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  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Janis - I didn't see your post. I am doing better. I really think I started back to work too soon. I wish I had taken an extra week off . I'm doing much better pain and nerve irritation wise this week. I did find an undisolved stich along my incision yesterday. I gave it a little tug and it didn't come out. This may require a call to my BS, who's on vacation this week.

    I high hosie a primo spot in your pocket on Thursday. Will  be reeady to party hardy the following week.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Binney, Thanks for the tips.  Will give onc a call tomorrow and also check out the lymphedema thread.  I appreciate the link too.

    Hauntie, glad my surgery buddy is feeling better. 

    Janis, count me in for the party.  I'll bring the Cheetos! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hauntie, Kay, Claire...welcome to my pocket party. It is still a week away and there will be lots of room in my apron.   Kitty and Jo want to come too, and a few others.  I willl love all the company!  Betting I won't get as many volunteers when I go in for the Colonoscopy.  I might just be on my own that day, LOL!  I really like the red one.  Nice pockets in the front. 

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Janis, Awesome!  I love pocket parties, we can all get so cozy and then we all feel the warmth and love!  Kay and Hauntie lots of hugs for you both and keep those spirits up, you will get through.  Lee Ann, like Jo I did not have chemo, but I would guess a delay because of infection would be a good idea just for your safety and no more problems.  Sending you lots of very gentle hugs.  Oh and by the way go ahead and rant away, we will listen and help you get through it.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    lwarstler,  Hope you can stay on schedule with treatment, but that sounds right that you would need to have any infections cleared up first.   A shame that you have to deal with all of it at once and I sure hope you can avoid further surgery on your neck!

    Binney4, Thanks for providing the info.

    stjude & Eph,  Guess you will have to arm wrestle for Barnabas/Johnny.  Wonder who is Angelique?

    Kay1963,  I think you now understand the calming and recuperative properties of our favorite orange snack food, and maybe janis better wear an orange apron 'cause there are sure to be crumbs.

    janis,  I wonder if you'll get a referral to the colonoscopy "specialist" I went to?


  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    First, thanks to everyone for the really did bring me tears today because its so nice to hear from people who get it. My DH is wonderful, but all he can do is listen and then freeze cause he doesn't know what to do. I have definitely done my "its not fair" rant more than once. This afternoon too when I told him it just seems like things will not get better. 2 1/2 years I waited for doctors to find the cause of the pain that went down my left side from my neck to my knee. They finally do, fix it and one week later cancer. Of course, it is also how they found the cancer, so in that way it was a blessing but it still feels like everytime I think I am about to move forward a little something kicks me back three spaces. The neck issue took my job, my ability to drive and moved us from my church and friends (my husband took a higher paying job) and now the cancer has taken my school and sense of security. Its just been a lot of loss in the last 2 years and today, hearing I have to get back into my choke collar and have one more thing adding to my overall discomfort was just overwhelming. I'm sure I will be better tomorrow, but today I just feel really frustrated and down. Sorry, you all are being very wonderful and supportive and I really do appreciate all the hugs. I promise to be more positive tomorrow :)

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    I thank God for this site - you all have gotten me through the toughest 7 months of my life.  I love you all and can only hope I can be helpful in return.

    DH is my rock - he didn't want to be but he had no choice....  I swear every molecule of his body wanted to explode away from me the 1st time I broke down because he knew it was something he couldn't "fix" - I told him flat out all I needed was a hug & someone to LISTEN to me.  Since then, he patiently hugs me & rides out the storm.


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Martha, I am with you on that--my DH is my rock too. It took him awhile to know he just has to listen and hold me. He can't FIX me--he just wishes he could. 

    Janis, I stay in your pocket for your colonoscopy if you stay with me for mine on Tuesday. I have to swing buy Walgreens to pick up my "prep" OOOOOHHHHH. With all the research out there, its is amazing that you still have to "flush" yourself in such a manner. Ickky-icky-poo-poo. And Eli--LMAO!!! Your colonoscopy doc must be related to mine. If I see a big mother ship hovering over my clinic on Tuesday--I'll know for sure!!! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    mostlymom....I am so happy you have such a supportive husband.  That helps so much and he sounds wonderful.  I have not had a meltdown yet but I know mine will be there for me if I do lose it.  He has been patient through all of this and insists on driving me to all my appointments.  It gives him something to do. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Oops...I forgot to thank Elimar for the picture of my new doc!  When it comes to a colonoscopy I imagine they all look like that in our minds!  Or evil Barnabus Collins!  Thank you for my early morning chuckle......or fright!  LOL.  I go see him for consultation on Oct 4.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Haven't had breakfast with my friends lately. I already had my fiber cereal so now its time for a treat before I go to work.


  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    oooo, I love coffee!!! I haven't had a cappucino in forever!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Oh, I love cappucino too!  I'll bring that for the apron party and ditch the Cheetos since the apron isn't orange.  Sorry to any Cheetos fans. ;)

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Hey everyone been away for a couple of weeks (kind of - surgery then vacation and internet problems). Had me pins put in and am healing well. MO want surgery as soon as possible so have consult with BS tomorrow. Got the ok to drive from my orth onc yesterday and to bathe! Couldn't wait for my DH to get home so I could (DD said she didn't trust herself if I needed help). Yay I'm clean now!

    Good luck with your proedures everyone. As long as I don't have to get one I'll pocket party for the colonoscopies.

    Had a nice vacation doing NOTHING for four days it was great.

    Well gotta get to work now talk to everyone later

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    justmejanis, count me in on the party. I love parties. I will be jumping into the pink and black apron. So cute! Will think long and hard regarding colonoscopy party.

    I too have a wonderful, supportive DH. However, not so much right now. I feel terrible because he's busting his ass working overtime as I'm still on restriction. I know he's tired, and trying to keep up w/everything at home as well. I know he's fantastic in times like this, because we've gone thru worse just last year, and he was indeed my rock. Maybe it's still too new and he's in shock. I will give him patience and support as he deserves that, but then he better get on board, 'cause this train is moving forward.

    lwarstler, I too was pissy yesterday, and guess what, I just might be again today. So far, so good, but not guarantees. So you have a bad day when you need to, 'cause we all get it!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Claire - I had my Special K for breakfast but like yours better - maybe save that for a mid morning snack later.

    Janis - I will continue the pocket party when you go for your colonoscopy.  I had one of those a couple of years ago and hell will have to freeze over before I do that again.  But if that is your doctor I saw - I am not coming out.  I am going to hide - I'm a chicken.  LOL 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    janis I'm jumping in your pocket as well.  Cute aprons.

    Kay and hauntie hope your healing continues.

    lwarslter take care of that neck.  I broke my neck years ago (1995) and had to have 4 plates and 4 screws at C6 &C7 (C5 was also broken but no hardware) and had to wear the neck brace for 3 or 4 months.  I cannot remember now.  I also spent months in rehab, could not even hold a comb in my hand.  I have had permanent numbness in three of my fingers ( I have about 10% sensation in them) and then here in the last few months the other two started going numb on me.  Now I have a bulging disk at C5 and C6 right above the fused area, but Dr says we will not do anything until I am in pain or loose strength neither of which has happened so far.  Point is wear the neck brace it will get better.  It is a very very slow recovery.  Nothing like I have every had before and you have chemo on top of it.  Once I got my neck brace off my muscles had atrophied to where one shoulder was higher than the other.  It took about 6 months of stretching for it to go back to normal.  You having BC on top of your neck surgery will take your body longer to heal.  Sleep and rest will do more for your body healing than anything else.  I had to take medical leave when I broke my neck and being able to stay home and rest most of the day did me more good than anything else. I am very active and most people are surprised when I tell them I have broken my neck and gone through BC treatment.  I did not do chemo but I had radiation and ended up with permanent nerve damage from that.  Meds help most of the time but will be having a MX once the Dr feels the time is right.  This is a great place to unload as we all know what you are going through.  And I do understand the neck thing as well.  I also know that when I moved it was so hard to find a new church home as I really like the one that I had before but I eventually did find one that I really liked and for me being in church soothes my soul.

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Thanks Sherry, I am going to do the best I can and hope that the screws hold. Finding a new church home has been complicated due to my limited ability to drive and the fact that my husband is in retail and works many Sundays. Hopefully we have found one now and I will be up for the drive most weeks, like you, it just really restores and southes my soul.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    my colonoscopy is DONE , don't have to have one for 10 years!  yes something going my way.  so janis  and cm will be there for yours, but for the bowel prep your on your own, may i reccomend very soft paper and those wipes with aloe.   ps the egd/colonoscopy were a breeze.  the nurse  who put the ekg leads on was very dilligent in not exposing the chest  didn't like to tell her, that my chest had had more viewers this year than nbc

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    juliet62, You are so right that we have a whole new sense of modesty after all the surgery and treatments.  Too bad the streaking fad has passed, I could probably do that now.

    I've already sub-titled this thread "Home of the Hot Flash," so I won't add a second subtitle ("Colonoscopies R Us") even tho' it really fits this time of life too.  The younger ones don't even have to think about them yet, and the older have been through one or two already, but our age group has to psych up for that scary and unknown first time.  

    I think the tip to eat lighter, and go for fruits and veggies (rather than a cheese log)a few days before  "purge day" was helpful.  If you don't have a lot in there, the less to get out and the less nasty drink mix to guzzle.

    cmb,  Make sure to ask, "So what kind of device do you use so I don't get a perforated colon?" and they will show you a tube thingy like a flexible anteater's nose.  Well, that may be just for looks.  Who knows what technologies the real specialists have.  Sprechen Sie Alien?  Good Luck!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Greetings all,

    Claire, thanks for the yummy breakfast.  Good stuff and it had  been awhile since we have had any here.  It really hit the spot.

    Reesie, good to hear you are coming along so well.  I wish for you continued healthy recovery. are brave coming to a colonoscopy.  I don't want to do it either, but we all know how that goes.  Just not my idea of a lot of fun.  I will definitely need big margaritas AFTER.

    Sherry you poor thing, have you not been through enough?  I do hope you are going to breeze through your upcoming MX with very few problems!

    Juliet...glad your colonoscopy is done.  I'll remember good tissue and I have the aloe wipes.  Thanks. are not endearing me to taking this test.  I am sure whatever "hose" they use would just look scary.  I'd rather not look.

    Don't they give you good drugs for this so you aren't awake for the process?  I mean...if I have to be conscious, I am so not going!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Oh come on, it's not THAT bad!  I had my colonoscopy a few years ago (second one due in 2 years) and the worst part was the prep and purge of the colon.  After that and the IV drugs I really didn't care what they put up my arse!  I was asleep by time I hit the table anyway.  When I woke up to my DH smiling (and laughing at me) I knew it was over.  He said I kept telling him the walls were very green while I was still groggy.  Go figure. The next year I got to laugh at him cause it was his turn.  Try not to sweat it Janis, I'll be in your pocket and I'll most likely be tickling you so you smile.  Kitty

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Have not had the colonosopy but I think my time is coming soon.

    I have been having quiet a bit more breakthrough pain in my breast even though I never miss my medication.  When I saw the PS last week he made a general comment about having more scar tissue than the last time I had seen him.  So my pec muscle on my rads side has really been tight tight tight so I called my masseuse and she could only do me at lunch today so I took it.  Boy howdy it took her 1 1/2 hours to work out my kinks.  When she started on my pec she could feel how tight it was and I was able to show her about where the pain was behind my nipple and she found the exact spot.  I like to have come off the table.  Anyway she said she could feel the scar tissue down there.  Mind you this is from rads.  Nowhere close to my surgical area. So I think I'll be seeing her more often for awhile and see if I can keep this pain down. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    Janis, Of course I will still go with you to the colonoscopy.  Like Kitty said, the worst part is the colon clean out.  The IV drugs I had were wonderful.  Was out like a light and next thing I knew the nurse was waking me up.  Believe it or not, I was scheduled for 2:00 in the afternoon - got my drugs at that time and I was getting dressed at 2:30.  Don't quite remember that part - DH had to help and then he pushed me out to the car in a wheelchair - hosp policy - I don't think I could have walked even if I tried.  Once the procedure was over, I really think they kicked me out too soon.  I needed more time to wake up.  Maybe I just wanted out of there - who knows???
  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    My PCP asked me when my last colonoscopy was and when I told him "never" he wanted me to have one. Well that was 3 years ago and I still haven't had one. I've seen what my mother has to go through with the prep. I think she slept in the bathroom the day b4 the procedure.

    Nothing's abnormal in the pooping business so I think I'll just leave well enough alone! Plus I don't want anything to be found that I would have to deal with at this time. One health fright a year is enough for me.

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311

    Ummm,YUP! Cool Elimar I was a Playboy Bunny in another life!

    AND, I have had 4 colonscopies due to having a family hist of colon and personal hist of precancerous polyps.I find the procedure and prep no biggie for me!


  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Writer Dave Barry on MoviePrep:

    "We must never allow it to fall into the hands of America 's enemies. 

    Sorry for the font size, cut it from a funny email about Colonoscopy. Personally, I tried to think of the experience as a "cleanse" which my DB and his lovely wife pay for in Santa Monica... 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hi there lurking Soccermom4force!  Yeah, Bunny-wear or birqua, anyone can be the unlucky one-in eight.  (Even without being a bunny, I felt like I did a 180 when I wound up a Cub Scout den leader and Soccer Mom myself.)  Lurk on, or join in as you wish.

    chiluvr and others, Don't fear the colonoscopy too much.  The prep is definitely the worst, but nothing compared to food poisoning (Shoney's tartar sauce!) or foreign travel bacteria (Hola, mis hermanas-amigas Mexicanas de la isla de Cozumel!)   I can understand waiting a bit to get through active B/C treatment, but don't put it off too long.  Colon cancer is another one where the the sooner it is detected the better your chances of getting rid of it for good.  Also, to "keep it VERY real" to the point of TMI, I will tell you that MY BUTT did not even feel violated when I came off the Versed.  The specialists in the mothership have really gotten the procedure down!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I had my first colonoscopy about 20 years ago. About 15 years before I should have needed one. I was having some gastro intestinal symptoms and my PCP was undecided whether she should send me for a barium xray or a colonoscopy. She decided on the barium xray (less invasive). Of course it showed something resulting in my having to have a colonoscopy anyway.

    I told her afterward that if we ever had to make the choice between barium xray or colonoscopy I choose colonoscopy. When she asked why I replied "better drugs." The results of all the tests - I have IBS.

    I've had 2 colonoscopies since then and I would still choose colonoscopy over barium xray anyday. I don't understand why people are so frightened of this procedure. I know it sounds awful, but in reality, other than the prep, it's a piece of cake - great drugs, no pain, and no guilt for eating absolutely anything your heart desires after.

    AND - it can save your life. Remember colon cancer is completely preventable if the polyps are found and removed before they become cancerous. Don't we all wish there was a test like this for breast cancer. One that could find those funky cells and eradicate them before they ever became cancer. We can only hope.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Good point, Hauntie, to get the polyps out before they go over to the darkside!