
  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109


    How is everybody!?

    I am in a really strange place as I went to the fitter on wed. And it went beyond my expectations as an Experience.  I was matched with a fitter who also had a BMX a long time ago.... maybee w/i 10 of my age and she ROCKED. She might even have been an Angel. Anyway for the first time in 4 FREAKING months...I can HUG, wear a seat belt, wear a tour shirt and have Hooties that you cant tell are FOOBS... and my incisions are not driving me mad.

    Sigh! I should have been wearing this a long time ago.... its a post surgical camisole with FLUFF forms. Well I have never touched a form, or had a LE Sleeve on.  But I did ok.  They tell me they have some funky sleeves with designs. I wonder if any have a tattoe look.... ar ar ar! DH even came.

    Marlegal, I am in Bucks County.Cool

    Elimar thanks for your thoughts on retreaving!!! I am just starting to land and memory, and just not having control of running the show has me in a tailspin at times. I liken it to a FOG!

    Been away for a few daze. Time to read and hang with DH and try to read.

    You are all such a help at this time. I am grateful to have found this place. It has eased my pain.

    Nite zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Strength and Light to see you thru....

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    braz....we need to meet up!  i'm in delaware county, so some saturday coming up shouldn't be hrd for us to pick a time and place.  I'll even try to bring some other chatters or baorders with me so you don't freak out that you're meeting one person who might be a loser!!!   lol

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    marlegal, you have really turned in a mini-series tonight!  :-)  That is incredibly cool that you are meeting Dr. Weiss.  Please do give her our best Mid-Age regards.  She is so awesome for bringing all of us together on this site.  Also, after that video debuts, maybe you will be able to link us to it and we can see your "star turn."

    Brazos, sounds like you had a mind meld with your foob fitter.  Why am I not surprised that you'd like a LE skeeve that looked like a sleeve of tatts?  Maybe they have something in the red, gold, black & green that would look good in JA.

    Last but not least, Kristian, pleased to meet you!  I liked what you wrote about "contributing to your own survival."  It really does empower you.  I have only been a member here for a year, but I don't think I have come across another with metaplastic breast cancer.  Is it something that was picked up in a mammo, or something you first noticed yourself?  This may seem a strange comment to make, but maybe because of the rarity you will get extra close attention from the doctors.  Will you be doing that shorter (but more dense) form of radiation which is available in Canada, or the regular 6 1/2 weeks?

    p.s. leisa, like the part in the video where she spaces out on the song.  Can definitely relate to the hot flash mention!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Mar............. so excited for your video to be shown to the whole world!!! You're a star!!!! You always have been in my world, now we will share you with the whole world!! Yes, by all means when you're all gussied up -- please give our heartfelt greeting to Marissa and thank her from all of us. Have you heard that I'm putting together a NY/NYC adventure? Right after Thanksgiving and into Dec. I am sooooooooooo excited. We will be driving. Maybe I need to invite myself when you & Brazos meet up?? I would be over the moon, if we could pull that off!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yesterday I started my day with an email out-of-the-blue, from Texas. They are going to take a group of 234 preschoolers to sing my song/book ("Red, White and Blue") at their military base on Veteran's Day. I'm still smiling -- just thinking about that.

    Kleenex, sincerely you need a sydicated column. Do you blog by any chance??

    Cookie, how are the meanies treating you these days?

    Brazos, I need the specs on your new "get-up".......... I'm still searching for some contraption that addresses the LE/no recon issues at hand.

    Kristian: welcome. Can't imagine why you weren't able to read 180 pages of our gabbing. LOL. I hate that there are always so many new folks to welcome -- every time I come to the thread, but so grateful that you found us. You're in good hands here & we do have the sweetest den mother.

    It's the weeeeeeeeeeeeeekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Has anybody got anything spectacular on the agenda???


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Housework and grocery shopping on my weekend agenda.  Maybe not spectacular in the usual sense of the word, but the first time since recon surgery in June that I've got enough energy to do both things in one day!  Major accomplishment for me! 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    I'm with you cookie, that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time.  Are they being just a little pedantic or what?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That's ridiculous!  Those refs were putting their money (game checks) where their whistle-blowing mouths were.  I would think it would teach the kids, by example, how to be charitable for a worthy cause.  Maybe the rules were bent a little, but this was a case of no harm, no foul!!!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Let's teach the kids that no good deed should go unpunished.

    I have dealt with these high school sports leagues on stories. The most intense backlash I ever got on anything eve, was on a story about a hs sports league.

    Seriously, everyone in that town. should wear a pink whistle in protest.

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109


    Lovelies I am stopping by having my coffee right now with youse..

    ....seriously need to get my act together soon.

     Marlegal....Kudos on meeting Marissa. And I totally own I am a Loser. I am 1/2 deaf and night blind. Directionaly impaired....I always get lost. GPS helps. But I am great at shotgun and used to be a great Roadie for trips. But I do not know how that is going to be now with all this LE BS. I ususally can find my way via train from Waminster to as far as University City by train.

    Eli-marrrrrrr! You are dead on. I think it was a mindmeld with the fitter. I think it was a hidden Gift.  We are both Italian to boot so that puts you in as famiglia. And she was able to handle a dose of my Realness... she was the one who mentioned the Tats sleeve....LOLOLOL!  Not that I would ever in my Profession get one.... it was just the idea of embracing it for my Spirit to get past this that she even picked up on. Elimar, you have a Groovy Vibe! Wink

    Faith, what specs did you want on my get up? Feel free to PM me. It would be over the top to pull off a get together for us and Marlegal.  I wish this whole room could get together INRL.

    My Spectacular Agenda is seeing Shawn Colvin with my best girlfriends tonite.

    Welcome to All Newbies (( Kristian )), and in case I did not mention your names. Welcome to this Haven.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    tstordahl@woa-officials.com  (e-mail address for the person who is talking of penalizing the refs for using pink whistles.  let him hear from you.)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    O.K., I did it.  Why not?  I spectated h.s. sports for six years, parented two referees myself, and I'm a B/C survivor...it struck a nerve with me.  Oh, and not a big fan of dogma either.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    I sent an email too!

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    I am a Washington resident. I also sent an email.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    okay, gonna do the same thing i did last night - posting as i think of an answer instead of waiting till i read all the posts and then i forget what i want to say!!!  ELI - yup, a regular miniseries in hte making, that's me :)   FAITH - will do (as far as hugging Marissa) and WOO HOO to you for all those awesome things in your post!!!!   Okay, back to reading, and more than likely posting more :)
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    brazos and faith - go to the site below if you want to find awesome sleeves and gauntlets - it's a local Phila company, started by two women, one of whom had breast cancer.  unfortunately Rachel lost her battle, but her father continues the company.  it gets written up frequently in local papers.  i tried one of their sleeves early on in my LE diagnosis but it was too short - I've heard that they made them longer and I've been meaning to try again but the company where I get mine sends me reminders every 6 mos - that's the longest you should use one sleeve - and I order from them online and forget that I want to try lymphedivas again!  one of these days ...


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    marlegal:right on the side of my computer is a little notebook i jot down my replies to posts i read, cause i never would remember at the end. it helps, but i swear: i STILL forget to write 1/2 of them down... Elimar: pics are wonderful at beg. of thread ( as usual) you rock, girl ta ta for now.. lol     light and love,   3jays
  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Elimar, I love the doggie photos. Are these all your dogs? I grew up with a Collie and loved her so much. I used to dress her up in skirts and blouses and babushkas.What fun memories your photo brought baqck to me, thank you.


  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    3jays, when I'm down the shore, i can't do that ... i use hub's laptop and no room on the side for me! when i'm home, that's exactly what i do - too funny :)    here's a pic that i posted on the "beaches" site tonight - i just love how the lines all go the same way.  we have a trailer at the NJ shore, on the delaware bay.  that's where i took this shot about 3 hours ago

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Awesome pic Marle.......I love sunset on the sea.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Gingerbrew, naw, those aren't my dogs.  They are just some cute pooches I found online. 

    I only have one houndog and she thinks food is what you plead for with your eyes, not what you dress up as.  She's getting a little old for trick or treating (fourteen in human years) although she does like treats, and she has one playful trick of slowing her breathing down, like a zen master, to about 4 breaths per minute in a little game the family and I like to call "carcass."


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    marle.beautiful pic! can we now have a pic of you "fist pumping"?  lol   3jays

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Elimar--"carcass"?!!!  LMAO!!!!!!   I have Sadie transfuse some energy to your pooch!. 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I like Margal's ides of posting a reply or comment as I read up.  Otherwise I would be reading forever, and forgetting what I wanted to say.  Thank you for  a great idea, Mar.

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    I have to keep notes to reply to posts as my mind is just not holding on to anything for long enuff.

    marlegal, whoaaa I checked out the site with the DIVA sleeeves. The tat ones are right up my 12 years of Catholic School Alley! ( However somewhat lapsed.....)  Thank you. I saved the link.

    Moving onward... I went out in PUBLIC with my Foobs,  and appeared in front of my family and close friends. I have to play with this Fluff....cant seem to get them quiet even in size. And they sit a whole rack higher than my old saggy hooters.

    I hate it when people stare at my chest. I have them all confused....been flat as a board for 4 months. Now I have some form of Foobage....and they are looking even more CORN-fused. I am really trying to find the humor here.... on to Messing with Peoples Minds!

    Peace Out Lovelies!

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    I find myself looking at women's chests more. Hope they don't notice lol

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997
    Elimar, I love your doggie. His skill at slowing his breathing is one I could use when I am about to undergo a treatment of any kind. I get so nervous I start to alk and can't seem to stop. Apparently I talked all the way through the port placement. My daughter said the tech came out woith me laughing and told her I had them in stitches telling stories. The only thing I remember telling them was that they all needed to pack up their equipment and go to Haiti, now!  I can only imagine what stories I told them. I am old enough to have Storieeessss!   Oh my.
  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Gosh, miss a couple days and it takes forever to catch up. 

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Love the night sky picture, it's beautiful. I find myself looking at chests too. I think it's because I'm trying to figure out what size I really want when I go in for reconstruction next month. I use to be a 42DD. I don't want anything that big again.

    When I fIrst had my initial consultation, I told the dr. something in a Lg. A. Not even sure what size that is since I've never had anything that small. So kind of rethinking it. I mean since I'm going under the knife, I might as well be very picky at what I'll be stuck with for the rest of my life. I tried looking at bra's, but that doesn't seem to help so I'm hoping the dr has something I can try on at our next meeting to look at on me to actually see what I want.

    I do know for sure that I don't want anything real big, cuz if I don't want to wear a bra I don't want to have to. I'm not going to have any nipple replacement or tattoos. Just going to have them shaped so they resemble boobs again.

    Anyone have any advice for me. What should I be asking? I will be having both sides done. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Leisa

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    go to the exchange thread

    great advise there