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  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    so, I'm sorry I was late with the picture.  No one came close but Elimar gets props for funniest answer; I take that back, who guessed chemo bag?  Does ketchup packets count since "chemo" & ketchup sound the same? My ex swore ketchup was a food group.  I am willing to try again this coming weekend now that I pretend to think I know what I'm doing


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Yes, take a second turn next Saturday, Eph!  We were pretty clueless about those serrated edges.
  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Good pic Eph. You definitely stumped me.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Justme, I am glad you got someone to look at it and also hope the antibiotics clear up the situation.

    LE is exactly that, annoying. It ain't gonna kill you, but it is a serious PITA.

    Another thing that the docs didn't seem all that aware of is that both chemo and rads cause inflammation. That part they had down but the inflammation can cause/worsen any lymphedema problems. After my last chemo, I tool anti-inflammatories (voltaren) for ten days, because of vein inflammation, but it also cleared up virtually all the swelling (which was minor). Then I started rads and am back to managing swelling every day. 

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Good one Eph! I couldn't even come up with a guess.

    Janis, sorry you're having so much troubles. Binney is an absolute expert on LE, so I would ask her in addition to your medical people. I have it, but in my hand and arm, so I don't know anything about truncal LE.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Morning Ladies, Today is my last chemo-well that is what I last heard. I am still waiting for soemthing to change after the last MRI..we will see today when I meet with my onco

  • WaveWhisperer
    WaveWhisperer Member Posts: 557

    Good MP, eph! I guessed the chemo bag but don't consider that a winner by any shot. Give us another one!

    Lory, congrats on the last chemo. You must be on an accelerated schedule, or is this prior to surgery?

    Janis, hope things clear up soon, dear! 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Janis hope things clear up soon

    Lori so glad you are finishing chemo

    I can't believe it I just have a slight pain this morning in my neck. woohoo.  I have been in pain since Dec 2010 when I started rads.  First breast pain then neck pain.  This is the first time I feel pain free (even though it is slight I know it is going to be gone.) WooHoo for me.  I have not felt this good since before my surgery Sept 2010. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sherry, that is WONDERFUL to hear!!! What did you do different??

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532

    Congrats, Lory! Best Wishes. (I am also triple neg).

  • Reality
    Reality Member Posts: 532 response to you, Lory, was for your post on the previous page concerning your last chemo.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb they took me off of my tamoxifen for two weeks (have been off one so far) and gave me the steroid pac again.  I also started acupuncture.  My PCP felt that the tamoxifen was aggravating the situation, MO did not think so but was supportive of giving me a break so I could get better. But I swear I think the acupuncture has really helped as I started it before the 2nd steroid pac and I noticed a  difference. At this point I don't really care what has helped I'm just glad I am not in all the pain. 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I used to get injections - nerve blocks - that included steroids. Do the patches work the same way? Did you see my note about Voltaren cream? I'm thrilled for you!!! I, personally, KNOW about constant pain and how debillitating it is! Acupuncture can open a lot of 'clogged drains'. I did visualization when I used to get accupuncture and thought about all the lymph channels opening up and the needle breaking up pools of lactic acid. Unfortunately, it didn't work for me, but I did enjoy the process.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My accupuncturist even hooked up electrodes to stimulate and/or break the pain sequence in certain areas. It was a hoot to watch my fingers go up and down on their own! I was SO willing for it to work that I was the perfect client!!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Barb I did see your post on the Voltran cream and am going to keep that in mind and ask my PCP about it as it is a prescription here.  The steroid pac is an oral steroid that you take over 6 days.  You take six pills the first day then 5 the next day and so on until you take one a day then stop. My MO could not believe it did not help the first time around so he was supportive of me getting off tamoxifen for two weeks and try the steroid again.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Sherry I am so happy to hear you are finally getting some much needed relief.  I have battled neck pain for years, and it is not fun.  Nobody has ever done an MRI on my neck.  I may have to discuss that with my PCP but right now I have to deal with this breast issue.  One crisis at a time!

    Lory, congratulations on finishing chemo.  Way to go.  Just focus on healing now.  Best luck to you.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Lory48 & Sherryc,  I am happy for the both of you.  Things are looking up.

    Momine,  You are so right about our treatments causing inflammation, and the lymph fluid collects in those areas.  Perhaps getting a handle on the inflammation early would eliminate some of the more severe lymphatic problems.

    janis,  That inflammation/fluid build-up is one thing the RO checks in the post treatment visit.  But honestly, if you see that you are healing and have no complaints I don't see the point of HAVING to do a follow up.  I did go about a month after mine, told him that was my last visit.  He would have monitored me for the full 5 years if he had his way, but I had TMD.  Too Many Doctors on my case.  Turns out that my BS was off in Iraq at about 1 1/2 years, so I did see my RO (who I did like) one more time as I felt he was "second most familiar" with my breast, more so than just another random BS from the practice. 

    The other thing that needs to be followed is how your lungs are, at about a year out.  If you have any lung issues, it could be radiation pulmonitis, (scaring,) as it can develop in the lungs months after the rads are finished.  I just told my RO I wouldn't see him, unless it got hard to breathe.  A PCP can probably handle things as they come up post rads, because it usually just means them referring you to someone else, be it PT, a pulmonologist, whatever.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eli because there is so much swelling my nurse was still worried about LE.  Sort of funny as I had symptoms of Cellulitis, breast is very tender and red.  So....she is hoping the antibiotics will clear everything up.  She did not seem too convinced it is Cellulitis only due to the large amount of swelling and disconfort in the underarm and surrounding areas.  She said this amount of swelling is not common with the Cellulitis.  However I should not have the redness, sensitivity to touch with LE.  So may be a double whammy after all.  I will go back next week and have them check it again.  Sure hoping the antibiotics are all I need to fix this problem.  Would be nice!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    janis,  Oh, sorry.  I was combining you with Anandagram when I wrote that reply about following up with the RO.  For some reason, I thought you did not want to follow up with the RO.  Yes, you might have a double whammy taking place...but I really hope LE is NOT a part of it, and the antibiotics solve the problem for you.

    Anandagram,  Might as well read my other post above (2 above) this one, that I wrote to janis, 'cause I had you in mind when writing about the RO visit.

  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Wavewhisper, I was doing neojunctive chemo to shrink the tumor. My last MRI showed the "tumors" have shrunk. Noting that there are several tumors instead of one. They had biopsied those, and the report came back b9..since they shrunk from the chemo.. they are not b9. With that we are not doing lumpectomy. Instead I am going with bmx..just take them both as I do not like the stuff they see in the other breast as non-cancerous. Being a triple negative girl, I am going after the best outcome for me.

    Thank you anandagram and janis..:)

  • binney4
    binney4 Member Posts: 1,466

    Janis, good for you for all the follow-through you're doing -- it's so hard when you're just ready to be DONE with it.Frown

    Because lymphedema is an inflammatory condition, it can (and frequently does) cause redness in the breast. Trying antibiotics is definitely the way to go, since cellulitis is a nasty kind of infection that can spread rapidly, so you want to be sure to treat for it in case that's what's involved.

    I'm definitely with you in hoping this clears up quickly, with no more "swell" days ever. But if the redness and swelling persist, those are both symptoms of breast LE. Both can be successfully treated with Manual Lymph Drainage massage by a well-qualified lymphedema therapist, so even if you're dealing with LE, please know you're going to get on top of this and that you'll be able to keep it in good control.Smile

    Gentle hugs,

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Thanks Binney!  i appreciate your input and was very glad I decided to go in yesterday.  I knew something was just not right.  I go back for a recheck nextTuesday so we'll see what they think at that point. biggie on the confusion, I do it far too often.

    Today has been a bit of a pain. I did not sleep well so am tired.  Back and neck hurt.  I decided to make fresh homemade glazed donuts this morning, but it was so cold in the kitchen.  We turn the heat down to 60 at night, 68 by day.  We bought our furnace less than two years ago and it has always run perfectly.  This morning I was freezing and after about 3 hours the thermostat only showed the temp in here to be 64.  I had no idea why it was taking hours to get to temp.  Called the Carrier guy and they were great, found the problem and fixed it at no cost since it is still under warranty.  So at least I dodged a bullet there.

    Then I have these perfect dooughnuts rising on the counter and looked in there to see my cat, Pistol, standing on the trays!  He is NOT allowed on the counter but loves to create mischief.  I did my best but they were about half risen alreay so some are just going to have strange shapes.  LOL.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, that is exactly my thinking. The docs KNOW that taxotere causes inflammation. They were not the least bit surprised by that, but then seemed sort of 'oops!" about the LE. Well, prior to the inflammation, I had no LE problem, not even when I flew. Nor did I have cording.

    Now I am doing rads, and the docs warned me that this can trigger/aggravate LE. I couldn't figure out why, until I saw a ref somewhere that rads also cause inflammation in the lymph system.

    So, I am taking the turmeric things and a baby aspirin every other day, in the hope of keeping it down. 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    This does not exactly go with out current topic, but it does tie-in a little.

    Last summer, when I was walking PLUS riding my bike, I picked up a bottle of just Glucosamine for joint support/health.  I actually think it might have done a tiny bit of good for my knees.  I ran out a few months ago, but last week purchased two bottles.  One just Glucosamine, the other with that AND the condroitin, MSM, and hyaluronic acid.  DID YOU KNOW that hyaluronic acid is produced naturally in the body in the early stages of inflammation and the wound healing process?  Me neither, but guess what?  IF YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A TUMOR OR METS, OR JUST NOT SURE...THEN DON'T TAKE H. ACID!  Apparently cancer just LOVES the stuff!  Read the Wikipedia page, the part about "Role of hyaluronan in cancer metastasis," or just Google that and cancer and you will find many references.  I gave away my supplement containing it.

    BTW, plain ol' Glucosamine (made from shellfish sources) can drive up your cholesterol.  So can Tamoxifen.  I noticed a slight increase in my numbers last year, and cannot wait to see what my numbers are next month.

    Just thought I throw this out there because a lot of us are getting all arthritic in our Mid-Age and use some of these products.  So, anyone interested can check into it further.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hey don't blame me if the topics jump around on this thread.  There is just SO MUCH to know!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Thanks for the info Eli

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Janis, I LOVE the fact that you didn't throw out the "contaminated" donuts but chose to accept the altered shapes. Aren't fur babies wonderful!!!! heheehhehehhehee

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Sherry - So happy you are almost pain free. You have been thru so much that it is about time for some smooth sailing... 

    Lory - Congrats on finishing chemo. I am it feels good to be done with that part of treatment. 

    Janis - Fingers crossed that the antibiotic clears up the issue... If it is LE, sounds like you are on the right track to managing it. Nice to see someone else has independent thinking fur babies who don't always follow the rules. Enjoy the donuts anyway. Tongue out

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    Barbe, least they were covered for the rising process.  Pistol is always my helper in the kitchen.  Some doughnuts were odd shapes, but hair free at least!  Laughing
  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I would have picked the cat hair out with joy anyway Janis!!! I LOVE my cat(s). She just wanted to help you....