
  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Looking very young and georgeos. Let it remain ever.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    Looking very young and georgeos.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    elimar, your picture is original art. Is it your creation or else. Good to see such  a rare pictures.Looking forward more good arts.

  • Raj20
    Raj20 Member Posts: 783

    elimor, I have some pictures of my pet dog- ODEN- German spitch, very intelegent. I wish to post his pictures but don,t know how to upload pictures while  posting. As my children are not with us, my husband and me talks to him everytime. He understand our feelings. He used to wish our visitors by leaking, smelling but never bite. But his presence in our house is dislike by others. We are so possesive about him. He makes be completely forgotten the cancer impact on me and also the feeling of loneliness has gone.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    raj, that is just a picture I found online. 
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    rajkumari: I can't help you with the picture posting, but I know EXACTLY what you mean about your dog!  My child is still in the home with me, but my dog is much more understanding than a teenager!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Interesting, three international women posting today (and you, Eph)...everyone else must be out voting!  I have not gone yet.  My polling place keeps moving, so when I went to the last place I voted at, it was not there this time.  I'll cirlcle around after dinner and look for it.

    Lookin good with your new avatar pic raeinnz.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-eveyone knows I'm very exotic & international (ha)!  Oregon is vote by mail only so I have no polling place, which really sucks.  I get to go drop my ballot in a converted mailbox outside the county clerk's office!

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I ordered an absentee ballot, but put off getting in back to the mail, so I have to drop it off at the poll tonight.  I absolutely hate our polling place, and that is why I go absentee.  The people running it are just jerks!  One guy follows people around to make sure they are inking in the dots completely.  I consider that harrassment. 

    It has been a very looooong day.  My supervisor was being bratty and I have had it up to my ears, but I have to have a job so I just suck it in.  My biggest problem is that I will not kiss up to people.  They get nothing from me that they don't earn, so they also know I can't be manipulated.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326
    Kristian...I don't have the same kind of cancer as you, but I did have to have the lymph nodes in the neck radiated. If you would like to see pic's I have some posted on the Forum:Surgery-before,during & after, under the Topic: April 2010 mastectomy. I think it's a few pages back from the last page. I had taken pictures of the breast radiation, but you can see the neck radiation spots as well. About the picture thing...sometimes it will let you just cut and paste othertimes you have to use the picture URL. If you click on the little tree at the top of this writing section, it brings up a box for you to put in the URL. Then it should let you add the picture. I say should, cuz it doesn't always let you, so that's why I then try to cut and paste. Hope this helps. Leisa
  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls, haven't been on this thread for a while but I lurk all the time.  Starting to feel old, old, old!  I spent a week with my DD1 last week and did some of the driving around of the boys for her.  My eldest grandson, 15 yr old Jackson, was invited to watch a play put on by another schools drama class.  I dropped him off and told him to call when it was over and I would come and get him.  He did this and we organised where he would be waiting.  I drove slowly up the road looking for him.  I didn't see him at first, just a young couple in a very intimate clinch.  Yep, you got it, that was my baby!  My baby is no longer my baby he is a young man.  his mother and I were informed the following morning that the young lady's name was Jade and they were a couple.  Boy! I thought it was hard to accept when my children started bringing home partners, but grandchildren?  Now that really is telling me I'm getting old.

    Peace, strength, love n hugs.  chrissyb

  • Kristian
    Kristian Member Posts: 9

    Hi Elimar,

    Thanks for the info.  The pathology report is a little vague, it does not use exact numbers but I will type what it does say about the margins "Right breast, nodule over axillary artery/vein and intrapectoral mass, excision: Recurrent metaplastic breast carcinoma post chemotherapy extending very close to several of the margins of excision (see Microscopic Description)"-which reads- "Many of the tumour nodules are rimmed by a lymphocytic infiltrate, some of which might represent extensive involvement of lymph node, but unequivocal evidence of residual nodal structures is not identified.  This possibility includes the nodule approximating the axillary artery/vein in specimen #2.  The tumour approaches the inked margin in several foci."

    Hopefully this means "close to" but not "unclear margins" ??

    Sorry about the medical jargon.  I am trying to make sense of it.  I spoke to my surgical oncologist over the phone about this report and then I received it by mail.  I would have asked him more questions if I had read it before talking to him.

    Leisa, thank you for the reference to the pics, I will check them out.

    Have a good night everyone

    Kristi Wink

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    again, thanks, marlegal, for doing that. took some time to find the picture. will wait till you configure the story. its' also so nice to have a pic of you, to put a face to the name. am still working to get my pics on. sv gave me some instructions, will attempt again 2morrow.  nice pictures, all of you...wont watch excorcist. say the original subliminal cut before it was banned in boston. have had nightmares for years. saw scenes i thoght id imagined, then talked to someone who saw uncut version in philly.. that's when i knew i'd be allright..lol     3jays
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Like most of us on this thread, I also read and post on a few others.  From that, I have just learned that Meece's son, the one overseas, has had a stroke--thought to be mild, and he is hospitalized.  She has been trying to get complete information and find a way to get over and be with him.

    Middies, let's send some thoughts and prayers to our sister-friend Meece.

    Meece, so sorry to learn this frightening situation has arisen.  I am hopeful that your son, a healthy young man, will make a full recovery from this.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Meece, you and your son will top my list until I know he's safe and you are safe as well.

    Eli, do you know where he is stationed?

    3jays, thanks!  I probably won't have time to sit and write my thoughts till the weekend, but I will share it here once I do, promise :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    It is the son in Japan; her middle boy.  She has talked to him.  With a stroke, it often takes a little time to pinpoint what went wrong and where, and then some more time to assess what areas have been affected.  I don't think she has any of that information yet.

  • navymom
    navymom Member Posts: 842

    Meece:Hugs and healing thoughts to you and your son.


  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553
    Meece - I am sorry to hear your boy has had a stroke - frightening news for you and your family.  My thoughts are with you. 
  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748


    Prayers being sent your way for a quick recovery for your son...



  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
    Ladies...Meece has updates on her thread  I Come To The Garden
  • raeinnz
    raeinnz Member Posts: 553

    Thanks Sheila

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    I pray that Meece finds a way to get to her son. 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Prayers for Meece and her son.

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Meece, holding you and your son in the light

  • suzwes
    suzwes Member Posts: 765

    Meece, your son is in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and my prayers you can be with him soon.

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    ((Meece, and your Son... and all who LOVE YOU ))

    Love, Light, Strength to see you thru...

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I'm sure Meece is busy seeing to things today.  There was one update on her "I Come to the Garden" thread this morning.  I don't think she will mind if I cut and paste it here for her Middie friends:

    Today's update as of about 6 hours ago:

    The wife of the interim leader of Matt's church went to see Matt.  She is a nurse.  The doctor, as well as three guys from Matt's unit, was in the room.  First blessing is that Matt is not completely alone right now.

    They are considering classifying it as a TIA, because the effects are waning.  They have been putting him through many tests and scans. (We all know what that is like.)  It appears that they have found a hole in Matt's heart. 

    Perhaps it has been there since birth.  The doctor equated it to the perfect storm.   All the conditions were there for it to show itself.  Because of the hole (bear with me, I am taxing my memoryand understanding right now.) Oxygenated bloodcould have gone backwards towards his lung, which could have caused the embolism before the surgery.  It could also have caused the clot? 

    It is now about 9:30 pm in Okinawa.  I figure Matt will call soon, but I feel more at peace today.

    It appears to get an expedited Visa it could cost over $400 just for the government fees and processing.  As much as I want to see him, and be with him, I am going to hold tight and wait to actually hear from the doctors. 

    Her son had surgery on his ankle a couple months ago, so that is what that reference means.  Like I wrote to her, no matter how far the kids fly from the nest, no matter how grown, being a mom never stops; but to be at this much of a distance is so nerve-wracking.

    Meece,  I'm glad you have found some calm and some peace to deal with all of this.

                                                keep calm Pictures, Images and Photos

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Meece prayers coming your way for your son.

  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    Meece....My thoughts and prayers are with you. Your son will get through this. My brother had a stroke @ a year and a 1/2 ago. Right before I found out I had cancer. He still has some side effects, but nothing that he can't control. So, just know it can all work out okay. My brother was 42 at the time. Prayers going out to you and your son and his family. God Bless.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Thank you ladies so much for the well wishes.  Elimar told me she had posted here for me.

    I usually come by to enjoy some humor, some wine from a box, and a bag of Cheetos, so it was hard for me to check any threads other than the one I posted Matt's status on.  I felt as if I were betraying him if I cracked a smile, or lost myself within a thread for awhile.

    Now that the initial shock has worn off I figured I would check out what has been going on in the other lives here at BC.org that went on while mine was in a stand still.  As a parent you just wish you could always protect your children from the bad stuff.  It took this to show me just how helpless I can be.

    Matt is 23, and through tearful words yesterday he told me he was too young to have all this bad stuff happening. I agree, but it is good that he is where he is, and they are getting the answers he needs.

    Thank you all again for being so caring.  You words will be treasured by me, as I know I have true friends here.  That is the best result of my bout with BC.  I am truly greatful.
