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  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Haha!  I saw Rick Springfield right when Jesse's Girl was at the height of it's popularity.  My then boy friend (now DH) took me at my request.  I was 19.  I think everyone else was 10 to 14.  I still think Jesse's Girl is a great song and Rick Springfield was hot.

    My favorite memory from the concert.  All these young girls yelling, "I want your body!" to Rick.  My DH commenting under his breath, "They wouldn't know what to do with it."  LOL

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    LoL THat is too funny Kay. I was 13 and went with my dad. What a trooper he was I remember standing on my chair screaming and him just sitting there shaking his head. I agree still sing along with it when i hear it on the radio and STILL know all the words lol!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    LOL!  Yes, that is exactly what those 13 y.o.'s were doing, standing on chairs and screaming their heads off.  I guess I am probably about 6 years older than you.  I don't think I've ever felt as old as I did at that concert.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    lol. where did you see him? I saw him in New york city at carnegie hall and then in South Fla at the sunrise musical center. I am 42.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    I'm 48.  I saw him at the Spectrum in Philly.  The Spectrum was just torn down this year.  I am old. 

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    You are so NOT old!!! :) He is still going strong too looks pretty good he aged well

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    I seem to be making progress here. Today has been the best day yet since my PMX. Minor nerve pins & needles stuff, but mostly just numbness. I actually completely forgot about it for a while this afternoon at work and then 2+ hours of absolutely no discomfort while I saw The Help. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie, I highly recommend both.

    No Days of Our Lives fans. I was a major addict for years, following in my mother's foot steps. I still occasionally catch it if I'm home during the day. Of course, I have no idea what's going on. Years agp. when they killed off the original Roman (curly haired guy, I forget his name) a friend and I actually wrote and submitted a script on how they could bring him back from the dead. If there are any fans out there, can you tell me how they got rid of Marlena?

    I didn't know there was a"Bonfire" thread. How do I find it? I have a PS from about 16 years ago that should have been burned at the stake. I did write him a nasty letter after he dropped me as a patient a couple of weeks before surgery. Of course, I never heard back from him.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Hauntie - I have the Bonfire thread saved on my favorites.  I will bump it up for you.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Hautie it is called Bonfire of the Goddess

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hauntie...I think this bonfire thread is one both you and I need to visit!  Either that or I am going to need another bus! :)  I am so glad you had a better day today! 

    I want to see that movie so bad, but cannot do it.  Hoping I find the book in my garage sale travels.....I would love to read it! 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    I just bumped up the Bonfire of the Goddesss thread.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Hauntie, DOL fan here. They sent Marlena off to care for John Black, but they are both headed back to the show starting Sept 26. In fact, they're bringing back several original stars to get back to the good ole way of telling soaps. My main soap is Y & R. Taking the soaps off the air is truly the end of an era. I remember watching those shows with my Mom & when my Dad would come home from work, she'd hurry up & turn the TV off because he didn't like them. Too Funny!! I still miss Another World.

    I'm glad you had a good day today, making progress is a good thing.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I used to watch the Edge of Night and Secret Storm with my mom after school. Wow that was a while ago! And when they were over, I would try to sneak in Dark Shadows--can't wait to see Johnny Depp reprise Barnabas Collins. 


    An improvement I say!!! 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Oh, I used to watch Dark Shadows!  Am looking for to Johnny Depp doing it also.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    justmejanis, I absolutely love the bus idea. I've always wondered what to do w/those people before I get rid of them.

    tinker and kay, let me just say...aaaahhh, Dr. Noah Drake. wow. ok. trying to focus here

    cmblastic, I thought I'd be the only one who loved Dark Shadows! I am DIGGIN the idea of a movie w/my boyfriend in it. Awesome

    Thanks ladies, I woke up a bit pissy 'cause my drain sucks and now I'm thinking, what drain?

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    stjude, there is so much you can do with the bus when you are feeling creative.  Seating arrangements was my speciality.  My friend Mary and I worked together and often had long stretches while we were faxing documents.  We just had to wait till they went through.  So, we drew our bus and it got bigger.  Her ex, Doug, was a serial cheater.  He was a regular fixture on the bus.  We NEVER sat him near attractive women.  Not even unattractive ones, as he wasn't picky.  So he had to either drive, or sit alone, or sit near guys.  We could be flexible.  The women he cheated with were all on the bus.  Then we had old bosses and co workers that had to ride the bus.  OJ Simpson was usually right up front.  We had a fun time with our bus.  Sometimes if we got over something, we actually did let people off the bus before we shoved it off the cliff.  OJ never got off the bus.......

    Hope everyone is having a great day.  I went to rads this morning, very uneventful.  I was asked by my navigator if I would talk to a reporter for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. is acutally about the navigator program.  I talked to the reporter on the phone today.  Tomorrow he wants me to go to the hospital where Nanette works so he can take our picture togerther.  I really hate having my picture taken.  I said I would do it though.  For Nanette.  Oh no! 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Had a simulation for rads on Monday.  Was just under 5 weeks since MX with lymph node dissection and DIEP.  Had to work really hard to get the mobility in my arm to get it over my head.  Simulation went fine.  But I had squeezed my hand so tight for such a long time that I couldn't unclench it when simulation was finished.  Nurse had to unclench it for me.  Now my hand and arm is swollen.  It's probably from the simulation?  I hope so any way.  Don't want to even think it could be lymphedema.  That wouldn't happen this quickly, would it?  It isn't that bad, and it doesn't seem to be getting any worse.  If it does, I guess I'll call doc tomorrow.  But which one?   I used to only have onc to contend with.  Now, would I call onc, bs, ps or ro?  Ugggg.....  Hopefully won't have to call anyone and it will just resolve on its own.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    OK Days & Y & R here, with occas All My Kids thrown in.  Definite Dark Shadows geek & can't wait for MY boyfriend ( not stjude lori's) to reprise Barnabus!  For Christmas last year my mom got me a DVD collection of old Dark Shadows show; watched them not too long ago-what a riot!  

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    OOOOHH, I watched all the Dark Shadows series on Netflix not too long ago and loved it but wanted more!  I didn't know a movie was coming out with Johnny Depp!  Awesome, I'll be there!  Best wishes and hugs to everyone with treatments this week.  I'll be to the RO tomorrow for my follow up check. Kitty 

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Ugghhh...sorry I need to vent just a little. So I have a minor infection where the drain came out and my surgeon told me yesterday to just put antibiotic cream on it. I am worried it is going to stop chemo next Tues. so I left a message for her asking her to call in an antibiotic and of course she isn't in today so they will ask her in the am.

    Then, I go to my orthopedic doctor cause 8 weeks ago I had a fusion done of my c5-c6 vertebrae and he tells me that their is movement around the top screw and I need to be real careful to make sure it doesn't move anymore. Also informed me that chemo might extend the heal time from 6mo-1 yr to as much as 2 years and I need to stop moving so much. My couch has a serious butt impression already from the time I have been laid up from all these can I do any less!!! He says its super important because if it doesn't take or slips, they will have to go in or risk damage to my spine and surgery could be very dangerous during chemo. :(

    I am just too tired and too young for all this stuff. I have only been 40 for less than 2 months and it has really stunk so far!! I am boycotting any further decade birthdays

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474!  I am so sorry you are dealing with so much all at once.  You certainly have had a rough passage into this forty year mark.  I know it doesn't seem like it now, but it will get better eventually.  That helps you very little now of course when all this crap is happening.  You come here anytime and unload!  You have had so much to deal with in such a short time.  Wish I  could make it all better for you.  Sending big (but soft) healing hugs your way hon. 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    lwarstler - What a major bummer - do much crap to deal with all at once - this is certainly the place to come to.  If you surgeon is so worried about your spine moving why doesn't he give you a back brace? I know that is the last thing you want to hear but it would take some of the stress off.  I don't know how all of this will effect your upcoming chemo since I did not have to do it.  I'm sure someone will chime in with a better answer.  Gentle hugs to you.

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Iwarstler-Make sure you let your MO know about the infection.  I know mine would,'t give chemo with any hint of infection present because the chemo usually kills you white blood cells and a minor infection can become very dangerous.  Sorry you are having such a difficult time.  I didn't discover these threads until after I almost through chemo but when I did I went back and read through what everyone had been through and really learned alot.  It is a hard journey but if you have a good MO that listens to you, you should get through it.  We are all here to hold your hand when you need it.

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Thanks for the support everyone. I have a neck brace that I have been in until 3 weeks ago and this does mean I have to spend more time in it. I need to put it back on at night, in case I am just moving around too much and basically any time I get up to do more than go to the bathroom or get a drink. It is one of the biggest bummers about my appointment because it gets hot and it is really hard to lay down comfortably with something against the back of your head all the time. I especially don't like it at night cause its hard to get comfortable. I was really happy when he gave me the ok to take it off and just be careful. I warned all my doctors with the breast surgeries to be careful with my neck while I was out but there are so many people involved and there was no way for me to tell them if they move my neck too far to the left or right. In addition, I did have to take the brace off and turn a little far for the breast MRI, so it could have been from that. It's just frustrating because I have been so careful and was so good about keeping my brace on and doing all the things I was supposed to. oh well....I guess stuff just happpens.

    Lee Ann 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Aww, Lee Ann, I am so sorry you are having to go thru all this crap. Echoing what was said, you need to make sure you are as healthy as can be (kinda ironic) before you start chemo. If they delay chemo a week or two, it won't be the worse thing that happens.Start drinking your water and eating protein so you can keep up your strength. I'm sending an air (((      hug      ))))) so I don't hurt you!!!

    AMC this week---interesting how people have aged. Some hardly at all--Dixie-- and others--well-- didn't recognize a few oldies. Nice to know that I am not the only 50 something that has packed on a few pounds!!   And I never would have guessed who the secret patient was!!!! 

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Okay eph, them's fightin words! Just kidding, but I do love me some Johnny.

    LeeAnn, I agree w/cmblastic about delaying the chemo if needed, and my PS says that protein in your diet is good for fighting and preventing infection. Sure hope your doc gets back w/you asap and puts your mind at ease.

    cmblastic, as far as weight goes, I met w/ps today and when she first asked me how I was I said I was a bit pissy today. I can't do anything but sleep, rest, and eat. These restrictions suck, and I'm gonna gain 25 just from this surgery. I thought things were leaving my body=some weight loss, but noooo. I may be the only one hoping for nausea when I begin chemo. She laughed and then told me I had another week w/my drain and restriction. God love her.

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Kay - I hope the sweling goes down quickly and as you suspect is just a result of having your arm over your head and hand clenched for so long. Re which MD to call - that's a good question. When in doubt I always call my PCP and ask who she thinks I should check in with.

    Lee Ann - sorry you're having such a tough time. Just when you think you are starting to move forward through this process, there's a set back. My standard reply is always "it's not fair." and it's not. Sometimes that's just the way things go and there's nothing you can do about it, but it's still " "not fair" and it's ok to feel it and rant and rave about it. Just in case, try and prepare yourself for the possibility of a delay in chemo. I know how hard it is to have any delay. You have that time table in your head (or maybe even on your calendar, I did) where you tick each thing off and it brings you one step closer to being done with it. I know, any delay just makes what's already difficult that much harder. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Hauntie...I asked earlier how you were doing?  I so hope you are feeling better. 

    So I have my needle aspiration biopsy next Thursday, the 29th at 1:45.  I will go dig out the apron I will be wearing.  I bake a lot and I love aporons.  Will find one with a nice big pocket for all who want to hop in and support me during the process.  Pocket party a week from tomorrow!!!!

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466

    Kay, I just wanted to jump in here for a moment to respond to your questions about lymphedema.

    Lymphedema can happen at any time after surgery, sometimes immediately after. Because getting treatment promptly makes a BIG difference to how easily lymphedema can be controlled and managed, getting a referral for an evaluation by a well-trained lymphedema therapist would be really helpful at this point. Early-stage lymphedema can come and go, but once you notice swelling it's definitely time to get help, whether it resolves shortly or not. Treating it now will save you on-going grief. Rads often aggravates lymphedema, so getting help now makes good sense.

    Any doctor on your team can give you a referral, but most of us find our medical oncologists more likely to do it promptly. Here's how to find a well-qualified lymphedema therapist near you:

    Good news is, at this early stage treated lymphedema can be controlled and kept from progressing, and it will have the least possible impact on your life.Smile Please feel welcome to drop by the "Lymphedema" forum with any questions you have -- lots of very helpful and experienced gals there.

    Gentle hugs,
  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    I'm hopping on in whenever you give the call!