
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Oh, I want to get in on this topic, but have to go to work.  I appologize now if I digress to this topis when I can get on.

    Push the limits, PauldingMom!

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    welcome zoto! your'e going to fit right in here, cheetos and all
  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604
    C:\Users\Five\Pictures\finley 2010\digital camera pictures 1223.JPG
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,899

    Welcome, Zogo---I had my bilateral DIEP in Boston, a 5 hour ride from home.  Put LOTS of pillows in the car for the ride home--I didn't think of that and it was miserably uncomfortable even with pain pills and xanax.  The first couple weeks are pure misery, but the result is OH, SO WORTH IT!!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Forgot to add...  Yeah, Barbe, too true!  The sales pitch is always that we will be happier, prettier, smarter, thinner, richer, more confident, etc.  Marketing 101, but it sucks us in time and time again.
  • zogo
    zogo Member Posts: 19,606

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for the warm welcome.  This is great to have a group of women that understand and have a sense of humor and love junk food and margaritas. I feel at home already!  

    NativeMariner are all those pillows in your car???  Wow, my little Total Pillow is clearly going to need some pillow friends.

    Barbe...a rowing machine that makes you tall and blonde....too funny!

    Thanks again! 

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    Happy Friday Lovelies....

    CHHEETTTOOOSSS? on man I have it bad for them! crunchy or suck on the air puffed kind and end up orange fingered! Oh yeah... call me next time OK?

    Elimar....phew you scared me. No chemo for moi. I am truely blessed only needing BMX's...I still cant deal with getting my hair cut... ever since waiting for the possiblity of chemo.  I go see the Surgeon next month for my first post op check and I could have a panic over it. 

    I have been very short on SHORT TERM memory, loosing things and words jumbling and sleep wacky....oh and hot flash's... and I am not on any of the estrogen drugs... just pure MENTALPAUSE. Please tell me I am normal post BMX/ cancer and trying to land my new self....

    My 18 y/o says I am taking tooo long to get well and that we should be out driving in my Mustang with Mule playing.  But my knee is sore for 6 weeks to boot.


     Infommercials... the only ones that ever tempted me when I used to watch TV were the Motown collections and maybee the Ab Machines....


    ((ALL OF YOU!))

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Barbe-tall & blond! teehee. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Middies, I have some sad news from PauldingMom (Lisa) who posts here as well as several other threads.  Some of you may or may not know that she found a lump last weekend, went to the doctor this week, got scheduled for CT scan on Wednesday.  Yesterday she & her husband were called into the oncologists-here are her words re: the situation in a private message last night.   "I'm in the hospital. They sent me straight from the oncologist office. I have "it" in my brain, several lymph nodes and possibly my bones and liver. Right now I'm getting a blood transfusion. Tomorrow brain radiation and a bone marrow biopsy and a brand new shiny port. Next week I start chemo."  Apparently cheetos aren't on the menu so we need to get some to her ASAP.

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Member Posts: 754

    Eph3_12, I am so sorry to hear this news. Let Lisa know I will be adding her to my prayer list. This is just so unfair, it makes me want to cry.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Eph, I did know of P-Mom.  Did not know if she was ready to "spill it" here yet, and make it even more real.  I have been thinking of her all morning, and we go way back to when she was just a little bald head with a smiley face drawn on it.  Cheetos?  I hear they can squeeze anything into an i.v. bag these days...she might be on a Cheetos drip already.  Heard she was asking for some nurse hotties, so P-Mom this one's for YOU...

                                    Very Orderly Pictures, Images and Photos

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Brazos, I forgot that my hubby sent away for the Ab-Doer, or as I like to call it the Ab-Don'ter.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    El  I think you have totally distracted us from all our problems.Tongue out
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    E-I asked Lisa if I could spill & she said I could---but BOY HOWDEY!  Do I like that nurse!!!  They didn't have any like that here when I was in for my shoulder! WAHHHHHHH!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,899

    Praying for PMom. . .

  • elaineg
    elaineg Member Posts: 85

    I feel bad jumping in after sobering news like that, prayers and love heading your way Pmom... 

    I have been lurking as I will be 50 in April so this seems a good place for me.  I have also experienced the jalapeno cheetos and they may be better than regular.  Don't like the puffy ones, just the harder crunchy ones.

    As for infomercial purchases...

    The set it and forget it rotisserie, the bumpit (don't need that now), Ginsu knives (work great), sham wow's (don't bother), the Fluidity ballet bar (in the attic gathering dust), power 90 abs (not), bare minerals makeup, magic bullet, some sort of power juicer (actually using that now), I am sure there are more, I know the wolfman jack was quite mesmerizing and I have sat through that several times as well as the 60's soul music just to watch the cheesy dancing.  mmm back to cheesy...

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    elaineg: you will fit right in, sister!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome elaineg, you must be a true insomniac with shopping credentials like that!  I think I have seen most of those, with the exception of the ballet bar.  Are you doing chemo right now?  What point of treatment are you at?

    Look here, I found this chemo survival kit, and it does look good (I see chocolate) but in my mind there is a glaring omission.  Where are the Cheetos? 

                                 chemo survival kit Pictures, Images and Photos

  • elaineg
    elaineg Member Posts: 85

    I am doing 6xTCH and have only had one treatment, next Wednesday for second and then on to rads, hope to be done by my birthday :)

    Tomorrow is buzz cut, had to wear a hat today to disguise bald spots.  Looks like those a baby gets rubbing around in the crib.  Ready to get that over with. 

    Glad I found you all so comforting to see the rally around others troubles, sick kids, bad news about health etc... 

    I do have major insomnia, always have.  Don't do as much shopping now that i have Tivo which is my very best friend :)

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    elaineg, winter does not seem like a good time to lose the hair but the others have said that in the summer the wigs, hats & scarves are all pretty hot to wear.  Your buzz cut is bound to look better than the "chemo-pattern-baldness" that you described!
  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109
    (( PMom )) So Praying for You, and Your Family and all who love you. Lord, please keep an Eye on PMOM... Amen
  • jorja61952
    jorja61952 Member Posts: 23
    @zogo - the Total Pillow!  You really know how to live!  Laughing
  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    Elimar about the LE stuff....I am swelling a tad with increased activity. The glove is too tight over my thumb. Waiting for the fitter to get back to me....and have to find out if the jovi pak and micro bead foob-ets are in. I have to deal with a baby shower and seeing all these people that I have not seen since I have lost  The Bountious Beauty's.... I am finding the camisole with fluff is making my arm ache and burn. GGGrrrrrrrr....... Back to Commando!

    Crying in the shower... OH YEAH....one of my favorite places to let it out.

    I hope you all are going to order out tonite and dont have to cook

    And WELCOME to all NewbiesCool


  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    " mce_src=""

  • brazos58
    brazos58 Member Posts: 109

    Ok these are for the Survival Kit...... 2 bags Enuff?

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Elaine, what's a bumpit? We have burned through TWO Ronco "set it and forget it" rotisseries. They were WONDERFUL!!! We bought the large one and when it died someone gave us their smaller one which they never used. Couldn't believe it!! We actually killed them from over-use. The door fell of one, etc. Truly is "set it and forget it". All the fat drips to the bottom...we used to put potatoes on the bottom and they got the drippings as they cooked!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Brazos, I bet if you get that LE under control, the camisole and fluff will be confortable again.  You know, you dont HAVE to go to the baby shower if you are really not up to the prying eyes and looks yet.  Unless you are the one having the baby, I mean.  What I really mean is all bets are off, don't go if it is one of those situations that you feel you "should" go or are "expected" to go.  You can send or deliver a gift to the baby-mama without having to do a group encounter if you aren't ready yet.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Oh, and Brazos, in the not so recent past we did extend the broad label of Cheetos to cover the East coast Cheez Doodle as well, but now you're throwing these Old Dutch Cheesy Puffs our way...can you vouch for them?  Is this your own tasty favorite?