
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    ReginaR, you have a most difficult road to travell with both you and your DH both with cancer. All warm thoughts of strength are coming to you over the ethernet. Love n hugs. chrissyb

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Regina, you, hubby, and the dog have cancer?!?

    So sorry!!!

    Ok things are slowly falling into place, although I feel like I am so short of time.

    LE therapist got me a sleeve, but better yet taped "bubbly" area, and says with that tape on I don't need to wear the sleeve. So this seems like the perfect solution. She still feels it's not LE, but the physiatrist and folks here on the board disagree.

    It gets better when I swim, which  she admits kinda does indicate LE. So anyhow, I feel like the tape is provising compression, without compressing the healthy parts of the arm. (The area is a small oval, circumfrence of a small egg.) 

    I also have the prototype of the compression bra we invented with special fabric, it needs a alteration, but it's kind of cool.

    AC should be here today. DSL, still another two weeks :(...this connection is soooo slow.

    Mom is at rehab where they have her doing exercises 6 hours a day, her friend visited and was quite impressed. I hope they can help her back problems which were really the genesis of the whole situation. She does need to start thinking about some sort of senior community with public transit, but if she can heal the pelvis fractures, the situation is not an emergency.

    Went to the symphony in Central Park last night!

    We have an organizer coming for a few hours to help me get the place set up. My husband is just to tired and busy to help me, and I need to be careful with my arm, so I think this will make me feel a whole lot more optomistic and under control.

    Have a good day everyone!!!!!

  • saltykm
    saltykm Member Posts: 77

    ReginaR, You and Shelby are both in my prayers.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh Regina, my DD and her DH lost their dog last year to cancer and it just breaks your heart! They let him go until he was in evident pain. He lasted quite a while and as long as he ate, drank water and could wag his tail they let him be. Once he was lethargic and didn't respond to them talking and patting they got the vet in. He was only 2, an extremely good-natured Golden Noodle, just a beautiful puppy. Your furbaby is in my prayers....

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    am praying, GINA , for shelby. lost my min pin

    oin years ago the same way; routine ckup, gaining too much weight, so it can go either way, i guess. you sound like you have the same kind of black cloud over you as i have over me.. just means the suns comig, but WHENNNNN? will be praying for all of you. just keep loving the way you have been.  COOKIGAL ! my swimming is the #1 thing that helps my le. i have a spot on my hand im going to ask her to tape, and see what she thinks!!glad its working for you..an organizer!! i think thats great. sure hope it all works out well with the move..see u gals later..prayers up for shelby and all i sunnt florida....lightand love,   3jaysmom

  • flash
    flash Member Posts: 129

    cookie- thinking of you.  Sorry/Glad to hear AC.  You are always so busy; sounds like the concert was fun.  Keep cool in this heat.

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Thanks everybody for the Prayers! I appreciate you all so much for your support!

    The lab  report came back yesterday afternoon & the liver enzymes were elevated ,which indicates that it has spread & metastatic to his liver. so now we are limited on treatments. Please Pray for Shelby & us!  I handle my cancer diagnosis  much better than I am with My 4 legged boy! Really having a hard time dealing with this one! Anyway Thanks for thinking of my family.

    My Hubby doesn't have cancer Just me & it  Will be 7 month on the 22nd ( I found out Dec 22nd) 6months Jan 29th since mastectomy! Now dealing with my Best friend Shelby knowing it has spread &I cann't do any thing ,But give him so much love like he given me!

    This was my Mother day Picture 2010. My daughter Sarah  Dress up Shelby in pink too. his shirt says Walking for my Human!

    Have a good day! {hugs} Gina

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    ReginaR, I didn't think I missed reading something about your husband, so I am glad that him having cancer was only a misunderstanding.  So sorry about four-legged family member.
  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    Hey everyone!  Still lurking!  

    ReginaR, so sorry to hear about your dog.  I lost my cat last year 2 4 days after my diagnosis last year.  It hurts to lose a pet.

    Smithlme,  if ever you have the "smelly hand syndrome" again, try toothpaste. We went deep sea fishing on our honeymoon and they said to use toothpaste to get the squid smell off!!  I imagine it should work on other strong smells!! Cool

    Elimar - great pic!!  What a beautiful view!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hey ReginaR, sorry about the misunderstanding re your DH. Soooooo sorry about your dog, there is nothing worse than a sick animal as you feel so helpless because they can't speak and say where it hurts. Lots of gentle hugs and pats for him anf huge love n hugs for you. chrissyb

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have also heard that lemon juice can help smelly hands.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hope none of you Middies are on Avastin ... it's not working for B/C! Link to news article:


    So much for "accelerated approval." Guinea Pigs R Us.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    flash...how are you feelin/

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Mornin' middies.

    I think I've 'reported-in' on all of my regular threads, now!!

    My Vegas adventure was delightful. The most amazing part was that the corporate people put me up in a sweet, sweet, SUITE!! I had a bi-level, 3 flatscreen TVs, personal business center with copier & fax, mini-bar-to-the-stars, marble bathroom to house a small family, outta this world set up. My drop over thrill was having a remote that operated the Roman Shades (up & down) and the draperies to close!!!!!! Seriously. Over the moon on that one. Had never in my life used a remote to close the curtains. Now. Been there. Done that. It never got old in the four nights I got to play with it -- let me tell ya!!

    Under a seldom invoked clause of the "What happens in Vegas..........." mentality, we filmed a little segment in the exhibit hall, where I am teaching one of my songs in sign language. Their enthusiasm & excitement (think me, with curtain remote) led to filming & ultimately to YouTube.

    There I am in 111 degrees, LE compression gear: cami, sleeve & gauntlet and not yet cleared for foobies but we had fun regardless. Life goes on. It's reassuring to know that the show does indeed go on, as this was my first cross-country trip solo since the LE ramifications.

    Gentle hugs of encouragement to all in need.

    Did you realize that this thread is approaching it's first birthday??

    Elimar. What sort of party plans are in the making??


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    f&f, look at you!  What a poster girl for dumping all the cancer crap and getting back to business as usual.  That's telling The Beast who's boss!  Webster's wants a little pic of you to illustrate their definition of dauntless.  And hats off to your backup, Beyonce, Kelly, Mya and Lil Kim, and their sweet harmonies.  Hope you get tons of views and go viral.  (If a finger-biting baby can do it...who knows?)  I'm going to send a link to my friend (B/C 2 time survivor) to watch with her deaf son.  

    You better hope the rest of your Las Vegas craziness doesn't wind up on You Toooob.  Also, I bet you've pointed your T.V. remote at your own blinds and drapes at least once since you got home.  Am I right?

    Thread birthday/anniversary...yes, coming up next month.  I'm not much of a party planner, but we definitely will mark the day.  You bet!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Faith...good for you!!!

    So sorry you have to struggle with the LE stuff. Mine is not too bad, but I live in terror of it getting worse. When I see it swelling, I try to drink water, lay down, and do deep breathing and the drainage.

    Have a great day all...we have something resembling an internet connection and a landline now! I also had an organizer come and help me start getting things set up.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    My hand is FINALLY un-smellified. Good grief! I refuse to weed the garden again until I find some gloves that block the stink!

    Yesterday I had an email from my 23 year old daughter. She had heard from one of her high school friends whose mom had just died of breast cancer. She told me how glad she is that I am still alive and she doesn't know what she would have done if things would have turned out differently. She said that she couldn't imagine her life without me and what a wonderful mom I am and that I am her she-ro. Needless to say, I cried my way through the email.

    I am in such awe of my amazing daughter. At 18, right out of high school, she walked in honor of my sister in The Susan G. Komen 3-Day. After I was diagnosed she walked for me. Last year, she and I walked together, along with my sister. This year, we will walk together again.

    I hope I live a long life so that I can see this amazing young woman become an amazing mom...


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I'm crying with you Linda-what a great e-mail from a great sounding kid!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Wow. Linda. I'm proud of your daughter on your behalf.

    It is amazing when our children reflect out loud on what we mean to them. Warms the cockles of my heart to hear how she shared with you at such a juncture. Hugs to her friend in the midst of her loss. 

    Hope that everyone's had a great weekend.  Thanks to all for your kind words of support over my Vegas adventure. I'm still regaining my zip -- as I spent it all on the trip, but that's a good thing.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    On a totally random subject, last night I had an ice cream sandwich made of gingersnaps and fresh mint ice cream. There were little bits of mint leaves in it. I am now ruined for the green stuff.

    Hope you had a great weekend. I leave for WI in 9 days.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    On a totally random subject, last night I had an ice cream sandwich made of gingersnaps and fresh mint ice cream. There were little bits of mint leaves in it. I am now ruined for the green stuff.

    Hope you had a great weekend. I leave for WI in 9 days.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    cookiegirl--Fresh mint ice cream?  That sounds wonderful!  And I have a nice mint patch in front of the house, plenty to make all kinds of things.  I'll have to try making mint ice cream sometime, maybe later this summer. 

    faith--spending all your zip in Vegas is a good thing!  That's spending the resources we have on what is important to us, and not squandering them on unimportant things.  I have a cousin who lives in Vegas and I can't wait to be able to go out and visit her and her husband and see the sights again.  We took several vacations there before they moved out there and both of us ran into financial problems and always had lots of fun.  I've yet to see one of those infamous Vegas shows with the show girls and such, but I have seen some great comedians, magicians, plays and other shows (including Thunder From Down Under).  Did you get out to Red Rock Canyon and see the burros and tortoises?  That's a beautiful drive even if you don't see the wildlife.  And the restaraunts!  I love Lowry's and the buffets.  Well, enough rambling on about past vacations.  Glad you had a good time there!   

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    sorry about double post.....when I have more time I will have to tell you about the great IKEA dresser disaster of '10. Poor hubby truly lost it, attacked dresser, dumped it on the street.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Off subject...as usual. When did interviewing for a job become so intricate? I worked for the same company for over 11 years. When I applied for different positions the interview was more like a chit-chat because I knew most of the people there (600+ employees). Job was offered and I transferred departments. 

    I moved up here in December of 2008 and have started job searching. I went to our local employment center, which isn't a placement center but a resource center. I walked out with a stack of do's and don'ts on resume writing, thank you note writing, cover letter writing and worksheets with interview questions. WHAT???? I have an interview tomorrow and I am terrified I will say the wrong thing. I understand the economy has tanked and employers can be very choosy with whom they hire, but geeeezzzz. I am overwhelmed with all that I have to "learn" about my skills and personality.....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900
    smithime--Assuming you aren't a recent high school grad, I wouldn't worry too much about tomorrow's interview.  Look at the interview questions they gave you, and put aside everything else.  Since no one teaches kids common courtesy, most of that stuff is just about the usual courtesy stuff that you already know and use.  Because of the number of ways an interviewer can inadvertantly ask a "discrimanatory" question, many places have developed a set of questions they use and the list will clue you in to some of them.  It's hard to think on the spot when asked what your strengths and weakness are, or to describe a difficult situation that you handled well (or badly).  Other than that, treat the interviewer as you would anyone else.  Let us know how it goes!
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Native-very good advice! Smithlme, you will do fine!  You've faced the beast twice-you can handle a little HR dude or dudette!

  • fmakj
    fmakj Member Posts: 1,045

    smithlme - Wishing you Good Luck on the interview!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    good luck!!!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Good Luck today!