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  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Oh barbe me too.  I am going too try to get a picture of Pistol for you.  He is a riot....amazing personality and as you will see, kitchen helper LOL.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Janis, That is a beautiful kitty.. BTW, how do like this snow?? We have 5 inches so far..and still falling. I have to head into Boise to get my neulasta shot.. should be fun!!

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    This is my baby girl last summer

    This is her now

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thanks Lory...he is my baby!  Pistol is a brat and rarely boring.

    I love the snow...but in your case driving into Boise today I don't envy!  Please be careful.  I have to go to PT at 2:00, only about 10 miles but down I-84 so we will be careful too. 

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Lory48, what a beautiful dog! And janis, Pistol is just that -cute, cute, cute!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Lory your girl is beautiful!  I have two Golden Retrievers and two other cats.  A zoo!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis your cat is so cute.  I am also a cat and Dog lover.  My kitty is so old now all she really does is sleep and cudle.

    Lory you dog is beautiful.  My inlaws had a yellow lab that was finally so old that had to put her to sleep last year.  They are pretty animals.

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    E- it's a good thing you mentioned what glucosamine is made of. I just asked my onc what I could take since my joints are finally feeling the effects of the Anastrozole. He recommended glucosamine chondroitin. Well I'm allergic to seafood (all) so I think that might be a bad idea. Good thing I didn't try it (EXTREMELY allergic - can'kt even cook it in my house).

    Anyone have any other suggstions? I don't want to take pain meds.

  • mostlymom
    mostlymom Member Posts: 378

    swimming helped my knees & shoulders tremendously - not "ba!!s to the wall" swimming - just gentle, relaxing swimming.  my kids gave me a gift certificate to the y to get me back into it.

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Hi girls.  I got a question for you all.  I tested BRCA+ and am just want some of your two cents worth.  I have read the recent article about how not telling your kids about your being positive.  When they are younger that one thing.  Both my kids are late teens early 20 and given our family history I felt it was important that my daughter understands her risks.  I know its not a given that she will have BC but I feel she does need to be more pro active.  Alot more women are gettn it younger so I felt she needed to know.  So heres my question, do you agree that under 25 they dont need to know your history or do you feel that they do. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Paula66,  I haven't read the article you mention.  Is it recommending to wait until your child IS 25 before bringing it up?  If so, that does not make sense to me, especially because another risk factor is not having your first baby until after age 30.  So, if you have to wait to age 25 to share the BRCA info., make sure to add, "oh, and try to pop out a kid in the next 5 years because your odds will be a little better."

    It seems like sometime in the teen years are o.k. to have a conversation about it, taking individual maturity into account.  That's when a lot of the heavy talks have to take place.  I happen to think B/C is as important as STD's or unwanted pregnancy, so if I had a daughter I am pretty sure I would have to work it into the conversation earlier than age 25. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Paula I only read part of the article and got interuppted.  I agree with Eli I think teenage years are good based on the individual maturity of the girl.  I think they do need to be proactive and decide what is best for them as an adult. As far boys I think the same because they are also at a greater risk and need to know not to ignore any signs or symptoms because they are a man.

  • goldlining
    goldlining Member Posts: 10

    My daughter age 16 now has been in the loop since last year when I had the initial DCIS dx. I had no hesitation sharing the information. The MO said she should start mamograms 10 years earlier than otherwise (i.e., 40 instead of 50 here). They wouldn't test me for BRCA because I didn't have a family history and that could be partly due due to the small number of women in the family tree. I don't want her to miss the opportunity to say "yeah, test me." She hasn't shown much sign of being bothered by it, but of course DCIS is the least threatening story to have to tell your kids.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Paula -  I agree with everyone that telling your children at age 25 is a bit late. I have three sons between under 25 and have been completely honest with them each step of the way. They seem to have done well with the open communication...   Go with your heart & hugs....

  • newfmama
    newfmama Member Posts: 46

    My kids have been very supportive of me during these past trying months.

    I've struggled with having the BRCA test taken.  My 29 yr old daughter said she doesn't want to know. She said she will be proactive in checking and getting mammos, etc.  She has already had her first child so that is covered.  

    That being said, I seem to recall reading that it can pass through the son.  He's 32 and going to get married this year.

    I'm still deciding whether I should or shouldn't.   

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Paula, My daughter is 19 and I have kept her informed all the way. So far only my mom has been tested for BRCA (neg), but I will get tested as well, and next time dd is in town, I am scheduling her for a baseline ultrasound.

    What would be the argument for not telling her what is up? 

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Thanks ladies for your imput.  When I read the article I was abit taken back.  I understand this is something that comes with age and a maturity level.  I just felt that it was a bit misleading.  I worried so at the start of all of this but with time it has gotten easier in my mind.  I get the reason behind testing at a certain age, but they need to know.  Also its her choice on how she is going to deal with this.  My son also knows because I felt it was just as important for him to know.  If they were younger I dont think I would have really said to much to them.  But given their age, you bet I did.  Even if it was just 1 or to of us that have had BC in my family I still would have told them.  There have been 4 of us women who have had it.  So they need to know something so they can do with it what they need to in the years to come.  Thanks ladies for your help!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    goldlining and newfmama, welcome to the thread of middle life, where the exhuberance of a youthful brain meets the reluctance of an aging body, and throw in a little thing called B/C.  It's a magical place.

    newf,  Are you saying your daughter doesn't want to know about YOU or HERSELF with the BRCA test?  Or both? 

  • newfmama
    newfmama Member Posts: 46

    Elimar, thanks for the welcome.  If I have the test done, she doesn't want to know if it is positive.  And, she doesn't want to have the test herself.  

    It's been a tough year for her.  She had two miscarriages, then had to deal with my diagnosis and treatment, and now she is 4 months pregnant and hoping she'll bring this baby to term.  I just think it has been too much for her.  Perhaps she will change her mind later.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    newf,  Yes, it is probably all too much for right now.  There really is no rush for you to get the test, is there?   One day, whether or not she ever does get B/C, maybe she will want the info. for her kids sake.  I hope she is able to have a trouble-free pregnancy this time around.
  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504

    newfmama....Having suffered through infertility and miscarriage myself, I can imagine that it just is too much for her right now. I think I would just quietly get the test done and if it's negative, you could tell her so she can be relieved about it and if it's positive then you can deal with how that knowledge affects any decisions you need to make about your own health. Maybe someday she will want to know when she has children of her own and thinks about how that knowledge could affect them.

    I hope and pray that she can carry this baby to term.

  • valjean
    valjean Member Posts: 1,110

    Well, ladies, I have been on this earth for 60 years.

    This day, January 19, I was born in FL at a Navel Hospital in Starke. My Dad told me on the phone when he called to wish me Happy Birthday this morning, that my Mother was in the hospital for 3 days & they were charged $1.75 each day, though he didn't know exactly what that was for. The weather was hot & since they didn't have a phone, he had to use a pay phone to call MI to give all the parents the news of my arrival within the allotted 3-minutes per call. He was 22 & my Mother was 19 & they had just been married one year. They had practically nothing to call their own as my Dad had just joined the Navy & in December of the same year my brother was born. My Dad was sent to Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands the next year & left my Mom with two little children for one year. I don't know how she managed.

    And that is how my life began....


    Wonder what the years 61 + will bring.........

    I have high hopes.


  • barbaraa
    barbaraa Member Posts: 3,548

    (((VAL))) Happy Bday sister! I will be 60 on 1/31. Oh hate those milestone birthdays that end in a zero! Hope your day was great!

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Val, happy birthday!!! Let's hope your 61st year will be the best yet. I'm 63 (don't throw me out of this group!). My mother was 30 and my dad was 39 when I was born. They had been married for 10 years, and my mom had had several miscarriages and, 3 years before, had delivered a full-term little girl, stillborn. When I was born, they said the doctor was as happy as my parents were. My mom went on to have another little girl, my sister, 3 years later. I always knew how much we were loved and cherished.

    My mom died 7 years ago tomorrow, just shy of her 85th birthday, on 1/31. I miss her every day. 

    Hugs to all of you. 

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    Happy belated Birthday Valjean! Hope you had a terrific day. Cheers to many more b-days to celebrate!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Valjean...HAPPY HAPPY one day late.  My husband's birthday was also yesterday.  He turned 67.  Thanks for the story, so interesting.  Your mom was a trooper.  I wish you many, many more happy ones!

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Valjean, it was probably a good thing your Dad got deployed as your Mom seemed to be popping out babies every 10 months!! How hard that must have been for her!! So young with 2 babies on her! She had good company while he was away, but how does a Dad bond with his kids in this situation? I`ve always wondered.....

    Happy birthday, one day late, sweetie!

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Happy (belated) birthday Valjean!

  • zumbagirl
    zumbagirl Member Posts: 250

    It has been a while since I have been on here . I have missed all of you. I don't know the last info I gave on here, but Radiation ended for me on Dec 7. and since they stopped herceptin during rads, I wont finish with herceptin until August. I tested that I am fully menopausal., so I am on day three of Anastozole which is the generic of Arimidex. I was already having hot flashes off and on day and night all of 2011, but now they are more intense. I had three in a row this morning at 1:30 a.m . Has anyone else had effects this soon from this pill. I have a question. I have a friend who is a three year BC survivor, she has the braca 1 gene, and had both breasts removed and reconstruction, but now she has a lump in the middle of her chest, that they want to do a pet scan , she is freaked out. She has heard that you shouldn't have more than four of these in a life time, and this will be her 5th, any comments? She is wondering if she should just have them remove and test the lump, and skip the pet scan.

  • newfmama
    newfmama Member Posts: 46

    Val, Happy Belated Birthday.  60 is supposed to be one of the very best years for women.  I pray that will be the case for you.