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  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Lory hate to hear you still have the drains.  Hopefully you will wake up tomorrow with less fluid and they can miraculously come out. 

    jdavanti welcome to the middies.  These ladies are great here.

    So I am having a bit of a pitty party today.  After three lumpectomies and rads my breast are a mess and lopsided.  Went to put on a shirt and it hangs so funny on me.  DH was trying to make me feel better.  This shirt was exaggerated by the fact that my rads boob is now much higher than my other.  Oh well one month away from MBX with reconstruction so I guess my PS can fix me up then.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754

    keep up the good work with the not smoking, LisaMarie!

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Thanks but as the hours go bye it seems to be harder ... ugh well I am just gonna deal with it 

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Lisamarie-did you quit cold turkey? I tried that last week and it didn't work out so well. It's great that you have quit.

    Waiting today for the results of biopsy #2 which was done last Thursday. The waiting stinks. I just want to schedule whatever surgery is needed and move on.

    Has anyone had reconstruction on a radiated breast. It has been over 7 yrs and the 1st ps said there was nothing that they can do. My appt. with a new ps in Thursday, but we are supposed to get a foot of snow that day so it will be postponed again Yell.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dianarose it can be done just keep talking to PS's until you find one that says they can do it.  I finished radiation a year ago and will be having BMX with TE's on March 26th.  My PS is also going to be using fat grafting which is really suppose to soften up the radiated tissue.  If you have not talked to Whippetmom she is a wealth of information regarding reconstruction.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Thanks Sherry, why don't they tell you, yes it can be done I just don't do it. It's hard to trust any of them. She didn't even do direct implants. Only TE. They really need to all be up to date with their training. Is your BMX because of recurrance or peace of mind? Also is the fat grafting going to be with lipo or needle? I have read where some withdraw fat with a needle and it seems less invasive.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Dianarose - Just like I was never told I could have recon after a lumpectomy.  I talked to my BS and he gave me a referral to a PS who said absolutely his could fix my deformed boob.  I finished rads Dec 2010 and the PS said my breast looked good after treatment.  I am going to have a LD flap done sometime in late April.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dianarose.  My BMX is more for peace of mind.  My BS in the beginning did not tell me that if I had a MX I would not have to do radiation.  I was pissed when I found that out almost done with rads.  Anyway I had problems from rads.  I am just now starting to feel better from it and I finished over a year ago.  Since then I had to have another lumpectomy on my so called good breast for a B9 tumor that they found.  After that I said I'm done not going to have lumpectomies every year. Although with my close followups (for life) my MO did say that he was glad that I made this decision that he thought it was the best one but was trying not to sway me, he tried to educate me but wanted me to make the decision.  Took me three PS's before I found the one I wanted to use.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    Jo1955- I think NY is the only state that has a law that doctors have to tell patients all of their options regardless if they do them or not. Once I get through round 2 of this crap it is my goal to make changes starting with my own state of Maine.

    How did you do with the tamox? I just read that you did your 5 yrs.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Diana rose wish i could help you about the recon after radiation but I have no clue , I am going to do PBMX immed recon in april just have no dates yet  meet with the PS on march 6th and BS on march 7th .. 

     As far as the smoking thing I am using the nicotine patch ... lots of headaches and eating .. but 3 days now .. and I guess I can use some pounds im 5 foot and 96 lbs ... lol :)

    I do also know about the damm wait for results it about kills me everytime .. I hate that part more than anything .. HUGS and Prayers to u 

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Dianarose - I live in a area that is mostly Hispanic.  From what I was told through a good source, Hispanics but nature do not ask a lot of questions - they just go with whatever they are told.  The majority of my medical team is Hispanic.  Don't get me wrong - I loved my BS and he is from Mexico.  For whatever reason, they just go with the moment and whatever looks good then, that is what you get.  Of course, I did not have a clue what to ask and found a wealth of information here and well after the fact.

    I started Tamoxifen Jan 3, 2011 and will finish on Jan 3, 2016 so I have a ways to go. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Came home today and planted my onions, potatoes and brussel sprouts. Hopefully will get everything else planted this weekend.  My mom called and we were talking about my upcoming surgery and I said I really need to have my house cleaned really well before surgery.  Later she called me back and said instead of sending me flowers in the hospital she would have her cleaning people come and clean my house for me beforehand.  She is going to come stay with us the first week I am home as DH will need to work to keep paying for all these medical bills.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Sherryc,  What a great, loving mom-thing to do!  Be good to her this Mother's Day!  I never tried growing my own brussels sprouts, but I like to buy them on the stalk when I can find them that way because they stay fresher.  One of the many "anti-cancer" veggies, and so tasty.
  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Sherry - What a wonderful gift from your mom.  I'm sure you will enjoy her company and the help that first week.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    jo1955- when you have your recon are they going to be able to save your nipple even though you had radiation? Sorry to keep asking so many guestions of you, but you are so helpful. It just keeps amazing me how many different answers each doc will give. Thank you.

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    lisamarie - hang in there with the no smoking. It is hard, but does get easier as you go along. I tried so many times to quit that I finally became really good at it. It has been 12 yrs since I had my last cigarette. This is one instance where being a quitter is a good thing.

    Sherry - I can't wait to get into my garden this spring. I will have to wait a while yet as I am looking out the window at the snow falling today. Your mom sounds wonderful - what a gift that she is able to come and be with you after surgery. And of course the cleaning is a definate bonus! 

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Sherry sounds fabulous , My mom also wants to come help me as I live alone . what a great gift ..xoxo as far as the veggies go I am soo excited for spring and a little bit jealouse as we are not able to plant here yet . I work doing private duty nursing and the family is all organic .. my patients daughter has an organic farm and I voulenteer my time on my days off .. we too have brussell sprouts , arugala , potatoes .. oh boy sooo good .. there is nothing like the garden and getting my hands dirty and the good ole sunshine that warms the heart .. anyway I am looking foward to it all .. 

    My PBMX with immediate recon is in April and I am hoping to heal and be able to do the gardening this year with no problems its really serenity ..

    sending you  all Hugs and my prayers and best wishes xoxoxo

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    Thanks Barsco , today is day 4 but I feel a bit better .. I know it all takes time ... I just gotta keep busy ... the cravings last for a min or two .. lots of deep breaths .. I am trying sooo hard this time .. Just wanna be healthy :) thanks for the support xoxo

  • Marple
    Marple Member Posts: 10,154

    Lisamarie, I quit smoking some 30 years ago, right at the same time there was a quit smoking campaign in one of our local papers.  No question about it, it's difficult for most of us to quit.  I remember distinctly day 13 I was having a particularly hard time not to give in.  That evening I read in the paper that day 13 was also a difficult day for those who had signed up.  I think after that it became much easier.  One thing I said to myself is that I'm not quitting forever, just until I'm 65.  I was 24 at the time.  That seemed to help too.  To this day I still have dreams once in a while that I've had a cigarette and in my dream I'm so angry at myself and think "darnit, now I have to start all over again". 

    Good for you.  And good luck.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Dinarose.....I hope your biopsy comes back normal.  I know the waiting is awful.  We'll wait with you fo course. is absolutely GREAT you are at 4 days!  I know how tough it is, I quit a year and a half ago.  Before BC thank goodness.  Just focus on all the extra money you will save.  What i did was wash all my coats and jackets and things I wore when I smoked.  I wanted the odors gone, and I became much more aware of the smoke smell on my clothes after I quit.  Much luck!

    Sherry....I hope your upcoming surgery goes well.  I know it is a few weeks away, but I will be thinking of you and of course there will be a big crowded pocket party!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Hey Ladies..............


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Dianarose - Ask as many questions as you like and I will try to answer them.  My PS told me he is going to get my nipple back here it belongs.  Right now it points down and to the left.  There are some tops I won't wear because I can see that poor nipple.  It is interesting, I went and had a professional bra fitting and I am a whole size smaller on the BC side.  I have been trying to tell my doctors that but they don't get it - can you guess - they are all males.  Sheesh!  My PS did say my radiated breast looked really good and there will be no problem doing the LD flap.  I will keep you posted as the time gets closer for the surgery.  You are more than welcome to PM me anytime with questions or if you just want to talk.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951

    WOW, I am still in shock!!!! My doctor called me this morning and the 2nd biopsy is B-9. She said now the choices are mine (1st biopsy IDC). I asked her about recurrance if I were to chose the lumpectomy and she said it increases the odds by 2% verses a MX. She said I am a good canidate for mammosite radiation. I am glad for that because the radiation on the other side has caused me a lot of issues. They got my lung and I woke up in the night and couldn't breath. Fluid had gotten trapped between scar tissue and the lung lining. That was not a good time. I have posted some questions on the mammosite thread, but no one else has been there in awhile. Has anyone had mammosite radition? I just want to know what it was like. I am done with surprises. You are all so helpful. I had asked my bs a question last week and she said,"Wow, no one has ever asked me that before, smart question." I never would have known to ask most of the questions if it weren't for all of you. Thank You!!!!

    JO1955- I don't have much left on my left side, now the right side will match Wink. It doesn't bother me so much because I am single and if someone wants me they get me the way I am. It will weed out all the shallow men. The pickins will be thin.Cool

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Dianarose - I was also a candidate for mammosite rads but was not able to follow through with it.  Between the BS and  RO, they could not get the balloon to fit in the lump cavity.  The cavity was the wrong shape - they were trying to make a round object fit in an oblong space - not happening.  I think there are one or two that has had it and I hope they come along and help you.

    Congrats on the B9 results.  I know you will chose the option that is best for you. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474

    Dinarose I love your attitude about men!  You are so right, a good man will care no matter what the surgery has left you with.  As long as you are okay with it, that is all that matters.  Thin pickings or not, hopefully you will eventually find a real good sincere man.  That is what matters most.  I am so glad to learn that your biopsy was benign.  That is wonderful news.

    Kitty Girl on here had mammosite rads.  She works two jobs and is very busy, but she does pop into read and I am sure when she sees this she will be happy to help you with any question regarding mammosite rads.  She is very sweet and will be very helpful as well.

    Jo I have no idea what my BC breast will look like once the LE therapy is over.  Funny, because now it is probably a full cup larger than my good breast!  I am curious what it will look like after the swelling finally goes down.  Saggy and baggy to match the other side I fear!  I can't keep the LE (LOL) but it makes the BC breast higher and firmer.  I like that but of course it will vanish soon. 

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Dianarose congrats on the B9 results.  I am sure someone will come forward regarding the mammosite

    Lisamarie one day at a time.  I have never smoked so I cannot say how hard it is.  I do have a funny story on DH.  He quit smoking 25 years ago.  During the holidays when the kids were home he fell asleep in his recliner and he must have been dreaming of smoking because he raised his had up to his lips like he was taking a drag.  We all laughed and he thought we made it up the next day when we told him about it.

    I do have a wonderful Mom.  She is very lonely since my Dad passed away.  She hates being at home at night by herself.  So I think she is looking forward to packing up herself and her dog and staying at my house for a week.

    As for the garden I had put some veges in my flowerbeds the year before BC.  I decided after BC that I wanted to start eating healthier and we are very limited at out small rural grocery store so it just made sence to start gardening on a larger scale.  I have found that I love doing it.

  • lisamarie68
    lisamarie68 Member Posts: 971

    haha great story sherry about the cig lol ..

     Dianarose congrats on the B9 .. wooo hooo

     as far as men .. Im alone so no worries here ' and sherry Moms and gardens are great ! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885
    Dianarose,  I had the mammosite (it was a Contura balloon, actually) inserted about a week after my lump surgery, but it had to come out a few days later.  One very uncomfortable weekend with it in place had me reaching for the hydrocodone (and my pain threshhold is not that low.)  Mine felt like a ping pong ball was in there!  Anyway, it had to come out because after the insertion and the saline fill, my surface skin stretched and had become too thin.  If they did mammosite, I could have lost a patch of skin because the radiation would have been too close and damaging.  I think it is not that uncomfortable for many women, but probably depends on depth and location.  KittyGirl was happy with hers.  On the other hand, I did well on the whole breast radiation.  I don't know that one is "better" but the mammosite can be more convenient, taking less time.  However, although the mammosite radiation is five days, plan to have the balloon in place 8-10 days, as there is usually a day or more of prep., and then a weekend falls in there too.
  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    Elimar-I thought they could put it in at the time of surgery Cry. The cancer center is over an hour away, so 5 days is much better plus with the price of gas if I were to go the other route would be awful. My cancer is very deep. That is why they said I was a good canidate.
  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Yes, it can be put in at the time of surgery too.  I'm not sure why some do it afterward.  Mine was done by the same BS, but in his office surgery suite.  I had a lot of bleeding too, and he had to give me a couple of stitches, but that is unusual.  There is some home maintenance with the mammosite, like swabbing the area with the iodine solution and changing a gauze.  They showed my husband how to do it.  I think you can do it yourself, but it is more awkward.  Any opening, like that, can invite infection, so antibiotics are often given during the treatment time.  That's about all I remember.