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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Orangemat...welcome to the board, just sorry for the reason you are here.  They are congratulating me because I finished raidation today.  This is a huge deal!  It makes you realize just what a great group of people are here.  We always celebrate each other's victories!

    Please let us know more about your diagnosis and treatment.  You found the best place on earth to come for answers, help,  cheers if you are down, and an abundance of love.  Great great women on this particular board.  We have Elimar to thank for starting it!

  • orangemat
    orangemat Member Posts: 368

    Janis, we cross-posted... :)

    Well congrats once again! I'm glad to have joined here today on such a momentous occasion! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474 funny you wrote out all your info and it must have posted about the same time I replied to your original post!  It sounds like you are doing great....keep it up.  Stick with us though if you need cheer, or lots of laughs!!  :)

  • nancygv55
    nancygv55 Member Posts: 17
    Congrats to Janis, and hope you heal completely and quickly.  Welcome, Esther, this is a wonderful group of women and they will have you smiling every day.  Lee Ann, I'm so glad you have been embraced by so many wonderful people.  What a difference a day makes, right?  And Kay, can't wait to see your post tonight and hoping it was a great session with no glitches.  Your story about the young boy in the wheelchair really put things in perspective for me as it did for you.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    o-mat, You did just fine with the abbreviations. 

    To reconstruct or not reconstruct is a highly personal choice, and we have ladies here who did and didn't.  You know what feels best and looks best for you, so go for it.   While you wait for your surgery date, you can hang out with us.  Who knows, you might become the thread expert in NSM.  I am not sure if any of the women currently posting had that, so we might need to call on your knowledge.   

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Where is poor kay1963 and did they treat her any better today?   Let's hope so!!!!
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Welcome Esther - This is a great group of ladies.  Sorry you have to be here with us but you will find a lot of support and good information here.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    If Kay's treatment was at 8:30, she may not be home yet....

    I still can't believe she has to go so late...yuck!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Welcome Esther!!
  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Janis hip hip hooray!!!! congrats on being done and many gentle hugs to you!!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Boy I was pages behind and now cannot remember everything.  so welcome to the newbies and Janis so glad you are finished with rads.

    This has been a terribly busy week at work and yesterday my Dad ended up in the ER and now has congestive heart failure along with radiation pneumonitis.  PCP talked with the MO and said we need to have a long talk on next visit as to whether he continues to do chemo and kept stressing it was his choice but wanted to make sure we all understand that the chemo is slowing down the growth but by how much who really knows as the cancer continues to grow.  Dad did not give any indication of what he wants to do, sure we will talk about it more when he gets home which should be in the next day or two.

  • tinkertude
    tinkertude Member Posts: 1,998

    Sherry I am so sorry to hear about your dad. So much to have to deal with. Thinking of you and sending lots of love and prayers!

  • lwarstler
    lwarstler Member Posts: 123

    Sherry: I'm glad your dad will be coming home soon but so sorry to hear about his heart issues. So much to be dealing with. My prayers and hugs are with you!

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Congratulations Janis - You did it! You're done! It's over! HALLELUJAH!!! Let the healing begin and let it proceed quickly.

    Kay - anxious to hear how your rads went today. Hope it was much, much easier than yesterday.

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Sorry to hear about your dad Sherryc....
  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    Sherri, so sorry to hear about your Dad, 'the talk' is not an easy one, I had that talk with my maternal Aunt and her husband last year as they both were diagnosed with stage iv cancer. I will keep you in my thoughts.

    Congratulations Janis, whew hoo!

    Well the new job just makes me want to stay in retirement, I didn't know how bad my sense of direction was LOL

    Went to the Pumpkin Patch on Sunday with my DD and grandson we all really had fun and he loved the petting zoo, especially the piglets because he loves me to make oink oink noises to him when we are playing!

    Hugs and Love to all,


  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    JANIS!!!!! HAPPY DANCE FOR YOU!!! woot, woot!!!Smile 

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome Esther!! 

    I brought enought to share.  We tend to eat and drink a little at night, well sometimes in the morning too. . . and always when we are traveling in someone's pocket. Now I think I may have an adult beverage with my cupcake.


  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    OOOOHHH, late night treats!  Thanks Claire!  Welcome Esther but sorry you are here because of BC.  Way to go Janis, let the healing begin.  After all the attention I had during rads, I felt a little lost when it was done.  So don't worry if your feeling a bit out of touch when all the attention ends now.  Remember you got everyone here to talk with.  Get some needed rest so you can heal.  Herbal tea anyone?  I love tea before bed.


  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Welcome Esther.  The gals around here are a great group.  They are a helpful bunch so if ya need anything just post away.

    Well I think I have finallly heard the dumbest thing since Ive had cancer.  I had to make run an errand at work and I was messing with the shop superviser and told him if he gave me any more grief I was going to buy him pink paper to use out in the shop.  I had to go get some supplies and he needed paper.  Well I came back with the goods and took him his paper.  I let him know he was lucky that they were all out of pink paper.  He then starts laughing and say dude I woulda used it. Yes sometimes I get called dude cause Im the only woman who worked out there and it was just habit sometimes. Well on to the dumbest part.  The other guy who was standing there goes well you know that its real men wear pink month.  Then the other goes my sister is a survivor and so am I so he would do it in support of us.  Well the other guy looks at me and goes how long are you a survivor.  I said about 9 months.  Ok heres the dumb part.  He goes well you cant be called a survivor until you have been 5 years out. Really, thats the stangest thing I have ever heard.  I felt like lifting my shirt up and say is this surviving enough.   Hubby was happy when I told him that part but no I didnt lift my shirt up.  I was just saying that.  Well anyway I never wear labels in life but that was the strangest thing I have ever heard.  

    Have a fun one all!  Im off too the salt mines in a few!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - Soooo sorry to hear about your dad.  I know that talk is going to be difficult.  Do I need to come back and go with you to hold your hand.  

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Sherry-Thinking of you as you go thru this with your dad. I know your heart is heavy--dealing with aging parents is something I am just beginnig to deal with. I'm with Jo--I'll hold your other hand.

    Kay--where are you?? Did you survive??? 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc,  Sorry your dad is not doing well.  You've really been on a rollercoaster this week!

    Paula66, I forget your original Dx, but before I had B/C, I had heard of that "5 years, considered cured" deal.  Well, most of us with the estrogen-fed slow growing tumors now know that we still have the lingering danger of recurrence well past five years.  Anyone, really, since they don't have it figured out yet, but it's more common to the low grade, ER+ group.  I was as dumb as your co-workers a few years ago.  No, not quite. Hee-hee.

    About "survivor," it's just a label.  Some like it, some don't; some want to split hairs on what the word actually means.  And these are the women who have been through it.   I say if a friend or acquaintance used the word to describe you, don't get up in arms about it (not that you did Paula) because they don't know all the cancer lingo that we do to further define our conditions, and they usually are not trying to be offensive by using it.  Sticks and stones, right?

    [Note to self:  Get working on that new T-shirt design before the month is over...]

                                                                    S U R V I V O R  ?

                                                              I've Been Called Worse

    p,s.  As always, should someone make $money$ using my intellectual property, I'll want some!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo I won't make you drive all that way but I'll have plenty of room in my pocket for you. cause it is going to be hard

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Hello! I'm jumping in at the end and introducing myself. I'm 48 - 49 Sunday! - and had a lumpectomy on 9/8. Now I'm playing the waiting game. As you see below, I'm triple positive, but MO doesn't feel like my path matches up with my picture, so to speak. She is retesting the HER2 on the surgery tissue to make sure it is truly positive before making chemo recommendations. Have met with RO, but they're waiting on MO's decision. To further complicate things, MO also recommended genetic testing for BRCA since I am young (at heart, anyway) with no family history of BC,  and father's family were Ashkenazi. So...waiting, waiting, waiting. Next Monday morning, all will be revealed in back to back appointments with genetics and MO, and then maybe I'll have a plan in place. Or more questions. Who knows?!

    So glad to see people finishing their treatment and moving on with their lives! Hope everyone has a great day!

    joanna Cool 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sherry...I am so sorry about your dad.  I know how painful this is.  Please make sure there is room in that pocket for me.  My mom had lung cancer and passed away less than two weeks after diagnosis.  She did not tell my sister or I.  We lived in other states.  She told us she was hospitalized for pneumonia.  I got so worried that she wasn't recovering I finally took a leave from work and drove to Reno from Wyoming.  Her best friend called me just before I got there and told me.  My mom was a nurse and always said if she ever had a tattoo, it would be "DNR" on her chest.  She was on a ventilator by the time I got there.  Her doctor told me she refused ANY treatment, and also would not allow  them  to perform a tracheotomy.  She was diagnosed Dec. 27th and we had the ventilator turned off Jan 9th.  it was such a shock and I felt robbed because we were not able to have that talk.  I know how difficult this is Sherry.  My heart goes out to you.

    Welcome madpeacock!  You found the best thread ever.  You will love it and find it difficult to stay away!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    madpeacock so sorry you are joining us here.  I was 48 last year when diag as well. My tumor was 1.6cm.  Waiting is the worst part but all the test are great to have as they help you with decision making. Good luck hope the Her2 comes back neg this time.  Keep us posted

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Welcome, madpeacock!   Well, I like peacocks...but hope your screen name is meaning "crazy" more than "angry," although both are understandable since you wound up here.  It a good thing that your doc is being thorough by retesting, even if it means more of the dreaded waiting.  We will wait thru' the weekend with you.
  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    ((((Sherry))))) Im so sorry to hear about your Dad.  I will pray for your strength and wisdom during this time.  Also for him as well.  Take care! 

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121

    Hi MadPeacock.  Sounds like a good MO.  

    (((Sherry))) I'm sorry.  Any of us who have lost a parent can feel your pain.