten the badminton concession earlier in the day, and they have their limits.

    My younger boy, the pauper, did give me a 20 minute back massage after that, playfully finishing with a "rear naked choke" that he learned from UFC Championship viewing.  By the way, that is just a name of a hold---no one had their clothes off.  Not here.  Not in the Octagon either.

    So, I trust you ladies had a great day...that you probably feel even better about NOW.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-I LOVE you & your humor !  Sounds to me like you are a great Mom!

  • Stanzie
    Stanzie Member Posts: 1,611

    Hello all, I just found this thread. I'll be 50 this summer so I think I'm right in the middle of the age range. I too am in teenage horror land with 3 munchkins. Most of the time it is OK and not too bad. The part that drives me nuts is the not taking responsibility for anything - and they look so innocent while you either saw or heard them do it. Just weird.

    I had my surgery on March 5th. Most of the time I think I'm OK but it still hits me at odd times and I end up crying and feeling pretty hopless. But then I'm back to being OK. I can't say I was looking forward to my 50th birthday because I'ver never liked being the center of attention so I usually have low key birthdays but I had been thinking this year maybe I'd do something different but with the BC - so far I'm not feeling like it. I know I should be taking advantage and grateful that everything is OK and "taken care of surgically" but I just can't feel that yet. I am divorced so that also plays into it I'm sure. 

    Anyway, nice to hear from people my age and some with teenagers going though bc. Thanks. 

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Welcome Stanzie, love the user name, sounds cute ans sassy.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Ahhhh, Elimar, what a magical day of adoration you experienced! At least it wasn't a "Feliz Dia de los Muertos" card. And circus peanuts? It is unclear if this treat was selected FOR you or BY you.

    My sister in Arizona took my mom out for a wonderful Chinese meal, and then as they were walking to the car, my perfectly healthy mother fell over the edge of a parking block that she didn't see and may have broken her kneecap. She says she "literally fell onto her face" - hitting her chin. I am hoping this isn't a big nightmare. My sister says she got my mom "lunch, flowers, a card, crutches, and Vicodin" for Mother's Day. Nice.

    I find it's best to keep expectations low on Mother's Day. It's not like Father's Day, which is coordinated by a mom. If I can manage to get out of cooking a meal or two or even cleaning up from one, and if I get a card, we're good. At least I didn't get crutches.