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  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    valjean, have a wonderful and beautiful trip!  with your good news, i know it will be fabulous. congrats!
  • nancygv55
    nancygv55 Member Posts: 17
    Started rads today.  Other than them being 25 minutes behind schedule at 8:30AM and having to do arm contortions due to the weird angle they had to get the machine set at (my lump was at 2:00 so that has something to do with this, I guess) all went well.  I am NOT complaining as I saw two women who were obviously very, very ill so I am counting my blessings and going with the flow.  Only 33 more to go!  Thanks to all for the advice and encouragement and congratulations valjean!
  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Congrats Valjean!  As Elimar said, it is wonderful that you can go visit your grandchildren with that off your mind. 

    Janis, I am so sorry you're having such issues from radiation.  I hope you start healing soon.  I had reconstruction 6 and a half weeks ago, and really hoping I don't have too many issues from the rads.  It could ruin the reconstruction.  I am very fair skinned, but the RO tells me that doesn't mean you will have more burning from rads.  I sure hope not.

    nancygvtt, I go to my first rad tomorrow.  Had the simulation today.  They worked so hard to get me in the exact spot I was in when they tattooed me.  My arms are above my head and I was like that for about 45 minutes.  They had to do the whole thing twice because the first time, I was a little bit too low on the table.  I am sure that was not good for my lymphedema.  Hopefully radiation will be much quicker.  Have you checked out the October 2011 rads thread?  There are several women on it who are all starting rads this month.  We can all go thru it together.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Valjean - Congrats on the good report - you can breath easy for the next several months.  Go and enjoy yourself.

    Janis - I can't say I know your pain - I did not have too many issues with rads but I do know it is a difficult time for you and the end is in sight.  Next step will be to get the skin healed and on to other things.

    nancygv - What a bummer you were delayed in getting started.  It will probably happen more than once - I made sure I had a book with me everyday just in case.   

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    nancygv55 & kay1963,  The simulation is usually much longer than the treatment.  If you only get rads from a couple angles, it's about 15-20 for the whole appt.  (I took a shortcut by not getting into a gown, just kind of wrapped a towel around my front while walking over to the table.)  Kay, fair skin doesn't automatically mean burn, there's a chance for you too.  I think having chemo might be a greater factor, because that harshness already had it's way with your tissues.  A big factor is overall health, so keep the good nutrition coming and drink lots of water too.

    janis,  Not to scare Kay, but did you do chemo first?  Sorry, can't remember.

  • walker2222
    walker2222 Member Posts: 442

    valjean - woo hoo congrats.

    Janis - ask for the silver sulfadiazine cream, my RO perscribed it for me when I turned purple.  I was pink in a couple of weeks, almost normal in four.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    mjmiller.....I am allergic to sulpher.  LOL...not an option for me unfortunately!  I appreciate the suggestion though.

    valjean, congratulations on a great doctor visit and test results.  Enjoy the visit with your family  It sounds like a much needed getaway.

    Nancy and kay...good luck with rads, hoping it is smooth sailing for you both.  I had no fatigue with it.  I did burn, but not everybody does.  Someone else in the rads thread was very worried about burning as she is very fair skinned.  She has been done for a bit and never did burn.  I think there is no way to predict.  Just moisturize and follow the suggestions of your RO and techs. 

    My PCP called this afternoon with my thyroid biopsy results.  I was asleep when he called and foggy, I took no notes.  He said that it summarized three possible things it could be.  Of course I don't remember the first two, but the third is cancer.  He is referring me to a thyroid specialist.  Not sure when I go, he said they will schedule it and let me know sometime this week.  I was hoping for a clear report just so I didn't have to go to any more doctors!  No such luck, so will do the follow up.  So nothing definitive, and I am not worried at all.  Just weary of all these appointments. 

    Last boost is Wednesday so at least that will be done and the burns will really be able to heal.  Yes!

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    janis, I agree "suck luck".  Congrats on getting almost done with rads--ring the bell on Wednesday-means your cooked thru & thru! 

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Oh Janis- I'm sorry - you've been through enough already. You wrote "suck luck" instead of "such luck" and that seems to be just what you're having - the suckiest luck. Why don't you call your PCP back and ask him/her to go over the results with you again. I didn't realize you were still having boosts - no wonder why you're still peeling. 2 more and you're done. Hang in there.

    Kay - good luck - my surgery sister - with your first rad treatment tomorrow.  I was very fortunate with my rads - minimal burning..

    I'm exhausted.  This has been my longest day out and about since my PMX 6 weeks ago. I left the house at 7:15 this morning and got home about 45 minutes ago. I probably should have skipped my usual Monday night girl's night at a friend's house, but I missed it last week. Time for bed. Good night all.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    LOL on my typo!  I did mean "no such luck" but it actually seems funnier the way I originally typed it.  I fixed it, but think it sums up how I feel.  Too funny you ladies caught it. must be exhausted!  I hope you are able to get some quality rest!  You know, I really don't mind going to this new specialist.  My hair has been falling out for months.  I did not have chemo.  Last time my blood was drawn, my doctor had my thyroid checked as part of the routine blood panel. It was normal.  I understand more complex blood tests may be required rto pinpoint the problem.  My mom had her thyroid removed when I was a kid.  She is gone now so I can't ask her.  So there is some mystery thyroid abnormality in my family.

    Eph, you are of course invited to my celebration party Wednesday.  I am almost done! 

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Janis ~ Still keeping good thoughts for you. Since I will be gone Wednesday, I will give you my early congrats on finishing rads. You did it!!!

    Nancy & Kay ~ Good luck with your rads tx. Be sure to drink lots of water, use the lotions recommended & try to keep active. I remember going outside all bundled up to walk around my backyard when I had my Rads in Jan-Feb. It was cold, little snow though, & brisk. BUT, the air was fresh & I felt so alive & energetic. I walked around & around by all my trees, must have looked silly when I got to the front yard to passersby, but I didn't care. My backyard is surrounded by trees & I did it almost every morning just listening to the birds & the wind in the trees.... Sorry, didn't mean to go on & on about it........ it's just what I did.  

    Everyone: thanks for your support & congratulations. It lifts me up!

    eilmar ~ Love the pic at the top.

  • lynniea
    lynniea Member Posts: 336

    I am having # 23 today of radiation I will have 25 at the end of the week I am playing hooky on Friday because we are heading to Boston for my niece's wedding.  I did't want to be sore for the whole weekend.  So now after that only the 5 boost left.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545
    lynn - Good for you.  It will not hurt to skip one day of rads - they just add it to the end.  Go and have lots of fun.
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Valgean.. congrats and enjoy your trip!

    Nancy and Kay... best wishes with RaDS.

    Lynn... have a great time at your nieces wedding!

    Have a great day ladies

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sometimes the typos say it better "suck luck" and "goof luck."

    lynniea,  How is your skin doing?  Have a good trip!

    So many having rads right are giving me a flashback.  I finished my rads on Oct 9th, two years ago.  I remember the happiness well.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Kay and Nancy--good luck on your first rads. I think you will be surprised how quick it goes by. Not at all like the simulation. Just remember to lotion up as much as you can starting NOW. Just don't do it the morning of your rads. 

    Valjean-Happy, Happy dance for the good doc visit, now you can put that up on a shelf for another 6 months--enjoy your mini-vac--you deserve it!!

    Lynniea-have fun at the wedding. Almost done with rads--YEAH!!!

    Lwarstler--I have 2 boys, my oldest was going thru HS graduation at the time, so we kind of brushed it under the rug. Neither boy seemed phased by the whole BC event. They keep it all inside, so I have no outward sign there might be something wrong. At least you are aware of your DD's pain and are close enough to step in to help. I understand the guilt feeling--but you do have to let that go. You didn't ask for this. She'll feel better when you start feeling better--its a process and it may take time. . .and a lot of hugs.

    Off to the grocery store, lunch with a friend and then Bunco tonight. Gotta love a day off!!! 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Thanks for the advice on the lotioning Claire.  The crappy thing about the beginning of rads for me (other than the first one which I guess they want to schedule while the docs and nurses are all still here) are at 8:30 at night.  So does that mean I shouldn't put any lotion on until I get from them?  I did ask the RO about it yesterday, and he said there was no need to put any lotion on until/unless I had a problem and then they'd give me what I needed.  All docs are like that, though aren't they?  He also said I could put some on if I wanted though.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    kay- I only lubed up AFTER each rads visit.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Kay I was told to not put anything on my breast 6 hours before rads.  Mine was early in the day and I always showered within an hour or so of going.  Since you can't use deodorant I wanted to be as fresh as possible before I went.

    Now I have one more boost tomorrow, then done!  My burn is pretty bad and the nurse today told me to use the Aquaphor as much as possible.  It is very greasy so I can only use it with an old t-shirt and no bra. are almost done!  Enjoy your weekend at the wedding.  Boosts can wait a few days!

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Janis-YEAH only one more to go!  Keep greased and healing thoughts are with you.  Have fun lynniea and enjoy your time with family and friends.  Kay-best wishes for easy rad treatments ((HUGS)).  Got to work all week but that's okay, keeps my mind off BC and I enjoy working with the students.  They keep me young! LOL  I'm cheering for you all!  Kitty

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    mjbmiller, now we have even more in common besides being band moms...i turned purple, too. Almost a greyish purple, it was pretty gross. My friend who i a few months behind me in chemo and radiation barely even turned pink, WTH? We are both fair skinned. I just don't know sometimes.

  • janinnj
    janinnj Member Posts: 63

    Kay and others starting rads.-Lubing is the biggest key,  I put aloe on before I got dresses after every treatment.  Emu oil is the best thing I found for moisturizing and soothing.  Use it even if you don't think you need it.  Use it clear up the side of you neck if they are doing your supracavicle nodes.  I have my one month follow up today and am completely healed.  I only had some minor pealling.  I have to count myself one of the lucky ones.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Kitty...thanks, tomorrow is my very last treatment!  I can't wait.  This poor burn needs a break that is for sure. It is so, so sore.  At rads today the techs had the nurse look at it.  She offered to have me see the RO on duty but I really saw no point.  They will see how it is tomorrow.  I am allergic to sulpha, so can't use any cream with it.   I'll make it, but sure glad tomorrow is the last.  I don't think my poor armpit can take much more, and the boots are still hitting that area.

    I had my consult for the colonscopy and it is scheduled for Oct. 27.  The doctor said I could actually be awake for the procedure if I wanted to.  Are you kidding?  Um...huge no thanks.  I think the trauma factor alone would do me in.  I have been awake for other procedures never bothered me a bit.  I don't have any desire to have any awareness at all when someone shoves a hose up my hiney!  Never mind!  Anyway he said that was fine, they can put me all the way out.  Yup, otherwise the deal is off!

    Kay...I hope you are doing well and not too nervous about this phase of treatment.  You seem very strong and should do great!  I'll be watching your posts.  Much luck and big hugs to you.

    Claire...I have two sonsas well, both grown now.  My youngest is 32...both live in other states.  We talk on the phone, and they don't like to hear any details at all.  I can't say I blame them, kind of personal.  I find I am careful when I talk about SE's and never say things like "my nipple is burnt to a crisp" but rather "oh I am having some issues with burns in the treated area".  Boys...well mine are grown men...can still be a bit weird when talking about Mom's private areas!  LOL.

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Thank you everyone for all the encouragement and good advice.  I just lubed myself with Aloe.  Your story did not scare me Janis.  You either, witht the point of chemo, Elimar.  I tend to think things will be fine until proven otherwise.  I am so frustrated.  Every time I think I'm through the hard part and things will get easier, it doesn't.  Just found out last week I have lymphedema.  My arm is definitely swollen.  Have an appointment with an LE therapist on Thursday morning.  When I did the first rad today, they were taking all kinds of x-rays to make sure everything was lined up.  It wasn't.  I was very thankful they were being so cautious and careful.  My arm wasn't right for the lining up.  I think it was because of the lymphedema.  I didn't have it when they did all the calculations Monday, the 3rd.  They tried pushing my shoulder down and things.  Then I got off the table and back on again.  The tech was manipulating my arm and shoulder.  They started again.  She came in after a while and said everything looked good.  It was taking so long.  I started hollering, Can anyone hear me?  Can someone tell me what's going on?  Finally, a different tech came in.  I told her I was in a lot of pain and couldn't keep my arms up any longer.  She said just 5 more minutes.  She said don't move or we'll have to start all over again.  I don't know what the techs were going to do, but I was moaning pretty badly.  The tech said to the other tech, she isn't going to be able to stay there, let's just do the treatment and they threw some kind of a shield or something over me and taped it around me and went out and did the treatment.  It was so long.  Then they came in after the treatment and I asked if I could get my arms down.  They still wouldn't let me, they had to give me another tattoo first.  Finally I could get my arms down.  I could barely lift them for a while afterwards.  When I checked the clock on my phone, I'd been in there for an hour and 45 minutes, all most all that time on the table with my arms over my head.  I think it is the worst I've ever felt.  I absolutely felt like I couldn't stand it for another second.  I feel badly that I whined like I did, but I did just have the mx and lymph nodes removed 6 weeks ago.  Even my good side was really beyond its limit though.  My arms were shaking.  I hope it was all lined up correctly.  I don't even want to think about it.  Part of the reason for the long time must have been that the shift ended and a new tech took over.  The one that started it wasn't there any longer when I was finally finished.  What a nightmare.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Kay.....OMG you poor thing, not a great way to start your first day!  I  am so sorry.  I can't imagine how miserable that must have been.  Don't let them make you feel intimidated to the point where you are suffering.  If you absolutely could not hold the position any longer (after that ridiculous amount of time) then maybe they will realize they need to move quicker.  I never, ever had a bad experience with rads or my techs.  Everyone was always wonderful and the treatments were over with very quickly.  I believe it will get much better for you but your first time was not good.  Hoping tomorrow will go much more smoothly for you.  Gentle hugs (but big ones).

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Kay.. Oh my I am so sorry you had to go through all that ! wow.. I hope you are feeling better this evening. and your swelling starts to subside quickly! extra gentle hugs!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Kay - Really?  On the "shift" change - that is just not right.  The techs that started should have stayed and finished.  I have never heard of a having to lay in one position for so long.  I don't think we should have to do that under normal circumstances.  I sure hope you are feeling better now.  You may want to jump over to the bonfire thread and throw those incompetent techs in - it will make you feel so much better.

  • nancygv55
    nancygv55 Member Posts: 17
    Kay,  I am so sorry you had to go through all that. Truly a nightmare and you have already been through so much. Tomorrow has to go better,  right???  I know you have a very positive attitude so clearly this was enough to test anyone's limits and you had a right to be whiny...and angry.  Hopefully, "the sun will come up tomorrow" and all will be well.  Keep us posted.
  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    i agee with jo, kay.  really??  and you were whiney?  i would have been screaming and/or walking right outta there!  hope your feel better very, very soon.
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Kay thats just crazy!  Just like the others have said, could they have not waited.  My goodness you have had to go thru enough already.