
  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97
    Thanks for all the prayers! ,I Saw Oncologist Tues, she wants to Repeat MRI in 6 month, her office has already schedule it, she said they were 3 lymph nodes that were 1cm or smaller. She not so concern ,because of size & shape???.  Because My lab shown no Infection so wbc was normal. But Hgb is still low 10.9. .Just got a call from Her nurse  Vit D & calcium is still low. So just uping my Calicum & Vit D x 2 a day! No Biggy there. I guess it good news, as long as the nodes have no changes in the next MRI!

    KissThniking of all of you Hope all is great with each of you! Prayers for all  awaiting results! Thanks for all the great post! {{hugs}} to all my Middle age friends!

    ‎1 year ago today, I got the call, I needed a Breast Biospy,My life changed that day! ( as you all know so well) Thank you all for supporting me thur my Cancer Journey & making me strong with your support!

      "MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN"" Are the Strongest People I Know,so this is for you!

    A strong person knows how to keep their life in order. Even with tears in their eyes, they still manage to say "I'm ok" with a smile. Thanks for making me smile. So I can Live, Laugh, Love again!

    Have a great weekend!

    PS. Hey didn't anyone else see this, It upset me, cause I celebrated with friends Tues after getting my results! I also like dipping Cheeto's in my Wine~LOL!   anywayThis article is a Bummmer! Click here: Breast Cancer and Alcohol: Why and How to Toast to Your Health « Breastcancer.org Blog

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,899

    I haven't read the article, but I know about the alcohol/bc connection and don't care. I've already been bitten by the beast, been through treatment, still on anti-hormonal treatment, and will not give up everything that makes life worthwhile in some frantic attempt to keep the beast from coming back.  Why live longer if the life has no joy or pleasure?  If it comes back, it comes back.  In the meantime I'm going to live my life, and not deprive myself of everything I love. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Regina - I agree with NativeMainer. Don't care about alcohol and BC.  Just want to do the things I have always done.  Not gonna let the beast tell me how to live my life.

    I thank you Regina and all the ladies on these threads everyday.  It has been three months for me since dx and I know I am still a bit in denial - haven't gotten totally past that one yet.  Make myself move on a little more each day and get used to my new "normal".  I have said it many times before, I liked my old normal just fine but will do what I have to do to get on with my life and do everything I want to do. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That article...I notice that Her2+s and TNs finally catch a little break, not having the estrogern angle to worry about, at least   Like NativeMainer points out, it's something we can be aware of, but I think each person is going to be weighing their own risks and benefits on the subject of drinking.

  • elaineg
    elaineg Member Posts: 85

    I had my 3rd of 6 chemos Wednesday and 2 beers last night.  I was told if I felt like drinking and it tasted ok then go ahead.  It looks like I can have another one tonight per the article, or say that was last week and start a new 3 drink week tonight haha.  I am not a big drinker but I know many who drank more than me and don't have BC so who knows, I hate to totally change my life but then again...  Such things to ponder...

  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97

    Thanks Girls!  Love your Input!! & I 'll drink to That!  I felt the same way, Hey what every make us happy ! Let go for it!!! Enjoy life to the fullest!

     We need to find a central location & have a Middle age Get together. I know Jo from Texas,Some from Fla & Mo.& IL. &  I am form Indiana ( Close to ky) we need to have us a Retreat!!

    You guys really have made me stronger! so let get out the cheeto & Wine & party to the weekend! (Oh I forgot I got work this weekend!) well you guys party for me.! You gals rest up & enjoy the break from treatmnets!

    Sherry How's your friend doing, sending Postive thoughrts & prayers!

     Thinking all of you! enjoy the weekend!

    {{hugs}} Gina

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I was a complete teetotaler before BC and the beast still found me, so if i wobble after a glass of wine now and again, maybe it will make me harder to catch!

  • PauldingMom
    PauldingMom Member Posts: 392

    Whoa, I'm 6 pages behind! No way can I keep up.  I want to let you all know that we are doing good here. Still working on getting my blood back to normal. Thanks go out to anyone who has ever given blood. Much appreciated.  Had and MRI today to see if radiation on the brain worked. If blood is good then I'll start Chemo. on Monday.  Going to enjoy my weekend and eat a big steak and probably lobster if I can find some cheap enough. 

    Miss you all and will try to catch up on Monday during chemo. They don't have WIFI but I think I can pull up the pages at home and read them later. We will see if I can figure that out.

    Pink Hugs to all,


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    P-Mom, When they give you the results, I hope they say, "We looked in your brain and there's nothing there." 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Just wanted to get on here and let everyone know that I finished 6 weeks of rads today.  Had a fun dinner with hubby and friends.  Plan on continuing the celebration all weekend.  Don't have to see my onc until Dec 13th and will find out what happens from here.  I know we will take about Femara but don't know about future mammos, follow ups, etc.  

    Would like any input on what I can expect next.  Seems we have to do a lot of waiting sometimes.  This is another one of those hurry up and wait and not knowing is stressing me out.

    I would not have made it this far without all your support and good advice. Thanks so much 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jo1955, Happy Days!!!!  Six weeks already?  Why that only seemed like five weeks, four days and twenty four hours, but who's counting?  How did your skin do?   If I remember right, you will have a f/u with your RadOnc in somethig like 4-6 weeks.  Just a check on the rads site to see that healing and coloration look good, etc.  The next mammo will be in six mos., probably just the treated side.  That side gets one every six mos.  Your other side gets a mammo yearly.


    My best friend also finished her rads this week on Weds., with only a little burn and peel in her collarbone area.  (She had to get those upper nodes zapped.)  On Monday she starts on Arimidex.  

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - Thanks for the banner.  I do have to see my rad onc on Wed for a skin check.  Unfortunately for me, I did get a rash, rad burns and blisters.  The rash and blisters are gone.  Still a little pink, little darker in the boost area.  Otherwise, everything looks good.  My rad onc is a moron and would not let me use anything on my skin until it was too late and then only let me us Topicort. I read all the threads and took it upon myself to use Aquaphor which worked wonders.  Told the rad onc I was using the cream particularly on the scar as it was starting to look like a prune.  He had no objections, so I continued - I would have anyway.

    Congrats to your friend finishing rads too.  Feels like freedom. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Meece you make me laugh.

    I am so looking forward to tomorrow.  There are 6 of us that have been friends since we were 5 & 6 years old.  We all live within a couple of hours of each other so we are meeting in the middle tomorrow and having lunch.  We try to do this a couple of times a year and once a year we do a weekend trip.  All our kids are grown now except one has a senior in high school. In our little group I am the third to have cancer, maybe the other girls need to watch out. haha  Anyway will be a nice change to not think about bc and just have a good time with old friends.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Hey all.

    Last nights Grey's used post surgical complications as a metaphor. 

    Brazos...and NM I feel you.

    I never expected to end up even slightly disabled, and constantly infected.

    Poor NM....I'm glad the mast finally helped.

    Rads is weird, the SE's seem to get worse after. I blame my lympho-boob and shoulder problems on it.

    On a much happier note I had a fun evening with FAITH who is now Philly-bound.

    Oh and Sherry...it's nice to have someone else in the intermediate oncotype/no chemo boat with me.

    Oh and I made sure faith was fed very very well!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Eli I'm doing one of those "answer as you read it" nights because there are many I want to comment on so this will be one of many posts.  Anyway, the "one test away from stage iv" comment bothered me.  I don't choose to look at things that way and I really hope most others don't too.  We need the tests to help treat anything that comes up as early as possible and I just think a comment like that might scare someone from getting a test.  Did I misinterpret?  I will hold you in a special spot on my prayer list on 12/15 ... even more than I usually do :)  Okay, onto the next read and post!
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Brazos, a few (8) of us survivors are getting together for lunch in Delaware County tomorrow - anyway you could join us?  I don't have your email - sorry - or I would have sent the invite.  We need to exchange email addys!!  Lunch is at the Towne House in Media, PA  http://www.townehouse.com/   Going at 1:00 and I would soooo love to meet you.  If you can google and get directions and join us, please do.  My cell is 610.331.1587, you can just call or text me tomorrow sometime.
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Regina, we all know exactly how you feel celebrating that first anniversary and looking back on how important this website is/was in our lives.  As for the article about alcohol, like many others have said, I'll make certain lifestyle changes ... more exercise, more healthy food ... but I will not give up my alcohol on weekends.  It's part of me, I enjoy it, I don't think I abuse it, and I've given enough already. 
  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    PMom, we've missed you :)  Healing hugs sweetie.  Good luck Monday; prayers and fingers crossed too.

    Jo1955 .. if that's your birth year, we're same age :)  Rads - just know (which I didn't) that rad changes can and usually do continue long after treatment stops.  Your breast will most likely shrink some, and then perhaps more, over time.  I'm 5 yrs out (yes, you can cheer!) and my breast just stopped shrinking.  There are outfits that take a mold of both breasts and make a bra from those forms for when you want to look good under sweaters or clingy jerseys or whatever.  I'm going to meet with a fitter in the new year.  For every day at work, I don't care, but there have been times when even I notice, so I'd like the option of a "regular" look.  I'd note that after my lumpectomy, most people could not tell which breast was affected.

    Cookie, I talked with Faith on the phone when she was en route from NYC to Phila and she confirmed she was well fed!!!  I'm meeting with her (and some other chatters/boarders) tomorrow. I've "known" Faith for many years from this site, but first in person meeting.  To say I'm excited doesn't begin to cover it.

    For all, good luck with tests, with things weighing on your minds, and anything else I might have missed.  Love and hugs my friends.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    marlegal - Yes, that is my birth year.  So far, I have had little shrinkage.  I am not that big to start with and the tumor cavity is small.  My BS did a great job and was able to make the incision on the underside of my breast.  Over time, I will barely notice it.  My BS is close to having his certification as a PS and wanted to make sure there was little evidence. So far, I don't notice much of a difference when I am dressed and can't tell which side I had the BC.  Hope it continues that way.  If not it looks like I could get away with may a filler pad in the bra. I will have to play that one by ear.  Thanks so much for the advice and will keep it in mind for later on.

    Love the quote in your signature line - I agree with that.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Pauldingmom, so glad to see your shining face here!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Weekend Comments and Graphics for MySpace, Tagged, Facebook

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Jo1955, your breast may still change post rads.  Mine eventually became about 2 cup sizes smaller than the other, and it was obvious when wearing clothing.  My tumor was in the 2:00 postion right under the skin so it left quite a divot.  I had recon two years ago and micro fat grafting last year to try to puff if back up.  I was an improvement, but I still have a different size, but not so noticable in clothing.  The most significant difference is that the tissue on the radiated side is firmer, so it does nto jiggle like my "old" breast.

    I was not given and post tx meds due to my TN status so I cannot comment on that.  My onc dropped me as soon as I finished rads and I went over two years with no significant followup.  I changed oncs and am now followed every six months.  My NP says that I may be going to onnual FUs.  Most of the ladies here, I have noticed, start with FUs every 3-4 months for a couple of years, then to the six months.  It will depend onyour onc and how test go for you.  I have had questionable mammos and have an area being watched thus I am still at six month FUs.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I made that comment about we are all one diagnosis away from Stage IV for various reasons (it was at least a year ago, by the way)

    - people were demanding to know their odds of recurrence which no one can give

    - people were freaking at the stats

    - people (stage 3s) thought they were "closer" to stage IV than other stages

    Some Stage IIIs were saying they had it harder than anyone. That they were on the edge and closer than anyone to stage IV. I said actually they were the lucky ones! They had the aggressive treatments with everything thrown at them. Reports are beginning to show that stage 1 and 2 are recurring at a much faster rate than stage 3. Makes sense. At stage one and two, we are sometimes treated superficially. Me, for example. I only had surgery. No rads, no chemo, no AIs. Nothing. No Tamoxifen, nothing!

    It started by me saying you have a 50% chance of recurrence. You either do - or don't - recur.

    Then when I got jumped all over on that thread, that's when I came up with the "one diagnosis away from stage IV" comment. You don't go stage 1, then 2, then 3 then oh-shit 4. You jump. You leap, You fall right to stage IV.

    If you don't get tested, then of course you'll never know that you have become stage IV. But if that scares you, then why are you getting follow-ups and tests in the first place?? To KNOW where you are of course. To know if your diagnosis has changed.

    I'm sorry if that scares anyone, but reality often is scary.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Was this the thread we were doing Christmas songs on? I've started on to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen:

    Come test Lee, Mary, Jen and Gwen,

    Let no bone be unscanned.

    Remember to drink all the fluids,

    So tests can go as planned.

    More to come, maybe.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    As much as it scares me, I would rather go through the tests on a regular basis so if IT is found again, it will be sooner than later.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    mar....have fun! If you ever have a GTG close to Amtrack I would love to join.

    We gave Faith a whirlwind tour of downtown.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    marlegal, I feel lucky to have prognosis odds in my favor. There are many days I feel very optimistic, like I am "over" cancer.  But there are some days, when I get a middle-aged ache or pain and realize that I can't just blow it off the way I used too.  Now it has to be taken seriously because it could be something cancer related that would require prompt action.  It is a scary thought that a new pain we feel could be cancer again.  Subconsciously, I'm sure that is why I grumble about ever new or follow-up test, and even tho' I won't skip having it I would like to...because it could result in bad news.

    Anyway, Barbe posted her "one test away from Stage IV" comment in regard to a post about my bone scan back on Nov. 15 also.  That is what I referred to.  The way I took it was as the "voice of reality" not doom and gloom, even tho' there is some gloom involved.  I knew what she meant; that unfortunately, a small percentage of "lucky that you got detected early" Stage 1s get a subsequent F/U down the road and mets do get found, when by the logic of all prognostications they should not even be there. 

    I hope that does not scare anyone from doing their follow-ups because, as far as recurrence goes, it is more likely to be a local recurrence or a new primary in the breast which would need timely treatment so it did not have opportunity to spread.  The most shocking thing about Stage 1 (or 2 & 3 for that matter) is that the possibility exists to make that vast leap into Stage IV which is a much harder battle.  I think there is some fear that comes with that knowledge AND I HATE B/C FOR BRINGING THAT FEAR INTO MY LIFE.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Meece - My tumor was in the 3:00 position and deep - close to the chest wall.  Can't really feel the cavity and yes it is firmer.  Will just keep an eye on it and if I have to do a "filler" later on, will get back with my BS.  He knows best where it would need it.

    I see my onc on Dec 13 and know I will get good follow up care.  My hubby has been with him for the past 5 years and is really good.  Already have a list of questions for him regarding Femara and follow up mammos.  Since I have tried Armidex already and had such a hard time with that, my onc may want to see me every 3 months to start with then perhaps a 6 mo schedule.  I know my hubby gets seen regularly every 6 mos and has all this time.  He has had two bouts of non hodgkins lymphoma - about 2 years apart - no recurrence in about 2 1/2 years - so he is watched pretty close.  Will let you know what schedule I get on after the 13th. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    My treatment breast (that got rads) is firmer too, tho' size is approximately the same as the other side.  I wear a regular store bra and in the bra no one could know which side had been affected.  (I still get the LOOKS of people who expect to SEE something the first time I mention that I had B/C.)  So predictable!

    Raise your hand if you are in the DIVOT CLUB?  I have small divot in the 8:00 position, that was my failed mammosite entry.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - I also have a failed mammosite area but mine is on the bottom side of the breast with the cavity right behind the nipple.  Can't tell the difference and the entry scar is next to the lump scar so you really have to look to see which one is which.  Hope the divot is not too noticeable.