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  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    janis this was my first colonoscopy , the prep wasn't to bad all done in 6 hrs,just follow the instructions!   the test was ok, ,i think the worryingabout it before hand was worse ,here they insist someone take you home due to the drugs and tell you to rest for the rest of the day, no problem there but they did insist on no alcohol!  will be there in your apron for yours, not sure how we are traveling to claires

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yes, I think most places require you to have a designated driver...It's not that you are THAT groggy or anything but you will wake up HUNGRY, so this way you will have a husband or friend available for a lunch date.  Before the procedure, stay focused on the important things like where you will be having lunch.

    I know everybody will not be as lucky as I was in where they have the earthly part of the procedure done.  My place was pretty deluxe because they gave me a SALTINE when I woke up...but it was the BEST saltine I ever had!!!

    Soccermom4,  Have you tested BRCA positive?  Is that what gives the next generation the 50/50 odds?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    wow all i got was a cranberry juice!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    OG congrats on moving up to once a year. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Geez Juliet and Elimar, I didn't get #$%# when I woke up.  Of course I only sort of woke groggy DH had to dress me.  He did good too, considering he used to put my daughters clothes on backwards so often we called it "daddy dress-up."  

    I had twighlight meds.  Not fully out, but I do not remember a single thing. They gave me photos when I left.  Really?   

  • Denise2730
    Denise2730 Member Posts: 320

    Photos??? Of what - your colon? Are you going to have it framed?  :.)

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123
    ok, this might seem a little petty, but my surgeon told me after they found my enlarged internal lymph node that it meant I was not stage I but was rather a IIIa. Really bummed me out, but today I was reading over my new path report and they listed the stage at IIb. I know it is just one step down the rung but it's the first time I'm moving in a positive news direction so, I will take it! Laughing
  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Lee Ann way to go that does not happen often around here. woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Way to go LeeAnn

  • Rose6
    Rose6 Member Posts: 7

    I am glad to have found this group, I tried to go back to the hormone one, but there was none that fit, Is anyone out there on arimidex? I am so tired all the time, and my sleeping is getting better....but when I tell my oncologist this, she just says its part of the treatment...pretty frustrating. My son is grown but I still need to work part time and I am single

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Lyndan I just started Anastrozole (generic Arimidex) last week. I don't think I've been on it long enough for any SEs yet. I'll let you know how it goes

  • Soccermom4force
    Soccermom4force Member Posts: 311

    Yes,I tested... Once before my dx and then was retested a year or so later after I was diagnosed..negative, as was my Mom who was then end stage w/ same & 3 maternal aunts.

    Haven't bothered w CHEK2 Li- Fraumeni etc. testing etc as the "die has been cast" and will make sure my daughter is followed closely.

    I have / had 3 brothers all of whom have had cancer of one sort or another:(

    I grew up knowing I'd have cancer, kinda like some family's have artistic talent,well, WE have cancer!

    Nice getting to read the posts on this thread!


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Rose6, you are welcome here.  We have a little of everything...women fresh out of surgery to women past the five year point.  A lot are on hormonal maintenance, like yourself, and there are probably a few more, besides Reesie, that do Arimidex.  I take the Tamox. myself.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    soccermom4,  I just recently read an article here on (and now cannot find it!) that said only 5%-10% of cancers are inherited thru' the BRCA genes, another 20% percent come from other factors (unknown) that tend to run in families, and the remaining 70% are strictly random.  So, you fall in that 20% group.  You are probably aware that they are now saying the inherited cancers tend to show up in daughters 5-10 years earlier than when it showed up in the mom.  So the daughters need to have monitoring much younger than the standard 40 years old.

    Sorry that B/C took your mom.  Did she have a recurrence after some years, or was she a Stage IV at her first Dx?

  • Rose6
    Rose6 Member Posts: 7

    Hi Ressie and thanks for writing, let me know if you do get side effects,hope not

  • Rose6
    Rose6 Member Posts: 7

    Thank Elimar and thanks for the beautiful fall photo!

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Thanks everyone..

    Marcia: wow! I know there is an hereditary factor in mine (cancer in each generation), but not like that.

    Eli: thanks for sharing, I am gonna try to find that article. My mom got her cancer 8 years earlier than her day and I got mine 12 years before my mom. I'd like to see what my daughter's risk is. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Anyone who has died in my family; mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparents, etc have died of cancer. I know EXACTLY how soccermum feels. It was never a question of 'if' but more one of 'what kind'??

  • Going into BC #3 - -

    No family history of BC.

    #1 in 1996 at age 39, right breast - small 1 cm with 10 out of 20 lymph nodes, ER.  Lumpectomy, chemo (AC) & radiation.

    Full hysterectomy in 2001, non-cancer tumor.

    #2 in 2005 at age 48, left breast - small 1 cm with sentinel node, ER.  Lumpectomy, chemo (Taxol) & radiation.  At that time, I asked about a double mastectomy with reconstruction - but the surgeon didn't think I should because of previous radiation.  Arimidex almost 3 yrs until I had "enough" of the side effects.

    Watching liver spots found in 2009.

    Now, 2011, going into #3 at age 54.  Again, cancer found by mammogram & ultrasound.  Seeing new surgeon next week (I "fired" the 2005 surgeon) - - - I'm thinking a double mastectomy, not sure what reconstruction option is available for me now. 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    chiluvr1228, YES!  MY COLON!  In color! Oh, I should have saved that info in case I ever guess the secret picture. Oh well.
  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Maybe annette has one from her - it could really be annette's a$$ lol.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246

    well i did think christmas card photo with mine!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    sandibj so sorry you are dealing with this a third time.  If you get a good PS you can have reconstruction.  I had a lump and permant nerve damage from rads.  Finished rads late Jan.  I am going to have a MX with reconstruction and I had alot of damage.  I will be having DIEP, PS said I could not have implants because of the rads damage.  But I do have to gain weight as I am thin and not enough belly fat at the moment.  so will continue with my meds until I can gain enough weight.  Then have BMX with diep reconstruction.  I ws 48 at diag and 49 now and don't want to deal with this again in my lifetime.  I know a BMX is no guarantee but those bc cells will have to work hard to survive in this body.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Rose6 - Welcome to the middies.  I am on Tamoxifen - tried Arimidex and had too may tummy issues.  Someone will come along and help.  There is also a thread for Arimidex that will be most helpful.

    sanidbj - BC three times???? Absolute bummer.  Hopefully the new surgeon will work with you in treatment options. 

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    I have been on Arimidex 3.5 years now and SE come and go for me. I recently took a 3 week vacation from it and was so happy to know that all the SE's went away. So, I am looking forward to the time when I can come off of it!

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    sanidbj-Was your's ductal or lobular?

    Rose6-  I'm just waiting for my pharmacy to send me my Femara (generic) we can compare reactions,  I hope it's not to bad as I want to fight recurrence as much as I can.  It was one year ago today I had my biopsy and I realy don't want to spend another year like this.

    Reesie-Glad you're back with us and had some time to relax on the beach.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sherry..I will happily donate some of my belly fat to you...for a good cause of course! :)  Why do I never have that problem? 

    sandi I am so sorry you are having to go through this again.  It is just wrong.  Hugs to you.

    Rose6 I am going to start Arimidex in a couple of weeks.  Hoping it goes well for me.

    barbe that is so sad about losing so many family members to cancer.  I am so sorry. 

    I hope everyone has a great evening!  Hugs to all you brave souls.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    There has never been breast cancer in my family.  I have one aunt who died at 48 from lung cancer, but she was a smoker.  I have one other aunt who died from colon cancer at 60.  And one cousin who died from brain cancer at 45.  No other cancers in the family, and I have a big family.  I never thought I'd get cancer.  My mom will be 85 in a week.  She has Alzheimers.  I think that is the worst disease to have.  I was thinking I really hope I never get Alzheimers.  I found out I had breast cancer and my first thought was I guess I am going to get my wish and not get Alzheimers.  Be careful what you wish for.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Welcome, sandibj!  You are not our usual Newbie, seeing as this is your third time.  We have a few two-timers here, but you might be our first three-timer.  I'm sure you have most of the info. you need, but we are happy to offer support as you go thru' the surgery and recovery again.  It will be different than getting a lumpectomy this time around.  Many of the ladies here have had Mx, so let them know if you need specific info.   Extremely sorry we had to make your acquaintance in this manner!

    SAB,  What kind of twisted mind could even think of something like that!  Surprised  ROFLMAO!  Innocent

    juliet62,  You are just as warped, girl.  Me likey!  Wink

    I would be incredibly jealous that you guys got actual photos but...although my saltine dispensing facility did not offer photo ops, they did have a skilled sketch artist (just like a courtroom) who would give you a 8 x 10" full color rendering of your colon, ready for framing, for an additional $20; plus for an another $10, wallet-sized reproductions & refrigerator magnets were also available.

    O.K., not really.  I AM jealous of your photos.

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    sandibj, so sorry to hear of your crappy news. All I can say is third time is a charm to finally get this cancer to f&$@ off! know I'm w/you when it comes to twistedCool

    I'm the first case of bc in my family, either side. Yay me! We've had a bit of cancer on both sides. I had an aunt who died at 23 from uterine cancer and an uncle that died at 52 from a melanoma that mets in his lungs and bones, and then my daughter. All of the other cancers were fatal. I always grew up hearing in my family, " if the cancer doesn't kill you, the heart disease will. "