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  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Wow, leiseparis, that IS a whole .5 seconds faster than most of us others!  Amazing!!!


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Just got my mammo results back - B9 - BIRADS Score 2. I will take that.  Such a relief.  Doing the happy dance.

    Thanks to everyone for your support. 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Doing the Happy dance for you Jo!!  Yahoo!!!!!!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885


    Yippee!  Hey jo, that's very good news!  Didn't you say you only have to do mammos once a year?  That's already a step in the right direction from the 2x yearly most of us have to do.  I'll be so happy when (if) I can get back to the once a year schedule

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    elimar - Yes, I only have to do the mammos once a year according to my MO.  Of course one could always be added if we need to.  My MO does not believe in over testing.  I do trust him and will go by what he says.

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Great news jo1955.  I only have a mammo once a year but get checked out every 6 months as part of the frequent feeler program, I have progressed though I only see my MO and my Endo every 6 months. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    carollynn - I get checked out as part of the frequent feeler program every 4 months when I see my MO and once a year by my GYN.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Breaking News:  Study supports Aromasin for Prevention in Postmenopausal Women.

    The only thing I am not sure of is the article stating, "...may also give exemestane the edge over tamoxifen, making the aromatase inhibitor actually the preferred agent for primary prevention."  Maybe they meant to qualify that edge for postmenopausal women.  There will still be a huge number on Tamox., due to premenopausal status.

    Well, it's good news for Aromasin takers out there.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Elimar - I saw something about this one GMA this morning and what I heard was that this drug is ONLY for postmenapausal women.  "Prevention" does not extend to those who already have been diagnosed but would be of benefit for those who are at risk of getting BC.  

    After 2 failures with the AIs, my MO did not even suggest Aromasin - he went straight to Tamox. 

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    So I spent yesterday making fun of my DH because he was sore from all the walking Saturday and I wasn't. Guess I spoke too soon my leg is screaming in protest today. So I guess for the next couple of weeks at least I need to limit our weekend excursions to "non-walking" activities.

    Hope I don't have to wait 7 years for the radiated bone cells to regenerate for it to feel better lol. Well I know I won't but just waiting a couple of months is frustrating.

    Speaking of waiting I get my scan results tomorrow. Fingers crossed for good news.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    jo, prevention good for DCIS women, of course, and it still prevents contralateral B/C or a new prinary.  I don't know...seemed the last study was discrediting Aromasin, making the cardinal rule for our hormonals (or anything, really) "they are only as good as the latest study."  However do we sort thru' it all?????

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Is it a CT, reesie?  If so, I'll be hoping for lots of nice, dark images.
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Congrats, Jo! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    ressie - Crossing fingers and sending up positive thoughts for B9 results.

     Eli - These "studies" do have good information in them no doubt, but sometimes they are confusing and leave you wondering what to believe.

    Thanks to all the Middies for your inspiration and support.  I think I can now breathe easier and move forward.  There is alot I can get accomplished before next year's mammo. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898
    When radiation damages the DNA in cells some of the cells repair the damage and go on to reproduce with normal DNA.  Some cells cannot repair the damage and either die or reproduce with the altered DNA.  Those cells may go on to develop into cancer 20 ro 30 years later. 
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    CTs (chest, abdomen, and pelvis) and bone scan. Hoping the wording this time is better than multiple, numerous, and widespread.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Makes sense, NM, therefore it is highly likely that all of us rads people have at least some mutant DNA cells, huh?  That must be why we have to protect against sun radiation to that area for life, to limit further mutation to those messed up cells.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,898

    You got it! 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    Jo - yay! Nice to get that through for another year!

    reesie - praying for good results for you!

    NM - thanks for that explanation. And Elimar, thanks for helping my brain ponder something science-y for a while :) 

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    good luck reesie I am get CT scan of the chest to extend to the liver on Wednesday, we an play the waiting game together after they are done!!!

  • kal_1865
    kal_1865 Member Posts: 145

    blondiex46 prayers and (((hugs)))

    (((reesie))) it must be better...

    I am heading tomorrow morning to the "woods" of north west nj to my camper by the delaware water gap will be out of touch until next Monday morning and I am positive I will miss a lot on these threads (but I will do my best to catch up).  this is my "me" time (no computer, just the radio, cd's, dvd's & digital tv) since my "all OK" from my MO.  I think I need this.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Oh blondie hope you don't have to wait as long as I did l (although it was mostly a self-inflicted wait due to appt mix-ups). I got the scans before memorial day and get results tomorrow. Hope you get your results in less than a week and they're good.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    And Kim have a great time!

  • kal_1865
    kal_1865 Member Posts: 145

    thanks Marie, I will, I am sooooo looking foward to my time in the woods, i can not explain how theraputic this is for me.

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    kal - have a good time in the woods! I bet you will feel like a new woman when you get back! I have GOT to plan some getaway for myself soon, I know what you mean about NEEDING it!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    blondiex46, may things go well tomorrow...and for your torso even more-so!  Foot in mouth

    kal, have fun! 

  • heartnsoul76
    heartnsoul76 Member Posts: 1,204

    blondie - didn't see your post about your scan tomorrow! Hope it goes well, and you get good results, and yes, I hope you don't have to wait for the results as long as reesie did! 

  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((Reesie))) {{{Blondie}}}

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Blondie and Reesie you both will be in my thoughts today.  I hope all goes well today.

  • blondiex46
    blondiex46 Member Posts: 2,726

    thanks guys, actually the dr. usually calls me with the results, so I should have the results by monday hopefully!!