
  • carol6026
    carol6026 Member Posts: 20

    I am going for a second opinion in 2 weeks, i hope this one is better. The one I saw today said that with a total mastectomy and radiation, he cannot do reconstruction, it won't turn out right. Then he tells me if I don't have both sides done, you will be able to tell a differance.I don't expect them to be completely the same, but by the way he talks, you will notice a big differance. So now I am terrified to have anything done. All I keep hearing are horror stories. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    If the roads are clear tomorrow - have icy conditions right now - I will be getting my test results - finally.  The people down here don't know how to drive on ice and it is not my favorite thing either.  This does not happen here.  The surgeon's office called to confirm the appt so I guess they are planning on being there.  Anxious to hear what he has go say.  So ready for this boob pain to go away.  Will post when I find out something.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    carol-->glad you are getting a 2nd opinion.  That doc sounds like a real jerk!

    Jo--Hope all goes well tomorrow!  Stay safe!

    peace be with you ladies tonight!

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Hi guys just checking in, still hanging in mild headache and very tired so Hoping the steroids will not interfere too much....definitely not going to be the typical night owl I usually am...

    Trine, I am drink water broth soup teen tea to flush this through the system. Thanks for the tips...may end up back in my comfy chair if sleep does not come easy...it has been my favorite hang place of late.

    Jo hope you get to doctor safely. I agree we are in with these doctors for a long haul we need to trus them and feel comfortable with them.. Felt better with the MO today last visit felt rushed but not at all today. I was already confident in his abilities, but did not want to feel like my questions had to edited for time restraints. I loved the personality and personal touch of the first BS I saw but went with the cancer center who was more unto date on the current research...for example the first surgeon said since we knew I had a positive node from the biopsy they would not do SNB and go straight to dissection. The second one said the latest research released 6 months ago shows with a lumpectomy and radiation you have the same survival rates if you do the SNB and have less than 3 positive nodes and just removing those with the surgery and you have with doing the total

    dissection. I went with the second opinion would rather risk a second surgery than doing it immediately and risking LE. Since I ended up with 2 out of 5 no additional nodes are being removed....and my LE risks are very low.Still take precautions of not having bloods or IV's in that arm but BS said not a problem if I need to. Make testing on phone with left land a bit of a challenge but we are adaptable!

    Meek I remember the same thing after mine, just wanted to go home and sleep. DH offered food, but I think we did some thing quick and I slept the afternoon away. I think DH has food as the cure for all since his cousin told him to make sure he had food for me after giving birth since I would be starving and might be off schedule for a hospital meal....he took this so much to heart he stopped at the deli on the way to the hospital between contractions...not the route I would have done but it worked in the end and I was hungry. He brought food today after chemo because he thought I would be hungry but the smell was too much...he ate just enough to keep his blood sugar in line and chucked the rest so I would not have to smell it going home...he has been such a sweetheart during this process...and he is still breaking in a new knee. 2010 was not a good medical year for us new knee for him broken elbow for me and the BC for me, same side at elbow which means overlapping symptoms for shoulder paid..... new chemo rule, send the date out for food during the

    between time so they van eat when they are not with me....perfume will need to be banned for the same reason.

    Good light all....hugs,


  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132

    Sorry some weird iPad induced substitutions in that post hope you get the drift....to tired to edit am in night owl territory

  • JeanH
    JeanH Member Posts: 132
    Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Paula---wil be thinking of you tomorrow and sending prayers that all goes smoothly. Check in when you can!

    Peace and prayers, Tori

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Jo & Paula ~ I will be thinking of you tomorrow.

    Lynn ~ Sending hugs way up north for you.

    Jean ~ ((hug))

    Meecie & elimar ~ Great news on colos. Glad everything came 'out' okay. Ha!

    Haven't written much lately ~ been keeping to myself. Just one of those weeks, I guess, but I read your posts every night & say a prayer for all of you.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Jean, that's one down...one less to go.  I made sure I stayed away from foods I really liked so I wouldn't associate them with chemo. 
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    Having a PS that you are comfortable with is CRITICAL!  I had 4 consultations with PS's to find the one that I felt most comfortable with. There IS time and it is worth it to take some time to find the right docs. 

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Interesting Friday at BC.org

    We have wine at KK's,Hottub party at the beach and handcuffs instead of housework. Have a good weekend ladies.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Well school cancelled today not making it to a third rad treatment.  My skin has been getting crispy under the arm where the SNB was.  Dr gave me silver sulfadianize cream to put on it.  Glad for the break.

    Woke up to 4 in of snow on top of the ice we got two days before.  Not going anywhere today.  Good thing I got groceries on Monday and made soup.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    Had my biospy and all went well.  To find out the radiologist who did it was my Dr. wife.  Now just have to wait.  Very emotional today tried to get my daughter to school couldn't get car out of the ice.  These things never made me cry be four but now like a river.  I am so glad I found this place.  People say don't worry about it and it may be nothing.but there not the ones going through it. Hope everyone has a great day and will check in later. Can't wait until I can write as much as I want

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    Had my biospy and all went well.  To find out the radiologist who did it was my Dr. wife.  Now just have to wait.  Very emotional today tried to get my daughter to school couldn't get car out of the ice.  These things never made me cry be four but now like a river.  I am so glad I found this place.  People say don't worry about it and it may be nothing.but there not the ones going through it. Hope everyone has a great day and will check in later. Can't wait until I can write as much as I want

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good Luck with Round One today, Paula.

    jo,  I am in suspense over what the doctors will tell you today.  I hope he has a solution for the pain.

    JeanH and ToriGirl, how come you mavericks don't have some kind of avatar pic by now?

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    Thanks Eph! Glad she is keeping on keeping on! So glad you are done with the biopsy Lynn. Jo, I am holding your hand!

  • NotAfraid
    NotAfraid Member Posts: 12

    Lynniea - the week of waiting was the hardest part.  I was almost relieved to know the results when I got them so I could move forward!  But, I've been through BC before, so it wasn't as scary as the first time.

    I am waiting for my referral for a PS for a DIEP consult.  My medical group has been dicking me around.  I finally got a referral yesterday and - guess what?  The Dr. they referred me to DOESN'T do DIEP.  I was mad, depressed, hopeless and fairly insane last night.  I understood the term "going postal" for a second.  I think they don't have a PS in network that does DIEP surgery and they probablly don't want to pay for it out of network.  I'm going to continue being their worst nightmare until they get me to one of the MANY Dr.s in So Cal that do DIEP. 

    Meanwhile, my breast cancer is having a good time all warm and comfy in my left breast.  I hope to God that the 2 areas of DCIS are the ONLY carcinomas in there.  Waiting a bit with DCIS is ok, I suppose.  

    Until later....Boobs up!


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618
    Lisa, what network are you in?  You could PM me if you'd like.  I believe my PS in So Cal does DIEP and other recons.
  • NotAfraid
    NotAfraid Member Posts: 12

    Health Net HMO - Healthcare Partners in Long Beach.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Hmmm My PS is in Long Beach, but have no idea if he's in that network.  I have Blue Cross.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748

    Elimar-I don't have an avatar picture because I don't know how to do it....I should probably figure how to do it, huh?  :)  Something I'll work on it this weekend...

    Now...I have to find an avatar I like...

    Have a great Friday!



  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph3_12 I was just thinking the same thing about jo and thought I would get on here to check to see if she has posted.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Hollering for Paula66 too...
  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Learned something new at the breast surgeon's office today - if any of you ever have weird, tingling feelings on your nipples (either breast), it's just cut nerves - the tingle can originate in the chest wall and go all the way to the nipples, just following the milk ducts. Also, I had some lumps near my original tumor site that I was a little concerned about - he checked them out and said they will always be there, get to know them and if I ever feel anything different to come see him. And the way to check for lumps - now that we've had one - is slightly different from what I've always done. Put your fingertips on your skin, and just push the skin all over the breast area when you're laying down - not those little circles, just roll the skin over the tissue of your breast. Does that make sense?

    And I was wondering why I didn't need a mammogram after 6 months, just waiting until a year from my last one. He said, first if he felt something that concerned him I would get a mammogram. Second, if I had node involvement or signs of vascular invasion he would schedule one every 6 months. Otherwise, it's an annual thing, but I do go see him in another 6 months. That puts my mind at ease to know that a doctor is doing a manual check every 6 months instead of me just relying on my amateur attempts. Is this what everyone else's breast surgeons do? It was just a regular 6-month follow-up, but I sure learned a lot.

    Oh, the way I procrastinated about getting the answers to my questions regarding the boobies - I hate it when I do that! I worry about nothing, and that reminds me of this saying I saw:  Half the unhappiness in life comes from people being afraid to go straight at things. 

    I made sure my son saw it because we are both such procrastinators! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Not going to try and catch up with everyone - you ladies are way too busy.

    Got back from the surgeon and here is what I found out.  The CT & Bone scans were clear - no signs of new tumors - nothing cancer related.  The burning sensation is caused by lung changes from radiation.  LUNG DAMAGE that the RO said I would not get and would not even discuss with me before treatment started.  I had these concerns and was scared to do radiation because of it.  At the time, things were moving so fast and I wanted to be done with all treatments, I went ahead and did the rads.  

    Surgeon is sending me to a pulmonolgist on Feb 15th to assess the extent of the damage and then I see the surgeon again on Mar 4th for follow up.  He may send me to a pain specialist after that - not sure but he did mention it.

    I am going to call the RO center next week and let them know what happened - thank you very much for the lung damage you said I would not get.

    Needless to say I am really pissed right now.  Have had one problem after the other since surgery in Aug.  Can't catch a break.

    Not going to stress about this. Wouldn't do any good.  Just going to keep the appts and see what happens next.  Life goes on and I so do I.

    Thanks to everyone for your caring and concern.  I would not have made it this far through this journey without you ladies.


  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    Heartnsoul--glad you got your questions answered.  I don't see my bs at all since my f/u appt.  My onc(MO) is in charge of everything.

    Jo--Good to hear from you!  Glad there was no mets.  Do you know what kind of lung damage? and where in the lung? Keep us posted as you find things out!  My Ro told me that there might be a small amount of scarring in the lung, but not enough to ever notice. And we discussed the risk of getting lung cancer from the rads.  He said if the rads were to cause cancer, it would be at the top of the lung where the clavical node was zapped.  I had a mx though, so where they aimed the rads is probably a lot different than yours.  I hate it when docs don't tell me everything!  I'd be mad too! Definitely call them and let them know!

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Well, crap, Jo! I can't BELIEVE after everything you went through with rads, that they managed to screw up again! It's tempting to go into the rad center in person and air your complaints with them loudly, but that would probably backfire somehow - at least that's how my luck works. Radiation is scary business, this whole mess is scary. You have a great attitude - pissed off and calm. I'm SO sorry you're having to deal with this now!