
  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Paulding...I have no words to express my feelings.

    I do understand your anxiety believe me I do. We all do. but sometimes scans play tricks and it turns out to be nothing.

    Yes Its nothing until you have been told otherwise.

    You have been there for me from day one. I would do anything to ease your mind. Just ask.

    Im up late if you need to write.

    (((Hugs Hugs and Hugs)))


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    PM, we will pray that it is something benign.  I had some scans done in February.  they found lesions on my liver as well as on my left lung.  They are only concerned with the lung ones, So just because they found something, doesn't mean it is something.  The difference is that my CTs were monitored by my onc, who is used to "the beast" and can fairly comfortably rule it out.  I head in the day after tomorrow for a follow up CT on the lung.  Hopefully they will find no change and may rule it as Coccidioidomycosis scars.  Although I have never tested possitive for it.  My GP also said that asthma can scar lungs much like hmmm was it smoking, or lung cancer???  I guess I should have listened better. 

    Anyway, I am not trying to put down your concern, but you should feel much better when your Oncologist gets to see the report and scans. I know that thenot knowing anything is the worst.


  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    ♥((((((PauldingMom)))))  ♥  ((((((PauldingMom)))))))♥

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    P-mom, so sorry to heasr your news.  Heres hoping the other girls are right and it turn out to be not too bad at all........I'm praying for that.  Huuuuuge hugs across the ethernet for you.


  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    PauldingMom........ just finding your announcement. I'm adding my voice to the crowd of those already sending prayers, vibes, light, hope and sanity in the midst of the unknown.

    We are here for you as your middie contingent of hand holders.

    Thinking all good thoughts for quick & efficient answers of the very best possible sort.


  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    PM-nothing but positive thoughts and vibes going out to you.

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089

    Paulding - my heart goes out to you...lots of prayers and good vibes heading your way.   I am so sorry you are having to deal with a scare like this and having to waiting to find out more information.  Hoping for the best possible news...B9!!!


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hope paulding mom got good news by now! thanks Elimar, and all you ladies for such agreat party..!! you guys know how to party, for sure (cleaning up isnt bad, with THAT crew..and the drivers, just yummy..bet the younger threads are jealous of us middies. we know experience counts in partying... light and love, 3jaysmom

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hope paulding mom got good news by now! thanks Elimar, and all you ladies for such agreat party..!! you guys know how to party, for sure (cleaning up isnt bad, with THAT crew..and the drivers, just yummy..bet the younger threads are jealous of us middies. we know experience counts in partying... light and love, 3jaysmom

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    thinking of PM

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    I'm on the outer edge of the 40-60ish group (I'm 58 1/2), but wanted to stop by. Your thread looks like fun.

    The main reason for my landing is to send my very best wishes & prayers to you, paulding, in this horrible time of waiting. I will be thinking of you.

    {{{{{ ♥hug Lisa♥ }}}}} 

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Thank you so much everyone. I've got an extensive prayer group so that has got to count for something, right.  Meece, sounds like you have gone through this before. I'm holding on to your great advise with both hands.  I've got to find a way to stay calm until I can talk to my onc. and see what he says. I'm thinking that maybe the surgeon and GP are a little anxious. Emotional roller coaster right now. 

    Thanks again everyone,

    Pink Hugs, Lisa 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    PM, my GP errs on the side of caution every time.  When I first showed her my lump, I left her office that day with appointments for Mammo, Ultrasound, and a Surgeon.  Last week I left her office with an appointment to see a surgeon the following day.  My GP knows me as her patient for nearly 20 years.  I think that may be why they jump when something is going on with us.  They know that they are the first person of responsibility for issues we bring to them.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    PM, still thinking of you today and knowing how when you first woke up this morning, your world was okay, and then it tilted as the adrenaline rushed in to remind you of your current fright! Use the energy to clean or sort or purge or something! The "fight or flight" instinct has gotta be good for something. (Problem with me is flight!!)

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Good News! Seeing Oncologist today at 3:00   so happy I don't have to wait till next week.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Keep us posted sweetie, we'll be thinking of you till you post!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    P-Mom, we will have to synchronize our watches and send an enormous "going to be o.k." vibe out to you at 3:00 (Eastern time) today. 

    Welcome several new Middies, and Valjean I already know from a few other threads.  I guess Meece or Seyla must have given you the password we use here:

                            discuss cheetos Pictures, Images and Photos

    At this point, it's hardly a secret password.   More like common knowledge.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Paulding I'm so happy you have an appt today. Well you know what I mean♥


  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Good luck today P-Mom. Sending prayers & hugs your way. Keep us posted.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Great news, Paulding!  I will be praying for you.

  • chrisct
    chrisct Member Posts: 310

    Sending "going to be okay" vibes to PauldingMom.....

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Update: Biopsy on either Thursday or Friday. 75% chance it's nothing serious. So focusing on that. Thank you all for you prayers and vibes. Will get results on Sept. 2nd Feeling pretty good about it all right now. DH is picking up my favorite sin. McDonalds friesEmbarassed Going to stuff my face and pray and sleep. 

    Pink Hugs,


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Good news.  We will keep you in our prayers, and surrounded with pink hugs

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    You will be in my prayers till we hear the good news Lisa! Much love and hugs....

  • susgul
    susgul Member Posts: 104

    PM- you hang in there and we will shower you with positive thoughts.  Umm, I love McDonald's french fries!

  • CherylQ
    CherylQ Member Posts: 42

    Here's to the beginning and the end of my cancer.  In one year I plan to choice you in celebration. But until then let the party rock on!!!

    Peace and laughter to all of you.


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    PMom, just adding my hugs and prayers to those of the group.  Today is my 5-year anniversary so I'll send you special vibes for a cancer-free month for you, okay?  Hugs all around, and for the record, I still think Sunday night was one of the best parties I've ever attended, real or not!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hello CherylQ, sorry you had to join our ranks, but the company around here is quite good. May your surgery this Thursday go as smooth as smooth can be.

    A different kind of wish for marlegal...and the awesome milestone she has reached today...

                                                 FIVE YEAR SURVIVOR!

                                           happy dance Pictures, Images and Photos

                                          That calls for the HAPPY DANCE!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Congratulations Marlegal

    ♥♥       ♥♥

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    P-mom, Thinking of you & Praying for you!

     Congrats  & welcome To Cheryl & Congrats Marlegal

    Thinking of all of our Middle agged gals!

    Love ya all!  xoxoxo