
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

     Time for me to go to bed - Good Night Ladies


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I had the IMRT machine as well.  My center is only a year old.  The group has several other sites and this was their newest with new machines.  My boob changing for 4 years freeks me out as well.  I am already small than the sister and I checked with my insurance company about reconstruction so I know that it is available to me.  I just finished rads and have an appt set for march15 with the PS.  Just wanted to go ahead and visit with the PS to see what my options will be with a radiated breast.  I know the skin will not stretch as easily so will be interesting to hear what they have to say about how to go about fixing it.  Also my RO will have me back for a 3 month check up and if all is well he will turn me over to my MO so will not have to follow up with him any longer. That will cut my # of Dr's down.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, brooks6331!   Our thread goes back quite a ways, but see how easy it is to jump right in?   I did want to mention that in the Radiation Forum (find it in pull-down menu at the top) you can also join a thread with other women doing their rads the same month as you are.  Look for "Feb. Rads" or similar.  BTW, I had four marking with green Sharpie.  It stayed on pretty well, but they gave me a marker for touch ups after a shower.  I didn't lose a single marking in 6 1/2 weeks.

    JeanH, I cannot read that tiny writing on your avatar with my middle-aged eyes.  What does it say?  I like the flower!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Hang on!!! I still have a picture in my head of Annette speeding by a cop car with her eyes closed! Doesn't anyone else see a problem with that???? Surprised
  • Onetoughwoman47
    Onetoughwoman47 Member Posts: 132
    Elimar - LOVED your Betty Boop picture...I'm a nut over this gal and would love to know where you can get more pix...thanks, StephanieCool
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    barbe - Out of sight, out of mind.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Welcome, Brooke.  The tatoos help them get the rads to the exact same place each time.  I had six and really only notice two.  Two left when I had recon, which I had started 5 years post rads.  YEs my breast did change over that time.  The first surgery helped point the girls in the right direction, and the second got them similar sized.  I could use another, but I hate surgery, so that is off in the future.

    This is going to be tough keeping up on the threads while out of town.  You gals have been busy, busy, busy!

  • MNLinda
    MNLinda Member Posts: 97

    brooks, the radiation can be done without any permanent markings.  The advantage to having tattoos is that if you ever have to come back for radiation treatments again, say for thyroid cancer or something, they can use the tattoos and medical records to find the exact spot where your treatment field ended, and not radiate the same tissue twice.

    I have a tattoo on each side, but asked to have only temporary marker for the midline (middle of the chest) because I was worried that if I got the tattoo I would always see it when I wore a camisole or an open-necked shirt.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Aloha Meece!
  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    brooks6331--Welcome!  Like others have said, the tattoos are just tiny little dots, they are really hard to notice.  I have one in the center that might show if I wore something really low cut, but unless I have recon that's not possible anyway!  And even then it's so tiny that I don't think anyone would notice.  And they do fade a little with time.  I have 3 on my backside also from colon cancer rads, and my hubby and I can't find them at all anymore!  If you go with the sharpies, they sometimes cover them with clear little stickers to help them last longer.  You can shower and everything like usual, they just replace and remark as needed.

    barbe--I was thinking the same thing!  Be careful out there Annette:)

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    MNLinda--Hello MN sister!  I live in the north metro--Circle Pines.  I go to Regions--just curious where you go?  I love it at Regions Cancer Center.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    Been off the board this weekend and missed a lot, trying to catch up.

    They had to do two scans on me for tattos, the first one was Dec 8 after my recon surgery in Nov.  The next one at the end of Dec when my recon went south again and had to take TE out again.  They did not have to re-tatto me thank goodness.  There is one tech that uses a sharpie but the rest do not, I do no have the same tech everytime but there are three techs and I know them all well now (too well??).  My friend who finish rads in Dec before I started saw our RO in Jan. and he said she was doing great and did not have to see her again.

    It is amaizing what you have to do on your own to get answers.   It is not like once you find out you have BC that all the answers are available right.  I have recomended to other women whom I have come accross to access these discussion boards, you all are a great support.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Total about face for focus (sorry, I posted this on another thread where Italy was being discussed & thought I'd give ya'll  equal opportunity!)

    My DD leaves for Alba Italy (it's Medford's sister city) on March 12. she & 28 other High School students from various Medford High Schools were chosen by application & interview to go. We have been in the throes of fundraising! There will be an auction/dinner on Feb 27 & there is a raffle in progress to win an iPad! Tickets are $1-if any of you want to try your luck, pm me & I'll send you my address to send $$ & I'll send you tickets. Drawing will be the night of the 27th.
    Bottom line-I'm so jealous of her I could spit. Italy is where I've ALWAYS wanted to go!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I called the rad center this morning and had to talk to that b#$ch of a nurse.  Told her what happened and as expected all she could say was "Do you want to come in and talk to the doctor?"  That is her standard answer to everything.  I said no - what are you going to do for me now?  That and I am way too angry.  She asked if she could get a copy of the scan results to show the doctor, not just tell him about it - I said fine with me.  Also let her know I still have the cough I developed after rads that could not be caused by going through treatments - Right!

    Interesting to see what happens from here.  Will let everyone know. 

  • TMarina
    TMarina Member Posts: 297

    Eph3_12 (just highlighted that verse in my Bible btw! Thank you!)--What a wonderful opportunity for your daughter!

    Jo--glad you made that phone call!  You might want to follow up with a letter detailing all your complaints and send it to the RO and also a copy to whomever is in charge of him (hospital maybe?)

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Ok I live in a really small rural area of Texas and I work in the County Extension Office which deals with Agriculture and we oversee the 4-H program.  This morning I had a 4-H mom come in and after a while of talking to her I realized that she had some chewing tabacoo in her lip. ughhhhhhhhhh   THAT IS JUST PLAN GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even like it when men do it much less women.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc, that woman with a nasty jowl full of "chew" is on the front lines of feminism.  She's come a long way, baby!

    Remember when men first got their own "kleenex?"  It's how many years later and we still don't have OUR own for our own big sneezes?  When will the product oppresssion end?


    I like how they are ALMOST HUGE!  Ha-ha-ha!!!   Just going off, 'cause I'm not feeling very cancer-y today.  Maybe I can troll around Photobucket for pictures of unicorns or something.   That's just the kind of day it is.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Love the man size Kleenex.  I think my dad could have used these.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - That is so gross. What was she thinking?  

    Don't remember the Kleenex but still where are ours?

  • phew
    phew Member Posts: 143
    elimarvery pretty picture up there today!
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    phew - Where have you been?  I have missed you.  (((HUGS))) my friend
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    The men get the big Kleenex, but we get pads....with wings! Be careful what you wish for....

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Just saw the picture at the top! It doesn't usually show up at work. That's the kind of stuff I do!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    The picture today looks like a quilt, but it is, in fact, a machine stitched post card.  Barbe, you need to display your fabric art to us.  Me likey!
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    WARNING:  Rant and Whine Alert-------This is a whiny rant, feel free to skip over it------------------

    I am SO UPSET.  I had serious problems with rad and the rad onc, and have been trying to get answers to some questions for almost 3 years.  Ive complained to the hospital, to the Joint Commssion, even to the state Medical Board.  Last June I get a letter from the Medical Board, there's going to be a hearing, I will get a notice when it's scheduled and am invited to attend.  Months go by.  I'm thinking about writing to the Medical Board to find out what's going on.  Today I get home from work at around 4 pm and there's a message on my machine from the Board rep asking me if I'm planning to attend the hearing tomorrow.  TOMORROW.   The hearing is F'in TOMORROW morning.  I called the rep back, left a message that I don't know anything about a hearing tomorrow and can't take time off work with so little notice.  He calls me back, very apologetic, says a letter was sent out January 12th. I never got it.  So now the hearing goes on anyway, since it's been scheduled for a month, and the idiot RadOnc gets to speak for himself and I get no say.  

    IT'S EFFIN NOT FAIR!  ALL I WANT IS SOME QUESTIONS ANSWERED WITHOUT HALF THE HOSPTIAL GANGING UP ON ME.  The stupid Rad Onc will only talk to me at the hospital with the hospital lawyer, the department head, the oncology department head, and half a dozen other people present. Oh, I can bring 1 (ONE) support person.  Yeah, right, like I'm stupid enough to go along with that.  There is NO REASON he can't answer my questions in a letter.  Either he knows how much radiation I got or he doesn't.  Either he knows why I got radiation from 3 directions some days and 2 on others or he doesn't.  Either he can tell me what part of me got radiated that shouldnt have when the "field was out of alignment" or he can't.  Either he can tell me why I was called by someone else's name half the time or he can't.  

    He managed to block my getting my records for 2 years, so the statute of limitations has run out on filing a malpractice suit.  I can't use anything he tells me against him.  So WHY THE F#<& won't he just answer my questions?  

    This was my last chance to get answers out of him.  Now, because a letter got lost, I'm $h!# out of luck.   He destroys 3 years of my life, and I get nothing, not even answers to my questions.  

    Can anyone hear me screaming?

  • carol6026
    carol6026 Member Posts: 20

    My nephew works for a hospital, in the surgery unit, and just so happens he worked saturday with a breast sugeon. He told him everything that is going on with my doctor now. He told me to call his office for a second opinion and they will see me on wednesday. So I am feeling a little better knowing that I will be gettinga second opinion. I also talked with my obgyn today and she was wanting to know how I was doing. I told her still waiting on a surgery date and she could not believe it, she thought I had it taken care of. My obgyn said there has been significant changes since the biopsy, so what are they waiting for, I don't know. Hopefully I will have some kind of answers on wednesday, with the new doc.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    nativemainer-I hear you and you have every right to scream.  I would be doing the same thing. So sorry you can't just call in sick or something and go anyway. I hate when I feel so out of control on things. You just let it out cause we are all here for you.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    NativeMainer -  Go ahead rant and whine.  You have every right to.  Think this was all planned so you would not be there?  My RO sounds like yours.  Wouldn't answer any of my questions and now I have lung damage.  Think a law suit is in order?  If I had known BEFORE starting rads, I may have not done them.

    Do you have a lawyer that could get answers for you?  You certainly deserve it even after all this time.  Hate that doctors can do this to us and get away with it.


  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    NativeMainer-aren't you feeling under the weather, like a major migraine is coming on and you need to call in sick tomorrow!  Projectile vomiting is happening as well as uncertainty re: your ability to make it into the john due to your acute case of food poisoning! Come on girl-Go to the hearing! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    I agree call in sick and go to the hearing.