
  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    "The night-time sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so-you-can-rest sanck."

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    Safeway.com delivers. Think they'd find a truck full of nothing but Cheetos odd??? My daughter likes the flaming hot ones. They are just too hot for me. I need the mild flavored, all encompassing deliciousness of the regular ones. Crunchy or puffy will do.

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Meece, I think Cheetos company should hire you.  Heck, you make me want to go out and get more.  And I'm the one who still has the orange fingers from last night's rampage.  Sheesh, anyone know how to wash off that orange????? 

  • OG56
    OG56 Member Posts: 377

    I just returned home from an 80 minute hot stone massage that included a breast tissue massage to aid in decreasing scar tissue build up and suprisingly (Dbl lumpectomies in Sept.) didn't even hurt. I wish I could end every work week with a massage...Are you all aware that in most cities there are all kinds of specials at least once a month for women diagnosed with BC? This wasn't one of them it was a gift but I am going to do more research into the freebies!

    Hope everyone is warm and cozy on this winter night.

  • 1marmalade1
    1marmalade1 Member Posts: 44

    Hi Anne M:

    Are you doing neo-adjuvant?  I am starting 8 tx next week.  I am at 6 cm. now.  Would like to know how it worked out for you.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I love cheetos and y'all are just slaying me with this conversation, but I must interject that I've been on a Nacho Cheese Dorito binge this week.  It started the day before the cheeto talk began and I too have orange fingers, I just don't think the Doritos offer quite the wide variety of decorating and recipe opportunities!  

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Here's another in my Top 5 Holiday Movies...even tho' it's a cartoon...

     Charlie Brown Pictures, Images and Photos

    It goes without saying that you can snack on Cheetos while you watch, but I think THIS is the one I'd have to have a mug of hot cocoa with.  Love the music in it too!

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I WANT THE SNOWBALLS!!!! In what store did you find them? Perhaps we have a "sister store" here. I was just at Target - didn't see them, and actually FORGOT to get Cheetos, even though I got pretzel sticks in the Cheeto Aisle.

    I'll be out and about tomorrow - give me a clue and I'll hunt them down!

  • faithandfifty
    faithandfifty Member Posts: 4,424

    who on earth could possibly question the focus, intensity, creativity, insight, ingenuity, joy, delight, hilarity, camraderie, and perseverance of middle aged women -- after the last several days.

    years from now we will refer to these collective pages as the "Cheetos-binge-of-'09" and the newbies will wonder why we smirk as we type, referring to the good ol' days.

    i've decided to offer meece a position as my PR specialist.

    let the good times roll............

    ellimar, i want a picture of your tree, with white snow balls skewered with ornament hangers......

    i think we should start a pool for how long it would take family members to notice: LOL

    everyone have a great weekend.

    my birthday's on Sunday and you can all eat as many cheetos as you can find -- they are calorie free for birthdays

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    faithandfifty, I went out and took a look at your blogspot and I am amazed by you.  I am not only amazed I am in AH.  You stay so busy and it all looks like such fun.  I have nothing in my life such as that and I have no talents that would contribute to anyone, especially children.  I do have two grandchildren and they think I am pretty special, but I will never leave a mark on the children of the world as you are doing.  Keep up the good work, you are an amazing person.

    and Happy Birthday


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    What if we published a Cheetos book and sold it and gave the proceeds to BC.org?  We could put together all our funnies and publish it through one of the self-publishing internet sites. We'd sell at least a dozen copies!

    It could have a chapter on holiday decorating with Cheetos.  

    I have a new idea...

    Save money on gift wrap.  Purchase plain butcher paper, eat Cheetos and wrap your gift in the plain paper.  It will magically be beautifully decorated with oranges dots, smudegs and swirls.

  • queenlurker
    queenlurker Member Posts: 34

    1marmalade1-Will be thinking of you during your treatment.  I had adjunctive rx with one on Christmas eve-not my favorite time for treatment but so far so good.  I went back again last year on Christmas eve just to support them.  Maybe I will bring them cheetos this year.  Speaking of cheetos-I am very mad at you ladies.  I try so hard to eat healthy.  Went to the grocery store and didn't recognize the aisle I was on-sure enough the snack aisle.  Well I will admit, came home with chedder cheese quaker rounds or something.  It is your fault that I couldn't resist!  Not even sure if they count as cheetos.  Anyway, guess I am really living on the edge now, unless I use them as decorations of course.  All this cleverness and no man in sight.

  • one-L
    one-L Member Posts: 653

    This site is really bad for anyone trying to eat healthy.  I have given up on that and now if I want I eat it.  There are so many days when things just don't have a taste, that on the good days I just can't stop.

    I had to go get a shot today and on the days that I can't eat out, we always go to a little place called Myrtles.  She has the best hamburgers, frito pies and today we had a foot long chili cheese dog.  Well to our surprise we got the dogs and they weighted about 2 lbs each and we could only eat about 3/4 of them.  I have had such indigestion since, but oh it was worth it. 

    Kleenex, this place in on 1187, I guess just inside the Mansfield line.  So I was getting close to you today.  I still don't think you could call it stalking, but you never know.  If you haven't tried Myrtles, you should, it is just a little place, no dining in, orders to go only.

    I didn't mean to get anyone off the Cheetos, just thought I would throw something else out there.

    Have a great weekend everyone.


  • Meece
    Meece Member Posts: 10,618

    Not on anything.  Just Christmas seems to be a not so happy time around here, and trying real hard to keep my mind off of it.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Something to read with your morning coffee.  An ounce of prevention,,,

    Studies: Bone drugs may help prevent breast cancer

    Also good news today for women with more advanced breastcancer:

    Novel drug combo improves breast cancer survival


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    That reminds me...can someone tell me about the bone density test?  I had never had this.  Is this something that women get done as a "baseline" test?  And then periodically have it checked?  I am peri-menopausal and just began the Tamox last month.  I was already having some joint pain for years (wrists and ankles,) which doctors were not able to diagnose (and I was thinking might be hormone related.)   Now on the Tamox, my joints feel a little worse.  It makes me wonder what is going on with my bones.

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    Juanelle - Thanks for the recommendation - living here in Faceless American Suburb, I am always up for trying something original...

    Faithandfifty - I will go out and get myself a little something to celebrate your birthday in cheesy spendor! Hope you have a good one!

    Queenlurker - or "She-Who-Is-Living-on-the-Edge" - I don't think that the cheese quaker rounds count as Cheetos. Aren't they a type of rice cake thing? If there is ANY fiber content, or if the first few ingredients include things found in nature, or if there is any calcium or vitamin component, OR if the sodium isn't very high, then it's NOT truly a Cheeto. So you're either a little farther back from the edge than you thought, OR it's time to get some REAL Cheetos. No sense feeling guilty when you might just be eating something safe!

    Elimar - Tamoxifen is supposed to be "good" for bones. I need a density test as well, being genetically predisposed to osteoporosis. I do wonder about the joint thing - my knees and wrists and sometimes hips can annoy me, and I wonder if it's just random achiness or the ghost of cheerleading injuries past, or if there's really some sort of damage in progress...

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Elimar... DR Sheila is here to help. I take Femara and every 2 years I get a bone density test. You are right if BC wasn't in the picture, they do a baseline. Since these hormones are dissolving our bones at different pace for everybody they check to see whats going on.

    I don't have joint pains, I don't have any symptoms but I might go on Boniva the next couple of years. I have the beginning of osteoporosis.

    Good Morning Ladies from North Pole 24 degree outside.

  • smithlme
    smithlme Member Posts: 383

    faithandfifty...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    I had the bone density test from my heel. Once I told the woman who did the test I had had chemo she was like..."Oh, no wonder." Guess my numbers were out of whack! I take calcium twice a day, go to Yoga, walk and work out. I have lousy balance now that I have no chest so I have to be super careful when I climb stairs.

    And....tada! I bought two bags of Cheetos last night. I looked high and low for the white snow balls but no luck...

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    What IS the actual test?  How do they do it? 

    (I'm taking a break now from decorating my mantel and strewing garlands all over the place, so taking a shortcut from Googling for answers today.)

    christmas decorations Pictures, Images and Photos

  •   When I had one they had me lie on my back and I had my legs up bent at the knee over this big square boxtype deal and they took an xray....totally painless.  They are always telling me there are new signs of arthritis and scholeosis when I have the bone scans to check my mets, but the bone densitiy test was something totally different.  I would think I have enough zometa and pamidromate in me to have bones of steel, but not so....have broken ribs and not even known it, probably from when I had a cough and also have broken bones in my feet more than once in falls.. 

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Member Posts: 527

    OK..because I am a gullible little jew with a gentile hubby and a bare tree--

    did you really put cheetos on ornament hangers?

    Because I will try it!!!!

    I put some hoop earings on the tree, and my Green Bay Packers BC ribbon pin.

    I also have no idea how to put on the lights and am afraid of breaking the 5 ornaments we do have.

    Oh....the 99 cent store had garland with ornaments attached and I must say it works quite well--

    It's in a marti gras friendly purple and green.

  • sheila888
    sheila888 Member Posts: 9,611

    Elimar...The test is really nothing like Marybe described it. It takes no longer than 10 minutes and you are fully dressed. No preparation. nothing touching your body, its like a Xray.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Elimar-I had bone density test done on Nov 10.  I was on a table, on my back.  The 1st round, the tech put a bar between my calves to move my hip joints "out" for one angle and then when that was done, they put a box on the table and I had my legs bent over that while the back & front pelvic area (I think) was scanned.  The whole thing took about 15 minutes, but the only pain I had was a bit of pain I always have in my right hip.  I have an appt with my onc on the 17th, I imagine I'll find out what my "baseline" is.  I've been on Femara almost a month now, so far, so good re: side effects.  None to report.

    I've heard about a heel test for bone density but have no idea how that works.


  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    cookiegal, while sometimes I embellish the truth for dramatic effect, I have to say that, yes, there really are Cheetos Snowballs on my tree.  Nothing fancy, I bent the bottom of the hanger at a right angle and worked it into the Snowball and hung about half a dozen on there.  So I don't have a Cheetos theme.  Instead, those six are just resting incomspicuously among about 100 other ornaments, and only my mom saw me doing it. 

    One boy is away at a Debate tournament, the other was only here for ten minutes then went back to study for finals (read: Friday night party) at his dorm.  My husband hasn't taken a close look yet, so no one has spotted the Snowballs.  Both my son and husband did get into the Snowball bag that was in the cupboard, so I probably ruined the mystery of what those "decorations" really are. 

    My dog normally is not allowed into the living room, but she'll come in on Christmas Day to get her doggy-gift.  I will have to raise all the low hanging Snowballs for fear she could scarf them down hanger and all.  So pet owners, use Snowballs at your own risk!

    And cookiegal, I had a special Cheetos Hannukia posted on page 63, but it keeps disappearing  I'm going to see if I can post it one more time.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    And do you really think the dog doesn't go into the livingroom when you're not home!?!?! I think that's cute that you think he doesn't....hehehehehhe (Unless you have him in a cage...)

  • carollynn79
    carollynn79 Member Posts: 331

    Jalepeno Cheetos, just the right snack when you want a little spice!!!  I actually bought a bag today  LOL, did not see any "snowballs".

    Jalepeno Cheetos, The Spice of Life!!

    I have cut down on my sweets, alchohol and trying to exercise more because I think it is good for me.  Maybe us bigger women have a higher recurreence rate but I do see women who are fit, non drinkers, etc who get BC too.  Everyone needs to take care of themselves but we have to have a quality of life also.  I try to save my alcohol days for when i am going out and playing cards etc.  this is an odd week when we had friends over last night and are going out tonight, I will have a glass of wine tonight and had one last night, but I have given up my daily glass.  Some days I really miss my after work drink!!!  I am sure I will drink more during the holiday's but will continue to drink sparingly. 

  • Kleenex
    Kleenex Member Posts: 310

    I'm SO bummed! Went to Walmart (alleged site of the Cheetos Snowball purchase), and as I was looking admiringly at the Cheeto product line, I noticed that an employee-like person was standing next to me. Turned out he was the Frito-Lay guy, master of all things Cheeto at that store and a lot of other stores in this geographic area. So he was the one to give me the terrible news: NO Cheetos Snowballs! They're not in any of his stores. They were a seasonal item, and if they didn't do well, they didn't reorder, so they haven't been in this area for a couple of  years, he said. He even wondered aloud if they still were being made...

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I had to buy a bag of regular Cheetos to drown my sorrows in.

    Cookiegal - lights first, THEN the ornaments. Reverse it when taking the tree down - take off the ornaments, then take off the lights. OR buy a lighted tree and be done with it!

    Elimar, although I am trying not to hate you for whetting my appetite for a product I can't get here, my amusement over the fact that you have actually secretly put them ON the tree is helping me work successfully through my envy and I will surely be able to love you again soon...

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154
    Kleenex, you can sneak into Elimar's living room when she's not around................eat the Cheetos Snowballs and then blame it on the dog.Wink
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sharon51.....now we know who the criminal mastermind of the group is!