
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    One more thing...a lot of my posts show "editing" because I forget to use spell check, have the mis-placed arrogance to think I can go without it, and am in an impatient rush to hit the submit button.   Now I am showing the mis-placed conceit to think this matters to anyone.  Did  I just set a personal best (or is it worst?) of admitting to numerous character flaws in a single post?  Hohoho!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - Spell check can sometimes be so over rated.  My brain tends to go much faster than my fingers and I find myself re reading before I post just so I don't sound like a rambling idiot.

    No matter what the faults you think you may or may not have - we all still love and support you. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Awww, shucks!  I am blushing now!embarassed

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Well from my most-amazing, personalized walking tour starting on Broadway & kicking about Soho/Noho & Greenwich Village -- eating at every notable opportunity, the two of us finally met up with our hubbies (out on their own subway/walking tour) for the extravaganza of all foodie outtings at Lupa in NYC. My time with our Cookie was brilliant...... as she let me choose the store fronts, galleries and folk art shops to meander. The woman knows her Lupa.

    Our Cookiest has asked me to refrain from posting our pics here, so of course I will respect her wishes. You'll just have to trust me when I say that she is strikingly gorgeous.

    From their delightful art-collecting new home on to the Phillie lunchers:

    From left: Marlegal, new BCO member & I'm not certain of her nickname & don't want to out her, then Mouse, then Held, Moi/Faithie and then Patmom.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    In regards to Barbs 'you are only one test away from stage IV' She states reality.  Twenty months after my stageIV dx, my BS said to me that he was surprised that it had returned for me as only being stage 2b at original dx statistically it should not have happened.  I informed him that I was not a statistic, I was and am a person with my own individual quirks and body responses and having a mx a failed chemo and terrible reaction to tamoxifen, my own personal feeling was always not if but when.  All he said to that was...mmmm

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Eli answering the post about editing - that cracked me up!  I've done the same thing - race to submit, then see the error, then edit, then wonder if anyone else but me could possibly care about my editing.  We are so much more alike than not :)
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Okay, okay I 'fess up!!!

    I USED to do the edit thing when I first started posting...but after almost 10,000 posts I actually find the typos interesting. Otherwise I come close to boring myself....heheheheheheehe.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Regarding the "one test away" comment, I think my spontaneous reaction to it - which of course I immediately put into words - didn't really convey accurately what I was trying to say.  There are 5,000,000 upsides to static conversations, but there are a few downsides too, and trying to express serious opinions sometimes falls into that category.  We all want the same thing, proper testing and good results to let us lead long healthy lives.  To that, I will now raise my glass of Chardonnay that I am enjoying whether I should or not!!!   Hugs.  Oh - PS - the woman next to me in the picture is cmfled in the chat rooms, first name Colleen.  I don't think she'd care if I put her last name either, but like Faith said, we'll not out her totally since she's not a boarder - yet :)  She fits the criteria for this group though, so I will definitely email her and tell her how to find us here.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    marlegal and meece--thanks for the info regarding how rads changes your breast.  I have been concerned because this is my second lump on my left breast and it is smaller than the right.  I am not very large to begin with.  My first lump 13 years ago was for a B9 issue but the surgeon was able to do the incension around my nipple so it is not obvious at all.  There was scar tissue in the 9 oclock position and my tumor was behind that next to my chest wall.  So I have a nice 2 inch scar in the 9 o'clock position but that was the only way to get to it. The BS took a golf ball size tissue out to get clear margins.  My headlight turns down and I have alot of dimple like look.  Also my biopsy had to be an ultrasound guided biopsy and the needle thing was pretty large so I have two entry sites for that that look funny.  With my bra and clothes on it is not noticeable at this time but I did talk to my RO about having an implant put in in the future if I am not happy down the road and he assured me that it would be an option.  I just started rads so I will have to see how things go.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That's quite a contingent in the Philly area.  Mar, do you think there is more awareness of this site there because BC.org is based in your area? 

    Faith, nice pic as usual, but I guess it is Cookie who gets the credit for taking it.  Everyone looks great and NOT CANCER-Y AT ALL.

    p.s. Barbe, keep up the songwriting.  

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    Nope, Cookie  & I met the night before in NYC.

    My hubby took the picture.

    Of the 6, only four were from the extended Phillie area. Mouse drove up from DC and me from OH. Meeting in person is a thrill. These particular 3 gals got me thru my original dx nearly 4 years ago..... chat BCO and FB and phone calls.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Duh!  I knew that.  Of course Cookie was still back in NYC.  Hubby gets the credit!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    faith, I hope that post was from your couch at home, safe and snug.  I'm turning in myself now so won't see answer till morning, but I'll feel better if I tell myself that!!!  Eli, when I was doing the promo before the 10th annivy, I was surprised how many women I met with bc who did NOT know about bco.  I think Philly has a large base for people getting together just 'cause we're a big metro area, and like faith said, mouse comes up from the maryland area almost every time we get together, and we snag anyone passing through and try to build a gathering around them any time we can.  I think florida has us beat though for frequency of get-togethers!!  nite nite ladies :)
  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Fab pic-y'all need to come to Oregon now so we can get one of those kinda pictures on this coast!

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Hi....I am glad Faith had such a fun time and we finally met, and I am sure it was fun in Philly.

    I am a bit sad tonight. I have a friend who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer right around my BC. We finished up rads together on almost the same day. We "decided" we were fine and getting on with life.

    His cancer is back. I know it is very different than BC, but since we were close before cancer, it's really hard. 

    I joked that he just had to stay a step ahead of me.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Cookie, so sorry to hear that your friends' cancer has returned.  (((((hugs))))) to you for comfort.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    {{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Cookie }}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482
    Cookie I'm sorry for your hurt :(  Your friend has already beat the pancreatic odds though ... if he was diagnosed more than a year ago, he's made of some pretty tough stuff.  Odds were made to be broken, and I hope he continues to do just that.  Hugs hon.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Cookie, That is some tough news.  I hope your friend still has lots of fight in him and some good treatment options available. 


    On another note, weren't you the one that had a Christmas ornament catastrophe last year?  I was just thinking about that while dragging my seasonal boxes out of the closet this weekend.  I have ornaments from all the decades.  The ones my kids made are so precious, of course, but I also have some that are over 40 years old that were favorites from my own childhood.  One is a white owl...he always goes on the highest branch near the star.  Another is a Santa that my mom got in a set of three.  I have the only surviving one.  He went from the low branches to higher up as my kids eye level rose over the years.  Does any one else have ornaments that are from when they were children?  What is your favorite one that you still have?  (Or if your favorite did not survive to present day, you can mention that one.)  Care to share a memory?

  • lovemyfamilysomuch
    lovemyfamilysomuch Member Posts: 762

    Hi Sisters!

    I have not been following this thread, although I certainly fit the profile.  I was disapointed to read that I missed a Philly area get together--keep me in mind next time sisters!  I would love to meet. xo


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    We used to have the colourful glass blown ornaments that were are silver shiny inside. For some crazy reason, I used to push my finger into them until they broke inside. They looked normal from the outside though. What the heck possessed me to break something so beautiful????

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Ellie - hi!!!!!!   I haven't seen you in ages. I put your name on the list of people I didn't realize lived near me!  I know I sent you a package a long time ago, but forget where I sent it - where in the Phily area are you?

    Barb - I did the same thing to some cherished things in my family too - I have no idea why, I can't get back into that 8 year old head and ask - I sooo wish I could

    Eli - my mom had ornaments from her parents - fruit shapes covered in 24K gold.  They've chipped over the years and as kids we made f un of them - when mom died, we fought over them!  we each took one - I have the pear.  I used to hide it in the middle of the tree somewhere near the trunk.  Now, it's on the edge of a branch so I can see it every time I look :) 

    Thanks for the chance to tell that, it felt nice.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    Thanks for the nice messages.

    Faith was such a delight, we made the most of every moment she was here.

    I think it has me shaken up because of the whole "we beat cancer at the same time" bond.We rang in the new year together and started radiation on the same day...NY Eve.

    there is probably and official thread for this but I will just post my latest neurosis here. I have been having all sorts of odd mouth pains. I am going to the dentist tomorrow. I had zometa once, and I am paraniod of getting osteonecrosis. It's probably something else, but if I need oral surgery they may need to send me to a specialist.

    It seems like just the sort of thing I would get, a quirky incurable SE.

    There was a dentist at a party I went to and he said I am letting my imagination run away with me. So lets hope it's just something trivial.

    Seriously I bought a whole package of cookies today and only ate two. That's not normal.

    (BTW Paul Newman Ginger-o's and beer are soooo good together.)

    I gotta give my husband credit for putting up with me. He's a keeper!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - My favorite Christmas ornaments are ones I got 22 years ago while I was stationed with the Air Force in Izmir, Turkey.  They are copper and beautifully hand painted.  Although the Turkish people don't celebrate Christmas like we do, they make some incredible stuff.  I have some that are in the shapes of bells and round balls.  Love to put them out for everyone to see.

    Guess I need to get the stuff out of the loft and get it up. 

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424


    I know that you didn't want me to post the picture of the two of us together, but I couldn't resist posting that candid I captured of you -- during our afternoon snack time.


    Mr. Cookie is definitely a "keeper."

    I'm so tickled at how this picture captured the golden highlights in your hair.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Barbe, Do you mean this kind of ornament...and you broke the indented part?


    I remember that kind in the picture.  We had another kind, the ones that had an indent with little scenes (dioramas) in them.  We had a set of 12, all different.  Found a pic of one of them, but my favorite had a deer inside.


  • leisaparis
    leisaparis Member Posts: 326

    We had both kinds. Still had a few up to a few years ago. Now their all gone. Also had the ones that looked like red candles that bubbled.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Taking a cue from marlegal and posting as I read:

    Eph, RainCityGirl and I are working on a gettogether this Spring on the West Coast, what do you think?

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Cookie, I am so sorry that your friend is continuing his journey against C.  He is lucky to have a friend such as you who can relate to the trials of C.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Elimar, I have one ornament from my childhood.  It is a basic round glass ornament with flowers painted on it.  Of all ironies it is pink.