
  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    I may never look at Cheetos the same way! I use to bring a bag of Chex Mix to chemo with me. I would eat the whole bag in those 4 hour sessions!

    Happy Birthday Carolyn!

    Congrats on the new port and your first chemo down! I had to learn how to give myself my Neupogin shots....sucked BIG time, but I managed.

    Hmmmmmmm...chocolate covered men or Cheetos????

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    A Christmas Story marathon will be on Christmas Eve beginning at 8 pm on TBS.  You should be running acrossed it before then though.

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90
    OH HECK NO!!! Tongue out
  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    I'm fond of collections.  Hmmmmmmmmm.......

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605
    Is A Christmas Story going to make me cry? I don't need anymore crying (had 2 fur babies die one week apart last week...Cry)
  •     Barb,  Xmas Story might make you laugh so hard you will cry. You had pets die?....I am so sorry. 

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Barb, I'm sorry about your sad news.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I put up another (fake) tree last night when I was watching the Top Chef Finale.  (I was rooting for Kevin but I would have eaten every dish Michael ever prepared.  Brian was so humorless through the entire season, he just bugged me.)  Today moving on to all the ornaments.  I had to pace myself and just set them up with lights yesterday.  For the past two years, I have listened to the CD Moody Blues December while doing ornaments, and I think I'll keep that going this year also.

  • hmm
    hmm Member Posts: 957

    I have been saying since Sunday that I need to decorate the tree...................... just finding a ton of other things I would rather do.................. shopping....... going to lunch........... and so on. I must get motivated!!!!


  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    We're getting our tree on Saturday. A whole day of decorating in this flipping cold! Do we really need to hang lights outside, too?????

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Today is the day. DD volunteered to put the tree up. And in return she gets a nice dinner.Cool


  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Have a fabulous day! My oldest daughter use to put the decorations up for me while I was at work. That evening we would get the tree and had it up in no time. She's married now so all the decorating falls on me. My 19 year old will hang "her" ornaments, but after that she loses interest. Could be because we have soooooo many decorations and ornaments from when my kids were young and I can't bear to get rid of them.

    One year, when the kids were younger, they put so many decorations on one sideof the tree that the tree fell overe! Anyone else ever have to tie your tree up to keep it standing?

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    My DD is not married yet. she moved out last year, since both of my daughters used to do it.

    I think sometimes she feels this is still home, my younger one moved to Hawaii in January but she is coming on the 22 and will stay until January 7. Sorry for blabbing but I'm so excited, don't know what to do with myself.


  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! My daughter lives 4 1/2 hours away and it's always a treat when I see her. My two sons live in SoCal, along with my 3 grand-daughters so I rarely see them. I miss the simpler days of when they were young and at home...

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I don't know about you ladies, but I totally have a Cheeto hangover today. I probably just need some "hair of the dog" - perhaps just a small 100 calorie bag of Baked Cheetos will do the trick.

    So how many of those images were copied and pasted from Google Image searches for Cheeto Art, and how many of you spent some time yesterday attaching Cheetos to things? Let's have a look at your orange-y fingers...

    Happy b-day, Carollynn!

    In Nebraska, people would put outdoor Christmas lights up very early. The first year, I scoffed at them for jumping the gun, but then when it became arctically cold with hideous winds the very next week, I admired their ability to plan ahead...

    Many people on my street here in Texas do this thing where they line their front yards with very bright white lights. The street looks like a runway. What's the deal with this? Is this just a Texas-ism? I don't get it. "Look how rectangular my yard is!" Totally not festive. Practically kicks off a migraine if you have to drive after sunset.

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    I have one DS in Arizona with his wife, one DS in Japan, and one DS at home with us.  I miss the simpler times as well.  Last year we were all able to go to AZ and have Christmas together.  That won't happen for at least 3 more Christmases.  Makes me a bit blue.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I like the colored lights a lot better too, but my theory on the white lights is that more people use them in the locales where they are not likely to have an actual snowfall White Christmas. Do you think that could account for the popularity?  I've seen the white lights on the palm trees quite a bit too.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    I moved up here, to join my husband, December 28 of last year so it will be my first Christmas here. I have such a case of the blues. I left my house of 14 years, my job of 11 years, my daughter, friends, family and what I was use to. A very dear friend of mine died three weeks ago and I had to have my almost 2 year old cat put to sleep last Wednesday. Needless to say....I am digging deep to bring the holiday spirit alive this weekend.

    Cheetos....maybe some of that orangey goodness will help...

  • Our community does luminaries..A local church sells them.  All they are is a bunch of paper sacks filled with sand and a votive candle to go inside.  They tell you to light them at 7:00 PM on whichever night they choose to have the Luminary fest. ..when everyone on the street buys them, it looks so nice.  Sometimes a neighbor will buy extras for the neighbors who don't do it so it is a continuous line rather that broken up,  a house here, two there, etc.  There is one neighborhood who does them on this huge street that makes a big circle and each and every house on it does the luminaries and it goes for about 1 - 1 1/2 miles....people drive up and down that street the night they do it because it is absolutely beautiful.  Of course this is a street with big huge beautiful old homes so it is nice to see how they are decorated in addition to seeing the luminary trail. 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Luminarias/luminaries are VERY nice. The real or fake paper bags soften the lights - it has the effect of creating a wonderful "pathway." What's going on here on my street is not like that. It's literally like runway lights - very bright, spaced about every four inches apart, sticking into the ground, all along the edges of the front yards and across the front of them. The houses on my street are nice - we're in a golf-course community - but the only thing NOT big in Texas tends to be house lots. On some of the very high-end homes around the corner, these lights are used to outline rooflines and to accent the division between grass and plantings by the house, and THAT looks nice. I'll have to try to get a photo at night. I don't know any of those who do it well enough to say, "So, what's the look you're going for here?" I suppose it would help drunk drivers stay on the street...

    smithlme - moving is SUCH a difficult thing! We can be so strongly tied to where we are and what we do there and who we do it with. Sometimes I muster the energy to use it as an opportunity to be happy to be done with cumbersome traditions and to start something I've always wished WAS a tradition... It's a comfort to know that the orangey goodness of Cheetos is always there for us...

  • desdemona222b
    desdemona222b Member Posts: 90

    Kleenex - I've never seen that done and I live in Georgia, so my observations don't amount to much.  They throw dozens of inflatables into the front yard here. 

  • carolinachick
    carolinachick Member Posts: 135

    I personally don't understand the massive inflatable things.  I prefer the wreaths on the windows and/or candle lights in the windows. 

    I guess I could go for an inflatable if it was a giant Cheeto...although it would have to be the G-rated shape!

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    LOL Carolina.  We could go into business, couldn't we?  We could have all sorts of Cheeto items.  That is if these boards are an indication of how popular they are.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    smithime, I have lots  of decorations from my children's childhood, and they are all grown, 36 and 32, but never what me to decorate my tree different than when they were kids.  I have been saying that I will take all the old decorations and make them each a wreath and then I could decorate the way I want.  I think this would make  them happy, you might think of something like that.

    Kleenex, I used to live in Mansfield, we lived in the Walnut Creek Country Club Area.  Not in the high end part.  That was about 1982.  Mansfield has grown so much since then.  I went over that way several years ago and like to have never found our old house.  I eventually had to go to town and wind my way back.  I can't  tell you what is behind the white lights, I think people just think they look good.


  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    I ate too many Cheetos last night.  I think the craving is out of my system for now.Tongue out
  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Juanelle -  I'm about 3 1/2 blocks south of Walnut Creek Country Club! My house is only about 10 years old, so it's in a newer area than where you would've been. Growth in this area has been insane - I think over the past 15 years, the population here has more than quadrupled. Every year for the last few years there have been several new schools opening. We got here four years ago after much of the main development was complete and infrastructure updated, so from MY perspective, it's been great. The only problem is that the city tends ever-so-slightly toward Faceless American Suburb - too many chain restaurants and businesses.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    Kleenex, it was a small community when we lived there.  You could go into Arlington or other areas to go out to eat, but it was pretty slim pickings back years ago.  There wasn't even a WalMart or the hospital and the big highway (can't seem to remember the number, is it 277) just ended at Mansfield.  I worked in Arlington, over around Six Flags and went the back way on 360.  It wasn't finished either.  It just ended in the middle of no where.  I guess Arlington and Mansfield have almost grown together now.  Probably don't know when one ends and the other begins.  But 28 years is a long time to be away from a place, but I did like living there.  I loved our house, it still is one of my favorites that we have ever lived in.  I am so use to being in the country now, I don't know if I could ever go back to living in the city.  We live about 4 miles out of town and have no close neighbors and it is so quiet here.  Don't have to worry about street noise or noisy neighbors.  We have about 8 acres, my son and his family live in town, so I guess we will be here forever.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    OMG! If I were a fourteen year old and Juanelle were a creepy pedophile, I TOTALLY just gave away my location and she would immediately come here and abduct me! Am I crazy for thinking, instead, that if she DID come here, we'd share a bowl of Cheetos and a box of wine and say bad things about cancer?????

    Edited to correct my spelling of a word above - I used "pediphile," which is actually the word for someone who has a foot fetish. Odd, but certainly not as dangerous.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Cheetos and a box of wine! I want neighbors like you two!!! OK...I broke down and finally bought my Christmas cards. Now I just need to get them filled out and mail them BEFORE Christmas! I use to include a yearly letter to update everyone on how/what we're doing. Now that I have Facebook I guess I can skip the letter since they can all read my updates.

    I can't believe I went to town and actually forgot Cheetos....Grrrrrrr....Dang chemo-brain...