
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    I'm sorry you didn't get the job.  I'm sure another will come along soon.  Those appointments do a good job of bringing back memories and not letting us foget about the beast.  I hate them too.  Get nightmares starting a month before.  Yuck.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Who knew a pic of a peaceful little grotto with some waterfalls would propel such flights of fancy?  Better there is a submerged man somewhere in there than a snapping turtle!  That only comes to my mind because a great big snapping turtle was in our street a few days ago, causing an uproar.  I don't mean Galapagos-big, but like the shell was about 10" across and the mouth looked capable of snapping off a finger or toe easily.  Kids were getting too close, parents were warning them; then forming an ad hoc commision on how to capture and relocate it.  I don't live in the freakin' Everglades, so this falls into the category of the unusual.  (No offense, my Everglades-dwelling sisters!)  Anyway, a brave (read: foolhardy) teenager did grab it by the shell and off it went to the lake in a cardboard box.  The End, or is it........

    If my turtle story is out of place on the thread, just substitute the word tumor for turtle and the word surgeon for teenager and it pretty much sounds like my surgery.

    Meanwhile, back in a more boring reality, my back has been hurting between the shoulder blades.  I mean my vertebra are hurting.  Typing away at the keyboard is not at all therapeutic.  I'm procrastinating going to a doctor, meanwhile thinking, "Which one do I even call?"  Before I would have went with chiropractor (will have to start with a new one, if I choose that) but now I can wonder if my radiation to one side of the body is throwing off my musculo-sketetal balance or did a few mets get loose and head for my spine?   That stupid B/C!   I swear it makes every previous ache and pain I ever had feel different!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sorry smithlme.  Keep your chin up.  I have friends in some of the most economically depressed lines of work, laid off for over a year.  Think autoworkers and construction.  Two just went back to work this month.  Things could be beginning to rebound.  I would like to think there is a job out there for you that will be a better fit for you.  Hope you will find it soon.
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    The guy swimming underwater, naked, is glad there isn't a snapping turtle there either!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Laughing Good News Eph3_12!!!

    The job wasn't meant to be Smith. Let it go and something better will turn up.

    I'm so upset. My middle DD was suppose to water my plants while I was gone and she didn't. I've lost a bunch of Salva I had in pots out front. It took me forever to find the purple ones I wanted and now they look like heckCry  I'm glad I didn't put her in charge of taking care of the dog. 

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    PM what a funny way to put it.

    Well y'all I am off the grid for about a week. Faith I will wave to you in WI. Time to pack for breast camp. Hugs and be good!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    elimar--I hear you about the uncertainty of who to call with which ache or pain.  I try to keep my appointments spread out over the year so that I've always got an appointment coming up that I can ask about non-urgent things.  For everything else, thank God I've got a patient and understanding PCP--I can call her office and she will listen to my problem and tell me if she thinks the onc or the breast surgeon should be the one to handle it.  Most of the time she can, and most of the time I just need reassurance.  I've turned into such a baby since diagnosis.  Oh, well. 

    smithime--even though I kind of depend on the appointments, I hate them, too.   Weird, isn't it? 

    paulding--so sorry your plants got neglected. I bought a rare yellow lupine to transplant into my yard and it did not survive the process, but I can only blame myself.  Still, it's very dissapointing to lose a plant it took a long time to find.  

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OMG...trip nearly fell through...my ride from Rhinelander to the retreat cancelled. I think another lady can pick me up. I still can't drive very well due to my shoulder. Heck I will hitchike if I have to. Keep fingers crossed!!!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Hope you make it Cookie!!!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Ugh, the post chemo./age related menopausal problems are literally driving me crazy. I feel like I have cronic PMS that never ends. 
    GP says not to worry about it, but I am slowly driving everyone around me away. I can't blame them, I'm such a grump.

    Good luck Cookie. Just came back from Wisconsin. Lovely this time of year except for the bugs at dusk.  

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Paulding, sorry that you are feeling "Yuk".  Isn't it amazig how drs. always seem to say, it's nothing to worry about.  Is that because they haven't been through it?

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

     An angel came through with a ride for me. I can drive straight, I can do curves, Turns...not so much. A hard left is ok, but 90 degrees is tough.

    Oh and can I boast? While I am gone check out the insurance and finances forum which was....(ok I am being obnoxious now) MY IDEA!!!!

    Hugs, cookies, and skinny upper arms to all!

    Fried cheese curds here I come! On Wisconsin!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Have a tempted a speed-read to get a tad caught up.

    I seriously can't believe that Cookie flies into the airport at 11:00 pm, but we will be flying out at 7:00 a.m. That seriously has to be a Murphy's Law addendum of nonsense.

    Headed to Austin Texas. I get to give the keynote. Seriously psyched. Car packed.

    This morning was my 'personal-yoga-session' right here in my living room. The woman is brilliant. She is a 5 year BC survivor so she gets where I am, or am-not, as the case may be. What a joy.

    I have my compression shirt, my compression cami, my compression sleeve & my compression gauntlet all ready to hit the skies.

    Ya'all take care of yourselves.

    Smith. I, too, will lend my voice to the finding of something-yet-more-perfect ahead. I know you're ready now. Disappointment is a real slap in the face..... Be kind to yourself for getting out there, polishing up, 'practising' the interview process. Better days are right around the corner.

    Cookie will probably share some fried cheese curds with the rest of us. A WI delicacy that I have somehow been able to resist. LOL.

    Travel mercies to you sweetie. Hope the retreat is simply brilliant. Pack for WI. Bring some bug spray. We are now experiencing THE most precipitation in a single July in the history of the state. [Elimar, that is reference about history, not a weather reference.]


    Keep the home fires burning.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK, my middies!  I'm taking a poll.  Pretend for the moment that you are a 15 yr old girl & your full-time working mom leaves you notes in the AM re: your chores for the day.  Let's say the note you read today says, " Please keep picked up after yourself today, finish your laundry & clean your tub, edges, inside, etc."  I am curious as to your interpretation of the last part of the note about the tub.  What do you think your mom means? Thank you in advance for your participation.

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Ha, Ha, Ha.  I'd like to know too because I have a 19 year old COLLEGE SOPHOMORE who doesn't know what the heck that means either and thinks that the 15 minute outside job I gave him was going to take 5 HOURS to do.

    Sorry Joni, I've obviously about had it with my DS#2.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar - the new thread picture is GORGEOUS!  I literally sucked in my breath!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Eph, I would say the job involved VIM and a sponge...am I right?

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    what's VIM?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That is clearly mom-speak for "clean the entire tub."  

    Don't feel too bad, Eph.  Your daughter still has two years before she must pass the reading comprehension test on the ACT.  Strangely enough suzwes, in her response has given you a question straight from the ACT math portion.  "If your mother gives you a 15 minute chore to do  outdoors, how many hours will it take?"  Her son also supplied the corrent answer, 5 hours.  It's the "new math." 

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Elimar,  I just laughed so hard I fell off my chair!!  Thanks for making my day end with laughter!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Well you win the prize Barbe & Elimar& Suzwes!  Indeed-the instruction was to clean the tub; in my mind that meant with 409 & a sponge or Lysol or some such cleaner.  What I got was-the clothes on her bathroom floor directly next to the tub picked up ("the edge") & the shower curtain pulled across shielding one's view of the tub itself as well as the inside of the tub. 

    A conversation earlier in the day had had a question -"If I get my chores done, can I walk to A.'s house & swim?" Upon my arrival home from work, DD was called and ordered home from aforementioned pool & required to clean the tub.  Took 10 minutes.  Am I a bitch?  

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    At least you didn't get the "I couldn't find the cleaner" whine!  I think it's our duties to be bitches, otherwise we won't get productive human adults.  What did she say when it only took 10 minutes? 

    I must admit my DS did show a wee bit of adult behavior when he abashedly came in from his 15 minute/5 hour chore and apologized for his abhorant behavior toward me.  He's number 4 in the line thank God!  However, he's 7 years younger than number 3 child (a daughter who I remember at age 15 as being like yours Eph) and it's hard to remember.  Prayer and Wine helps a lot.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Eph, don't feel bad, my DD still recounts the time I asked her to clean her room as I couldn't walk in there without tripping over something.  She wanted to go to a friend's house and she was told not until the room was clean.  About an hour later she came and said that it was all done so permission was given for her to go.  She was 15 at the time.  A bit later I went to her room to put away some clothing that I had ironed and when I opened the wardrobe everything fell at my feet, she had cleaned? alright, everything into the bottom of the wardrobe.  Needless to say, all of the contents of her wardrobe, chest of drawers, every thing from under the bed, behind the wardrobe from the top of her dresser ended up being piled into the middle of her bed and there it stayed until she arrived home and was told that if she planned to sleep that night she had best clean her room.  Of course I had the usual tantrum that teens are want to give when they don't want to do something but much later that night, the room was really clean, the clothes hung up the top of the dresser well organised and everything sparkled.  Needless to say the room never and I mean never was not done properly again as she realised that I would if needs be do the same thing again.  The funny part is,  she has done the same thing with her boys....lol.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704
    Thanks for listening to my Whine; I'll go have some of the grape now!  And I think I pretty much pray continually now about everything in the whole damn world!!!!!!!!!!Laughing
  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Outsmarting our kids is our job! My oldest daughter use to slam her bedroom door so...I took the door off. She had to earn it back. My youngest daughter use to slam the toilet seat down so...I made her carefully lower and raise it...50 times. When my youngest son and oldest daughter use to argue I would sit them at opposite ends of the table. I'd tell them no talking. Within minutes I'd hear giggles and laughter as they made funny faces at each other. My childrens most hated "punishment?" Sitting at the dining room table with their hands on the table. No books, no toys, no talking.

    The teen years took a lot of fast thinking because I was outnumbered by them. I've emptied out closets and dressers and made them put clothes away correctly. When my son would conveniently forget to empty the smelly trash he would come home to it in his closed up bedroom. If dishes weren't washed...you got it. They'd be in their bedroom. My favorite? If a tub of laundry was left in the washer and one in the dryer, I'd put the dry clothes in a laundry basket and the wet tub on top of the dry ones. They learned real fast to finish their laundry before they left the house.

    I tell my kids to be sure they always have a job with good benefits because they'll need it to tell their shrink what a terrible mom I was!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Right on smithlme, you are a woman after my own heart and you have a great imagination for punishment.   LOVE IT!!!!!!

  • KeepingtheFaith
    KeepingtheFaith Member Posts: 17

    You ladies have given me a good laugh reading about your children and the punishments doled out. When I was growing up our chores were on a rotating schedule. When it was our turn to do dishes, if there was one dish that still had a spot on it we had to wash every dish in the cupboard. It got to where it took me a long time to do dishes, just to make sure there weren't any spots. lol

     One of my favorite punishments for my two when they were little was, if they were fighting I made them hug and kiss each other. When my daughter was a teen she came home once with a hickey on her neck. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere except school until the hickey had completely healed.

    When my kids would tell me I was the meanest Mom in the World, I said, "Thank you, then I must be doing my job'. They hated that.

    Blessings to you all. Deb

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Oh, you ladies are making me remember my kids teen years with fondness.  I am fond of the thought that I am not there anymore!

    We became empty nesters in May.  DS was always being reminded to clean his room and bathroom, and he had inventive ways of doing both, but the biggest issue I had was leaving a note outlining what was to be accomplished that day before he left the house.  I got "I didn't see the note" or "I didn't have time" most of the time.  I started taping the note to the handle of the fridge or across the coffee maker.  That eliminated the first excuse, but it was amazing when he didn't have time even though he didn't need to go to  work until 3 in the afternoon!

    We went to visit him the other day and were amazed at how clean his room and bath were in his apartment.  I commented that I wanted to see HIS bathroom, because that one certainly couldn't be his.

  • bluegems
    bluegems Member Posts: 507

    I have a poster in my classroom that was my motto for my kids' cleaning - If you don't have time to do it right, you must have time to do it over. Now the downside to that is, that I tend to walk by my own piles, because I never have just the right place to put it all! 

    Mine are now 27 (mother of 2) and 23 (just moved out of the house). Of course, he  left his bathroom in such a state I'll need a hazmat suit - I'm holding the biscotti hostage.Yell