
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

                               man shirtless cleaning weekend Pictures, Images and Photos

    Since the shirtless man cleaning service exists only in my mind, I guess that other one is the next best thing.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Elimar, How do we get an appointment with your mind?

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    RO<dusty>FLOL, G-brew!  

    I'm sure you can tell by some of my posts that even I don't know the answer to that question.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    wanted to welcome Raj, also. it always blows me away that we women, from all over the world can meet here in cyberspace.Elimar:i'm taking your encouragement about getting windows 7 put in my computer on faith. cant seem to do much with it yet, 2 books later. ill just keep posting, though. thank you, Dear Lord, i can do that !!   light and love cherie
  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Eli - Where do you find these pictures of your mind???

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Love the picture at the top. Pretty, calming, serene.

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    Whooo Hooo Eimar  LOLOLO.... I stil enjoy looking at Cabana Boys, and Buffy Men....I will try and take this smile with me to the Fitters tamar in Foobless Land and hope I do not cry! 

    I am seriously thinking about making a cleaning even happen 1x/month.

    Send some vibes to my knee that has been acting up for 3 weeks..... its slowing me down.

    Music for the day: Sarah McLachlans Mirrorball and Gov't Mules....Life Before Insanity.

    Rock on Lovelies! 

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Hey Gals, I finished up with my year of Herceptin on Friday,15th. Whoo Hoo. I have reconstruction scheduled for November 10th. To fix up the mess the surgeon left me. After that, they want me to start on a drug trial, for Neratinib. It's for Her2+ patients. It's to reduce the risk of a reoccurance. I'm really hoping the insurance covers it. I'm kind of excited to be a part of something that may help some of us out. Even if it doesn't end up helping me, maybe someone in the future. Like Herceptin has done for me. Leisa

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,900

    Leisa--if they want you to join a trial, there will be no cost for you or for your insurance company.  Congrats on finishing the Herceptin year and I hope the recon leaves you as happy with the results as I am with mine! 

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Marlegal, thanks  for sharing with me. I  feel so good  when  anyone notices my post. You know in India we don,t have such forum for common people like us as most of celebrities are involved for  their cause. I was so worried earlier as there was no one to share my problem as everybody seems to be the boss. It is amazing. But here, I can atleast feel good evrytime when I open my computer as I know there are so many survivors  sharing openly with one other about breast cancer treatment, post treatment, during treatment etc. etc..  Thank you once again. I am looking forward for sharing more life expanding  thoughts, knowledge through this forum particularly people like you and so many others. This is great job done by Breast Org.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    3jaysmon ! tell me if there is anything to get it done from my country. I wish more and more people from India should join the forum. I am now tension free and  I can pass my time so easily going through the posts in different topics. It is mind blowing.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Way to go Leisa!  Herceptin is history!  May they reassemble you back to your liking this time around.  Besides your surgical tale, let us know more about the Neratinib if you do the clinical trial.  Not all are eligible to take part in trials, but if you are able, it really is an incredible service to others.  I believe it is being tested or considered for TN women also (but that may have been in combination with another drug, I can't remember)  Pay it forward!
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    One more thing...

    BC.org is celebrating it's 10th anniversary.  They have events planned in Philly this week and on Oct. 30th so I am putting a link here in our thread, 'cause if you are like me, you might have missed it in another forum:


    Then, after-after-party rockin' at Brazos' house til the sun comes up  Just kidding!

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Leisa, if you are on trial all the cost should be borne by the  company. You are lucky  go ahead. Dont hesitate. Always be positive.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Hi Rajkumari

    I have the same diagnosis as you. only 5 years later. I agree it is wonderful to be able to come here and rwad and share. 

    Best wishes in your treatments. 


  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    I'm 43, newly diagnosed.  Married 19 years, 16 year old son.  I work as a Controller (accounting) full time.  Going for a BMX NSM sometime in Nov (not scheduled yet as I still have to meet with the PS) Trying to keep positive and keep my humor with me as I have been sent on this new journey.  Although I am nervous and scared... especially because there are so many unknowns right now.  I am researching like mad, and find this forum extremely helpful.  To me.. the more I know.. the more powerful and in control I feel.  

    Some positives I've found: 

    Dr's keep referring to how "YOUNG" I am.  At 43, I never get tired of hearing that!

    My hubby is being amazingly sweet and supportive (as I knew he would) ..but I'm hoping I can ride this "Princess Treatment" for at least 8 or 9 months? ;)  He claims he is ALWAYS this nice to me...... yeah right!!!

    Amazing to find out how much friends, family, co-workers care about you and support you.  A lot more "I love you's" happening lately. :)

    Looks like I'll be getting a nice "paid vacation" right around the holidays with plenty of time to relax at home and do any Christmas shopping on the internet! (My work has been AMAZING and said to take off as much time as I needed and they would pay me full salary ~ I feel very, very fortunate). 

    I have the perfect excuse to decline any invite, volunteer duty, holiday hosting, etc for awhile!

    ..... and when all is said and done.... I expect to come out of this an even healthier, happier person, that will not take anything for granted, that will be closer to those that matter in her life, and a person that will be sporting some lovely new fuller perky boobs. Kiss 

     Cheers to all of you ladies! ~ Susan 

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Susan, Welcome to our world.  Glad to see you are getting so much support.  I also liked it when my drs. said I was so young.

    Sounds like you have a good support team behind you.  Ride that Princess carriage as long as you can.  Once you show them you are able to do something, you can never go back.Wink

  • SusansGarden
    SusansGarden Member Posts: 754

    Thank you Meece!  Having this forum to go to has been wonderful.  How lucky we are to have this technology to be able to connect with others going through similiar thoughts, feelings, experiences!

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Susan sorry you had to look us up but glad you found us.  Hope all goes well for you.  Glad you have a good support group and employer, I too was blessed with both.

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    Just checking in as I have a buzy day tamara, going to the Fitter and the Land OF FOOBAGE in a tight white undershirt that is supposed to show all OF MY FLAWS!  Hoping they have a baseball catchers chest pad I can just bring home!  I am hoping to not get lost on my way too. 

    Dusting sorry self off..... OK so I will boldly go into unchartered waters. I will wear my Tour Shirt, Bandana and Birkenstocks.... and pull up in my Mustang with Mule thumping loudly. OH YEAH! And they will get a dose of a 52 y/o JamBander....who is a byproduct of 12 yrs of Catholic School and a RN....

    FaithandFifty thank you sharing your experiences with me....  I did look around a tad in LE threads. My surgeon totally feels I have a big fat taught vein in my armpit and all twining down my arm. I fell into a crack as well. But not  according to Self or VN Nurse or LE/PT. Its nuts.

     Hey to Leisa, Snehlata, Ginger,Meece, Susan...Carollyn...

     I hear a LOT MORE I LOVE YOU's too!

    Elimar? did you say rocking ?  Seriously, when fav JamBands are in my area.... I have offered my house up for sleep space for friend travelers so they don't have to deal with Motel/Rotels.... my Passion is LIVE MUSIC. ( One of my many passions....)

    I trained after my BMX so I could be in Central Park NY/ Philly, doing 2 shows in 3 days. ....that put me at 7 weeks post op.... It killed me... but hey G'Mule played Brazos, just for me, cuz they knew what had happened since hanging with them for Isand Exodus in Jamaica in 1/10....

    Cool Beans!  It was what kept me going and unforgettable time. Kudos to my Best Friend.

    Question of the Evening?  Whats your favorite Music?

  • fuzzycat
    fuzzycat Member Posts: 1

    I am 41 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. I have surgery next week. I am really scared.

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    Wecome Fuzzycat

    This is a great place to be, and be scared ......and please know you are not alone.

    Blessings, Light and Strength to see you thru...

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome Fuzzycat, and ((((((Hugs))))) I was 40 when I got my dx.  Very scary, but you can muddle through it.  After all, you have found one super-support group that will be there through it with you.  Once you find out what treatment you will be taking, you might find a thread of woment who are going through the same thing at the same time.  Fun thing about BC.org is you aren't limited as to how many threads you involve yourself in.

    You are, however, limited to 5 posts in any 24 hour period until you reach fifty posts.  If you find that you have no posts left at some time, but what to address something you read on a post, PM (Private Message) a member on the post, and you can ask your question and they can relay it to the thread.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    hey ladies. i have one question: do we rock, or what? i hate cancer, i hate tx. i hate my new computer program. but... i do love yougals, love that i at least have figured out enuff on windows 7 to get in and on here. cant wait till my brain will hold how i get pixs on here. i live for that day !!lol really, tho, you gals are the #1 reason i have endured all i have. i'm NED now, but the se's are pure hell.. as far as LE goes,Brazos,post surgery le can be different. but do wear your "gear" when your working, or moving about. go on the le thread, Binney4 usually will find you there, if not, pm me, or her.NM,i'm so brain dead (literally ) from the last little bit, mrsa, etc. i'd forgotten how long it takes for body to heal. i waited a year after 1st dbmx to do "clean up surgery" for the dog ears. I've been so frustrated that in 2 mos i'm still so weak..thoiught i had bold off, sorry..anyway, i did have a dblmx one side prophalactic. i was huge E cups, and wanted symetry, as well as ease in choices; foobs wise. God has a sense of humor. i ended up with neuropathy on my back, directly behind where  thet removed my breasts. so, foobs and bras are still difficult to wear. the nice part is, when i do; i get to choose how big, what type, etc. which is also difficult, right now. so much damage to my gi tract was done in chemo, i ended up with "chemo " bloat,and ulcers.IBS as well. so, i now have to choose BIG foobs, just so i can drape my shirts, and not show this 9 mo. pregnancy look. its' really off putting. hasn't done much for my self esteem, that's for sure; i don't know if still vertical is the same, she calls it her new "pod body" and that fits me..all in all, i'm thankful to be here, and NED; but i have high hopes that the future leaves more than this being uncomfortable in my own body feeling....Elimar, i want to thank you again, for keeping the pix changing on the top of this site. i'm constantly amazed at the tech. you gals have on a computer..why did you say horray for me having windows 7 ? im having such a hard time figuring it out. my dearest wish is to figure out how to get pix on here, internet, or my own. in the past 2 yrs. i've learned to be tenacious about trying a new thing, till it works. so i read w. 7 for dummies every night, and practice..!!i am so glad to have found ya'll.. my sistahs from another motha.. or, really, from another lifetime. cause the one i had before b.c is def. not the life i live now..!!  best wishes to you,cookie kill em with kindness. your a loving, thoughtful girl how dare they not see that!! light and love,    3jaysmom
  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Welcome, fuzzycat. I am so glad you found us. We are always here for you. Ask anything re: medical, surgical, pathology, before & after treatments, ask anything you want. Someone here will have an answer or will direct you to where you will find the answer. When you are scared, please let us know, we will send you cyber-HUGS, we will hold your hand & cry with you. And, we will Laugh with you when you want that as well.

    The more information you learn, the more powerful you will feel. You WILL come through to the other side ~ and you will be stronger, believe me. You will be, honey.

    Susan ~ Welcome! Sounds like you are on the right track. I never let a question of mine go too long without being answered, either from the doctor, NP, nurse, or through my own research. Ask away & expect nothing less.

    Welcome snehlata ~ It is so nice to meet you! It is certainly amazing how we can help each other from one side of the world to the other, isn't it? Stop by often.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hey Meece, where is this taskbar you told spirit about? i looked on post a reply, which is in red, but cant find a tree. maya said something about a treee, also, but i cant find one.. HELP! i so want to share some of my pixs with you guys..

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    welcome, fuzzycat,we can never say what your journey with b.c. will take you, only that you never have to go their alone again, 'cause we'll be with you . i also wanted to tell Brazos, lots of ladies here with LE travel alot, once le calms down. get an le therapist, do excersizes, learn to wrap: then you will be ready to visit JamaCA again sistah!    light and love,    3jaysmom
  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    (( 3jaysmom)) Thank you for all your kind words...and you ROCK as well. I truely was at the point where I was just starting to take off and have my fun with the boys being older and BAMMM! Sounds like you have been thru HELL. My Hooties were DDs and they had a life of therye own....traveled under my arms and were heading to my back.... I too have evil dog ears.  It really bothers me that my arm pits dont match. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! I can not fathom ever trusting any one to touch me surgery wise.

    Fuzzycat, you will kick butt! Your life will come back to you in a new way. Come hang here.

    Since I can not go back to Jam-ai-CA so soon....or soon ENUFF... it is the most important reason for the sleeeve.....I just got my VISA!!!! <spit!>

    My Memory has sucked since b/f surgery and all the madness... its still sucks. I don't like it. Did any of you have issues with that? I had no chemo/rads/ or evil estrogen antagonists...

    Wish me luck today....

    Peace Out Lovelies

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Welcome Fuzzycat...

    You have come to a wonderful place where you will be supported and given some of the best advice a person can get as they start on this journey...

    One day at a time...sometimes one hour at a time...and yes, sometimes one minute at a time...  You will get through this and we will be here for you!

    Peace and prayers,



  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Hello newest members Susansgarden and fuzzycat!  Wish you both well on your upcoming surgeries. Fuzzy, what kind of surgery are you having, lumpectomy or mastectomy?