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  • ReginaR
    ReginaR Member Posts: 97


    Thinking of all My Middle Sisters! Hope you all are Having a Good week!

    Prayers & {{{{hugs}}}}} Gina

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    My cholesterol was fine...just the triglycerides were up.  That is a reason I wonder if Tamox. has something to do with it.  Tamox. can actually lower cholesterol in some, but it makes the triglycerides go up.  Hmmm.  Maybe my cholesterol would be up there too without the Tamox.

    Fasting (12 hours) is not so important for checking the cholesterol, but it can have more of an effect on triglycerides.  I'm going to go back one morning next week and get a fasting blood draw to re-check it.  I can get in right away because I won't even see the doc to do this.

    I'll write a conclusion to all this next week, but I hope I can wind up in normal range.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Elimar - Tamoxifen does have everything to do with the high triglycerides.  My family doctor makes me go back every 3 months for labs.  Mine has stayed elevated since I started taking the little white pills.  He told me to take 2 fish oils caps in the morning and 2 at bedtime.  It has helped a bunch.  In 3 months time, they dropped almost 25 points.  I was amazed.

    Dianarose suggested Honey Nut Cheerios - I eat those all the time - also like the regular ones. 

  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    hmm. My triglycerides have always been very, very low - like 15? Will have to see where it is on my next labs. I have high-ish total cholesterol - around 180 or so - but my good/bad ratio is so good that my doctor has no concerns about it. 

    Back at you {{{{Gina}}}} ! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    My cholesterol and triglycerides were high before BC so can't blame BC on that!  I take cholesterol meds and for awhile was so careful.  Mine went down 70 points in three months and my PCP said the meds alone could not do that.  He could tell I was trying.  Every three months since it has gone done, but not a lot at a time.  We do not eat a lot of beef but what gets me is butter.  I cannot stand any margarine, has to be butter for me.  Lots of it, which I have learned to change of course.  I still allow myself some here and there.  I have cut back on cheese, I do not drink milk and do not eat eggs.  It was the butter!  I so love it but find it easier to avoid by avoiding the foods I love to drown it with.  That has been the hardest for me. 

    Jo, Dinarose, will have to eat the Cheerios.  I am not fond of them but less fond of high cholesterol!

    Happy Friday everyone.  I am very concerned about a BC sista I met on the rads forum.  She lives in Tennessee in the path of all that bad weather today.  Special prayers/good thoughts requested for Lisa, as well as anyone who may be impacted by these wicked storms today. 

  • lrw333
    lrw333 Member Posts: 142

    Hi Ladies. I lurk here quite often and enjoy reading your post. Janis I noticed your post and wanted to Thank you for caring and the prayers. Sounds like we are going to need them. In Tennessee, where I am, it has not been to bad yet. Just a lot of rain so far. This afternoon is suppose to be worse.  Elsewhere in the state tornados have been reported. I second the Good Thoughts and Prayers to everyone in the path of these storms. I pray everyone will be safe... I hope you are all having a wonderful day...... Hugs, lisa

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Had a Holiday today. "Texas  Indepence Day"  So went and got more dirt for my new addition to my vegetable garden.  Now I get to work in the morning.

    Dianarose-Wow on your ex-MIL 101.  NOt sure I want to live that long with the aches and pains I already have. Which I think is from tamox.

    Elimar-I am not sure what my numbers are but my godd/bad ratio has always been very good.  But I do remember that last time my numbers were a little different.  I'll have to pull my lab work out and look at it.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sherry- I am going to try to find out what she took for medication for the 5 yrs because she had no SE at all. I don't think it ever occurred to her that there might even be a SE. She just took them for 5 yrs and never said a peep. She called them her cancer pills.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Irw/Lisa.....Good to see you on this thread.  The ladies are great here.  Lots of real BC wizards so all questions will be answered.  Everyone has a lot of fun here too.  We talk about everything.  I am glad you came over and hope you stick around!  Also so glad to hear you are safe (so far) from all that wicked weather.  Please keep us posted.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Lisa - Prayers for you and all your neighbors in the path of these storms. Stay safe and join us often....

  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    Glad things are ok for you weaterwise Lisa.

    Just so everyone knows jumping IS on my bucket list and my Ortho Onc said he thinks I could still do it since I got my leg pinned. Hoping to be able to do it this spring (after we see how my scans are).

    I'm really looking forward to it.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    You will all laugh at me on this bucket list thing.  I can't sky dive becasue I am terrified to fly!!  LOL.  So, the likelihood of anyone getting me up on a plane is about nil.  However once up, jumping out might happen.  I have flown, I HATE it.  So if anyone offered me a quick way out, I would probably opt for the parachute!  Laughing
  • madpeacock
    madpeacock Member Posts: 216

    Watching the storms go just north of us. Lots of lightening, thunder, and wind, but no problems near by. Predicted to go all night, but typically they fizzle out once they get into GA from Alabama, for the most part. My MIL, who lives with us, is panicking...the storms are passing through her home town - and her house - as well as her brothers and sisters. The weather has preempted all of tonight's TV shows. Our local weathercasters are very doom and gloom. I want my Grimm!!

    Thinking about a bucket list as I turn 50 (OMG!) in October. Planning on a half marathon with some friends, but not sure what else I want to accomplish. Jumping out of a plane? Ummm.. not my thing. Thought about going down to Orlando for the Disney Princess Half Marathon with a friend in February, but she had not trained enough and backed out. I wasn't really ready either, so hope to do a race locally by my birthday and plan for Disney next year. 

    Off to bed. Going to lunch for my husband's aunt's birthday tomorrow, then end of season dinner for his tennis team. DD is sick - likely a sinus infection - and she has a huge project due for school next week, so probably busy this weekend helping organize the project.... A time capsule for Africa??? Anyone want to help make flags and artifacts? 

    Have a great weekend! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Have been reading a book lately, so not on here as much.  My eyes needed a rest.  Part of it is that to read a book, I now have to wear the reading glasses.  Just magnifiers from a store, which is probably why, when I take them off, my eyes feel a little spacey.  The glasses put me off reading as much as I once did.

    I guess everyone took a break yesterday and I hope that meant enjoying the weekend!  Laughing

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    Why didn't anyone tell me about the huge hole in my stocking on my left knee? Ssheesh! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    I was busy making my tea, so I didn't notice.  Love your purse.

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    I try really hard to be matchy-matchy!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Hey Girls ... what ya all doing today ... I have been busy working and not smoking :) Did someone say Tea ??? Luv my Green Tea.. having a cup of Java right now as I just ate chinese and am feeling sleepy .. Getting anxious because Tuesday I meet the PS and then Wednesday I meet back with the BS .. guess it's time to get my date for PBMX and recon ... sheesh time just flies when ur having fun ... Hope everyone is safe from the tornadoes and having a super sunday ..

    Hugs ...


  • reesie
    reesie Member Posts: 413

    So hard that even your curlers match lol.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Eph I loved the shoes that matchy the purse.  So did not even notice the big O'l hole.

    So I need a pocket party tomorrow.  I go to the PS for my pre-op visit for my upcoming BMX/reconstruction.  Will find out all the nitty gritty details and instructions.  Kinda nervous but not really, sound weird huh.  I guess I just know this is the right thing to do and I have an amazing PS that I know will put me back together.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc, I found a nice vest with plenty of pocket accomodations for everyone who will be going along with you to your PS tomorrow.  (You knew I would pick something to conceal Cheetos crumbs, didn't you?)


    p.s.  lisamarie68 can borrow it on Tues. & Weds., for her appts. too.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Count me in for pocket parties!! They helped me TREMENDOUSLY when I needed them...I really felt the love!!!

    Sherry, you're not nervous because it's a "good" surgery, not a cancer or appendectomy or some such thing. Know what I mean? And where the heck did you see the shoes that match the purse that Eph is holding??? I only see knees and nothing lower. I would be in that bright dress as well.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Eph, you made such a great fashion statement.  Looking good girl!  I would be the one in red.  It is my favorite color.

    Sherry I will definitely be in your pocket tomorrow.  Eli picked the perfect color vest for the Cheeto trail that will definitely be left.  Good chpice Eli.  Really hoping all goes well tomorrow Sherry.

    LE therapy is really helping.  I do the massage at home and Friday she did some as well.  The swelling is definitely down some and I am so much more comfortable as a result.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend.  It was 60 here today, we worked out in the yard almost all day.  It felt so good to get out in the sun and actually do some work!

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    Again, I wish I could read the 5 pages back, but not enough time.

    Quitting smoking - Lisamarie, I hope you're seeing what I did - each day brings another thing where you say "Oh wow, that was because I smoked?"  For me, I could walk up stairs better, I didn't wake up with a little tickle/cough every day, food tasted soooo much better, etc. etc.

    Tamoxifen - I did tamox for 3.5 yrs after chemo, till I was totally post-meno then I switched to Aromasin. There were definitely side effects I didn't like - night sweats and constant hot flashes for example - but I just kept telling myself with each one I was kicking another bastardly cancer cell to the curb. I've been off both of them for almost a year and can honestly say that the side effects went away almost immediately. I still get night sweats - I think most women after menopause do - but not nearly as bad. And I went from about 30 hot flashes a day to about 10 or less, and again they don't last as long.

    Love and hugs to all. To anyone having tests this week, good luck. To newly diagnosed sisters, get your info, be positive, and share with us. Sharing really lessens the burden, just like with anything else.

    To those sharing good things that I missed - know that I'm thrilled for you!!!

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415

    Sherry - Count me in on the pocket party. I understand the nervousness due to surgery but calm in knowing it is the right decision.  HUGS!!

    Lisamarie - You should be really proud of yourself on not smoking. I quit 4 years ago myself and while it isnt easy, it is just as rewarding as Maralegal said.

    Justmejanis - So glad the LE therapy is helping. May you continue to steadily improve as comfort is a wonderful feeling. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Justmejanis glad the LE therapy is working for you.  You needed some relief

    Eli the vest is a must, but please bring an extra large bag of Cheetos because I love them and have not had them in a while so I might just O D on them.

  • KittyGirl2011
    KittyGirl2011 Member Posts: 324

    Count me in for all pocket parties!  Shall I bring snacks? HUGS and best wishes to everyone with their appointments this week.  Janis, I too like the red dress and polka dots and it's very me.  Kitty

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Good Morning to all... yes i am in for also in for pocket party.. im with u sherry... Elimar thanks for lending me vest as well ... thanks to all in regards to the not smoking the thread here helps as well.. i am on day 9 today , it amazes me how strong i really am...I just keep snacking lol... anyway best wishes in appt Sherri and Hugs to all... Time to get ready for work....have a great day 

    LisaMarie xoxo 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,903

    Packing up some Cheetos for my contribution to Sherry's pocket party! 
    Good Luck and you'll do  just fine.  Take notes if you need to. 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Sherry, I am going to bake something sinfully good for your pocket party. I was thinking maybe some Margarita cupcakes.