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  • nancygv55
    nancygv55 Member Posts: 17

    Kay, glad you made it through the simulation.  I'll try to keep my arm from falling asleep during my simulation on Wednesday but something tells me it will happen or not and I won't have much control.  Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight and from here on out.  I'll let you know when I find out when my rads start.  Oncotype results tomorrow so I hope and pray that I'm a big fat zero...or close enough.  Have a good evening, ladies.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    lwarster...welcome to a great group.  Sorry you had to join, but you could not have landed in a better place.  Great people here, period.

    chivlur...everyone is different and so is every cancer.  You have to make the choices for your treatment that you are most comfortable with.  As long as you are happy with your choices, then that is enough. gall bladder.  It is funny becasue the stabbing pains kind of remind me of when I had my major gall bladder attack over 20 years ago.  it was horribe and they say the pain mimics a heart attack.  Well, have ruled that out of course.  This pain was stabbing, sharp, and it hurt to try to take deep breaths.  Very nasty.  I am going to see a different RO tomorrow.  Mine is on vacation and I usually don't go on Tuesdays, but my techs wanted me to.  I have no idea if he will have any better take on what this is.  Now that I have had it twice I am scared of it hitting again.  At least this time I stayed home and just laid still and took pain meds.  The pain did not subside until late Saturday night.  The attack began at 9:30 in the morning.  Nasty stuff!

    Hope everyone is doing great. are you feeling now? 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Well Janis I am glad its not your GB, but darnit I wish they could figure this out for you.  I'm sure you do to!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Janis - The area of nerve irritation is getting smaller, but still lots of strange sensations. I'm 4+ weeks out and the incision is still sore especially where the drains were. I don't remember having this much difficulty with my first MX 17 years ago. Of course, I was 17 years younger then. I guess the younger you are, the quicker you heal.

    I hope someone figures out what's going on with these pain attacks you're having and soon. I know this was mentioned before, but it sounds like pleurisy, especially the intense pain when breathing. I've had it a few times, but it's always happened after a respiratory virus and goes away pretty quickly.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    Sometimes the things we do to our bodies to fight cancer seems outrageous.  I know we've made so many medical advances, but I keep thinking about Dr. McCoy on Star Trek saying "It's barbaric I tell you!"  I hope for better, gentler treatments for our next generation (sooner would be OK too Smile.)
  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369
    SAB - Well said. I'm reading a book "Bathsheba's Breast - Women, Cancer & History". It seems we've been treating this horrible disease the same way since the beginning of time - slash, burn, poison. The surgery may be less radical. The radiation more targeted. The poison, however,  just seems to be getting more poisonous. When will they find a better way to treat it? When will they learn how to prevent it? Where is our cure?
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hauntie - Makes you wonder where all the money for ":cancer research" is really going?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Stjude I am sad that All my Children and One life to live will be off the air.  Grew up watching those and when in college made sure my schedule was around all my children.  Love Soapnet so I can watch it at night when I am at work.  Guess everything becomes history at some point.

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    Janis - it sounds like pleurisy to me also. I had it back in March and I remember it hurt to breathe, especially to take a deep breath.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Janis and Hauntie--I am sad that you are still in so much pain. Here is to gentle and quick healing. I get stabbing pains in various places and my docs are totally unconcerned. I think our nervous system is totally out of whack after what we have been going thru. that and what might have been a minor problem before BC is quadrupled because our immune system is spent. What we do have left is focusing on the BC and its treatment. 

    Denise- your decision is yours and yours alone. There is no right or wrong, we all have our own diagnosis and reasons for going down that path.  Just remember to be diligent on getting tested and scanned in the future.

    As for All My ChildrenCry Can't believe its being replaced by a talk show. There is already enough talking heads on tv--give me back my fantasy world!!! I want to know there is someone out there that has more problems than me!!!! However it is sad to watch Tad Martin become the elder male star of the show--Tad the Cad, such great memories!! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    chiluvr....the hospital sent me home with paperwork on both Costcochondritis and Pleurisy.  It sounds like it could be either, but strange that both "attacks" lasted just the one day and then vanish.  Not that I mind!  One day is plenty.  The day after I am just a bit sore and very tired.  Then back to normal.  It is so strange.

    Today I am seeing a different RO and I really am curious if he will have any idea what this could be.

    I hope everyone has a great day! 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674
    Just had to say this--I am so glad the fall tv season has started!!! But last night my DH comes in the room and asks why I am not watching the Playboy Club. REALLY?? Just what I want to watch is a story about big boobed YOUNG girls. Yeah, just my cup of tea. "But I went to a PB club down in Miami in the early 80's"---great, go relive your childhood on your own time!!!Laughing
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Denise, ER+ breast cancer is slow growing. Chemo is targeted to attack activity which is implied growth. It won't touch a slow growing cancer, so your decision makes sense!! I would be doing EXACTLY what you are doing.

    Who knows if the cancer has travelled the intramammary lymph nodes by now? One node? Good. The node did it's job!

    When/if, the cancer comes back, we can use the chemos that we would have used 5-10 years ago when we were first diagnosed. OR, hopefully, they will have BETTER chemos when we need them!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    SAB, Somewhere back in this thread is the tale of my radiation, and I used that very word ("barbaric") to my RO.  He actualy seemed a little shocked and hurt that I said that because he really was trying to help.  Yet, all these things seem so horribly invasive and damaging.  Totally agree with you.

    sherryc & cmb, When I was in college, everyone had their fave soap opera.  I started watching AMC, and looked in enough for the next 20 years to "keep up" but haven't watched much in this millennium.  This is the last week, so I have been watching since a lot of the "old cast" are visiting and coming back from the dead (don't they always!)  

    And, cmb, if your hubby flew down on Pam Am, he can relive that too on another show about big boobed, young stewardesses!  

    (I know there's got to be a big boobed former Bunny or Stewardess lurking on this thread, so, nothing personal sistahs!   One in eight women, and it's not picky about what profession you are in.)

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli- when I was in college there was a huge retired ballroom on the top floor of our ancient dorm. It had 2 tvs on either side---one for the ABC soaps and well, the rest fought over the ownership of the DIAL of the other one.I lived there during the Luke and Laura days of GH and that room would be full of 100's watching--guys and gals, popcorn, sodas--it was a daily addiction. That's when I started watching AMC too. Like you I only watch it occasionally but this week is like old home week. Love seeing how everyone is old like me now!!!!

    SAB--I am reading the Emporer of All Maladies and am just now at the part where they began experimenting with the radiation and its curative effects for cancer. Amazing how many died at the beginning. Yes, truly barbaric. Love the part about what cures us may kill us later.  

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Claire I loved the Luke and Laura Days of GH.  I was usually out of class by them and would get back to the dorm watch GH and then take a nap so I could go out at night.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Gals, I too scheduled college courses around my ABC soap line up, as did my roomies. Of course that was waaay ahead of the fantastic invention called Soapnet! Television could use more talk shows like I could use more positive lymph nodes!!!

    And let me be the first to assure you all that in no way am I offended at the Playboy references. Yes, my boobs have always been big. Now that I don't have the same view when I look down, I'm realizing everything under my boobs is big as well.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    LOL, stjude!  Hee-hee-hee.
  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    I didn't have the chance to schedule my classes around soaps so I never got into them.  There always was a class w/lab that I had to take in the early afternoons.  Seems I missed out on the fun.  No cable either now, so guess I'll have to check it out on Netflix or Hulu.  We're not a big TV watching family.  Historical romance or mystery novels, now there's the ticket! 

    Janis - Hope the new RO has some answers for you.  I see my RO on Thursday and hope to get an answer about my stabbing pain too. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Kittygirl you can watch them on the abc site

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Does anyone here remember Dottie Thornton who married Tad?  She's married to my brother now!  

    Oh, I remember those Luke and Laura days too! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    New RO gets a very low score on my scale.  I have swollen glands on my left side under my jaw.  I asked him about that, he said it is not related to BC or rads.  Said if it continued to bother me to call my PCP.  Okay, very helpful.  He said my skin looks good. what about these "attacks"?  Two to date.  He told me that they shouldn't happen again.  Really?  And he knows this how?  I told him it shouldn't have happened two times!  He said if it happens again, to let them know.  What for, they do nothing!  I asked him if he had any idea WHAT this could be.  He said it is an irritation of the lining of the pleura DUE TO RADIATION.  Wow, I finally got ths guy to admit it is from the rads.  My regular RO insists it is not related to rads.  Also says he really doesn't know what it is.  At least this RO says it is from rads.  His "shouldn't happen again" comment just ticked me off.  It has happened twice and he has no way of knowing that.  Grrrrrrrrrr.............

    Thanks for the vent ladies.  You always cheer me! 

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    WOW what cop-out these guys are giving you!  I would be complaining to whoever is the head of the clinic!  I never understand why they just can't be honest and admit they really don't know!  Maybe we should be asking them if that is what they would be telling their own mother or spouse.  Next attack maybe you should walk in there screaming "this shouldn't happen again" and see how quick you get answers then!  Morons!   Kitty

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Just returned from my PCP visit.  He is always getting reports on me and realized I had not seen him in two years so the nurse called and said he wants to see you.  So he got to check me out which is always very detailed.  Asked me lots of questions about my upcoming BMX and why they were doing it and about the DIEP reconstruction.  Then he laughed and said obviously I'm not a surgeon.  He said other than BC your doing great keep up with the specialist and see you in a year unless you get sick.  He liked that I have been keeping all my reports because he has not gotten all of them.  He looked at my notebook and said boy you have gotten organized.

    SAB-I remember Dottie on AMC, that is funny she is married to your brother now.

    Sherry--lump left breast 9/30/10. No chemo, oncotype score 23 with 14% recurrence rate. 34 rads. No family history, BRCA neg
    Diagnosis: 9/27/2010, IDC, 1cm, Stage Ia, Grade 1, 0/3 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Janis - You need to go to the Bonfire of the Goddess thread and throw that SOB in the fire.  I know I did mine and I felt so much better afterwards.  If you need help, there are plenty of us that would be there for you.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis I agree with Jo throw him in the fire.  That is where he belongs.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hey I love this idea!  I mean really, I found that comment insulting.  That it shouldn't happen again.  Does he have a crystal ball that I don't?   Since it has happened twice already I seriously doubt he can make that claim with any certainty.  Nice try though.  I won't be bothering him if it happens again.  I will stay home just like I did Saturday and I will take care of myself.  Sheesh! 

    Yes Jo need some help probably.  This should be a group effort! 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Janis that guy is a big *ick!  I cant believe what they say sometimes.  Why do they do that.  You deserve answers not brushing off.  Go throw that *ick into the fire and watch him burn.  You will feel so much better.  It works.  I have lots on that pile.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Paula, thanks!  I'll make sure I find that bonfire and treat him to it.  I used to have a bus.  I just mentally put all sorts of bad people on the bus.  When it got full, I pushed it over a cliff.  It was amazing really how carthartic that was.  I always waited a few days before I shoved it over, as some people got a reprieve as I cooled off.  Some people were always on the bus.  The worst ones had to sit right up at the front of the bus.  I loved my bus! 

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    How about Dr Noah Drake???? Loved him... saw him in concert twice,,, ahhh so good!